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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
I should have not listed that there when I was encouraging you, I feel like a jerk for doing that.
I just want to let you know, I really like you. You are relaxing and you get through the hardest times. I never beat your Dark Samus as of now.
Nah, don't feel bad. I appreciate your enthusiasm. As someone whose writing hasn't been public for a while, and whose last public writing work didn't receive much direct feedback, it's nice to have someone waiting for something of mine!

Well you're pretty good at the game yourself, so eventually you'll probably take a game from me. Though I do plan on training with Dark Samus, once I know how to train with her


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
This just in, my uncle Best Buy says that the Erdrick is not a DLC fighter and is, instead, a stage hazard on Square World, Square’s answer to the current lack of representation by meticulously combining elements from their stand-out titles.

As for the fighter itself, it is the Onion Knight.
**** if he changed into other classes mid combat, it would be the hypest **** ever.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
**** if he changed into other classes mid combat, it would be the hypest **** ever.
Since I haven’t really played the final fantasies I had to do some research to make that ****post and ended up finding my preferred FF rep lol


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Just so you know, these tweets should be taken into consideration...

For all we know, this could be misinformation up at corporate at best, or some pusbag under their employ pulling a prank at worst.
If Best Buy was going to leak yet another thing about Nintendo... I swear.

Deleted member

Armor: A heavy protective suit that covers a lot of your body, which will protect you from harmful objects hitting your skin. You will generally be slow, but much more of a tank.

View attachment 204091
Being real for a second, I had no idea the female Warrior class design from Dokapon Kingdom was based off of Dragon Quest until recently. That's so cool.

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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Broke: Thinking Joker stole Waluigi’s invitation

Woke: Realising he stole it from an Animal Crossing character since he’s the only one not from that series to have a physical invitation in his reveal.

Deleted member

Love the new thread title, finally Nintendo has actual competition regarding Directs.

Deleted member

Good night, everyone.
May tommorow be a good day, an thank you all for the compliments!


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
It's crazy how fast this thread moves sometimes...

It's great to see, though, especially with how wholesome and kindly everyone's being to one and other lately.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
We only have two snippets of info of Best Buy Direct and yet this is already better at the format than State of the Play :dazwa:


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Unsurprising choice in armor design there.
You don’t understand
Enemies are courteous and don’t hit women in the midriff, so this is economical and saves money in the long run because these types of armor costs less in material.

Deleted member

I kind of want to rewrite my Essay on Geno to include points for and against him as I realize it's a pretty biased and messy essay which I could've done better but I don't really have any inspiration to do that right now.

The Sole reason I did it in the first place was mostly cause the Geno Thread was in a bad place at the time and I wanted to cheer them up so I don't know what to do now.
That's nice to hear, take your time and I feel that you can deliver a good argument with good points for him.

Nice, have fun.
And getting gil stolen a few times

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Late but heartfelt compliment and thanksgiving post. If you're not mentioned, it's nothing personal at all. Everyone here is cool and awesome. These are just my personal thoughts, in no particular order.

@staindgrey - It's always been an absolute pleasure having you around. You bring both maturity and silliness to the thread when appropriate, and it's always enjoyable seeing you around. Your great sense of humor is frequently apparent. Not only that, but your determination in the face of difficult conditions, both in Smash and in real life, are incredibly admirable. You handle the challenges life throws at you with patience, maturity, and diligence, not letting your emotions compromise your judgment, and that's a major virtue. And your determination to improve at Smash is great, even in spite of your struggle finding a character. On top of this, you're also incredibly passionate about your YouTube series, which you've put a lot of love into. When stories like Undertale make commentary on the value of determination, you're the kind of guy they're talking about. I only wish I had more Resident Evil experience to compare with you. Maybe when this nightmare of a month is over, we can play Operation Raccoon City or something idk

Noipoi Noipoi - I originally knew you as a silly artist several months ago, but came to become more familiar with your commentary and personality, as well as your talents. In addition, your youthful enthusiasm, creativity, and kindness are all a treasure, and you should never let that go. Keep honing your crafts and you'll go far!

@ShinyLegendary - Similarly, your youthful passion about things is a joy to see. And while you acknowledge that you struggle with some things, your openness to feedback and growth mean that you're already on your way to maturing and improving yourself to become a better you

Zinith Zinith - You almost singlehandedly got a man who's never played a Yoshi game before to buy a $60 Yoshi game on release last week. Your enthusiasm for the character has rubbed off on me and gotten me to appreciate him in a whole new way :yoshi:

Pyra Pyra - I don't interact with you too much in particular, but I often mistake your "Writing Team" credit for a moderator role, given your almost fatherly concern over the state of this silly thread. You're willing to speak out if things go too far, and I respect that courage and sensibility. You seem like the kind of person who would make a great leader of some kind

Moydow Moydow - Thanks for all the arenas! You're an incredibly skilled player and it's always intimidating to face you. I'm also still sorry about that Dedede match

Cyn Cyn - Thanks for being a great admin and managing and participating in this madness. Your ability to not only help run the board, but participate in the community with fun and creativity is awesome. Also, I keep confusing your name with Zidane from Final Fantasy, despite not knowing anything about the character besides the name, or knowing much about FF at all

NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy - A man of many gifs, you tend to start a lot of interesting discussions, and are just very friendly and enthusiastic in general. Glad to have you around!

