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Official Viability Ratings v2 | Competitive Impressions

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Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
Tornado stalling is a better momentum mixup than virtually anything else these characters has, and factoring good DI, makes Doc extremely hard to pressure when he has space to drift from high to low, which is the MOST COMMON WAY YOU RECOVER COMPETITIVELY.

Palutena is the main tossup, but her default Up-B with no hitbox is really vulnerable to ledge pressure, and her aerials are not good for defending herself in the air. Doc is really safe at reaching the ledge when he's in Up-B range, much safer than the other characters listed generally speaking. Add the easier high to low drifting due to Tornado stalling allowing baits in the air, Doc's recovery is noticeably better.
...Who does tornado stalling even work on? Bowser? Anybody with a good disjoint will just beat out the tornado, and even if they can't, they'd just jump back to the ledge and refresh their jumps and jump back to deal with the double jump.

And really, can't anybody with a projectile just knock him out of it? If he's really that far out he'd be dead after that.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2015
There's basically three recovery tiers in this game. Stupid good, average, and mediocre.
So where does Rosalina fit in this? Ain't no way she's in the stupid good category. So does that mean you think Rosalina's recovery is just as good as Doc's?


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
...Who does tornado stalling even work on? Bowser? Anybody with a good disjoint will just beat out the tornado, and even if they can't, they'd just jump back to the ledge and refresh their jumps and jump back to deal with the double jump.

And really, can't anybody with a projectile just knock him out of it? If he's really that far out he'd be dead after that.
Recovery flowchart:
Don't be bad and DI CORRECTLY
Even if they wait, they have to hard read your airdodge and your jump at this point.

It's really, really simple to recover as Doc except in situations where anyone else would suck offstage.

So where does Rosalina fit in this? Ain't no way she's in the stupid good category. So does that mean you think Rosalina's recovery is just as good as Doc's?
Yes, Rosa's recovery is about as effective as Doc's. She has enough distance and air control to mix up her landing position, though she can be punished hard on a read sometimes.
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Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
...Who does tornado stalling even work on? Bowser? Anybody with a good disjoint will just beat out the tornado, and even if they can't, they'd just jump back to the ledge and refresh their jumps and jump back to deal with the double jump.

And really, can't anybody with a projectile just knock him out of it? If he's really that far out he'd be dead after that.
Are there projectiles good for gimping that deal about 9% or more? IIRC that was how much more damage a projectile has to do to directly outprioritize an aerial hitbox since Doc Nado pretty effectively blocks him.

Also you generally Tornado stall far away from the stage or at various locations, not a lot of people do this or see it a lot cause Doc players are...well, yeah. I commonly do it far out as most characters have to seriously commit to get that far and it saves my DJ.

I'm not going to call his recovery amazing but it really only gets noticeably bad when he loses his DJ which is something not a lot of characters tend to worry about (at least none of the top tier ones). I hope all of this makes sense, if it doesn't please hit me up and I'll clarify or something I guess?
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Apr 10, 2008
Doc struggles against Rosa for the same reason Mario does- little range on his attacks, and not enough mobility to make up for it. At least Mario can sometimes punish rolls. Doc just flails around helplessly, unable to close distance and unable to threaten Rosa in any meaningful way.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2015
Recovery flowchart:
Don't be bad and DI CORRECTLY
Even if they wait, they have to hard read your airdodge and your jump at this point.

It's really, really simple to recover as Doc except in situations where anyone else would suck offstage.
By the time Doc has to use his up-b, he's almost always in a situation where anyone else will suck offstage.

So to deal with Doc going high or low or doing whatever with tornado: You wait on stage and punish the endlag if done near the ledge. Dead :yeahboi:

If done far from the stage, wait for him to DJ and right before he gets in range for up-b, you run offstage and dair/fair/nair/whatever him. Dead :yeahboi:
If he airdodges, he falls too much to recover with up-b.
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Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
Doc struggles against Rosa for the same reason Mario does- little range on his attacks, and not enough mobility to make up for it. At least Mario can sometimes punish rolls. Doc just flails around helplessly, unable to close distance and unable to threaten Rosa in any meaningful way.
The only noticeable thing Doc has in this MU is Nado vs. Luma. That's it. The rest of the MU is just sad. Rosa and ZSS are the two top tier MUs I think Doc does worst in, and why I think he's a better secondary than a main.
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Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
What do you mean by Toon Link's being slower? On Kurogane Hammer both recoveries are listed as coming out on frame 8. :/
TL's recovery travels at a significantly slower speed that Docs, making it easier to hit him out of his recovery. Doc meanwhile, gets to the ledge almost instantly with his recovery.


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
That's fast?

Nairo literally had enough time to flip jump edgeguard that, lol.
I never claimed Olimar's recovery was great, just that it's better than Doc's. That video also shows Olimar using side b and disjointed aerials to cover himself, not to mention super armor on down b. It's very safe to say it's considerably better than Doc's, especially when distance is factored.
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Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
So all the times I've survived against sonicmega's Mega Man going offstage a million times to gimp me and not succeeding magically don't count?

People really do try to gimp me. Doesn't work that way if the Doc simply just does standard nonsense and conserves options correctly..
You clearly weren't watching MLG.

Its pretty uncommon that people will try to go offstage. And when they do, they often do so poorly. I watched Ryo and Mr.R and others just... stand on stage and let their opponents get back for free.

Its not that Doc is average at getting back (he's below that). Its people don't know how to go off stage period.


Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
Are there projectiles good for gimping that deal about 9% or more? IIRC that was how much more damage a projectile has to do to directly outprioritize an aerial hitbox since Doc Nado pretty effectively blocks him.

Also you generally Tornado stall far away from the stage or at various locations, not a lot of people do this or see it a lot cause Doc players are...well, yeah. I commonly do it far out as most characters have to seriously commit to get that far and it saves my DJ.

