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Social Ultimate Social Thread: Under Construction. Be Back Soon!

What are you most excited about for E3?

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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
First we had a good few hours of wholesomeness, and now we're talking about true, actual speculation.

The future of the Ultimate Social Thread looks bright.


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
First we had a good few hours of wholesomeness, and now we're talking about true, actual speculation.

The future of the Ultimate Social Thread looks bright.
If there's no direct this week:


EDIT: Don't you just love it when an image fails to load?
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Deleted member

First we had a good few hours of wholesomeness, and now we're talking about true, actual speculation.

The future of the Ultimate Social Thread looks bright.
These first two days of April were better than the entire month of March.

Deleted member

@ShinyLegendary - Similarly, your youthful passion about things is a joy to see. And while you acknowledge that you struggle with some things, your openness to feedback and growth mean that you're already on your way to maturing and improving yourself to become a better you
Aww, thank you! You are a person who wants to help others and despite your struggles, you pull through pretty well. Also your Dark Samus is super good.
Last edited by a moderator:


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Now I’ve gotta
Late but heartfelt compliment and thanksgiving post. If you're not mentioned, it's nothing personal at all. Everyone here is cool and awesome. These are just my personal thoughts, in no particular order.

@staindgrey - It's always been an absolute pleasure having you around. You bring both maturity and silliness to the thread when appropriate, and it's always enjoyable seeing you around. Your great sense of humor is frequently apparent. Not only that, but your determination in the face of difficult conditions, both in Smash and in real life, are incredibly admirable. You handle the challenges life throws at you with patience, maturity, and diligence, not letting your emotions compromise your judgment, and that's a major virtue. And your determination to improve at Smash is great, even in spite of your struggle finding a character. On top of this, you're also incredibly passionate about your YouTube series, which you've put a lot of love into. When stories like Undertale make commentary on the value of determination, you're the kind of guy they're talking about. I only wish I had more Resident Evil experience to compare with you. Maybe when this nightmare of a month is over, we can play Operation Raccoon City or something idk

Noipoi Noipoi - I originally knew you as a silly artist several months ago, but came to become more familiar with your commentary and personality, as well as your talents. In addition, your youthful enthusiasm, creativity, and kindness are all a treasure, and you should never let that go. Keep honing your crafts and you'll go far!

@ShinyLegendary - Similarly, your youthful passion about things is a joy to see. And while you acknowledge that you struggle with some things, your openness to feedback and growth mean that you're already on your way to maturing and improving yourself to become a better you

@Zinith - You almost singlehandedly got a man who's never played a Yoshi game before to buy a $60 Yoshi game on release last week. Your enthusiasm for the character has rubbed off on me and gotten me to appreciate him in a whole new way :yoshi:

Pyra Pyra - I don't interact with you too much in particular, but I often mistake your "Writing Team" credit for a moderator role, given your almost fatherly concern over the state of this silly thread. You're willing to speak out if things go too far, and I respect that courage and sensibility. You seem like the kind of person who would make a great leader of some kind

@Moydow - Thanks for all the arenas! You're an incredibly skilled player and it's always intimidating to face you. I'm also still sorry about that Dedede match

Cyn Cyn - Thanks for being a great admin and managing and participating in this madness. Your ability to not only help run the board, but participate in the community with fun and creativity is awesome. Also, I keep confusing your name with Zidane from Final Fantasy, despite not knowing anything about the character besides the name, or knowing much about FF at all

@NonSpecificGuy - A man of many gifs, you tend to start a lot of interesting discussions, and are just very friendly and enthusiastic in general. Glad to have you around!

@osby - I remember loving your participation in other threads last year, though you haven't participated too much in recent months, apparently due to some IRL issues, I recall. I'm hoping that things get better for you, and that someday soon you'll be able to fully rejoin us in discussions and... what passes for discussions sometimes

@Venus of the Desert Bloom - You're not around often, but I'm impressed by your career as a teacher in Japan and role as a husband and father. Some of your insights into Japanese society and culture are really fascinating. Also, you're a fellow Tali-lover, so that's always grabbed my attention

@faygoshill - You bring a lot of joy and goofiness to the thread with a consistency and speed that confounds me. Your ****posting abilities are legendary

@The Gentlepanda - I don't know who the hell Edea is but I'll never not think of you when I hear that name. At times you're on par with faygo when it comes to cracking jokes with great timing

@Idon - I don't know much about SMT or DMC (yet), but you're fun to interact with and your Ike game is scary good

@PsySmasher - You're also really damn good at Smash, and it's fun sparring against you in arenas when I get the chance!

