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USB Gecko is the new Action Replay! (added potential goals)

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Wind Owl

Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2008
Suburbs of Philadelphia, PA
OK, so I was going to read all 30+ pages of this thread, but I stopped around ShadowLink's trolling bull****. Seriously, this is ridiculous. If you guys don't want to play this way, don't, and don't tell us how to play. I know people have said this several times before, but it obviously isn't getting through. You people have basically killed this thread, which could have been a forum for what changes people want to see but instead has turned into YET ANOTHER Melee vs. Brawl debate, because Smashboards REALLY NEEDED another one of those.

Similarly, I don't understand why people are even responding to people who are just here to bash the project. You're not going to convince them otherwise, you're just clogging this thread even more.

But I digress. I was going to be a part of this thread but it's just not worth wading through the ****storm.

EDIT: Another point that needs to be stressed is that this does not affect you if you don't want to play this way. It's been said over and over, but I'll say it again. The Gecko will be used for all kinds of ******** antics online and there is nothing anybody can do about it. This topic is not causing that. As long as there is a cheating device, there will be cheaters. As far as this becoming a tournament standard, as much as I wish it could, I severely doubt that it will. Whether it has any hope of doing so or not is a moot point right now. The project has barely anything developed, let alone enough to threaten standard Brawl as the competitive standard.

EDIT AGAIN: ... OK fine, I'll stay here a little longer but I refuse to read BS posts. Anyway: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=4444312

Obviously those aren't combos but the whole time I was watching the video I was thinking, "Man, this game would be so cool with hitstun." I really hope this project works out for the better.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
increasing hitstun is all i think is needed. tripping is fine, dashdancing was just annoying to begin with. removal of it lets brawl focus more on the air combot which is nice for a change. oh and get the stage where you fight tabuu on for a playable vs stage :)


Smash Rookie
Apr 10, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I have a general question about this project. Do you mean that you will change hit boxes to the size they were in melee? I hope so, and does that mean you can make it easier to spike with marth again?


Smash Rookie
Feb 24, 2008
This is pitiful.

Go play Melee if you're just gonna change Brawl into a whole other game altogether.


Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2008
I think some of this is mindless. Instead of playing a game like melee, you could play MELEE.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2008
Kawaii Hawaii
Anyone who posts needs to read wind owls post. i swear, the next scrub who posts saying, "GO PLEH MELEE U HAXXORZ!!1!" i will beat your head in with a bat. -_-


Smash Journeyman
Apr 24, 2005
Margate, FL
I can't remember off the top of my head, but isn't the stage where you fight Tabuu, Final Destination?


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2008
Kawaii Hawaii
I can't remember off the top of my head, but isn't the stage where you fight Tabuu, Final Destination?
It's the same size, but it looks all purple and made out of shadowy stuff. there is also a much bigger blast zone around his stage, which is why i would like it.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Sounds like a cool idea, to make brawl less boring.

If you don't like it you don't really have to get so worked up about it is what I have to say to all the whiney kids who seem offended over this project.

I knew brawl would blow from the start though... I havent even played it yet, though I would like to, it looks fun.. just not something that could be fun for more than an hour...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
I fight for my friends.
It would be fantastic if you could get Nintendo to allow this as DLC, for us who don't have cheating engines.

Sadly, I don't suppose they will ever accept.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
wow, this is incredible, I sure hope it will work out with some amazing results

Sounds like a cool idea, to make brawl less boring.

If you don't like it you don't really have to get so worked up about it is what I have to say to all the whiney kids who seem offended over this project.

I knew brawl would blow from the start though... I havent even played it yet, though I would like to, it looks fun.. just not something that could be fun for more than an hour...

what!! the great Dylan hasn't played Brawl yet?!! where do you live in Europe?


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2007
Goal Set 4 (probably too awesome to actually happen, but worth investigating)
- restore L cancel like functionality
Enough said.

this is the worst idea ever.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
the only that needs to be done is the removal of tripping.

everything else suggested is just based on a desire for it to be Melee 2.0


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
OK, so I was going to read all 30+ pages of this thread, but I stopped around ShadowLink's trolling bull****.
Yes because reading comprehension is really difficult. /sarcasm

Seriously its freaking ridiculous, especially when I bolded several parts of my psots so people wouldn't get lost and start placing ideas that aren't my own.
Never knew that disagreeing with an opinion would mean you're a troll.

