Man I didn't get home until 5:30 this morning. T_T I'm still really tired, I'll just say one thing: I returned my PGR4 to best buy and bought guitar hero 3 and 1408 and a cool guitar hero keychain.
Shoutouts: (that's right festizzio's doin shoutouts omg oh man)
Snap: Your G & W is crazy, I kept thinking I was spaced so your fair wouldn't hit me and BAM it hit me. Good stuff.

I was the pikachu by the way.
Dodger: Wow we must have been playing at that one tv for like an hour and a half straight lol. I think I finally know what to do against Kirby.
Azn_Lep: Thanks for running this, it was an amazing tourney.

We need to play
Larry: shoulda gone
Mango: Go puff on me foo' I think you or Joey left your controller in my Six Flags bag, it's black on the front and silver on the back and some of the paint is really faded.
Lucky: Good **** winning those two bags and the game, lol spirit award
ycz6: gamefaqs represent! We should have played.
Gimpyfish: what
Edrees: It was fun playing you that one game at the end of the night, I used to hate Peach but I really like the match up now.
HugS: lol we were playing you and Zelgadis in teams and I'm thinking "wow we're doing pretty good" and I look down and see you both have three stocks and we're down to our last one. >_< 24 hour ralph's are too good
JTB: Wow I still find it amazing that you actually rested a shy guy in tournament, that is awesome.
Kira: I really like that you don't chaingrab in friendlies, I get chaingrabbed by sheik in friendlies all the time and most of the time the person doesn't even have a sheik, they just figure it'll be easier. -_- so lame
ResidentWaffle: Man we need to practice more often in doubles. :-\ You going to Rancho?
Festizzio: Good **** festizzio
Nevada guy (can't remember your name): I think it was you and your partner we lost to in doubles, man we shoulda had that first match. >_< Good stuff though, I've never fought double sheik before.
Zhu: I always have fun playing you, you're a really cool guy. If I knew how to fight Falco maybe I woulda only got 2 stocked. >_>
Blitz (aka Jeff): Jeffrey the Giraffe LOL
DSF and Claire: Man I see you guys at like every tourney I go to and we've never actually talked, and I haven't played either of you since like...a long time ago. O_o
Mike Haze: Play me in friendlies
Chipotle: Don't close so early -_-
Bone: I had fun playing you in friendlies.
Zelgadis: I've never been shined blind so much in teams before, Good stuff.
Rest of Norcal: Trash talk was funny as hell to listen to. "Good **** Snap You suck Snap Good **** Snap"
Last but not least Dreamhack, thanks for letting us stay at your place man, I'm really glad we met and talked and stuff, that carpet was amazingly soft and surprisingly comfortable.

Those breakfast sandwiches were the best I've ever had, thank you and tell your sister thanks again.
I think that's it...phew lol