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[WA] Perth Smash Thread


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2009
Making it Rain in Perth!
nah i wanna hear the lol commentary of the mk ditto matches of ric vss roman :D

btw marty i have the arceus dl at my new store clarkson and it was also sent to warwick b4 i left


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Perth, Australia
Everyone knows who I am but Im usually wearing a surfie tshirt and boardies and am usually helping set up/bringing in TV's/playing friendlies


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2009
Making it Rain in Perth!
he was in the fourth row back 2nd from the right in the basketball scene of Ooops i did it again. you may not recognize as he had pigtails then and called himself well herself emily


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
My god, I've spent the whole evening away from the computer. If you can find it anywhere (stores, library) read World War Z. It's engrossing!


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Australia, Western Australia, Perth
he was in the fourth row back 2nd from the right in the basketball scene of Ooops i did it again. you may not recognize as he had pigtails then and called himself well herself emily
The "herself" part disturbs me.

Anyway, my opinion on CoD4 for Wii. Graphics are horrible, but if you still play games on a CRT, it'll look slightly better than it does for me, despite the fact that the LCD we have is possibly the best LCD out there for games. Keep in mind I really don't care about graphics, I'm just giving you guys a warning.

The amount of options for controls is INSANE and it could take you over an hour just to set them the way you like it. Tried online for about 30 mins, can't say much really cus people in my house were downloading. There's a region option so versing only people from Australia will probably make it not too bad.


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
wearing some band t-shirt
The Wiggles, by chance??? Someone's gotta help them beat out ACDC again :p

sick im the true rob player (soz mt:p)
You can have Rob for now, Lucas is swooning me with his Nairs and thunderslides :p Have you managed to get the Ledge Boosting down yet??? Had a lookie, looks pretty difficult :(

Thongs. Nuff said.
Everyone wears thongs in Summer :p

Anyway, I can't even say I'm the new guy anymore... ********... Uhhhh....... Hmm.......... I... no, wait... I'll think of something........ just give me a moment..........


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
why do people always review a game according to its graphics, wont you EVER learn world!!!

graphics dont mean ****


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
That was the intention, yes :p

"You're special, but you fall within a bell curve" xD

Tim Minchin = God (I'm just "MT" without him A HAW HAW HAW PUN)

EDIT: Luke, most people are casual gamers, and casual gamers care less about the deep mechanics and focus on the more lighter, easier to see/feel aspects of games... Hence, they have to review graphics otherwise they aren't getting a solid review that indicates how well a game would do in comparison to other games on the market...

Do what I do - just ignore it :p


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Australia, Western Australia, Perth
why do people always review a game according to its graphics, wont you EVER learn world!!!

graphics dont mean ****
Very true. I'm not the type of gamer to care about graphics, in fact, I'm fine with some of the graphics on most SNES games. :laugh: It may of seemed like in my post that I do care, but I was just giving everyone a warning because I know a lot of people do care about graphics.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
ok fair enough, but rather then try to cater for those people richard, your time would be much better spent punching them in the face repeatedly


Atemon Game
Aug 7, 2008
confiirmed, sending supplies
Or watching this epic debate

EDIT: am just finished a document with questions a priest will answer for me and I'll put it here for peer review.

I would like to begin with a simple question. What purely scientific data is there to support the existence of any god, including the Christian god? Surely a literate educated person cannot be expected to believe something with no evidence supporting the claim.

The problem is that the traditional conception of God implies that if God exists then he knows how to, wants to, and is able to prevent all suffering. If such a God existed, though, then we would expect him to prevent all suffering. Suffering, though, is a familiar part of the world around us; it has not been prevented. There is, therefore, the argument concludes, no such God. As Epicurus put it “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

I find it hard to believe in today’s world we can argue that the church is a force for good in the world, there are too numerous things to list that the church has done that i will attempt to summarise. The Pope even apologised for these on March 12th 2000. Begged forgiveness for the crusades, the inquisition, the persecution of the Jewish people, injustice towards women, and the force conversion of indigenous, African slave trade, admission Galileo was right and silence in Hitler’s final solution, and **** of many young children across the world. These are very serious things and cannot simply be laughed off by references to the occasional work to catholic charities. I know this seems more of a statement but it leads to my next few questions about current church policies that perhaps in the future will also be in the predicament of asking forgiveness.

