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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Holy **** the new star vs was insane and so messed up.

Also if the setup they have for the ending actually happens then damn it’s going to be depressing


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Do we really need another one?

Also, CannonStreak CannonStreak , do you still think the google theory makes sense? because if so i can show you something.
As much as I want it to be true, I am going to have to say no. I mean, I don't see how some Google thing can confirm or leak such characters correctly by itself, and I do think some are overreacting to or looking deeply into this.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
As much as I want it to be true, I am going to have to say no. I mean, I don't see how some Google thing can confirm or leak such characters correctly by itself, and I do think some are overreacting to or looking deeply into this.
Ah ok. And yeah im sure overreaction is part of it, or wanting it to be true. It wouldn't be the first time people have made all kinds of connections, right Wademan94 Wademan94 ?

Well, i will say sometimes it's entertaining to see people follow those trails tho. I just like to see other stuff too ;p


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Ah ok. And yeah im sure overreaction is part of it, or wanting it to be true. It wouldn't be the first time people have made all kinds of connections, right Wademan94 Wademan94 ?

Well, i will say sometimes it's entertaining to see people follow those trails tho. I just like to see other stuff too ;p
...What’s that supposed to mean?

Sans would be super lightweight, super floaty, yet have incredibly strong attacks.
So a glass cannon basically?
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Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Ah ok. And yeah im sure overreaction is part of it, or wanting it to be true. It wouldn't be the first time people have made all kinds of connections, right Wademan94 Wademan94 ?

Well, i will say sometimes it's entertaining to see people follow those trails tho. I just like to see other stuff too ;p
Yeah, I am not holding my breath. In fact, when someone on the Banjo topic said the Google theory is looking more likely, I asked for evidence, because I am not going to simply believe them on that matter, especially on something related to the likes of Google, which can only tell me so much.

I should try to control my emotions more, but if the theory is false and we get someone other guys at E3, I'm gonna be watching the reaction to those who believed the Google leak with popcorn and enjoy it.

You can show me whatever it is you were going to show me, though. I am now interested.

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
So to build off the question posed earlier, what kind of archetype do you guys would suit or what to see on your most wanted newcomers?
Adeleine would be one of those characters who are about taking control of the stage by placing traps and stuff (are they called "zoners" am I right?). Kinda similar to Villager, but a bit more Ness/Lucas too. She would also kinda be a glass cannon, powerful attacks but weak/easy to kill.

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
So to build off the question posed earlier, what kind of archetype do you guys would suit or what to see on your most wanted newcomers?
Both Layton and Phoenix would probably be real gimmicky.

I image Layton would be more a trapper character with a focus on spacing the enemy, while Phoenix would be about items and powering up kind of like having his own personal Dragoon that you have to get all the evidence together for a super attack.
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Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
Both Layton and Phoenix would probably real gimmicky.

I image Layton would be more a trapper character with a focus on spacing the enemy, while Phoenix would be about items and powering up kind of like having his own personal Dragoon that you have to get all the evidece together for a super attack.
I like the idea of a personal Dragoon, that's very original!
Maybe the "evidence" pieces drop from the opponent after a certain amount of damage... then you have to grab them in order to charge the move.
I'm not sure if other players should be able to grab them too or not.
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Ok. Well I'll just share it here for everyone CannonStreak CannonStreak

The thing about google ads is that they can sometimes link to other words too, and not because of nintendo or anyone else putting it in the ad campaign.
I found this image on twitter.

If it's right then someone searched for 'Freedom Cry' and it gave the same thing. And I would guess that there'd be a good amount of other words that could trigger it too.
It's not just random words, it's what would connect in the algorithm somehow.
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
So to build off the question posed earlier, what kind of archetype do you guys would suit or what to see on your most wanted newcomers?
Nakoruru would be a Rosalina/Luma type of fighter where she can use Mamahaha for both transportation and attacks.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
I've returned.

And I am stuffed full of probably the best steakhouse steak I've ever had.

So now that I'm sitting here with this big dumb grin on my face.

What'd I miss.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Ok. Well I'll just share it here for everyone CannonStreak CannonStreak

The thing about google ads is that they can sometimes link to other words too, and not because of nintendo or anyone else putting it in the ad campaign.
I found this image on twitter.

If it's right then someone searched for 'Freedom City' and it gave the same thing. And I would guess that there'd be a good amount of other words that could trigger it too.
It's not just random words, it's what would connect in the algorithm somehow.
Now this is interesting. Looks like some may be putting too much stock in the theory after all, or, not to call them dumb, for they are not, but they don't seem to understand how Google ads seem to work. Looks like there is more to this than what those who believe in the theory may think, no offense to them, of course.

