I’m going to throw it out there, because I think
Cutie Gwen
mentioned it earlier in terms of “not knowing what’s likely” for Smash, but I think there are certain things within the community that holds back ideas, or lifts ones up that are given a tad too much credit.
I’ll be honest and say that never in a million years did I expect Joker. It was a relatively niche series in the US that had a real breakout title with Persona 5, which frankly helped it become a bit more mainstream. We saw that with the reveal at the Game Awards, and it’s not surprising that Persona has jumped ahead in people’s minds...Persona 5 WAS nominated for GOTY a few years ago, mind you.
Having played a good handful of different RPGs, few play similarly to Persona. It has a different setup to the game, with your every action having an impact on your skills in battle. It has some “anime” moments, but it fits the style and, for me, adds character to the game itself. While my girlfriend has been thrown for a loop, is annoyed by the repetition of the music, and finds some of the scenarios ridiculous, I think that makes the game charming.
I haven’t finished yet, but i’m just finishing Summer Break.
When it comes to Smash, yes, it’s a hall of fame type roster. There’s no doubt that the characters in the game sort of evoke that idea. I mean, there are groundbreaking series or series that are recognized worldwide, like Sonic, Mega Man, Pac-Man, you’ve got Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, and even Metal Gear.
While I think it’s clear there’s a difference with Bayonetta, there’s no doubt that Persona 5 fits somewhere maybe...in the middle? Something unique to only Persona 5 and Final Fantasy VII is that the crossover with Smash is not with “Persona” or “Final Fantasy” as a series, but the specific games themselves.
I have to wonder which of our “fan rules” or “guidelines” actually apply anymore. The only one I know for sure is that the character “has to do something no one else can do”, which Joker certainly fits. But which characters does this eliminate? That answer isn’t as clear, to me at least.
I personally am only invested in the final 4 characters for Ultimate, unless the next Smash ports Ultimate with an installment of more stages and characters, but I don’t really expect that. As this is the final bit of speculation of my part, and I already assume Dragon Quest is getting Erdrick and/or the Luminary, I can only imagine who our last 3 picks are going to be.
It might be fun to just sit and chat to figure out, at the end of all of it, what guidelines actually applied throughout the years. My guess is, Sakurai is a fan, so if something sounded cool, he made it happen. He’s not so different from us, after allz
Anyway, play Persona 5. It’s a great game.
Ann is best waifu.