Smash Ace
Since Venus is busy, they have given me permission to tally the votes for the stage builder improvements!
Job #65: Submit Improvements to Stage Builder:
, and.
's submissions will be the winning improvements that are implemented into our stage builder mode!
Job #65: Submit Improvements to Stage Builder:
- Texture Rework -Wario Wario Wario - 4
- More Backdrops - Jomosensual - 3
- Breakable Terrain - warppenguin555 - 5
- Logic - Cashregister9 - 11
- Custom Playlist - CheeseAnton - 17
- Every Backdrop is Here - PeridotGX - 14

Music Submissions are open, but only for series with open slots. Rhyhthm Heaven is one of the series that has open slots right now, as well as a few others. The Cap is increased incrementally over time so that the music isn't all filled in at once. Please only add one song at a time per franchise so that other people are able to include music.guess to add to this, are music submissions even open right now? Was going to add a few tracks but the doc made it look like it wasnt
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