Straight white male here about to chime in an opinion on this thread and point out some gripes I have with some arguments a few pages ago but first; I'd like to share some female characters that I would personally love to see and why. Long post incoming.
Lara Croft. A pipe dream for me. I grew up playing her games a lot in the 90's on my PS1 alongside the Spyro trilogy and FFVII. Her iconisism (is this not a word, spell check?) is nothing to scoff at and I think she would make a great addition to the roster. Her resume consists of film adaptations, comics and novels too. Arguing about the justifications of her inclusion would be very silly. I can't really say much else about her and Tomb Raider as a whole. She's pretty self-explanatory.
Terra Branford from FFVI. Now, VII is my favourite FF game and no doubt a game that should always be brought up in any discussion related to "The Greatest Game of All Time". However, a lot of people in the FF community seem to have the unanimous feeling that VI is the greatest FF. If that's not the case, we can all definitely agree that it is amazing and one of the best FF's. The story, the characters, the idea of implementing steam-punk inspired environments for the first time in FF was revolutionary, that is until VII went full on cyber-punk but we can't ignore VI for the impact it had on the series too. Terra is easily one of the best protagonists in FF. Her moveset potential is endless and could be easily implemented while still avoiding the anime-swordsmen stereotype. Esper Final Smash anyone? Yes please. Alt skin with green hair? Yes please. Clouds logo just being 'FF' as opposed to using the meteor was weird to me. I always felt the meteor would have been the best logo for Cloud if he's going to be the only FF character, but using the 2 F's feels like it could open the door for other FF protags. Lightning would be cool too I guess, but Terra's character and game is way way better. She should be the first one to consider if they ever do put in another FF protag in the future imo.
Velvet Crowe from Tales of Berseria. She's way cooler than Lloyd but CERO won't like that I bet. I just enjoyed her character arc more than Lloyds, and Velvets moveset would be a lot less likely to fall under the anime-swordsman stereotype considering she does a lot of kicks and has a demon arm. Her sword isn't even a sword tbh. It's a retractable blade attached to her wrist that she really only uses like, 10% of the time maybe. Alloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn would be great too. XenoSaga is a good time and when KOSMOS's name started coming up I was all "that'd be pree tight tbh". Hell, I'll even be happy with Lollipop Chainsaw. I liked that game.
All that being said though, I don't support these women because they have a vagina. I don't care about gender when it comes to supporting anything. I support them because they have merit and merit will always come before gender in my eyes because I like equality and I fully support equity. A lot of them have a long lasting history in the gaming industry while new ones like Celeste or Horizon are just coming onto the scene with some amazing games and making gamers play in awe. Now, I don't mind if people want to support female characters because they're females mostly due to the fact that I don't really give a **** about what other people want, if I may be blunt. That's your decision and you're entitled to it. I would say, just be careful about that. With today's political awkward stigma of race or gender, it's easy for someones opinions to either stem from or turn into absolute pettiness. I know everyone here means well and all our hearts are in the right places, but let's face it; you can't please everyone. We don't live in a perfect world. So far based on the DLC we've receieved thus far, it's quite evident that Nintendo and Sakurai are definately going with the merits of characters. Nothing else. Terry and Hero are the best examples of this with Terry representing series' like KoF or the other FF that are practically synonymous with the fighting game genre regardless of how well they are known or not, and DQ just being a big fukken deal in Japan.
The one thing about this thread that has really upset me though is how quick we have been to dismiss Kazooie. Last I checked, Kazooie is:
- a character in a video game
- a female
- and part of a duo, hence the announcer saying "Banjo & Kazooie" and not just "Banjo"
You can't have Banjo without Kazooie and vice versa, unless it's Diddy Kong Racing but DKR was released while BK was still in development, so it was only in due time that the conception of Kazooie would approach and the 2 would be known as a duo. As partners. As BFF's. Kazooie in BK has just as much dialogue as anyone else in the games, a lot of moments in scenes and is an integral part to their moveset, probably more than Banjo but who's keeping track? I'd also argue that she's the one character in the series that has the most personality. She's got a lotta sass and ain't afraid to speak her mind. Kazooie is dope as hell and my favourite BK character. If she doesn't count to you, then we will just have to disagree because she counts to me and she counts to a lot of people I talk to about Smash whether it's online or irl that also grew up loving BK, men and women alike. She's more than just a tool and it's unfair to just treat her as one. I know a lot of these points have already been driven home, but to say non of them are true or that any of these points don't matter is incredibly disingenuous.
In short, I support a lot of female characters but I cannot support this #UltimateDLCsoMale hashtag because I believe that it's further from the truth. It's kind of funny to me that people can be so quick to support something like this while suppressing Kazooie's participation in the DLC. It's ironic, innit? Just because she doesn't fit your quota of female representation in DLC, doesn't make her any less of a female character in the DLC we've gotten so far.