-3 (no order):

: Outspeeds us in the air and ground, with superior range and faster moves. Can camp us out easily, and his n-air and super armour jump make combos and edge-guarding really unreliable.

:MikeKirby says it's our worst. His amazing frame data and kills hurt us tremendously, our d-air also doesn't effect him. His juggle game is also really good against us and he forces us to approach.

: Another MU noted as Kirby's worst. Sonic's speed is so crippling to Kirby, and we can't punish anything he does. We also have a hard time beating out his moves and his up-b wrecks our recovery, while we have a hard time gimping him.

: Hard to edge-guard and combo due to her fast options. Her amazing aerials block all of our aerials because of range, and turnips destroy a lot of our options. Usually would be -2 but in my opinion it's -3.
-2 (No order):

: Rosa is either considered -3 or -2, but it's definitely bad. All of her tools are hard for Kirby to deal with, her campy nature makes Kirby struggle against her. She has easy kills against us, and she is one of the only top tiers are combos don't work at all against. Kirby's poor mobility/range also make it hard to get rid of Luma, and LUMA CAN HIT US OUT OF OUR THROWS. GAH

: Pikachu's speed and ability to get out of combos easily INCREDIBLY hurts Kirby. One big thing with Kirby is his advantage state, and Pika makes it almost non-existent, with wuick attack, n-air, and the best recovery in the game. His moves are also extremely safe on us because we are to slow to punish any of his moves optimally.

: Diddy's great air game, and banana game, cripple Kirby. Bananas are one of the best projectiles that forces Kirby to approach, and if we pick up the banana we don't get much from it. His ability to stay in the air hurts us due to bad air speed and low jump. Only good thing about the MU is his easily gimped recovery, but doesn't make the MU good.

: This MU is pretty bad. Mario's good frame data and fast kill moves make the match hard for Kirby to do anything, and he is hard to punish. He can usually land hits on Kirby before Kirby can do anything, and fireballs make it even harder. Inhale helps, but explain how I can land it reliably against Mario please.

: Ness is a hard MU to judge. In a vacuum, it seems like an okay MU. We have good combos and good edge-guards against him, PK Fire is useless against us, and he can't force us to approach. Let's get out of the vacuum. Ness has the easiest juggles against us, and due to our weight if he lands one u-air we die. His b-throw can end our stocks extremely early, his disjoints are hard for Kirby to beat. He has good enough tools to beat out any combo attempts we go for, also.

: Hard to edge-guard and combo due to her fast options. Her amazing aerials block all of our aerials because of range, and turnips destroy a lot of our options.

: His bad aerial frame data and lack of good combos against us, when we have amazing combos against him, make this MU do-able. He can't force us to approach and we can beat his approach options pretty well. His raw power and fast kill moves make this MU bad, though. Same with his really hard to punish recovery.

: Kirby vs Sheik is an iffy one. I think it's between -1 to -2 and most Kirby players seem to agree. Kirby's floatiness and size give Sheik trouble, we can duck under needles and take our own (if we can get it). We have okay combos against her, and Sheik's aggressive nature give us an edge in the MU. Her speed, in-gimpable recovery, range, and good edge-guards against us make this MU a loss though.

: I would usually put ZSS -1, but after watching MikeKirby vs LarryLurr's ZSS and hearing Mike's opinion about it, I decided to place her even. We can duck under a lot of her approach options and punish them well, including n-air and grab. If we can read a grab and duck, we get a free kill. He have the advantage on the ground. Our size makes getting early kill combos hard for ZSS. The kill combos, her amazing speed and range, and ungimpable recovery do make the MU hard for Kirby, though.

: After watching Game 1 of Mike vs Larry's Fox, and asking Mike about it, this MU is even. He wins neutral, but with a single punish Kirby has as 0-74 that only needs a frame-trap. We can also edge-guard him surprisingly easily. This makes our advantage state amazing against him, and makes him play more campy to not be punished. This campy play can lead to lasers, but hey we can duck under those too. His speed and good kills, along with him dominating neutral make the MU not a winning MU.

: Falcon mains say this is in Kirby's favour, Kirby mains say it's in Falcon's favour. I think it's even because while we have our crippling duck, combos, and edge-guards, his superior range, speed, and kill moves make playing this MU scary on both sides. One hit from either player and it could mean the stock.

: -2 without inhale, even with it. His incredible spacing, range, recovery and combo breKers would usually make this MU hell, but pocket makes his spacing bad and gives us a new damage tool. Using bowling ball and tree is highly frowned upon against a Kirby with inhale, because he can kill you at 30% if he successfully pockets them.
MUs idk:

: Considered really bad for Kirby, but I've never played a good MK in more than one game so I can't put my input on it.

: Never faced a good one. In theory, it's bad but not too bad, we have good combos, edge-guards, and spacing against him, but our weight and campy nature can mean a stock from one hit.


: In theory -2, I've only faced one competent Pit, so I actually have no idea.

: In theory bad, but I've never played a good Wario so idk.