@osby - I remember loving your participation in other threads last year, though you haven't participated too much in recent months, apparently due to some IRL issues, I recall. I'm hoping that things get better for you, and that someday soon you'll be able to fully rejoin us in discussions and... what passes for discussions sometimes

Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom - You're not around often, but I'm impressed by your career as a teacher in Japan and role as a husband and father. Some of your insights into Japanese society and culture are really fascinating. Also, you're a fellow Tali-lover, so that's always grabbed my attention

@faygoshill - You bring a lot of joy and goofiness to the thread with a consistency and speed that confounds me. Your ****posting abilities are legendary

@The Gentlepanda - I don't know who the hell Edea is but I'll never not think of you when I hear that name. At times you're on par with faygo when it comes to cracking jokes with great timing

Idon Idon - I don't know much about SMT or DMC (yet), but you're fun to interact with and your Ike game is scary good

@PsySmasher - You're also really damn good at Smash, and it's fun sparring against you in arenas when I get the chance!

@Arigarmy - Your snark can either be hit or miss, but your personality is still a fun one to have around, and your Jojo expertise is impressive

@TotsBS - I have no idea what your deal is with the Scott stuff, but your posts and contributions to discussions are interesting and entertaining

@AndreaAC - I see you lurkin' in here sometimes. But I also know you from the Ridley thread, and your art and enthusiasm are great!

@Cosmic77 - I also know you from the Ridley thread, and when you pop in here, your posts are a great contribution to the discussion

@Lollipopped - From one somewhat obscure character-lover to another, I always found your love of Pink Gold Peach to be heavily intriguing. Now when I play Mario Kart 8, I can't not think of you when I see her.

@Mr. Wario - Your signature is super adorable, and your contributions to discussion are often fun to read

@Cutie Gwen Hinata Hinata @Shishœ - It's fun to have you gals around and sharing your unique interests and commentary. Even if I don't interact with any of you directly, I tend to find your discussions and posts to be entertaining or informative

@KMDP Wademan94 Wademan94 @tehponycorn - I had a blast talking with you guys about writing last week. I very rarely get the opportunity to discuss writing with other writers, so it was very exciting to me when we had a conversation about our work and processes. I'm always up for any further discussions!

@JDCabrera - As one Godzilla fan to another, you've got my respect. Beyond that, I appreciate your earnestness and simple enthusiasm that you're never afraid to show

And just a general thanks to all of you. I've been on internet forums since I was 13/14 years old. Boy was I embarrassing back then. But I've always tried to find a nice forum to frequent over the years, drifting from one to the other, but they all dried up or closed down over the years (lookin' at you, MetroidDatabase). I don't like Discord servers or subreddits. They're not great for discussion or getting to know people.

When I joined here last year in June, I only expected to discuss technical and speculative Smash stuff. I never imagined there'd be a goofy thread. Even if I don't have anything to particularly contribute to the discussion, I enjoy checking in and seeing you all. It's nice to have a little, supportive community that can bond around common interests and some humor.

Especially a community that can put up with the profuse amount of words that just fall out of my mouth on a day to day basis.


Up next, I guess: How not to write a 159 page pilot script...?
That’s what I love about this community. Regardless of where we come from, our beliefs, unbringing, and lifestyles - we are united by Smash. It’s great to have a place like SB to come to and to talk about our love of the game.

I do love the fact you are a Dark Samus fan. As the owner of the Smash 4 Dark Samus thread, it saddened to see she got in as a Assist Trophy. Seeing you post reminds me she finally got in ;)

Deleted member

Not sure. Think a bunch of caffeine I drank over the course of the day caught up with me while taking a hot bath so I feel a bit nauseous and remember why I stopped drinking soda to begin with
Pray ya feel better, friend.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Now that I’m back home from work and relaxed a bit more, might was well post some more wholesome art, Persona 5 edition:

There was a problem fetching the tweet
There was a problem fetching the tweet


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
What if both The Link To The Past and Link's Awakening are being remade and sold in one package. Remember when it was thought that only FFX was getting remastered but then it was later revealed X-2 was being included as well.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Not wanting to forget people and cause upset is the whole reason why I didn't mention anyone in particular and settled for just saying everyone is cool instead. :p


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Not wanting to forget people and cause upset is the whole reason why I didn't mention anyone in particular and settled for just saying everyone is cool instead. :p
Nice new avatar.
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