I think it might be one day admitted with shame to say that AIDS is bad as a disease but not quite as bad as condoms are bad. Preaching’s of this church are the cause of death and suffering for millions of Africans. Surely condoms are not greater evil then millions of deaths. In fact the currant pope went as far to state that condoms do not only not stop AIDS but they increase the chance of getting the HIV virus

For condemning homosexuals (some of which are very close to me) for their nature, for saying you can’t be a member of our church you’re born in sin, they’re not being condemned for what they do but for what they are. “You’re a child made in the image of god, oh no you’re not you’re a ****** and you can’t join our church and you can’t go to heaven” this is disgraceful and inhuman. We certainly don’t need the stigmatisation and victimisation that leads to the playground bullying when people say you’re a disordered morally evil individual. What do you have to say about this view? Surely it is in contrast with the church’s views on equality

Do you believe the Bible literally and that it is infallible? Are you aware of the historical inaccuracies in the bible? Even if it was all to be considered true surely they could be misconstrued through the numerous translations which almost always are influenced by personal bias during it or taken out of context due to language translation.

Should the Bible be taken literally? If so what about these verses?

Exodus 35:2 – God demands that we kill anyone who works on the Sabbath day.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 – God demands that we kill disobedient teenagers.
Leviticus 20:13 – God demands the death of homosexuals.

Deuteronomy 22:13-21 – God demands that we kill girls who are not virgins when they marry.

If you’re answer is something along the lines of, that was the past times have changed, surely these teachings are god and therefore meant to be eternal? If not who is to say that today’s teachings will not also become outdated as they have in the past?

Do you believe in medical miracles by the work of God? E.g. curing cancer etc. If so why doesn’t god heal amputees? Why does he only heal someone when it isn’t obvious what the exact result could be?

What are your views on evolution in its relation to intelligent design?

I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer these questions and I appreciate you answering them, if I have come across as harsh or offensive it was not my intention but I feel that religion should not be free from scrutiny just because people find it sacred it should have as much criticism as any other scientific theory. I’m open to all answers and opinions but I hope I don’t get a plague of answers along the lines of “have faith” or “God works in mysterious ways” as I have received in the past albeit none would know the faith as well as you. Once again thankyou and feel free to rebut any of my points and I will give a scientifically supported explanation to the best of my ability.

You'll notice a whole paragraph or so is blatantly plagiarized from the debate, what can I say i was tired and lazy and it was too good not to use.

EDIT2:code tags are terrible!


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2008
Australia, Perth
As far as I am concerned. God definetly exists and everything in the Bible is true. Theres way too much evidence to support this. As for your little quotes, theres a misinterpretation of whats being said there. While the messages in those passages do indeed say to do those things, they are not commandments of God but are instead rules that the israelites followed.

Want to see this evidence? Download an episode or every episode of this http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/137772877/Dimensions+of+Prophecy+by+Kenneth+Cox?tab=summary.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
I'm of the belief that God exists, but is so utterly different to us that it appears inhumane and impossible to understand, to the point of driving insanity in those who try. Thus, the only logical conclusion from that point is God is Cthulhu.


Atemon Game
Aug 7, 2008
confiirmed, sending supplies
Any answers for the other questions? Or should we ignore the fact that the suicide rate among homosexual teenagers si 3 times higher than among their heterosexual peers largely due to the societal pressures stemming from the church?

I will have a look at you're "evidence" tonight but I'm not expecting anything coherent with proof to back their assertion or well accepted peer reviewed material.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2009
Where shadows dare to tread_
I'm an agnostic, went to catholic schools, am baptised, christened, blah blah and i found way too many flaws within the system to find any real reason to believe in god and the preachings of the bible_ I feel that too many religions are twisting the bible and it's 'preachings' to be used for their own purposes and constantly 'revising' it to suit their own reasons_ This immediately destroys any reason to believe what is being taught to you as you have no evidence that the revised edition is anything like the original, and as to why you should revise the original bible is completely baffling to me_

I have had experiences with people who claimed to be avid catholics and have found their arguments and beliefs to be heavily flawed_ Most do not practise what they preach or use the religion to justify their decisions_ The bible itself has some good moral points about it and could be used in a much more constructive way, but unfortunately i blame religion and it's followers for destroying anything that might be deemed remotely believable due to their actions and approaches to religion itself_

Why should i go to a church to sing, hear somebody repeat the bible and then pray, which is something that can be done in my own time at my own leisure_ Religion attempts to tell us we have a choice but then demands us to have restrictions_ Is this the bibles fault_? No, i put the fault at those who are twisting the words of something that may be true into a translation that they deem necessary_ The bible doesn't say not to drink, not to live your life, not to be gay, not to be racist, it doesn't say if i don't accept god i can't go to heaven because god is meant to be all forgiving, it doesn't say if you are a christian you will automatically go to heaven do not pass go do not collect $200_