I'm not going to call his recovery amazing but it really only gets noticeably bad when he loses his DJ which is something not a lot of characters tend to worry about (at least none of the top tier ones). I hope all of this makes sense, if it doesn't please hit me up and I'll clarify or something I guess?
I thought you could just hit his head with a projectile, like a Mario fireball or something.

Like, which locations? Because I'm having trouble thinking of one that'd work.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
So where does Rosalina fit in this? Ain't no way she's in the stupid good category. So does that mean you think Rosalina's recovery is just as good as Doc's?
Well there's multiple facets to a recovery that determine how effective it is, and it goes beyond just the effectiveness of a character's up b.

Here's the three categories of a recovery: Distance (how far you can recover from), Difficulty (how hard it is to hit you) and Danger (how risky it is to even try).

Rosalina's recovery is very good in distance with her up b and slow falling speed, and since she has time to throw out aerials and dodge plus stall it's moderately difficult to hit, but the danger is low because her up b does not have a hitbox providing a window of opportunity for a lot of characters to attack her then with little risk.

As for Doctor Mario, distance is... ok in that smart use of his recovery moves will get him back from almost anywhere except below the stage, but he's in trouble if he loses access to any of them. It's not difficult to hit once Doc expends his tornado since his airspeed prohibits him from weaving at all, and it only becomes dangerous once he gets close enough to up b to the edge thanks to that move's power and big hitbox. Without access to Shocking Sheet Doc has little to nothing to defend himself with while recovering since fair is way too slow, and his other aerials don't have the range or are impractical in this scenario.

Unless he doesn't get knocked far, he lives and dies by his tornado and double jump. Without them he's usually kaput.


Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
I thought you could just hit his head with a projectile, like a Mario fireball or something.

Like, which locations? Because I'm having trouble thinking of one that'd work.
For Tornado stalling? Usually far out is where I do it, it's generally decent reactively as opposed to pre-emptively. Like any mix-up it isn't flawless and it's by no means perfect but it's effective when used right just like any recovery stall in this game. I'm not gonna tell you it's phenomenal, don't worry, but I will say it does its job pretty well if you're smart about it.

Also I suppose you could hit his head but at that point he's Nadoing low-ish and near the ledge (where this kind of projectile angle will usually occur) which I think, in most circumstances, is a bad idea for Doc. At that point you either wallump or Up+B.

Like you don't have to say it's fantastic or anything but I can't discredit it, it's a recovery mixup that works very well if you use it properly. Challenging it can be interesting, I think the clear people that can beat Doc Nado are swordies mostly. I say this because the disjoint on Doc's Nado relative to his body is actually pretty far (his arms tuck in but the hitbox sticks out quite a bit.)

I still don't think his recovery is all that strong btw, it's relatively not that great but since ledgesnapping in this game is how it is basically anyone outside of Little Mac can tangibly recover and we're a year in already so I have no idea if this is gonna change or not.
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Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
How does Doc tornado stall above when they can go out and just hit him out of it?

If he's going that high, he's in perfect position for a F-Air/B-Air from any character with any kind of aerial mobility. Try doing that against a real opponent and you'll just get hit away for a free kill because Doc's mobility in the air still sucks. His Up-B is also much worse than Marios because it's MUCH slower, making it much easier to hit the 2 frame invincibility.

You're overestimating it.


Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
...His Up+B is the exact same speed as Mario's. Mario's has invul starting on F3. Doc's does not. If you are gonna hit Doc out of his Up+B, you're hitting Mario out as well (if it's during the initial 2 frames as stated above). Mario's Up+B has one frame of intangibility on Frame 3 which is nice but his Up+B is better recovery-wise because of distance, there's no actual tangible speed difference at all.

There are a lot of weird things people say about this character but that's...gotta be the most interesting one.

Like if you're gonna smack on his Up+B at least have it be factual smack and not superficial untrue stuff.

I also don't recall mentioning it stalling above (I pretty explicitly just called it a general stall/mixup, you do what you want with it) so I'm just gonna assume that it's a response to someone else in regards to that.
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Radical Larry

Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2014
The Pocket Dimension
Vipermoon Vipermoon No, for some reason, Doc's U-Smash has surprisingly high hitstun on opponents. Testing it on the likes of Bowser, Falco and even Jigglypuff, I always see that it has a high amount of hitstun on opponents around the 0% to 50% mark, depending on weight, and it's not the transition into the spinning hurt animation, it's the animation that occurs similarly to Ryu's Hadouken hitting you in air. Test it our yourself if need be.

A2ZOMG A2ZOMG I'm sorry, but Doc's recovery is still one of the worst in the game by far, if not worse than Little Mac's. Alright, let me give you a rundown on Doc's vs Mac's recoveries. They both have bad recoveries with their Up Specials, but Little Mac has something that Doc doesn't have, and it's a crucial move, Slip Counter. Little Mac's Down B covers horizontal range, which is very great for him as it also allows him to hit the opponent. Little Mac also has the better air speed, too.

However, Mac nor Doc have good vertical recoveries, even if Doc has his Tornado move. The move can end at frame 75, which means after the final hit is done, Doc literally has 42 frames (almost an entire second) of stalling in the air and no horizontal movement, similar to how Toon Link's Up B works (no momentum at the end). Next, we got Doc's Up B, while having considerably more horizontal range than Mac's Up B, it's nowhere near the vertical range of it. Plus, if both characters were able to wall jump to recover, Little Mac would win with his higher wall jump.

So Doc loses the Doc vs Mac recovery battle in an ironic twist of fate.

Also, you're wrong about Ganondorf, Link and Toon Link. Ganondorf can at least latch onto opponents and has a chance to stage spike them if they miss that edge-guard; then we have customs Ganondorf, though that's a whole different story. Link and Toon Link have worse air speeds than Doc, yes, but their recoveries have superior horizontal and vertical distance and are not as easy to gimp as Doc's is; Toon Link can even fight back off the stage and still recover.