Anyways had to backtrack a few pages to see what IOZ said about the autoledge grab.

I dunno, might be more simple than that. If you hold down during your recovery, it disables auto-sweetspot. There might be a way to make that a permanent thing.
What make the game think you're inputting Down while recovery?
That could work.

I prefer the ASM hack though mainly since while its more complicated it doesn't have as big a potential for causing confusion with the game.

It wouldn't be too hard to make one either since there is a trainer for the Wii in development.


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2007
cort/whomever from luelinks stop modding my posts.

edit: or i will call chet and cry to him wahhh


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
This is looking nice. I'd pay cash for this. Although personally, the only thing that really needs to be done to fix the game is removal of tripping and more hitstun. The rest is nice but is personally not necessary [even though L-Cancel is so pretty, and some stuff that's annoying still exists]. Might be more necessary than I think though, I know SSB did fine with less gravity but there was no DI there anyways, and I might have forgotten some of the goals you made.

This will require a modified Wii? There was something about an unmodified Wii hookup in the FAQ but I don't really understand it. Could this also be made to have a homebrew running online Melee? [an easier method than running a game and going through a strange setup with an altered Gamecube every time].

The bell is about to ring so I am not really thinking things through, so eh.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
About /v/

The problem is, and few understand this, is why the heck are you guys trying to recreate Brawl rather then play it. There is potential to Brawl and if need be I can show it (have to find it again). Again, if you want to play Melee, play Melee. Brawl is what it is. It has it's flaws but so does Melee. Someone put it best by saying
Anyone who posts needs to read wind owls post. i swear, the next scrub who posts saying, "GO PLEH MELEE U HAXXORZ!!1!" i will beat your head in with a bat. -_-
Go play Melee.

Seriously. All of you go away and play Melee and let the people who actually like Brawl play Brawl.

This is the very reason why the internet hates Smashboards. It's stupid. You guys like Melee more. I could see reason in that. But all of you come onto a BRAWL BOARD and say Brawl sucks and then try to make Brawl Melee (and chances aren't good this will work).

Here's an alternative. Instead of wasting your time complaining, why don't you guys try to make Brawl competitive. It can be. Trust me. Melee and Brawl aren't that much different so I know that it can be. Just because you can't do the things from Melee doesn't make it any less competitive.

So, two options.
1)Train in Brawl, win tournaments and help the community rather then hurting it
2)Go play Melee.

Wind Owl

Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2008
Suburbs of Philadelphia, PA
Yes because reading comprehension is really difficult. /sarcasm

Seriously its freaking ridiculous, especially when I bolded several parts of my psots so people wouldn't get lost and start placing ideas that aren't my own.
Never knew that disagreeing with an opinion would mean you're a troll.
My reading comprehension is perfectly adequate, thank you. It wasn't that I didn't understand your posts, it was that it was a chore to read them due to the lack of spacing, capitalization, and punctuation, and that they went on for pages about nothing. You were debating about whether 1+1=2 and whether 0.999... = 1 in a thread about hacking Brawl. Don't you think it was even a little off-topic?

In any case, you appear to be actually contributing to the topic now and I appreciate that.

Thingy Person

Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2007
Go play Melee.

Seriously. All of you go away and play Melee and let the people who actually like Brawl play Brawl.

This is the very reason why the internet hates Smashboards. It's stupid. You guys like Melee more. I could see reason in that. But all of you come onto a BRAWL BOARD and say Brawl sucks and then try to make Brawl Melee (and chances aren't good this will work).

Here's an alternative. Instead of wasting your time complaining, why don't you guys try to make Brawl competitive. It can be. Trust me. Melee and Brawl aren't that much different so I know that it can be. Just because you can't do the things from Melee doesn't make it any less competitive.

