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[WA] Perth Smash Thread


Smash Ace
May 14, 2009
Where shadows dare to tread_
Nice tournament everyone who participated_ Congratulations to Sam once again for winning AND for playing captain falcon (and winning with him)_ You never cease to amuse me_ It was good to see everyone again and equally as good to have a doubles tournament afterwards_

Alzi_ It was a pleasure to vs you for once_ Your toon link is too good and your ditto match against Sam was awsome to watch_

Alex_ Those matches against your Diddy Kong were great fun_ Glenn_ Keep it up with your IC training, im looking forward to those matches at the next tournament_

Trav_ What can i say_ You are the balloon king_

Thanks again for hosting Vlade_


Atemon Game
Aug 7, 2008
confiirmed, sending supplies
Have fun at your party Marty (c wut i did thar) next time we'll set up homebrew.

Yeah even in proper matches I always try to get the balloon, major style points. Forgot to thank you for bringing that wiimote+nunchuck thanks mate.

This for you Andre, Mic, Marty, and Baconfingers.

A guy walking down the street sees a woman with perfect breasts. He says to her, "Hey miss, would you let me bite your breasts for $100 dollars?

"Are you nuts? !!" she replies, and keeps walking away. He turns around, runs around the block and gets to the corner before she does.

"Would you let me bite your breasts for $1,000 dollars?" he asks again.

"Listen you; I'm not that kind of woman! Got it?" So the guy runs around the next block and faces her again. "Would you let me bite your breasts
just once for $10,000 dollars?"

She thinks about it for a while and says, "Hmmm, $10,000 dollars, eh? Ok, just once, but not here. Let's go to that dark alley over there."

So they go into the alley, where she takes off her blouse to reveal the most perfect breasts in the world. As soon as he sees them, he grabs them and starts caressing them, fondling them slowly, kissing them, licking them, burying his face in them, but not biting them.

The woman finally gets annoyed and asks, "Well? Are you gonna bite them or not?"

"Nah", he replies. "Costs too much..............."


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World

Nice vsing you Bob you are a good shiek player most shieks i vs online roll heaps and spam smashes but you played well and smart i think by next tourney you will have him perfect.

Yeah that ditto was nice but Sam always had control during the match making it even difficult i actually learnt some new things from his toon link and how i should play alittle. Do you still use Olimar Bob? Since last tourney i saw some matches of you using him he looked hard to vs against him.

Good to see some ice climber moves happening my favourite is their ice lock. xD

Also nice texture hacks mic the train toon link and fierce diety toon link looked very nice though the stages was weird to play on.

Edit: Doubles was also fun i lol'd at that glitch thing that happened with sam were i down smashed him with toon link and his snake didn't move at all and very nice kill near the end were he placed a land mine on me i didn't even know that he placed it on me lollll.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2008
oh no. . Jupz plz mail it. I don't want to come to another tourney!!!

GG alzi, lord bowser (never use bowser against a falco...) and others.

I gained 10 dollars. ( :


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2008
Um yeh there wrong i was supposed to be fifth seeing as i lost to alan just before he vsed u in semis of the losers i think.

And can the doubles results go up too?


Smash Ace
May 14, 2009
Where shadows dare to tread_
Heh_ Thanks for the comment Alzi_ Its always nice to have some positive feedback_ Olimar is in retirement for a while, but if you really want to vs me with him im sure i can bring him out for a friendly with you_

As for the results_ Im pretty sure myself, Baconfingers and 2 others were equal ninth, Jono! was right he was 5th i think alongside EADP, Chewe was equal 7th with someone (not sure), Myself and Baconfingers were equal 9th along with 2 others_ Not sure about Bringers or Glenns placings_

If you give me a list of everyones names in the tournament im pretty confident i can put them into tio and give you some more accurate feedback about the results_


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
We need some kind of rule on choosing characters so people don't counterpick on the spot to get a small headstart.