@Arigarmy - Your snark can either be hit or miss, but your personality is still a fun one to have around, and your Jojo expertise is impressive

@TotsBS - I have no idea what your deal is with the Scott stuff, but your posts and contributions to discussions are interesting and entertaining

@AndreaAC - I see you lurkin' in here sometimes. But I also know you from the Ridley thread, and your art and enthusiasm are great!

@Cosmic77 - I also know you from the Ridley thread, and when you pop in here, your posts are a great contribution to the discussion

@Lollipopped - From one somewhat obscure character-lover to another, I always found your love of Pink Gold Peach to be heavily intriguing. Now when I play Mario Kart 8, I can't not think of you when I see her.

@Mr. Wario - Your signature is super adorable, and your contributions to discussion are often fun to read

@Cutie Gwen Hinata Hinata @Shishœ - It's fun to have you gals around and sharing your unique interests and commentary. Even if I don't interact with any of you directly, I tend to find your discussions and posts to be entertaining or informative

KMDP KMDP @Wademan94 @tehponycorn - I had a blast talking with you guys about writing last week. I very rarely get the opportunity to discuss writing with other writers, so it was very exciting to me when we had a conversation about our work and processes. I'm always up for any further discussions!

@JDCabrera - As one Godzilla fan to another, you've got my respect. Beyond that, I appreciate your earnestness and simple enthusiasm that you're never afraid to show

And just a general thanks to all of you. I've been on internet forums since I was 13/14 years old. Boy was I embarrassing back then. But I've always tried to find a nice forum to frequent over the years, drifting from one to the other, but they all dried up or closed down over the years (lookin' at you, MetroidDatabase). I don't like Discord servers or subreddits. They're not great for discussion or getting to know people.

When I joined here last year in June, I only expected to discuss technical and speculative Smash stuff. I never imagined there'd be a goofy thread. Even if I don't have anything to particularly contribute to the discussion, I enjoy checking in and seeing you all. It's nice to have a little, supportive community that can bond around common interests and some humor.

Especially a community that can put up with the profuse amount of words that just fall out of my mouth on a day to day basis.


Up next, I guess: How not to write a 159 page pilot script...?
Ayy, you’re rad!


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
First we had a good few hours of wholesomeness, and now we're talking about true, actual speculation.

The future of the Ultimate Social Thread looks bright.

Time to ruin that by bringing the talk Im good for:


I like cars that turn left a lot

Deleted member

First we had a good few hours of wholesomeness, and now we're talking about true, actual speculation.

The future of the Ultimate Social Thread looks bright.
Pretty sure it'll spiral back into madness soon enough, but it sure is a nice change of pace.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I'm late but I do not caaaaaare
We complementing?
Luigi The President Luigi The President you're one of the most avid supporters of a character I've ever seen on the forums. I want Geno in to make you happy alone. Let alone all the other stuff he brings with him. You're a cool cat.
You've always been so down-to-earth and likable in my eyes; I often forget you're a mod, you're here so often and fit in so well. The fact that I can make someone as gnarly as yourself like Geno genuinely means a ton to me. Thank you a lot boss :")

I forgot to write about Luigi The President Luigi The President but you're also one of my best friends on the site. You're really cool, and it's a treat whenever you come around. You should seriously come back more often. We miss you ;(
Life's been kicking my ass especially my schedule but believe me I miss you guys (and you especially) a lot so I'm trying to come back more. How am I supposed to live without my TPC essays? I can't. Fun fact; you're the longest-standing friend I've made on this site (far back as 2014 when I was a little *******)...isn't that something fellas? Big <3's to you TPC always

Luigi The President Luigi The President - Dammit, someway somehow Geno will happen, but I do know one thing for sure, and that this site shouldn't take ya granted. Keep bein' the awesome you, and DAMMIT, COME BACK.
Geno partner in crime, your flair (dramatic flair!) in every post never ceases to amaze. Very few users are as non-controversial and just genuinely well-liked as you are in my eyes bro, never change.

