I just started playing this casually with some buddies of mine in university. I'm checked out SRK but have no idea how to understand their crazy lingo I just had a few questions, consider me a giant noob.
1. Pretty much everybody I play with does the standard "light>medium>heavy>launch> Team air combo" I know that you can press Special and a direction to get out of it, but I never see any top players engaged in this team ariel combo nonsense, I'm guessing there is a way to stop the combo 100% instead of a game of rock paper scissors
2. My team is Verigl/Strider/Zero. What Assists do you guys reccomend?
3. Ghost-rider and Dormammu piss me the hell off. Ghost-rider just jumps and does is chain diagangley down (pretty much covers the whole screen) and I think its an over-head? Either way it completely shuts down all my approaches, even when I try to teleport with Vergil. How do I get passed this stupid zoning? I usually just block but then he gets to much meter from me blocking and that's really bad. For Dormammu he sets up the floor-fire infront of him and spams fireballs into hyper-combos, so I guess my question is when someone is doing these things to zone me out, how the hell do I approach? Like I said Vergils teleport doesn't seem to work, Striders teleport works sometimes but the timing is stupid hard against ghost rider cause the chain is bull***** ahah. Zero I can usually super jump into airdash into the teleport-dash thing behind him but i always take to much damage trying to do this -_-
I know these questions seem super noob and stuff but we really just play it for ****s and giggles to kill time, but these things are ruining it for me and I know there is some obvious way to get around it, I just wondered if you guys could help me out.
I'm learning to OTG, my bread and butter with Vergil (Probably my best char) is doing a ground combo into a launch, Sending them down then OTG into his Rising sun then try to cancel it into a dimensional slash, or sometimes I do his > V > medium into the special with the swirling blades and it bounces them up/combo's with them. If you have any suggestions or tips for a beginner i'm totally open to it. I don't actually own the game so "practice in training" is kind of invalid, but I can catch on to stuff pretty fast and teach myself in battle with my friends if I just know what i'm supposed to do.