As much as I feel like there is the possibility of no children, "Time" is involved apparently, when you look at how the protagonist can manipulate time with the Mila Wheel-like mechanic and whatnot. Knowing the possibility, we could always end up in the future at some point and see our student's kids.
Most likely talking about Emiya Alter, where people are ticked for him being lightened, saying his skin was a result of using his magic circuits so much,
DESPITE the fact that his artist even admitted that he was meant to look like a specific kind of prisoner
And Even regretted it later. And it was definitely certified more in the JP version, when Tamamo Cat even calls him "Detroit" Emiya(Over here, Tamamo Cat calls him Edgy Emiya/Edgymiya). Regardless, didn't stop some people from complaining and even using Assassin Emiya as a reason why he shouldn't have been changed.
That being said, there were people who did want Emiya Alter to be lightened/changed. However, some thought the main concern was his lips, as they were still rather whitened even after the recolor. So some people were disappointed when it was just his skin that was lightened and that the lips weren't changed, but as some people pointed that it's possible that they weren't allowed to change his lips, for some reason.
Some people thought he was even lighter than Emiya at one point, but as it was revealed, they actually made his tan the exact same color as regular Emiya, so some people's thoughts did die down once that was cleared.
That said, I don't have a problem with the lightened color, because honestly, if they were thinking about bringing Grand Order to the West when Alter was being made, they should've thought ahead at how people in the West would've reacted. The fact that the artist regretted drawing him like that later is another point against it.
Anyway, they did mention that there is another character being censored. Abigail Williams. Most likely her 3rd Ascension and maybe her 2nd Ascension. - Linking due to Lots of skin.
It really doesn't take rocket science to know Why she's being censored(although it furthers the question of why wasn't Assassin Jack the Ripper censored), especially when she's Part Lovecraftian Entity.