And let's not forget, Link and Toon Link both have higher jumps, bomb recoveries and projectiles to aid them into keeping their recoveries. Doc...has a tornado and an atrocious Up B recovery. Tell me how Doc's better than any of the characters in terms of recovery. Everyone else has some gimmick to allow them to recover very easily, whereas Doc needs his Tornado to recover. If Doc loses his tornado, he's pretty much done for.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2015
As a jigglypuff main I can say she probably should not be in the place she is in. She has ok matchups with luigi and rosalina, true combos into rest, great mix ups, and a amazing short hop that is perfect for her fair. She is definitely very viable. Not top tier but viable.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
How does Doc tornado stall above when they can go out and just hit him out of it?

If he's going that high, he's in perfect position for a F-Air/B-Air from any character with any kind of aerial mobility. Try doing that against a real opponent and you'll just get hit away for a free kill because Doc's mobility in the air still sucks. His Up-B is also much worse than Marios because it's MUCH slower, making it much easier to hit the 2 frame invincibility.

You're overestimating it.
...You sure you're not using his Super Jump custom that travels way slower for some reason?

Vipermoon Vipermoon No, for some reason, Doc's U-Smash has surprisingly high hitstun on opponents. Testing it on the likes of Bowser, Falco and even Jigglypuff, I always see that it has a high amount of hitstun on opponents around the 0% to 50% mark, depending on weight, and it's not the transition into the spinning hurt animation, it's the animation that occurs similarly to Ryu's Hadouken hitting you in air. Test it our yourself if need be.

A2ZOMG A2ZOMG I'm sorry, but Doc's recovery is still one of the worst in the game by far, if not worse than Little Mac's. Alright, let me give you a rundown on Doc's vs Mac's recoveries. They both have bad recoveries with their Up Specials, but Little Mac has something that Doc doesn't have, and it's a crucial move, Slip Counter. Little Mac's Down B covers horizontal range, which is very great for him as it also allows him to hit the opponent. Little Mac also has the better air speed, too.

However, Mac nor Doc have good vertical recoveries, even if Doc has his Tornado move. The move can end at frame 75, which means after the final hit is done, Doc literally has 42 frames (almost an entire second) of stalling in the air and no horizontal movement, similar to how Toon Link's Up B works (no momentum at the end). Next, we got Doc's Up B, while having considerably more horizontal range than Mac's Up B, it's nowhere near the vertical range of it. Plus, if both characters were able to wall jump to recover, Little Mac would win with his higher wall jump.

So Doc loses the Doc vs Mac recovery battle in an ironic twist of fate.

Also, you're wrong about Ganondorf, Link and Toon Link. Ganondorf can at least latch onto opponents and has a chance to stage spike them if they miss that edge-guard; then we have customs Ganondorf, though that's a whole different story. Link and Toon Link have worse air speeds than Doc, yes, but their recoveries have superior horizontal and vertical distance and are not as easy to gimp as Doc's is; Toon Link can even fight back off the stage and still recover.

And let's not forget, Link and Toon Link both have higher jumps, bomb recoveries and projectiles to aid them into keeping their recoveries. Doc...has a tornado and an atrocious Up B recovery. Tell me how Doc's better than any of the characters in terms of recovery. Everyone else has some gimmick to allow them to recover very easily, whereas Doc needs his Tornado to recover. If Doc loses his tornado, he's pretty much done for.
No, Mac is not better than Doc at recovering. In fact he and Ganondorf are probably the only two characters that, even if they have full access to all of their options, if knocked far away enough and at a sufficiently low angle will not make it back even without any interference from the opponent. Slip Counter ONLY works if the opponent hits it, and if they don't Mac is in even bigger trouble. It'll work maybe once or twice but no more. Dr. Tornado always works and provides just as good horizontal distance when properly mashed.

Oh, and Dark Dive is way too weak to stage spike reliably, plus the recovery from the grab can actually leave Ganon open. Woops.

Edit: Even when it can stage spike, the animation is so long that it's easy to react to and time.
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Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
I don't use Doc, that's just from my experience.

I get a lot easier Eruption edgeguards on Doc compared to Mario. Maybe that's something else.


Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
I don't use Doc, that's just from my experience.

I get a lot easier Eruption edgeguards on Doc compared to Mario. Maybe that's something else.
Yeah Doc and Mario's Up+B moves are the same speed. There are some differences outside of the obvious. Doc's actually has an active hitbox for about 8 frames longer (the late hit) going by frame data. Speedwise and stuff they're the same. Maybe the Doc's you're playing are snapping poorly, perhaps? Always a possibility I guess.

I'm not gonna call his recovery amazing or anything though, I will only say that
- Nado can stall if used properly and you're smart. Just don't be a dingus and stall in a stupid location.
- Don't lose your double jump loool

those are the Doc rules to recovery. His real issue is not losing his double jump because landing with Doc after disadvantage is really hard. This was pretty fully discussed a good deal or so pages back I believe? I can uproot the post and like, requote it for good measure if anyone's curious about why I think recovery can be really hard.
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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
I don't use Doc, that's just from my experience.

I get a lot easier Eruption edgeguards on Doc compared to Mario. Maybe that's something else.
Just has to be the lack of invincibility then (only found that out recently). Also Mario has more leeway to alter the timing of super jump punch thanks to his airspeed.


King Marth's most trusted advisor.
Jan 4, 2015
Switch FC
See, this is the kind of Doc argument I did well to avoid.

Still not part of it (I'm actually not reading it) but more insight to add: http://www.kuroganehammer.com/Smash4/Dr. Mario/

Hey look, you have 35 frames to hit Dr. Mario after his Tornado.........hmmmmmm.