Tots Woz

Hey y'all, Scott here!
May 8, 2019
Where the party is at!
Alright bruhs. I finished Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Tots Woz Tots Woz Pyra Pyra @Mythra @Zeke The Zekenator, you all might be interested in seeing this.

Without giving spoilers, here are my general thoughts. Gonna keep it balanced by giving one pro and one con

  • The game was bloody massive. The open world aspect of this game can honestly be pretty breathtaking. A variety of enemies (with sometimes varying level curves) populate every continent. It felt like a breathing ecosystem, which was cool except when I got lost. Shoutouts to Tantal and Uraya.
  • Field skills for blades were annoying. Blocking off areas because I didn't bother with this mechanic was intrusive, especially when it was for mandatory progression. This didn't really add anything positive to the experience.
  • The soundtrack is amazing and can really elevate scenes. Friendship, for example, makes me feel emotions, which is a good example of the power of music.
  • The voice acting is not amazing, and that's being nice.
  • I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the characterization of each party member. Felt like breathing people at the end of the day, even Rex of all characters. I thought I'd go in not liking Rex but something about him made me want to cheer for him. He goes through ups and downs, and he typically had to earn his respect for the most part. Heart-to-heart conversations were also endearing too. Shoutout to Morag for setting a fish on fire.
  • Some character designs are weird, and you know which ones I'm talking about. By all means, they mean nothing when you actually play the game, but I'll definitely have to convince people to look beyond them for future reference. This is mostly frivolous because the characters themselves were well done--except Tora. The ****ing robot had more characterization than him.
  • Combat's pretty engaging throughout. It is one of the few times where I can genuinely say the combat in the RPG progressively got better as I continued through the game. It encourages experimentation and is satisfying to pull off. Especially after Chapter 7. (Will go into that in the spoilers section.)
  • Combat's also a pain to learn starting off. The tutorial for controls really needed to be more streamlined. For one, actually make a tutorial that I can reference back to in the pause menu. I can go more indepth but that will require me to think of ways to improve the system.
  • Story was good. I would say the character interactions were the most enjoyable part of it. Torna themselves were good antagonists because they were great at proving themselves as threats. Pyra was a great side character because she bounced off of Rex pretty well.
  • In general, I'm not appreciative at how gameplay and story can feel separated. I'll win a boss fight no problem but then the cutscene will show the boss is kicking my ***, or sometimes vice versa. Or in the cutscene, you'll see Pyra or Rex doing some crazy acrobatic **** but they're never going to pull that off once when I'm in control. It took me out of the conflict more often than not.
  • The blade focused combat was very interesting. I liked asigning blade to characters and seeing what kind of mechanics I could take advantage of. Like I gave Zeke enough blades to where he could topple, launch, and then smash whenever Nia started a driver combo. Taking advantage of blade combos for massive overkill chain attacks is also incredibly satisfying and shows how much I learned throughout the game.
  • Blades being assigned to only one character is intrusive design. Not so bad with common blades, but rare blades are when I get annoyed. If a healer blade just unfortunately goes onto Zeke, then that's really a waste of "good luck" unless I use the small and limited number of overdrive protocols.
That's it for general impressions. Let's get into late game because I wanna talk about that.
Endgame was pretty hype. The final dungeon hit all of the right marks when it came to atmosphere. The music was tense, the robot enemies made for imposing encounters--especially the motorcycles and giant ****ing mechs, and the reveal of the World Tree not being entirely organic built tension and concern throughout the trek.

Pneuma is ****ing awesome. She pretty much made late game combat bearable and satisfying. If she was the one who performed a chain attack finish, the enemy was crippled, if it survived to begin with. It was a satisfying mechanic and I loved doing it on the bosses and giant enemies.

Amalthus as a villain was eh. He made himself into a clear threat in Chapter 8, but I feel like they were info-dumping me over a character introduced halfway into the game. Would have been better if he was a presence throughout the very beginning. Maybe show him visiting Gormott or Uraya in Chapters 2 and 3. Establish his presence, influence, and heinous mindset early on so we can acknowledge him as a clear player in the story, like Torna. Oh well, he at least served a purpose with Malos. I legitimately liked the twist that the Aegis was actually a sentient data collector and that Malos was evil because Amalthus was evil. It made sense logically (because they were artificially created) and it made Malos's last minute turn to good not feel forced.