Luigi The President Luigi The President do I even need to say why you’re cool?.
This is why you are my son, Noi son, I love u

As from me:

I can hardly remember what I had to eat today so I KNOW I'd leave some important people out, but a ton of you guys have left some sort of mark on me. Seriously. Whether it be through your perseverance in supporting a specific character, your genuine kindness to one as foolish as me, or even just some memorable memeposts you've made; if you're reading this, I can probably tell you a moment I recall from you in some way, shape or form. (test it if you want!) Love y'all a lot.

...now that's the wholesomeness you're getting from me see you rascals soon


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Pyra Pyra - I don't interact with you too much in particular, but I often mistake your "Writing Team" credit for a moderator role, given your almost fatherly concern over the state of this silly thread. You're willing to speak out if things go too far, and I respect that courage and sensibility. You seem like the kind of person who would make a great leader of some kind
Thank you, my friend.

Truth be told, I’ve been very inactive on the writing team... it probably says something I’ve only recently taken up even jokingly writing things, and it’s usually absurd fiction. They keep me around cause I’m funny, but I even stopped talking as much because I’ve started associating it with stress even though I’ve done virtually nothing. It’s one of the few things that I’ve been beating myself up over- which is why I’ve applied to mod/admin the forums, messaging Cyn Cyn in an attempt to keep in touch about it, all the while still kicking my own ass for being so pushy about it and not just waiting for something to happen
As many times as I’ve been told I’m totally fine I still feel lots of guilt about virtually everything I’ve tried to be a part of recently...

Ah, but I digress. I’m very happy you think that way of me!
In fact, before today I was under the impression I was mostly just here to make myself feel better but it is clear that I brighten many people’s day, and that in and of itself is pivotal in my fight against my self doubt and guilt.

Deleted member

Luigi The President Luigi The President
I know we do not know about each other that much, but I do remember when you had Miyamoto holding a Pikmin as an avatar for the longest time. Also, you are really funny and quite nice. You fit your role as "President of SmashBoards".


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
I think you may have mistaken me for Karn or Shiny. I haven't pulled out my Ike in ages.

Thanks for the mention though, you're fun to talk to, even if you did unwittingly steal the username I was about to switch to.
I just remember you using him a while ago, so it might not have been recent. But it was impressive, so I remembered it!

Oh... Really? Huh. Does this mean we're rivals now?


Aww, thank you! You are a person who wants to help others and despite your struggles, you pull through pretty well. Also your Dark Samus is super good.
Did you ever finish that Twilight Princess essay?
Unfortunately, no, but I will get to it eventually. I had to work on a pilot script, which I finally finished last week and ended up being 85 pages. After that, I had to work on this thesis project that I'm still not entirely done with and is an absolute nightmare. I didn't anticipate all of this to take so long and be so difficult. Once I'm done with it, though, I'll work on my TP essay/script.

Deleted member

I kind of want to rewrite my Essay on Geno to include points for and against him as I realize it's a pretty biased and messy essay which I could've done better but I don't really have any inspiration to do that right now.

The Sole reason I did it in the first place was mostly cause the Geno Thread was in a bad place at the time and I wanted to cheer them up so I don't know what to do now.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
But the Luminary has a very basic ***** design. I’d rather not.
I understand. He’s just the only one I know of off hand. A lot of people think Erdrick should have alts of other DQ Heroes. You can do that more easily with the less chibi design.

Plus the chibi version doesn’t have a female alt.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
I’m sorry I didn’t get to everyone today- perhaps instead I’ll make one big sweeping statement

I knew I wouldn’t completely follow through because I never wanna do anything after work, and during work I was drawing Otomatone bros, so be on the lookout for me trying to flex my typing muscles


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Went from being incredibly wholesome to being hype about some exciting new Switch games. Even got some new Noipoi lore.

Today’s been a good day for this thread.
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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Now that the tension is coming in full-force, may I provide relevant music?

(Also maybe check out the Codename S.T.E.A.M. soundtrack. There's some cool stuff there, and it'll make @Opossum proud)

This is my "Tense Forum" soundtrack right now.
Late but heartfelt compliment and thanksgiving post. If you're not mentioned, it's nothing personal at all. Everyone here is cool and awesome. These are just my personal thoughts, in no particular order.

