is widely perceived as the best character in the game atm, so her meta is advancing far ahead the rest. she's not far ahead anyone else, it just seems that way because her meta is far ahead. not to mention she has rep out the ***(zero, mr. r, nietono, rain are all some of the best players on the planet)
also has the benefit of being widely regarded as one of the best characters with one of the best players driving her metagame ahead full steam(nairo, choco too), so her results are naturally inflated.
ditto above.
and the only
real gap that i see is
>everyone else...because she is the best character in the game and has the most rep, and the more rep you have the more players can make it to top 8.
now i ask you this: if there's hardly any good rep for an otherwise good character(think
), can you reasonably expect that character to have results that can match up to
or the like?