Speaking of Amalthus, the boss battle was pretty cool. You know that one hole he made when entering the room? That's actually a bottomless pit. On my third attempt, my blade combo knocked him into that hole, ending the battle immediately. That was so hilarious that I took a screenshot just to commemorate it. The tension was cut like a knife.

Damn does this game have good atmosphere. Elysium's reveal would not have been good without this unsettling piano track.

And the whole, "Hey the world ended and this is your second chance" twist was okay. These last three chapters did a bunch of storytelling without any cutscenes, I feel. When I made it to the Land of Morytha, I knew immediately something was off in this world. Clearly the world ended before the events of the game. Then Rex picked up an ID, hinting that these zombies were actually humans. Then the World Tree dungeon being completely manmade is ****ing cool, because it only added to the recent world building. You really get the feeling that Elysium is not what we think it is.

What sold it for me, though, was that I suddenly remembered that this is a sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles 1, and not in a cheap way. They don't retcon anything and the events of the apocalypse clearly took place centuries after whatever happened in the first game. (I didn't play XC1 so don't spoil or quote me on that.) What they did was use the art style from the first game for the designs of the humans before the Cloud Sea!

Like that is so cool! It really hammered in how this was a different world while also taking advantage of what was before it.

Anyways, the final fight with Malos was pretty hype. I went in with Rex, Tora, and Nia. All of them were at levels 68. Only thing I detest about the boss fight were the reinforcements. I can handle Siren Buster, I can handle Polling Sensor, but I can't handle both at once. That makes me lose the fight immediately. I could have level grinded, but I had **** to do so I just set the game to easy mode as my trump card. Get ****ed, Malos.

And Pyra's "death" was weird. Was it too hard for her to just tell Rex that she'll transfer her essence into him, and then leave a vessel to deal with Elysium? That felt needlessly emotional.

But I was happy that everything was sorted out. Good on Alrest, now don't **** it up again.

I wouldn't go back to this game ever again unless it's for Torna The Golden Country. It was a great time, but it took a lot out of me to marathon. There were a lot of inconveniences that I've already mentioned that added up for the 50+ hours I put into it, but there were also a lot of great things about it I enjoyed.

Final thoughts are that it's good.
Damn, I would've thought you finished it way later. Though, I'm glad another person has played -- what I'll call and defend -- this generation's best RPG. I'll chime in, too, since I just got off work. I think whether you hate or love Xenoblade Chronicles 2, we can all agree on one thing.

The fact that this game was made in a couple of years, with most of Monolith's team stolen by Nintendo to develop Breath of the Wild, with only 40ish people and developed on what essentially is mobile hardware is no short of technological brilliance.

I clicked the game back on for a few and still shocked how this game was even possible on the Switch in the first place. Granted, there are sometimes pop-in, but ONLY when you load in the game first or fast travel to another continent. That I mainly point at the technical constraints of the Switch itself. Other than that, they really made each area breathe and have actual population, which most RPGs sometimes don't even do. Now for the other stuff.
  • Yeah, Field Skills are sometimes a bit of a hit or miss, though at the least it gave another reason as for the blades to have purpose, aside from their own exclusive Blade Quest. I could honestly go either way with it.
  • I'll say this about the soundtrack. As much as the original Xenoblade Chronicles' soundtrack was ****ing godlike, when you get down to stuff like scene execution to fit with the emotion and writing, I can't help but feel Xenoblade Chronicles 2 does a MUCH better job at that, and that's not even talking about how almost flawless it is. A good example of what I mean is that some characters die in the original Xenoblade mid-game, but yet the music... doesn't feel like it was supposed to be the correct choice to fit with the writing and scenes. There are a good amount that do the opposite, don't get me wrong, but there are quite a few of that happening. XC2? Pretty much fixes this problem flawlessly, especially with your example of Elysium's reveal. The best example honestly has to be the music during the cutscene before Pyra/Mythra's true form awakens in Chapter 7 ALONE. (Plus, y'know... JOIN MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE)
  • Get ready for a hot take on the VA, cause honestly? It's the "Xenoblade Charm" and why honestly, I don't mind at all. There are voice acting-defining moments in the original, of course, but to be honest? If the original came out nowadays, there are DEFINTELY a good amount of blemishes. This goes both ways with the voice acting in XC2, too. But at the end of the day, with how the characters are written, I can't help but now think of those characters with those voices with how brilliant they're written. Nia will always be Welsh Catgirl, no matter how you spin it.
  • The character's writing is honestly something that doesn't get brought up enough. I genuinely feel that Rex has a lot of parallel's to RPG's greatest protagonist, Lucas from Mother 3. They both have a goal and are super dead set on it, but man do they go through a lot and, due to them also being young, have this real hardship and maturing path that not very many games in general can pull off. The Last of Us is a good example, but aside from that, can't really think of much.
  • I'm pretty much the same on some character's designs and feel the same way as I did about Field Skills. As someone who really isn't too much into anime nowadays, some characters definitely made me go "oh jeez/huh???/what the ****". But then you have to realize, there are branching skill trees, an entire blade quest and super helpful, if we're talking about the rare blades, so I didn't really mind once I got used to it.
  • Oh, if you didn't like how gameplay and story felt separating sometimes, get used to it when you play the original Xenoblade Chronicles, cause that also happens too, lmao. I do admit, though, there are SOME things I wished they had done with what you said above, but I can go either way, because then there are some INCREDIBLE moments to bounce off.
  • When it comes to the overall combat, I'll still say that it does a much better job of being interactive, engaging and provoking than the original Xenoblade Chronicles. Yeah, there are SOME exploits that you can find, but those are when you're super near in the endgame. A gripe I had with the OG Xenoblade is that once you just grind, find the correct ether crystals, just continue to mash building gems and find the best arts table, every boss almost becomes easy. XC2 fixes that and makes you think in and outside the box, and overall, becomes a much more balanced experience. However, I'll say that honestly, Monolith Soft doesn't do a good enough job at just doing tutorials, because they didn't do much for the OG Xenoblade and then they did a little too much for XC2, lmao.
As for spoiler territory for the endgame, and why those defining moments...