Radical Larry Radical Larry Please don't (referring to the hitstun stuff)
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Radical Larry

Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2014
The Pocket Dimension
Y2Kay Y2Kay Trust me, Little Mac's recovery is better because of his Down B being a momentum pushing attack, allowing him to recover better horizontally if he connects with an opponent's attack. He has better air speed than Doc, a Side B that can actually give him some lift and movement, and an Up B with---although worse horizontal range---better vertical range than Doc's (unless Doc doesn't reverse his Up B and actually makes himself propel high by holding back, which removes almost any horizontal distance).

meleebrawler meleebrawler Dark Dive's recovery from the grab can leave Ganon open in doubles, but he'll be way too high for most opponents to properly punish. And remember, the opponents have hitstun after he grabs them and hits them, which isn't necessarily allowing opponents to punish. Also, to put icing on the cake, if the opponent's grabbed under the ledge of the stage, they're going to get stage spiked no matter how little the KB is.

And remember that Doc's Tornado move ends on frame 75 (according to Kurogane Hammer), and the attack hitboxes end at 40 (the final hit), so that leaves Doc open to more punishment. If he's brought far enough and at a low angle, he doesn't even have a chance either, since he's more of an easy KO target than Ganondorf, who can STILL have a chance at recovery, if he simply grabs the opponent. Hell, he has the best edge snapping in the game if he wants to recover low.

No amount of button mashing will help Doc if he has 35 frames of where he's ultimately vulnerable. Say that he and Little Mac are sent in the same trajectory, same damage, everything, which the trajectory is probably the height of the upper platform on Battlefield. They are sent far away and the opponent wants to gimp them, but they both have their jumps and access to recovery moves and stuff like that.

If the opponent goes for the edge-guarding against them, Doc has absolutely NOTHING to allow him to keep from getting gimped; none of his aerials have sufficient range nor good endlag to help him out. Little Mac has Slip Counter, which actually allows him to punish even disjointed gimpers with proper timing. Although both still have bad recoveries nonetheless.

Vipermoon Vipermoon I knew I forgot something, but you're wrong (like how I was initially wrong). Doc has 35 frames, not 25 frames to be hit by the opponent. And yes, I know my facts about Doc vs Mac, seeing as I do play both of them myself (and have tested their recoveries). Doc just gets hits, whereas Mac has something to actually defend himself with against the disjointed hits (and knowing that all counters upon hit are invincible once activated further goes to show that Mac might have the better recovery).
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Sep 4, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
Y2Kay Y2Kay Trust me, Little Mac's recovery is better because of his Down B being a momentum pushing attack, allowing him to recover better horizontally if he connects with an opponent's attack. He has better air speed than Doc, a Side B that can actually give him some lift and movement, and an Up B with---although worse horizontal range---better vertical range than Doc's (unless Doc doesn't reverse his Up B and actually makes himself propel high by holding back, which removes almost any horizontal distance).
But What if people just don't hit the counter? Even some FG scrubs don't edgeguard and just let him die, or just hit him with projectiles. If we don't hit the counter then Mac falss to his death / or put in a really bad spot. meleebrawler meleebrawler already adressed this in an earlier post bruh.

No, Mac is not better than Doc at recovering. In fact he and Ganondorf are probably the only two characters that, even if they have full access to all of their options, if knocked far away enough and at a sufficiently low angle will not make it back even without any interference from the opponent. Slip Counter ONLY works if the opponent hits it, and if they don't Mac is in even bigger trouble. It'll work maybe once or twice but no more. Dr. Tornado always works and provides just as good horizontal distance when properly mashed.
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King Marth's most trusted advisor.
Jan 4, 2015
Switch FC
Y2Kay Y2Kay Trust me, Little Mac's recovery is better because of his Down B being a momentum pushing attack, allowing him to recover better horizontally if he connects with an opponent's attack. He has better air speed than Doc, a Side B that can actually give him some lift and movement, and an Up B with---although worse horizontal range---better vertical range than Doc's (unless Doc doesn't reverse his Up B and actually makes himself propel high by holding back, which removes almost any horizontal distance).

meleebrawler meleebrawler Dark Dive's recovery from the grab can leave Ganon open in doubles, but he'll be way too high for most opponents to properly punish. And remember, the opponents have hitstun after he grabs them and hits them, which isn't necessarily allowing opponents to punish. Also, to put icing on the cake, if the opponent's grabbed under the ledge of the stage, they're going to get stage spiked no matter how little the KB is.

And remember that Doc's Tornado move ends on frame 75 (according to Kurogane Hammer), and the attack hitboxes end at 40 (the final hit), so that leaves Doc open to more punishment. If he's brought far enough and at a low angle, he doesn't even have a chance either, since he's more of an easy KO target than Ganondorf, who can STILL have a chance at recovery, if he simply grabs the opponent. Hell, he has the best edge snapping in the game if he wants to recover low.

No amount of button mashing will help Doc if he has 35 frames of where he's ultimately vulnerable. Say that he and Little Mac are sent in the same trajectory, same damage, everything, which the trajectory is probably the height of the upper platform on Battlefield. They are sent far away and the opponent wants to gimp them, but they both have their jumps and access to recovery moves and stuff like that.

If the opponent goes for the edge-guarding against them, Doc has absolutely NOTHING to allow him to keep from getting gimped; none of his aerials have sufficient range nor good endlag to help him out. Little Mac has Slip Counter, which actually allows him to punish even disjointed gimpers with proper timing. Although both still have bad recoveries nonetheless.

Vipermoon Vipermoon I knew I forgot something, but you're wrong (like how I was initially wrong). Doc has 35 frames, not 25 frames to be hit by the opponent. And yes, I know my facts about Doc vs Mac, seeing as I do play both of them myself (and have tested their recoveries). Doc just gets hits, whereas Mac has something to actually defend himself with against the disjointed hits (and knowing that all counters upon hit are invincible once activated further goes to show that Mac might have the better recovery).
Thanks Larry, I counted wrong. 35 makes more sense (because I was like "25? That's not that bad" but posted it anyway).