Keep Olimar away for awhile Bob since Olimar makes me rage too much lol.
Jono did go pretty far up i vsed him in the looser brackets beat him then vsed vlade and vlade beat me. I think we were ment to do 5 matches Vlade since it was the looser finals when it was you and I vsing?

Very fun day it was indeed i hope the next tourney pops up soon. As for now i must improve my toon link. Not sure if i should have matches with people better then me online or just play against a level 9 in training mode and practice some things to get better offline.


Atemon Game
Aug 7, 2008
confiirmed, sending supplies
Wait untill after exams which means nor this weekend ot next :)

Alzi double blind character selection can be called but generally I think we're all cool enough to not be ***** and try to get one up on our opponent, after all we play for fun (yes even you Ric, Alister, and Sam) but when you can tell people are doing it intentionally thats just not cool, and Alister I think EADP plays even gayer than you.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
Lol. I don't really care i'm just saying if people will enjoy that rule better. I need to find a way on how to imrpove my toon link when the holidays come i will play brawl everyday and all day.


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Perth, Australia
After exams im gonna have a week to practice, and hopefully i can wifi with some of you guys :p

I've never vsed alzi in tourney only in one friendly :p

And only two matches against Vlade :p


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
That friendly you were winning then we had to stop because Vlade and I had to do our tourney matches.

I get too nervous at tourneys and my tourney matches though lol. That should be gone by the next tourney i go too. I will practice like crazy also seeing as it will be the holidays.


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
We need some kind of rule on choosing characters so people don't counterpick on the spot to get a small headstart.

Keep Olimar away for awhile Bob since Olimar makes me rage too much lol.
Jono did go pretty far up i vsed him in the looser brackets beat him then vsed vlade and vlade beat me. I think we were ment to do 5 matches Vlade since it was the looser finals when it was you and I vsing?

Very fun day it was indeed i hope the next tourney pops up soon. As for now i must improve my toon link. Not sure if i should have matches with people better then me online or just play against a level 9 in training mode and practice some things to get better offline.
Yeah like Travis said, you can use double blind character selection, which I would've called when I saw that Glenn decided to use falco the first match >_> I decided to go with it anyway since I wouldve won the next 2 matches with my ice climbers anyway (ice climbers vs falco if played correctly IC's are almost guaranteed a win).

And no, it was only loser's semis. I vsed richard for the second time after you and that was the loser's final.

I ought to be playing more, since I hadn't played in about 3 weeks before that tournament haha, which would explain why my falco was so bad lol. /johnssssssssssss


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2008
I should be fifth tho because alan versed bringer before me and he got knocked out, then alan versed me and knocked me out, then alan versed you,vlade, and got knocked out. I DEMAND A RECOUNT!!!!!!!!

Anyways i was pretty unsure of who to main at the tourney but now I have decided to play the marthz0rnator.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2008
Did you captain falcon for any Jono? :p
Nah i was in el serious mode.

@Vlade: The person who drawed 5th with me is the guy u vsed before alan. and then bringer vsed alan before me so he drawed 7th with 3 other people i think, i may be wrong but thats alls i know.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2008
Perth, aka DI Central
Yeah I only heard about that match Trav I was to busy flawless victory'ing Ric...Anyway back to reality.

Jono!, despite it being in doubles I noticed you play a great Marth, next tournament I want a friendly with you, Marth vs Marth. Maybe I can steal your strategies ^_^.
Still guess I'll practice my spacing and Marth's tech grab a bit more before next tourney, oh and bsrk_ I still dont see that list lol.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
Jono's Marth has improved without me noticing latley. Vlade you were vsing richard before you vsed me. You lost to Richard then went into looser brackets were you then vsed me and i think Sam and Richard had another match then richard lost and you won against me so then you and richard vsed again to go into the finals with sam.

Thats what i can remeber.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
That's how ric rolls.

Heh, sorry.

I'll do a proper " wow was awesome" post when i get home
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