To my understanding, it’s not connected. As some of the “good mods” are saying, they didn’t know it was happening and the Faygo ban was “unfortunate timing”.
Until we have the facts of that, we have to try and find a path to...some sort of peace, whether it’s locking it temporarily or...I don’t even know.
What a day.
EDIT: While I don’t even know if I want to know who the alts are, I feel like I have a responsibility to know.
I’d like to apologize, not for any particular people but just that adults that are supposed to protect kids instead take advantage of them. I devote my career to helping students who live in poverty, and face so many different things everyday.
For somebody to legitimately prey on young people on a site they visit because of a ****ing video’s calculated.
I can’t possibly imagine what that feels like. But there are people who could be considered “adults” that do care about you guys. Don’t forget that.