Smash Lord
Nov 3, 2014
I'm guessing footstools don't activate counters.
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all is cheese, all is jank
Feb 2, 2008
Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Doc's recovery is better than the following characters:
Donkey Kong
Toon Link
Duck Hunt

It's not even close to being one of the worst recoveries in the game. It's about average.
If Doc gets hit after using his mid-air jump offstage or if he gets hit by a move with heavily horizontal knockback, he literally doesn't have a chance to get back, while all of the above except for Mac and arguably Ness do. Mac is quite obviously the worst in this regard, while Ness is still nowhere near that because his mid-air jump combined with his fair is a real saving grace for him when recovering. Most characters you mentioned also have a better chance of not being hit out of their second jump than Doc due to good hitboxes or disjoints on their aerials like Ness with his fair that I already mentioned, Falcon and Ganondorf with their uairs or Robin with anything. I have to say I really don't see how some of the characters you listed would belong there, for example Link, Toon Link, Palutena, Shulk and DK. DK in particular, despite being prone to take hits offstage, will almost always make it back and often his mid-air jump and air mobility will be enough to do the job, it's just that his up b can be food for certain meteors, while for some other characters it can be a quick 32%.

You get Doc offstage and hit him once more whether he has his second jump left or not and he's done, and tornado stall literally just makes him a target for such a hit. You have half a second to punish it after the last hit. I'd go so far as to say that no recovery in this game is absolute garbage in the sense that you're guaranteed to die once you're put offstage, but if any of them even scrape that definition then Doc is among those. His only saving grace is his up b, something that little Mac also similarly "excels" at, but the distance they both cover is still abysmal.

Doc may be better than people anticipated but it will not be because of his recovery, I'll quote myself back on this if he ever becomes a popular pick for any other reason and we start seeing him get gimped at 50% (locally it's been happening everywhere since the beginning). I don't think he's still a good character though. Yesterday alone doesn't mean anything for him when we make ourselves truly aware of all the details, and without intending any provocation, it's extremely discouraging to see so many people jumping into the idea or changing their minds 180 degrees about Doc's viability so very easily. Doc to Mario is effectively what Ganondorf is to Falcon, a power for mobility trade-off. You lose half the follow-ups for the illusion of extra damage, and half the mobility for more power when you finally do manage to land a hit which is now more difficult while your recovery also becomes worse.
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Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
You clearly weren't watching MLG.

Its pretty uncommon that people will try to go offstage. And when they do, they often do so poorly. I watched Ryo and Mr.R and others just... stand on stage and let their opponents get back for free.

Its not that Doc is average at getting back (he's below that). Its people don't know how to go off stage period.
Stage Control is an important aspect of this game. By going off-stage, you're effectively taking a risk that can backfire if you fail. By staying on stage, and deciding to keeping your opponent cornered, you choose to increase damage as well as potentially getting more opportunities to KO your opponent with reads.

I won't say you're wrong, but there is a reason why you only see top level players (honestly, it's only Nairo, ESAM, and ZeRo) take such risks consistently. They're confident enough to get the hit, and on the case that they miss, they're confident enough to regain stage control.

But a lot of that has to do with their character as well.

Radical Larry

Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2014
The Pocket Dimension
But What if people just don't hit the counter? Even some FG scrubs don't edgeguard and just let him die, or just hit him with projectiles. If we don't hit the counter then Mac falss to his death / or put in a really bad spot. meleebrawler meleebrawler already adressed this in an earlier post bruh.
I know, but I meant for my post to originally come before his.
And yes, some people may not hit the counter, some may use projectiles, but what if Mac uses the counter on the projectiles instead? There's so many scenarios that can be played out with Mac, so many to Doc.

But remember, Doc, just like Luigi, can't use his Down B to recover anymore once it's used. If Doc were sent away, say by Link's F-Tilt after using it, Doc's doomed even with DI. If Mac's put in the same situation (same DI too), his better air speed can possibly let him survive. Doesn't mean he 100% can, but he has a better chance than Doc.

Thanks Larry, I counted wrong. 35 makes more sense (because I was like "25? That's not that bad" but posted it anyway).
Eh, it's just a bit over half a second (technically, this would make the end lag worse than pre-patch Samus' F-Air landing lag). Hey, got time for some Smash games later?


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
See, this is the kind of Doc argument I did well to avoid.

Still not part of it (I'm actually not reading it) but more insight to add: http://www.kuroganehammer.com/Smash4/Dr. Mario/

Hey look, you have 25 frames to hit Dr. Mario after his Tornado.........hmmmmmm.

Radical Larry Radical Larry Please don't
Look, I can understand the fear of possibly continuing a Doc overhype train but the fact is we actually had an interesting discussion about recoveries and what makes them good or bad.

I'll just finish by saying that Doc's recovery is not good by any measure in the standards of this game. But it's not the worst since intelligent use of his tools can overcome edgeguard attempts (not too well, admittedly, but still) and come back from great distances. Hell, if your character can't go too far to edgeguard then his recovery can actually be hard to disrupt.


Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
Doc may be better than people anticipated but it will not be because of his recovery
I think this is the part I agree with the most. As for the other points:
- I wouldn't say it means nothing for the character at all. This was a really crucial set that Nairo used him for. I don't think this massively makes him super solo viable at all but I think it reinforces Doc as a very solid secondary character, used against a VERY strong player. I repeat, not an idea of solo viability but rather the idea that he's a workable secondary perhaps, or at the very least it will shed light on the character (it already has, check this thread). I wouldn't have thought this if he switched off of Doc vs. Pika, but he used Doc the WHOLE WAY vs. Esam despite Mario very clearly being an option. There has to be a reason beyond "nothing", especially because it worked.
- I think while Ganon and Falcon is an interesting comparison, I don't think Doc's mobility losses are nearly as severe or as crippling, personally. I'm sure you wouldn't insinuate this though, it's just an example. I also don't think he loses half as much followups as Ganon vs. Falcon esp. not if you watch the setplay between Nairo and Esam. I think the IDEA behind this example is good but Ganon and Falcon are much more extreme and not entirely applicable here based on my experience with Dr. Mario.