The system is flawed and this is why i do not believe_ Religion causes wars, disputes, splits in society, falsities, doubt, corruption, hatred_ Things that humanity is capable of doing on it's own without another justification to use for it's flaws_ Religion would work if people practised what they are taught to promote and preach, but it is the fault of the preachers for pushing humanity away, not the bible_

Does god exist_? I don't know and i won't know until i am proven otherwise_ This is why i am agnostic_ I live my life, make my own choices and create my own happiness without an unknown entity guiding my decisions_ I am living as i decide and technically by the bibles statements of choice and moral choice_ If i do bad then bad may come, if i do good then i feel morally right about it_ I am not forced to obey rules of a religion that tells me i am free but demands i make certain decisions_ I am my who i choose to become and if there is a god then he will not judge me on my religion but only my life_

Is there something bigger then us, bigger than humanity, deeper, darker and more powerful than we realise_? I believe so, but what is it_ I honestly believe that we are sometimes being told through our dreams of a reality that exists but we cannot truly understand_ Are there demons, are there angels_? I don't know, but i do know that something exists_ People have had those moments in their lives of experiencing something beyond their control or something that is more than they can comprehend_ Is it just our imagination or is it something trying to reach out to us with unknown intentions_ Humanity is conflicted and our minds are amazingly unstable, we don't fully utilize ourselves and realize what there is_

But the real question is, what it is we are trying to see_? Is it our own imagination trying to fool us, collected memories that manifest into these 'entities', or is it truly something that exists_ I speak out of honesty when i say that i have witnessed something beyond my control and been forced to question my own sanity and existence_ Dreams are the key to truly understanding, but we have to decide what it is we are being shown_ What once were treated as premonitions are now being looked into deeper to discover why we dream things that have no relation to our real life encounters_

I believe our truths are kept within ourselves for fear of disregard or a lack of understanding_ We are forced into a society that does not accept who we truly are and are forced into restraints_ What would we become of we were allowed more freedom_? Expression is what you want it to be_ I am a dreamer and this is what i believe_ I have seen something and it has made me believe, but what is it i am blindly following i will never know until it's purpose has been fulfilled_ In the end, humanity will receive its destruction, and if it's not by it's own hands it may very well wish it was_ Respect your dreams and listen to your thoughts, in the end it is only you who is capable of fulfilling your life so make decisions that will create your paths, but always remember to listen to your dreams because sometimes you are being told something more than even you might believe_

True Romance

Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Perth, WA
I'm agnostic, IMO there's nothing wrong with belief but religion is ****ed.

The bible is a piece of **** if you consider the fact there are many historical events where it was changed to suit the current direction (lawls metagame) the church was heading in. If you're really interested in this look up the re-encarnation vs heaven/hell development in early christianity.

I've got nothing against believing in a god or an all powerful entity that can not be explained, some people feel more comfortable in their existence believing there is force they can not control that watchs over them. Basically as hard as it is for the existence of a god to be proven, pro religious people wil largue it's equally difficult for a god to be disproven.

The thing that ****s be is how people can blindly follow the mandates of their respective religions and possess no original thought of their own. Religion is responsible for A LOT of attrocities through out history, and I'm not pointing a finger at any specific religion in general I'm talking about religion as an over all institution. Hell even a completely non militant religion like budhism had its dark times...

So what's the point of my rambling above???

Regardless of whether or not you believe in God be a good person, treat others as you wish to be treated yourself, be kind, be generous and live your life in a way you can be proud. If there isn't a God you will have lived a more fulfilling life so you will have more self satisfaction regardless, and if there is a God I refuse to believe he/she would be petty enough to deny you what ever you deserve in your after life due to you having non specific believes.

And remember you don't have to read a book or go to a church to have belief.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
The fact people are wasting time arguing over whether or not God is real when we should be marching towards R'lyeh to stop Cthulhu from waking is insane!

On a Brawl note, my texture hacks aren't working, anyone feel like helping me?


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Perth, Australia
Gods not real. Don't really feel like describing it now.

But there are these things called the 27 mysteries or something my science teacher was telling me. Like two hydrogens fused together to form helium (at the very beginning of the universe) but theoretically it was impossible to fuse two heliums together for some reason I can't remember. But it happened anyway and the rest of the elements were made from there.

Amazing post Bob. I would post a lot but I've got exams!!!!!!!!!



Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
Theoretically, if you can create a controlled burst of tachyons (a tachyon rifle, if you will) you could kill the first humans and any near human species and completely annihilate human evolution. So, really, as awesome as it is, taking quantum mechanics into account in religion is alot harder than it should be because of how little we really know about it.

Oh, and my textures are working now, thanks for nothing guys. :p
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