@staindgrey - It's always been an absolute pleasure having you around. You bring both maturity and silliness to the thread when appropriate, and it's always enjoyable seeing you around. Your great sense of humor is frequently apparent. Not only that, but your determination in the face of difficult conditions, both in Smash and in real life, are incredibly admirable. You handle the challenges life throws at you with patience, maturity, and diligence, not letting your emotions compromise your judgment, and that's a major virtue. And your determination to improve at Smash is great, even in spite of your struggle finding a character. On top of this, you're also incredibly passionate about your YouTube series, which you've put a lot of love into. When stories like Undertale make commentary on the value of determination, you're the kind of guy they're talking about. I only wish I had more Resident Evil experience to compare with you. Maybe when this nightmare of a month is over, we can play Operation Raccoon City or something idk

Noipoi Noipoi - I originally knew you as a silly artist several months ago, but came to become more familiar with your commentary and personality, as well as your talents. In addition, your youthful enthusiasm, creativity, and kindness are all a treasure, and you should never let that go. Keep honing your crafts and you'll go far!

@ShinyLegendary - Similarly, your youthful passion about things is a joy to see. And while you acknowledge that you struggle with some things, your openness to feedback and growth mean that you're already on your way to maturing and improving yourself to become a better you

@Zinith - You almost singlehandedly got a man who's never played a Yoshi game before to buy a $60 Yoshi game on release last week. Your enthusiasm for the character has rubbed off on me and gotten me to appreciate him in a whole new way :yoshi:

Pyra Pyra - I don't interact with you too much in particular, but I often mistake your "Writing Team" credit for a moderator role, given your almost fatherly concern over the state of this silly thread. You're willing to speak out if things go too far, and I respect that courage and sensibility. You seem like the kind of person who would make a great leader of some kind

@Moydow - Thanks for all the arenas! You're an incredibly skilled player and it's always intimidating to face you. I'm also still sorry about that Dedede match

Cyn Cyn - Thanks for being a great admin and managing and participating in this madness. Your ability to not only help run the board, but participate in the community with fun and creativity is awesome. Also, I keep confusing your name with Zidane from Final Fantasy, despite not knowing anything about the character besides the name, or knowing much about FF at all

@NonSpecificGuy - A man of many gifs, you tend to start a lot of interesting discussions, and are just very friendly and enthusiastic in general. Glad to have you around!

@osby - I remember loving your participation in other threads last year, though you haven't participated too much in recent months, apparently due to some IRL issues, I recall. I'm hoping that things get better for you, and that someday soon you'll be able to fully rejoin us in discussions and... what passes for discussions sometimes

@Venus of the Desert Bloom - You're not around often, but I'm impressed by your career as a teacher in Japan and role as a husband and father. Some of your insights into Japanese society and culture are really fascinating. Also, you're a fellow Tali-lover, so that's always grabbed my attention

@faygoshill - You bring a lot of joy and goofiness to the thread with a consistency and speed that confounds me. Your ****posting abilities are legendary

@The Gentlepanda - I don't know who the hell Edea is but I'll never not think of you when I hear that name. At times you're on par with faygo when it comes to cracking jokes with great timing

@Idon - I don't know much about SMT or DMC (yet), but you're fun to interact with and your Ike game is scary good

@PsySmasher - You're also really damn good at Smash, and it's fun sparring against you in arenas when I get the chance!

@Arigarmy - Your snark can either be hit or miss, but your personality is still a fun one to have around, and your Jojo expertise is impressive

@TotsBS - I have no idea what your deal is with the Scott stuff, but your posts and contributions to discussions are interesting and entertaining

@AndreaAC - I see you lurkin' in here sometimes. But I also know you from the Ridley thread, and your art and enthusiasm are great!

@Cosmic77 - I also know you from the Ridley thread, and when you pop in here, your posts are a great contribution to the discussion

@Lollipopped - From one somewhat obscure character-lover to another, I always found your love of Pink Gold Peach to be heavily intriguing. Now when I play Mario Kart 8, I can't not think of you when I see her.

@Mr. Wario - Your signature is super adorable, and your contributions to discussion are often fun to read

@Cutie Gwen Hinata Hinata @Shishœ - It's fun to have you gals around and sharing your unique interests and commentary. Even if I don't interact with any of you directly, I tend to find your discussions and posts to be entertaining or informative

KMDP KMDP @Wademan94 @tehponycorn - I had a blast talking with you guys about writing last week. I very rarely get the opportunity to discuss writing with other writers, so it was very exciting to me when we had a conversation about our work and processes. I'm always up for any further discussions!