Semantics and whatever aside, I don't think the character is magically viable but you can't deny that he was considered a lot worse than he actually was by a good few people.
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Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
If Doc gets hit after using his mid-air jump offstage or if he gets hit by a move with heavily horizontal knockback, he literally doesn't have a chance to get back, while all of the above except for Mac and arguably Ness do. Mac is quite obviously the worst in this regard, while Ness is still nowhere near that because his mid-air jump combined with his fair is a real saving grace for him when recovering. Most characters you mentioned also have a better chance of not being hit out of their second jump than Doc due to good hitboxes or disjoints on their aerials like Ness with his fair that I already mentioned, Falcon and Ganondorf with their uairs or Robin with anything. I have to say I really don't see how some of the characters you listed would belong there, for example Link, Toon Link, Palutena, Shulk and DK. DK in particular, despite being prone to take hits offstage, will almost always make it back and often his mid-air jump and air mobility will be enough to do the job, it's just that his up b can be food for certain meteors, while for some other characters it can be a quick 32%.

You get Doc offstage and hit him once more whether he has his second jump left or not and he's done, and tornado stall literally just makes him a target for such a hit. You have half a second to punish it after the last hit. I'd go so far as to say that no recovery in this game is absolute garbage in the sense that you're guaranteed to die once you're put offstage, but if any of them even scrape that definition then Doc is among those. His only saving grace is his up b, something that little Mac also similarly "excels" at, but the distance they both cover is still abysmal.

Doc may be better than people anticipated but it will not be because of his recovery, I'll quote myself back on this if he ever becomes a popular pick for any other reason and we start seeing him get gimped at 50% (locally it's been happening everywhere since the beginning). I don't think he's still a good character though. Yesterday alone doesn't mean anything for him when we make ourselves truly aware of all the details, and without intending any provocation, it's extremely discouraging to see so many people jumping into the idea or changing their minds 180 degrees about Doc's viability so very easily. Doc to Mario is effectively what Ganondorf is to Falcon, a power for mobility trade-off. You lose half the follow-ups for the illusion of extra damage, and half the mobility for more power when you finally do manage to land a hit which is now more difficult while your recovery also becomes worse.
Which part of "Tornado stall above their edgeguard" don't you understand?

It's not hard. And in most situations you can even fade back with Tornado to avoid edgeguards and still make it back safely.

Heavy horizontal hits like the ones you're imagining also are pretty rare outside of Ganon F-tilt. Assuming proper survival DI Doc has better options for drifting from high to low than all the characters I mentioned because not unlike someone with multiple jumps, you can wait out certain aggressive edgeguard attempts and force people to make very difficult reads of chasing both your jump and airdodge.

Also, Doc does BETTER against Falcon than Mario, fyi. Mario does not have a single button in his kit as good as Doc Tornado for forcing Falcon to play respectfully in neutral, and the fact Doc has a legitimate edgeguard game is a big deal against Falcon, whereas vs Mario Falcon typically isn't going to die for a long time if he plays super conservatively. Furthermore Mario actually risks more than Doc in neutral throwing out rising B-airs in neutral due to jumping higher, which is not ideal against Falcon who has strong whiff punish potential.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Since we're on the topic of recovery I'm just curious, what is the fastest aerial in the game in terms of total frames*? The ability to throw out hitboxes without killing yourself when recovering is a big deal.

*barring lemons from Megaman.
In terms of raw, low total frames, it's Little Mac's Nair with 15 total frames, but it has 13 recovery frames since it comes out on frame 2 and only has 1 active frame. In contrast, Ryu's Nair, the most similar Nair to Little Mac's in animation and way of hitting, is frame 4-21, 18 active frames, and 32 total frames meaning it has 10 recovery frames. For infamous Uairs, Captain Falcon and ZSS both have 33 total frames for their 6-12 Uairs, so 7 active frames and 20 recovery frames. The major difference is that ZSS's always does 8% while Captain Falcon's is split between a clean frame 6-10 hit that does 11% or 10% and a late 11-12 that does 10% or 9%. Ganondorf also has a 33 total frame Uair (along with Falco), but his is frame 6-16, so 11 active frames and 16 recovery frames.

The issue with your question is that you have to take in a lot of factors. One being that lingering hits tend to force you to commit with a move getting weaker by the second and therefore might seem to have low or average recovery frames, but still have average to high total frames. Some fast moves are split into clean and late hits like Falco's Bair or multiple hitboxes like Mega Man's which makes sense since it would be ridiculous for say, Falco to have a frame 4-6 Bair with 32 total frames instead of a frame 4-11 split between a clean 4-5 and late 6-11 Bair with 37 total frames. Even if it were true, it would have to be much weaker or slower like Wolf - his has 4? hitboxes - and DK's. Other moves might just have low total frames like most Uairs and Little Mac's Nair, but they're usually not going to do a lot of damage, not a lot of knockback, won't have many active frames, or are held back by the character's attributes like Ganondorf won't be able to chain Uairs like Mario which would be bonkers. Sure, you can throw out a hitbox, but it's not a simple deal of, "Oh, Ryu's just going to Nair to cover himself." Ryu can do that, but Ryu's Nair has much less range as with other lingering hits like Fox, Mario, Falco, and even Link's Nair or you're not always going to get a ton of damage or knockback. You can spam Captain Falcon's Uair to cover yourself as you're falling back to the stage, but that's really stupid and the opponent is just going to avoid you and wait for you to land instead of risking a poorly timed interrupt unless they really have Captain Falcon's number. If they do spam as in the case of Dr. Mario, Wolf, Falco, and Fox spamming short hop Bairs, then they know they're going to auto-cancel and they have options or can bait instead of just throwing out a hitbox willy-nilly.

