Oh. Why hello there. Your local neighborhood Redson- long time lurker of blogging and occassional poster- has come to add his two cents to this little debate.
I sincerely do not believe that the User Blogs have become a "cesspool of SmashBoards" in any sense. Quite the opposite, looking harder at it! The user blogs have spawned many a foul thread indeed, but what section of SmashBoards has NOT done that a few times? Maybe if people took initiative and reported threads that clearly went against the rules, or that were simply spam, or belonged in another area, we wouldn't have the problem. Everything that everyone has brought up here is easily changable by clicking the little triangle with the exclamation point on it, or informing your local neighborhood administrator. Instead of wasting a thread on this, why don't you take a form of action that won't start another useless debate going?
I've seen very interesting debates spawn from many blogs. I have participated in a few of said debates, and had a lot of fun in doing so. Many people write in their blog to make people think- and when people think, people will eventually end up debating. Humans will always try to prove their point, like it or not. So if you think that any section of SmashBoards will be without debate of any kind, I honestly believe that you're only making the User Blogs worse.
So what if people are *****ing about their girlfriends? Isn't that a blog? Aren't people writing about their advice? Its important to them- would you make them throw something like that into the Pool Room, where things are generally regarded as silly and unserious by nature? Then nothing would get done.
The User Blogs houses some of the most intelligent people on SmashBoards I've ever seen, and I think that the only thing hindering it from being one of the best boards on here is the fact that too many people *****, and not enough take action.
Sorry for the rant. iFail.