I really want Assist Trophies completely omitted from next Smash-installment. Especially if it meant spending resources on something more substantial to the core gameplay or features.
Their presence in Smash has often been notable only during speculation-era as it's mainly focused on fan favorite requests either getting to be celebrated for getting Sakurai's attention for getting in, or mourned on them getting passed over the roster, some more than once. And then they kind of vanish from any further presece than that as the very function of ATs is linked solely on the casual ecosystem of Smash, which is generally not the one focused on during most of official Nintendo tournaments, and especially competitive scene.
I've long been pretty unimpressed about ATs trying to be these strange alternative take on more naturally sensible concept of Pokeballs as items and trying to pay tribute to Nintendo's lesser-known IPs or fan favorite requests in the mix of NPC characters that fit the AT-role perfectly for how little character they have at base (like, a Hammer Bro). With how the focus is always going to be on the playable roster and how Whispy Woods or Randall the Cloud having more history and presence with hardcore Melee-fans through them being inseparable from it's competitive stages, has made me realize how just lacking ATs' presence in Smash-series is comparison after all these years.
Two ways could be gone about changing this:
- Keep the ATs as is, but go remove requested characters from both featured series (i.e Waluigi, Lyndis, Midna) or C-List Nintendo-games (i.e Isaac, Takamaru) entirely from the Assist-lineup, and concentrate mainly on NPCs or weird iconography from Nintendo's history instead to bring in mayhem based specifically on how they functioned in their games (I.E Mario-enemies, Kawasaki, Dr.Kawashima, etc). The ATs now feel more consistent on what kind of characters it brings out to help you alongside cutting off a major source of bummery to fans of often-recurring Assists.
(Trust me, you won't notice them missing - I certainly didn't with either Isaac in SSB4 or Saki Amamiya in Ultimate.)
- The Assists are instead reworked to become more integral to the overall gameplay - like an assist system inspired by the Capcom's Versus-games, This would allow them to be participate more with the active demographic and even give them moments to shine through cool tactics competitive players could do with them, making them more actively notable and spoken in Smash-fanbase overall.
Would generally lead less to this kinda humor too as Assist become more integral to the main game than before as possible extensions of possibilities for the playable characters.
Weirdest thing still to think about that, just having him be there to possibly get beaten by him. Maybe should have brought in Morgan instead...