So, two options.
1)Train in Brawl, win tournaments and help the community rather then hurting it
2)Go play Melee.
Why would your take on Brawl's competitveness end the dispute? Do you even know how much this has been debated?
You tell them to go play Melee, even though there will barely be any large tournament hosting it. You're all forced to play Brawl if you want to make your stay worthwhile. In my opinion, you're just deluding yourself if you persist that Brawl is just as competitive as Melee. So why not make it more competitive and use Melee as a model?
Besides, it's not like all the new characters and stages (also gwafix) are completely negligable. You'd feel left out, wouldn't you?
let the people who actually like Brawl play Brawl.
...wha? Go to Brawl 1 tourneys then?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2008
North Carolina
Don't like it, don't play with us. Your negativity is unwarranted and childish.

We play the game how we want, and you play the game how you want, if that concept is too hard for you to grasp then maybe you don't belong here.
I'll admit, I enjoyed Melee, ALOT. But I didn't pay 50 bucks to buy a melee expansion pack. I was expecting A BRAND NEW GAME, and I got it. Seriously, when SSB4 comes out, you will all moan about how it isn't like Melee. Same with SSB5. What makes me mad is that you all really do BELIEVE Smash was made for tournies. I know beliefs really can't be right or wrong, but I'll say this, that belief is just simply wrong, there is no other way around it, it's been stated by Sakurai himself, and you can't tell me you know more about Smash then Sakurai, even if he does favor the oh-so-hated "casuals".

You all just set up disapointment for yourselves, thinking Sakurai was going to make a "hardcore" game for the friggen Wii. Also, hacking a game is not how you are supposed to play it, sorry, hate to bust your bubble, but it's true. Anyway, this doesn't matter, since you won't be able to play Brawl anyway due to Nintendo bricking your Wii due to system update. Then I'll sit back and watch how you all complain how it's Nintendo's fault.

Thingy Person

Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2007
Right, remind me to look at their usernames first.
It's always amazed me how trolls succeed at holding up their act. They must be terrible people in person.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
I'll admit, I enjoyed Melee, ALOT. But I didn't pay 50 bucks to buy a melee expansion pack. I was expecting A BRAND NEW GAME, and I got it. Seriously, when SSB4 comes out, you will all moan about how it isn't like Melee. Same with SSB5. What makes me mad is that you all really do BELIEVE Smash was made for tournies. I know beliefs really can't be right or wrong, but I'll say this, that belief is just simply wrong, there is no other way around it, it's been stated by Sakurai himself, and you can't tell me you know more about Smash then Sakurai, even if he does favor the oh-so-hated "casuals".

You all just set up disapointment for yourselves, thinking Sakurai was going to make a "hardcore" game for the friggen Wii. Also, hacking a game is not how you are supposed to play it, sorry, hate to bust your bubble, but it's true. Anyway, this doesn't matter, since you won't be able to play Brawl anyway due to Nintendo bricking your Wii due to system update. Then I'll sit back and watch how you all complain how it's Nintendo's fault.
That's great! Tell /v/ we said "hi," will ya?

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Yeah, like hell I go to that cesspit. I'm amazed at how good and constructive your rebutals are (and the other people here, amazing arguments like "troll" or "if u dun liek it, don't play wit us big meanie :*( ). Nice argument btw.
You actually have no arguement. Your arguement "Is go back to Melee cause Brawl players don't want to see other people playing a modded game =("

BAWWWWWWWWWW someone doesn't like my game why do they have to mess with it my poor game.

Edit: LOL at "you people believe that Sakurai made smash for tournies" good job. The gimpy thread "Sakurai doesn't want smash to be competitive" and everyone agreeing must have not been seen. If you wanted a new game, go buy a new game outside the series (using your very bad logic).

Wind Owl

Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2008
Suburbs of Philadelphia, PA
DragonBlade, have you considered making an IRC channel or a forum for this project? It would probably greatly reduce or eliminate the trolling and allow people to collaborate ideas much better than a single thread.

Thingy Person

Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2007
By the way:
1) Video plox? Have you made enough progress to show something?
2) Do other people have this and are they looking for the debug menu?


Smash Rookie
Apr 10, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Seriously, u guys have the worst logic ever. You tell us that we shouldnt tell you that you have to play a modded game (which we are not making you do), and then you tell us that OUR favorite way of playing the game is incorrect. All of you against this profect are hipocryts, We'll play how we want and you can play how u want!!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2006
Boston, MA
I'm down with this modded Brawl thing, it sounds like it could make the game fun again.

I don't care what anyone's arguing about in this thread, I just wanna show my support for the hacking attempt.
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