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[WA] Perth Smash Thread


Smash Ace
May 14, 2009
Where shadows dare to tread_
Red Steel was a good 'concept'_ Lets leave it at that_ Depending on the date of the tour ill head down to say hi_

Nash_ Glad to hear your america tour was worthwile_ I'm really looking forward to seeing your shiek in action at the next gathering and possibly even some friendlies (shiek vs shiek *brain explodes*)_ Upsetting that you didnt get a chance to vs Ninjalink, but i hope you picked up some great ideas and strategies that you would be more than willing to discuss with me_ ;)

Richard_ High Voltage have really impressed me with their attitudes towards not only enhancing gameplay on the wii, but also with gaming in general_ Their game engine sounds impressive and hopefully The Conduit will start showing people how core the wii can really become_ Im looking forward to hitting up some multiplayer Conduit when its realeased if anyone else is into FPS games_


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Australia, Western Australia, Perth

Knowing Nintendo, they will screw up The Conduit some way or another. If they don't and you can verse friends over wifi, then sure i'd be up to it, but once again, if The Conduit is online, i'm sure Nintendo will screw it up. Although FPSs are decent on the Wii, compared to Xbox360/PS3 at least. I heard The Conduit has Wii Speak, anyone ever used it? I heard it sucks. *sighs at Nintendo*

Plus, when it comes to FPSs, I'm mainly only interested in FPSs that are on PC, although recently I've had to lower my standards and play CoD4 on PS3 when I go to a certain friends house. Still saving up for my PC, can't wait for Modern Warfare 2 (CoD6), looks great, coming out November.

But yeah, about Gladiator A.D., you should send in a email to that suggestions email and tell them to put in downloadable content and other stuff that you wished were on Nintendo consoles.

So Bob, do you have any FPSs on PC?


Smash Ace
May 14, 2009
Where shadows dare to tread_
Unfortunately not Ric_ My laptop is currently a heaving pile of 3 year old mess_ Once i start my course in July i should have a shiny new macbook in my hands and hopefully some better pc games_ I usually just played Team Fortress 2 if i had the chance, but im more of an rpg/ fighter kind of player_ Last FPS ive played was bioshock so yeah_

Im looking forward to The Conduit because Metroid Prime 3 really showed me how good a solid fps could be on the wii in comparison to PC's overall domination of the entire genre_ Even the developers of the COD franchise have spoken highly of the wiimotes capabilities, stating that it is largely let down by its graphical limitations_

As for future FPSes_? Id really like to play HL2 and Portal, as well as get back into TF2 and possibly some future COD6_

Off topic_ Im currently trying to install the hackmii installer on my wii but it isnt giving me a menu of sorts to allow me to individually install bootmii, dvdx or the latest version of homebrew channel_ Ive updated my wi with the latest bannerbomb hack for any future 4.0 system menu updates_ Just wondering if i should completely remove the twilight hack from my sd card (its backed up on cpu)_ I am also attempting to install Gecko OS, but once again im lost as to the proper installation method_

Cant get onto the Homebrew Browser until i get a wi-fi adapter for my wireless broadband, so any Homebrew apps that are handy, including emulators, would be nice_


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Australia, Western Australia, Perth
A laptop for PC gaming? Ewww. :chuckle:

HL 2 (+ the episodes) are great games, Portal is just brilliant, but doesn't last for very long :(, but they're making a Portal 2, so :bee:

CoD4 is great as well, even just for the single player. I haven't had the chance to play CoD5 yet, because I havn't had a gaming computer for 9 months (this = depression) but it looks good.

Also haven't had the chance to play TF2, but yeah looks fun. Bob (and anyone else who reads this that's likes FPSs) play Crysis, it pwns.

I haven't played Farcry 2 either, but its a little bit different to your typical FPS.

I've heard L4D is insanely good, it'll probably be the first game I buy when I get my computer.

Anyway, E3 is in a week (I'm assuming you all know what E3 is) so a lot of details for games and such is coming soon! A new Metal Gear game was semi announced today, they showed 1 teasing picture. (lol at Hideo Kojima saying that MGS 4 would be his last MGS game for sure, yet he's making the next one.)


