I'm at a crossroads in this game where I really love my team of Sentinel/Doom/Akuma, yet I really feel that a team like that isn't gonna make me any better at the game if you get me.
But you can't be any better in this game, Sentinel-kun~. Those meanies at Capcom are trying to put you down. But don't worry, I still love you.
None of those characters require heavy execution to be profitable.
I would prefer to use say a Wesker/Magneto/Spencer or Wolverine/Akuma/???
Wesker/Magneto/Spencer sounds like a better team. Wesker and Magneto have so much synergy with eachother that you can pretty much run anyone with them and it would work.
For Magneto to work well, he needs an assist to continue his combos (Wesker's gun) and an assist to pressure his opponent (pretty much any multi-hit assist). Magneto honestly can pressure well enough with just a Wesker assist though since he
For Wesker to work well, he needs a beam assist to help him get in and mix people up (Magneto's Disruptor Disruptor Disruptor) and a way to continue combos off an OTG gunshot. Jam Session is the most commonly used one, Akuma's Tatsumaki is also used, Chun's legs and Haggar's Lariat could probably work, Tron's flame might work, and everything else is kind of questionable. idk which of Spencer's assists could help with this because I honestly have never seen anyone use a Spencer assist lol. idk if Armor Breaker would help that much as an assist since it causes a wall bounce and you only get one of those per combo. Wesker already uses wallbounces in his combos with Ghost Butterfly, so idk if you'd want to take the risk of being set so far away. I guess you could get around it by teleporting or by using Magneto's assist to juggle but you'd have to experiment with that on your own.
Who goes well with Wolvie and Akuma that isn't Storm?
You just have to look into the mirror to see that, my darling~.
Other than that, I'd say you probably need someone who can serve as an anchor or a battery. Personally I like Dormammu on that team since he's not bad on his own and Fatal Claw DHC into Stalk Flare and pillars is pretty good.
Anyway, this is something that Raziek and I were talking about in the BB thread and I felt it was more relevant here.
Oh, and finally, a rare chance to give Gates the ****:
MvC3 Version 1.002 (Sentinel Nerf) Patch Was Planned Before Release
People whining had nothing to do with it.
Wow, you told me
something I already read about 2 days ago because I follow Marvel more closely than any other game. You sure showed me.
I'm also doubtful that they really did intend to always have Sentinel at his current health level. See, what they referred to specifically in that patch was mostly the glitches that were fixed by it and not so much Sentinel's health. I can understand how you could accidentally have a glitch in the game that has to do with one of Spencer's super animations and I can even understand how Akuma's Tatsumaki hitstun scaling didn't work, but I don't understand how Sentinel having a lot of health initially was a glitch. If they had released Sentinel with just over 900K health, I would have believed that it was intentional and that playtesting had determined this to be the best course of action and that Seth was going to make Gen better in SFIV etc. But instead they released him with 1.3M health and Gen still sucks, which makes this nerf look like a kneejerk reaction to the fanbase's kneejerk reaction. Maybe the Japanese keyboard is different from nine, but I'm pretty sure the "9" key isn't next to the "13" key on the keyboard, so I have no idea how they'd do something like that accidentally. Maybe they didn't realize that Sentinel was an incredibly scrubby character until after the game was finished and they decided to patch it so that he'd have a more manageable level of health, but the rushed nature of the patch and its attempt at balancing make it seem like they honestly didn't know that they had an arguably overpowered character they were shipping on the disc. Seth Killian isn't
stupid completely stupid comatose and he was doing a lot of work with the balancing of the game, so I really feel like if they had felt Sentinel was overpowered they would have changed him before the game's release instead of a month after.
But the patch has very little point anyway. Sentinel isn't scrubby because of his health, he's scrubby because he can use his super armored normals and X-factor to kill any character in half a combo. That's one of the reasons why I like Sentinel so much, I can go through the motions of his combos while I'm watching PSG on the side and then in the time it takes for them to make a sex joke (happens on average once every 2 minutes) I've already won the match. This also sets an unfortunate precedent for Capcom. I though that balance patches and DLC alternate costumes were only for PC games, but Capcom seems to be making so much damn money off them that MvC3 may end up going the way of
Hat Fortress 2. Maybe in 2 years we'll see Storm with an afro and Kanye glasses carrying a medieval wooden shield and offering "Stout Shako for 2 refined". Although I would like Wesker to go "POW! HAHA!" when he shoots his gun.