The entirety of Chapter 10 makes Xenoblade Chronicles 2 this generation's best RPG, hands ****ing down, and I will fight anyone on this.

As someone who dropped 170 hours on the original Xenoblade, you wouldn't believe how much of a mind**** the reveal Klaus was. All that time I had my jaw dropped, my mind kept on thinking "HOLY **** THEY'RE FINALLY EXPLAINING THE 7-YEAR OLD PLOT HOLE" it was a transcendent rollercoaster. And honestly, the whole moments during Pyra/Mythra's death made/and will make sense when you play the original Xenoblade. The fact that Pyra/Mythra, Malos and a VERY CERTAIN SOMEBODY hinted at from the original Xenoblade were all a part of the Aegis made sense, and made sense as to why the Beanstalk was so technologically advanced.

This whole chapter alone and leaving the Galea side-stuff as a cliffhanger, if you just cut Rex & Co., can really make for what could be the final mainline Xenoblade game, that being Xenoblade Chronicles 3. NO DOUBT they are going back to before Shulk and Rex's universe and make that whole story about Klaus, that's a whole can just waiting to be opened.

And I mean hey, at the end of Torna, when I saw that last screen, I broke the **** down crying, but that doesn't mean the base endgame got me tearin' up, too. The music, execution, every single ****ing thing about the First Low Orbit Station and even the leadup with the previous chapters made it so good. And man, the Elysium reveal. ****. Me.

I really do implore the thread to give it a shot instead of just focusing on the designs alone, because really, anyone here can also cherrypick just as much. And I'll still say that Sakurai and the dev team for Smash Ultimate really jipped us on Xenoblade content, even if they say "oh well the game was too late for our project plan," OKAY, BUT YET YOU CHOSE THREE SONGS AND NOT EVEN GET THE MOST WELL KNOWN SONG FROM XC2? AND MISS OUT ON OTHER AMAZING TRACKS TOO???

Anyways yeah, I give this game a broken marriage/10.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Mind if I ask what you’re listening to?
My mom was just playing a song from 2013 in the other room, and I remember when I first heard her play it. And it makes me realize that all those good memories are already half a decade old and they're never coming back and then I start thinking about my own mortality and it gets weird

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
Something that I noticed, maybe it's nothing but...
Both the Grinch and the Google leaks came out in a time when we were expecting actual news in a short time... Now we are about 30 days before E3, the Grinch Leak was close to the release of the game/final Smash Direct.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Dang... this google ad "leak" is turning into a sorta diet Grinch Leak, isn't it?

I can't wait to see the chaos once Erdrick gets revealed at e3
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Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Something that I noticed, maybe it's nothing but...
Both the Grinch and the Google leaks came out in a time when we were expecting actual news in a short time... Now we are about 30 days before E3, the Grinch Leak was close to the release of the game/final Smash Direct.
I think I see your point. Maybe kinda, but when E3 comes close, there is a chance that it will show characters different from the leaks. Plus, if I have this down right, people might have long changed their minds or have second thoughts before E3 comes long after the time those leaks first came out. If I have this down right, the leaks may not be as strong as they used to be.
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