@JDCabrera - As one Godzilla fan to another, you've got my respect. Beyond that, I appreciate your earnestness and simple enthusiasm that you're never afraid to show

And just a general thanks to all of you. I've been on internet forums since I was 13/14 years old. Boy was I embarrassing back then. But I've always tried to find a nice forum to frequent over the years, drifting from one to the other, but they all dried up or closed down over the years (lookin' at you, MetroidDatabase). I don't like Discord servers or subreddits. They're not great for discussion or getting to know people.

When I joined here last year in June, I only expected to discuss technical and speculative Smash stuff. I never imagined there'd be a goofy thread. Even if I don't have anything to particularly contribute to the discussion, I enjoy checking in and seeing you all. It's nice to have a little, supportive community that can bond around common interests and some humor.

Especially a community that can put up with the profuse amount of words that just fall out of my mouth on a day to day basis.


Up next, I guess: How not to write a 159 page pilot script...?
I enjoyed talking writing with you, too. Diem! :grin:

To paraphrase Karl Smallwood of Fact Fiend about longform writing (like your friend's 159 page script).

"Word count doesn't matter, what matters more is the effectiveness of your words."
He was telling an anecdote about finding a huge Penis Drawing in a public bathroom, where someone else had written "Penisaurus Rex" underneath it, and how those two words alone are funnier to him than many, much more verbose, things.
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Deleted member

Unfortunately, no, but I will get to it eventually. I had to work on a pilot script, which I finally finished last week and ended up being 85 pages. After that, I had to work on this thesis project that I'm still not entirely done with and is an absolute nightmare. I didn't anticipate all of this to take so long and be so difficult. Once I'm done with it, though, I'll work on my TP essay/script.
I should have not listed that there when I was encouraging you, I feel like a jerk for doing that.
I just want to let you know, I really like you. You are relaxing and you get through the hardest times. I never beat your Dark Samus as of now.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Luigi The President Luigi The President
I know we do not know about each other that much, but I do remember when you had Miyamoto holding a Pikmin as an avatar for the longest time. Also, you are really funny and quite nice. You fit your role as "President of SmashBoards".
You're a good kid Shiny, keep it up. I'm real glad to hear that...

...but man you must got a far better memory of me, when did I have that icon? Must've been years ago!

Deleted member

The other design has a female alt. Better by default.

Plus it would be easier to make other characters like Luminary be skins over the more proportional designs.
This is commonly brought up and the Erdrick thread touched upon it a couple weeks ago.

  1. Luminary was never confirmed as an alt to my knowledge. Alternate color, maybe thanks to 5chan, but not alt. Making other heroes skins is a topic frequently discussed but we have no idea if it'll go anywhere at all.
  2. Female chibi Erdrick actually exists and can be made no problem even with a smaller design
Last edited by a moderator:

Deleted member

Armor: A heavy protective suit that covers a lot of your body, which will protect you from harmful objects hitting your skin. You will generally be slow, but much more of a tank.



Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
This is commonly brought up and the Erdrick thread touched upon it a couple weeks ago.

  1. Luminary was never confirmed as an alt to my knowledge. Alternate color, maybe, but not alt. Making other heroes skins is a topic frequently discussed but we have no idea if it'll go anywhere at all.
  2. Female chibi Erdrick actually exists and can be made no problem even with a smaller design
Oh. If that can happen than I’m fine with it.

Deleted member

Wait a minute, if Persona 5 The Royal be headed to the Switch...

That means I can finally delve into who is best girl.

Aw lawdy, Ann, here I come. in more ways than one

shaq needs HELP.png

Deleted member

Oh. If that can happen than I’m fine with it.
If we're going off of the 5chan leak and Tansut, you're getting a female alt no matter what. It's just a matter of what it'll look like, which is why praline praline brought up the chibi design. We all want to know what Erdrick is going to look like.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2018
Switch FC
SW 4561 1118 2914
Hmmmm, maybe a direct mini will come out of nowhere soon.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
This just in, my uncle Best Buy says that the Erdrick is not a DLC fighter and is, instead, a stage hazard on Square World, Square’s answer to the current lack of representation by meticulously combining elements from their stand-out titles.

As for the fighter itself, it is the Onion Knight.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Armor: A heavy protective suit that covers a lot of your body, which will protect you from harmful objects hitting your skin. You will generally be slow, but much more of a tank.

View attachment 204091

If she wears less armor then she becomes predisposed to hone her evasive skills while increasing her speed, reaching a level of discipline in combat that consists on never get hit.

Bam, Galaxy Brain strats.
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