Also, Little Mac's Nair is a freaking aerial jab. As in because it lacks the rest of the hits or the power (and slowness) of stronger, single-press jabs like Ganondorf, Roy, or Zelda's, it has almost no knockback. It'd be like like using almost any jab like Mario, Falco, Ike, Sheik, ZSS, Captain Falcon, Fox, and Little Mac himself. Without anything to continue like the or a decent enough option like say, Ike's jab to Dtilt, Little Mac's Nair is fast, but not good. Sure, it can cause someone to stutter and question what happened, but that's kind of it.

The stupid thing is that Little Mac's Nair could have been like Ryu's. Actually, all of Little Mac's aerials could have been like Ryu's Nair and Dair where they have little range. With the way Little Mac's aerials work, they might as well remove all of them. Can they work as part of combos like his Fair? Sure, but still, they're kind of pathetic. What they should have done is make it so they all had decent knockback, as in Little Mac can push you away, which technically, all, but Nair does that, and that Little Mac didn't have to suffer atrocious landing lag or have long, relative to the reward he gets, recovery. Ryu's Nair is just a regular punch and that's what Little Mac's is too. Except for Dair which I don't really know what he could do outside of a hammerfist like Diddy, Wolf, and even his own D-throw, Bair is a backfist, and Uair which is kind of like an overcut, Little Mac shouldn't be throwing a wild haymaker with Fair. He could just do a straight which is basically a straight Nair instead of an angled down punch for his Nair.

Little Mac's aerials don't have to kill, but they shouldn't be Zelda sour-spot Fair and Bair pathetic nor should they have bad technique. Ryu's definitely not an air fighter even in Marvel vs. Capcom or Smash where air combos are more prominent, but he still uses proper technique for punches in the air.

Mega Man's first jab, Ftilt, and Nair are all frame 7-9 with jab having 35 total frames and Ftilt and Nair having 33. So, that's 25 recovery frames for jab 1 and recovery frames for Ftilt 1 and Nair 1.

Nairo's result showed that Doc has tools to compensate for his bad recovery, not that Doc's recovery is good. It isn't average either. It's bad. Almost every character you listed has a better recovery than Doc. I'm not gonna go through and list them all because there are so many, but anyone can look at Doc's recovery and realize it is bottom 5. There's no way it isn't bad. I expected this tournament to change people's opinions of Doc's tier placement but not his recovery ranking...
Bad recoveries don't really mean much if you never have to leave the stage involunatarily. Case in point: all versions of Falco, Melee Captain Falcon and onward - not sure about 64 Captain Falcon -, Ganondorf, Little Mac, (Dr.) Mario, Roy, Ike, and... might as well say the rest of the entire cast, but there are standouts like Melee Falco, Little Mac, and Dr. Mario who brute force their poor disadvantage and poor recovery.

Speaking of brute force, I think Mario and Dr. Mario mains should co-main these two. It's not like going from Mario to Luigi or even Marth and Lucina where there's not much of an advantage to using Lucina or alternating between the Pits where it's trivial which one offers anything, but it's more like going from Kyo to NESTS Kyo and Takuma to Mr. Karate. Mario is the more "defensive" option as he's safer because of his higher mobility, slightly better recovery due to his higher air speed and jump, and ability to combo moves more easily. Similarly, Kyo and Takuma are "defensive" options as Kyo zones better than NESTS Kyo who prefers to rush down instead and I don't remember why, but Takuma was said to be the defense to Mr. Karate's offense. Dr. Mario on the other hand, is the "offensive" option; Dr. Mario throws away his safety to brute force his way. Against say, Rosalina & Luma where they're probably going to have the advantage when it comes to defensive options - that's the shtick of summoner, necromancer, beast master, and puppeteer archetypes -, it's probably better to overpower their defense. In a way, Dr. Mario's offense is his defense while Mario's defense is his offense. Or against Luigi where Luigi's offensive capabilities is beyond Mario's, so why not level the playing field and match his offense with Dr. Mario's?

Learning these two wouldn't be like learning two different characters like Fox and Falco or Link and Ganondorf. It's almost a freebie like the Pits, so why not? If you learn say, Mario, Marth, and Dr. Mario, you'd technically have 3 characters for the price of 2. Or how about Mario, Dr. Mario, and the Pits? Oh, look, 4 characters for the price of 2. Learning "versions" of a character is probably not going to be difficult unless it's a major play style difference like Claw Iori to Flames Iori; Claw Iori is the equivalent to Captain Falcon, a very close-ranged, rushdown, and combo-orientated character, and Flames Iori is the equivalent to Sheik if she was as strong as Captain Falcon, a jack of all trades, master of all. In Smash, the only characters that come to my mind that are versions, but really different are... nobody. None of the Melee clones as they played very differently despite sharing almost the same animations for everything and none of the Smash 4 clones where they were literally clones like Dark Pit or watered-down and stupidly held back like Lucina.
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Radical Larry

Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2014
The Pocket Dimension
Though I ponder how Bowser, Falcon, DK, Roy and Shulk have worse recoveries than Doc.

Bowser's literally a moderately floaty character with a decently horizontal and vertical recovery (emphasis on horizontal) with multiple hits, and he has better jumps and air speed than Doc.

Falcon's recovery is based on his great jumping height and aerial speed, too, as well as his ability to grab opponents in his recovery. He's got better air speed than Little Mac and a far superior jump. Combine that with Raptor Boost and Falcon Dive, and Falcon still has a pretty much better recovery than Doc.

