All Nairo did was reinforce the idea of

as a good or at least decent secondary character to invest into if you really wanna play him (Solo main Doc is like, nah. Don't do that please. I've played this character for a year, just don't do itttt, there's a reason he is also my secondary). Anyone going a little overboard I admit is really irritating but I can't say I expected anything else, it was a pretty turbulent victory and a really decisive one with a character most people quite honestly underrated even if he's not that great when he's NOT underrated. I do think it's going to spark interest in development of this character though, and that could lead to interesting things! I'd wager at the very least it's gonna inspire a few people to try him, and those who already played him to be inspired as well.
Which in it of itself is an improvement for most people's opinions on this character pre-MLG, mind you. Not most people in this thread but the general public, really.
On a side note this is probably the longest outstanding Dr. Mario discussion in this thread so far. I'm not biased or anything when I say "I like dis"