Predicted it tbh.
Tbh i'm going to comment on what i know best: Doc vs Pikachu MU.
Doc has at his disposal a very versatile combo game & Out of shield game to keep Pikachu worried about its mistakes. He also kills Pika effectively, a simple USmash/UpB OoS can kill as soon as 110% depending of the stage.
Of course, Doc's disadvantage state being what it is: pretty awful, you don't want to let Pikachu take you too deep in offstage, or otherwise you might just lose your stock very quickly. However, i guess you could say it's still not that awful of a diadvantage state thanks to a frame 3 nair & upb to escape some combos effectively.
I've always thought of this matchup as something very close to even, bu might be 55/45 Pikachu if we had to decide the more advantaged fighter, but with esam's lackluster experience vs Dr.Mario, it turned out very good for Nairo & his doc.
Tbh that's also not the only MU Doc is capable of doing well: I'd argue that the Fox matchup, Sonic matchup, Ness matchup, Mario matchup, Villager matchup and Rosalina matchup are all worth trying if you have a secondary Doc & struggles with one of those matchups, the usual lack of experience from your opponent may lead into Victory.
Also, Congratulations on
for his placement as Wario. I had honestly lost a bit of faith for Wario those days with the utter lack of mains of him, and the acknowledgement that his matchups vs some charas above him are tough, but now i'm rather confident on his viability ( Waft is broken lol )