DK's got no explanation, because he's like Falcon and Bowser; better air speed (being 8th-11th overall) and recovery tactics. I don't think sending DK at the same angle as Doc will hinder him from recovering because he has the holy horizontal reach in the game with his recovery. Vertically, not so much.

Shulk has better air speed than Doc and a far higher recovery. Oh, will you look at that, Shulk has Jump on. That makes his air speed even better and his recovery move height extraordinarily better than Doc's. The only way Shulk would be as bad as Doc in recovery, if not worse, is if Shulk suddenly uses Back Slash or puts on/has on Shield for some moronic reason.

And Roy? 3rd best air speed (according to Kuroganehammer), far superior horizontal recovery, far superior vertical recovery, need I say more? Oh, and he can F-Air any impromptu edgeguarder that isn't Ike or Link, so that's a plus.

But in the end, all you'd have to do is send these characters at a far lower height than Doc to actually kill them. Doc can die around 1 and a half Battlefield platforms. All these characters need to be well under Battlefield to actually die.

A2ZOMG A2ZOMG And I'm being serious here. All the characters I listed have better air speed and recovery methods than Doc does. How would you ever think these 5 have worse recoveries than Doc does?


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Though I ponder how Bowser, Falcon, DK, Roy and Shulk have worse recoveries than Doc.

Bowser's literally a moderately floaty character with a decently horizontal and vertical recovery (emphasis on horizontal) with multiple hits, and he has better jumps and air speed than Doc.

Falcon's recovery is based on his great jumping height and aerial speed, too, as well as his ability to grab opponents in his recovery. He's got better air speed than Little Mac and a far superior jump. Combine that with Raptor Boost and Falcon Dive, and Falcon still has a pretty much better recovery than Doc.

DK's got no explanation, because he's like Falcon and Bowser; better air speed (being 8th-11th overall) and recovery tactics. I don't think sending DK at the same angle as Doc will hinder him from recovering because he has the holy horizontal reach in the game with his recovery. Vertically, not so much.

Shulk has better air speed than Doc and a far higher recovery. Oh, will you look at that, Shulk has Jump on. That makes his air speed even better and his recovery move height extraordinarily better than Doc's. The only way Shulk would be as bad as Doc in recovery, if not worse, is if Shulk suddenly uses Back Slash or puts on/has on Shield for some moronic reason.

And Roy? 3rd best air speed (according to Kuroganehammer), far superior horizontal recovery, far superior vertical recovery, need I say more? Oh, and he can F-Air any impromptu edgeguarder that isn't Ike or Link, so that's a plus.

But in the end, all you'd have to do is send these characters at a far lower height than Doc to actually kill them. Doc can die around 1 and a half Battlefield platforms. All these characters need to be well under Battlefield to actually die.

A2ZOMG A2ZOMG And I'm being serious here. All the characters I listed have better air speed and recovery methods than Doc does. How would you ever think these 5 have worse recoveries than Doc does?
Most of what you're talking about doesn't matter. Good players do the following:

Conserve options.

Also semi-spikes are in fact...rare. More importantly about 90% of the cast gets screwed by semi-spikes anyway if you actually know how to edgeguard. Doc isn't unique to that.

Factoring all those, Doc's recovery is completely fine, and in fact better off than many recoveries simply because Tornado is a very robust mixup option to avoid edgeguard commitments and because his Up-B is decently fast for reaching the ledge quickly.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 14, 2014
Zelda can recover horizontally and have the hitbox on her Up-B out before she snaps to the ledge. Makes a very huge difference.
Palutena can do that too like what??????????????

Palutena players recover from a variety of angles and positions all the time and the good ones rarely get gimped. Farore's Wind is a lot laggier than Warp so if Palutena misses the ledge she can usually steer into it to save herself unlike Zelda. Warp doesn't bounce off stages as easily as Zelda's either which makes recovering with it from behind and below ledges on stages like T&C a lot easier. Warp doesn't travel as far (barely) and lacks a hitbox but I don't think that makes it much worse than Zelda's as a recovery move. Besides, when's the last time anyone got hit by the startup/end of FW while attempting to edgeguard Zelda?

I really can't see there being many recoveries worse than Doc's in this game. I mean, I also think Doc's recovery is a bit underrated but that doesn't change the fact that Doc can die offstage at fraudulent %s from the simplest things. Like seriously, if Palutena intercepts Doc's SJP with her N-air while she's above him it'll only hit him once and send him straight down with enough hitstun to put him too far from the ledge to recover if they're even slightly below it, no matter the %. It's sad.
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Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Palutena can do that too like what??????????????

Palutena players recover from a variety of angles and positions all the time and the good ones rarely get gimped. Farore's Wind is a lot laggier than Warp so if Palutena misses the ledge she can usually steer into it to save herself unlike Zelda. Warp doesn't bounce off stages as easily as Zelda's either which makes recovering with it from behind and below ledges on stages like T&C a lot easier. Warp doesn't travel as far (barely) and lacks a hitbox but I don't think that makes it much worse than Zelda's as a recovery move. Besides, when's the last time anyone got hit by the startup/end of FW while attempting to edgeguard Zelda?

I really can't see there being many recoveries worse than Doc's in this game. I mean, I also think Doc's recovery is a bit underrated but that doesn't change the fact that Doc can die offstage at fraudulent %s from the simplest things. Like seriously, if Palutena intercepts Doc's SJP with her N-air while she's above him it'll only hit him once and send him straight down with enough hitstun to kill him if they're even slightly below the ledge, no matter the %. It's sad.
Zelda has a hitbox on Up-B. Palutena does not. Huge huge huge difference. Means Zelda is considerably less vulnerable to ledge pressure.

Palutena often has to do risky ledge options against the threat of trumping or ledge snap edgeguards. Zelda rarely has to do this if she simply understands how to delay sweetspot the ledge.
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