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2008
Perth, aka DI Central
Bsrk_ - I doubt the Twilight Hack would have anything to do with it, as for proper installation methods if your talking about installing them onto your Wii's main channel you need a WAD for it and Wad Manager away.

@Ric - In my personal opinion Farcry 2 was a bit of a let down, but maybe Im just comparing it to Farcry 1 where innovation and revolutionisation (yes it's not a word) is involved. And L4D is brilliant, I've only played it a few times since I don't own it but it's by far the best FPS of 2008.

On the topic of L4D, just read about The Grinder on IGN, looks like a great game, plus who doesn't love blasting the **** out of werewolfs?


Smash Ace
May 14, 2009
Where shadows dare to tread_
Marteh_ The hackmii download just installs dvdx and updates the current homebrew_ As far as im aware dvdx is just a background unlock to allow use of burnt and original dvds through the use of a program (gecko os, media player)_ So this type of program wouldnt require me to have its own WAD, as neither does gecko OS from the top of my head (pretty sure mic uses gecko OS)_

L4D is another awsome game i've played, unfortunately only on xbox360_ The Grinder looks amazing, hopefully it lives upto its expectations_


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Muzga and I are in the middle of making teams - I've pretty much finalised one now.

Just remember that the rules will probably be 3v3 Lvl 50 :( So stalling is pretty much out of the window.

But who knows, the rules might be different to what I expected.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Depending on the rules I might give it a try, simply to do better than last time. :/

From an official Pokemon tournament last year. Occurred in the second round.

Mic sends out Zapdos!
Little girl sends out Mewtwo!
Mewtwo uses Blizzard!
Zapdos is Frozen!
Mewtwo uses Blizzard!
Zapdos has fainted!
Mic sends out Mewtwo!
LG's Mewtwo uses Fireblast!
Mewtwo uses Icebeam!
LG's Mewtwo uses Fireblast!
Mewtwo uses Icebeam!
LG's Mewtwo uses Fireblast!
Mic's Mewtwo has fainted!
Mic sends out Kyogre!
Mewtwo uses Thunder!
Kyogre is paralized!
Kyogre is fully paralized!
Mewtwo uses Thunder!
Kyogre is paralized!
Kyogre is fully paralized!
Mewtwo uses Thunder!
Kyogre fainted!
Mic screams in annoyance!


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2008
Perth, aka DI Central
Despite that story being immensly amusing, wasnt Mewtwo and legendaries banned? Hell I had to substitute my manaphy for a charmander ^_^.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
that wasnt last years! it was from the year before! i dont think they had any restrictions in the pokemon one from a few years ago.

But last years one used standard cup rules from the ccolliseum mode in the game, except it was just 3v3


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
heatrans not allowed. standard cup wont allow it:p its got funny pokemon restrictions


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
I wish this was somthing other then pokemon. I remeber seeing Muzga at a connection tour before when i use to like pokemon.

Although i might still go to the connection tour but not at the start maybe around 12:00 and just see if i can score some free things if not then i'll just walk around the shop eat then go home.

Lord Bowser seems to be smart with his competitive play of pokemon. :p
Also does anyone like my new banner.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
Someday i dream of having the ladie reasearcher title. Yes i did make it :). For some reason i want another tourney to happen they just seem so much funner in winter when it's raining and windy.


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Is it possible to have a gengar that knows trick on diamond by trading it from platinum learning trick from the move tutor?

Otherwise I might have to buy platinum >_>


Smash Ace
May 14, 2009
Where shadows dare to tread_
Off topic_ Im currently trying to install the hackmii installer on my wii but it isnt giving me a menu of sorts to allow me to individually install bootmii, dvdx or the latest version of homebrew channel_ Ive updated my wi with the latest bannerbomb hack for any future 4.0 system menu updates_ Just wondering if i should completely remove the twilight hack from my sd card (its backed up on cpu)_ I am also attempting to install Gecko OS, but once again im lost as to the proper installation method_

Cant get onto the Homebrew Browser until i get a wi-fi adapter for my wireless broadband, so any Homebrew apps that are handy, including emulators, would be nice_
Anyone able to help me with this situation_


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2008
On a new topic is anyone getting cod6 for the computer? Cos im gona get it and was just masterbating over how good its gona be. Anyone got xfire or steam?
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