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Twin Christmas Parties 3+4 Mafia {The Matryoshka Scandal.} ~ Over! Who had the merriest Christmas? Who got lumps of coal?


Apr 3, 2008
I'm not going to out that information and I already explained what I wanted from it. What is your concern with how the mechanic is used?
Uh, because I'm stuck with no information and Nabe won't tell me how guessing works? I can't even remotely begin to be useful until I at least know what my alignment is and I'm not wasting my guess this phase just because I still don't get the guessing procedure.

Oh sandwich, you're so silly!

Yeah I didn't start with my alignment either, I'm assuming none of us did.

Smart people would have made that their first guess.
Explain please. Am I allowed to do that and will it actually help?


Apr 3, 2008
Actually why don't you want to help me? I'm rubbed the wrong way by the fact that you berate Tako for being someone who thinks they can get information based on mechanics yet won't give me information about mechanics?

Vote: Soup


Apr 3, 2008
I was really only concerned with the fact of alignment. I don't need to know what else you have but I didn't want someone coming in here going 'I still don't know my alignment.' Kantrip, you feel more reserved this game. I want to like the change but my meta radar is ticking and I don't like it. It's very true it's early in the game but I just want to understand why you're acting the way you are.
Okay now you're really going to have to explain yourself. Why the hell won't you talk to me if you don't want people not knowing their alignment?


Apr 3, 2008
There were a few things that were hinting it could be Pokemafia to me as well. Not enough for me to actually feel comfortable guessing it, but I guess I'm glad to know that's not what it is (or maybe that it's only what it was for the NPC? Since different people seem to be getting different animes?).

I still haven't gotten through any of my layers, but I have yet to make a guess toDay. Need to clear up some things with Nabe first.

Not gonna lie, the idea that the mafia might now know they're the mafia yet really kills my desire to do anything this game. Makes scumhunting very difficult.
Right then. Since Le Bateluer (tako?) doesn't want people to give out hints received, the same question that I asked Soup goes out to him.

There literally is no way of knowing rather or not outing "hints," or even the true theme of the game, will benefit town or mafia more. HOWEVER, I would prefer to not *****foot around it, so I will give out the information I have.

Night 0 I choose to "shake the present." I was told that I couldn't really hear anything move around in it, which meant (and this is what the mod told me, not my own speculation) that the final object must of been secured pretty well within the final layer, and that since the presents were likely layered, each object in between was likely thin.

Day 1 I thought that I found the common thread of all the available evidence and was confident enough to guess the true theme of the game. I guessed that we were playing in "Pokemon mafia," but no dice.

Yes, this means that I still don't know my alignment, and I won't until toNight.
Did either of you try guessing Pokemon Black and White mafia specifically? Just curious because that was going to be my next guess (dunno if Nabe is that picky).

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I'm here guys, but right now I feel little inclination to be active.

My present opening strategy was that I feel like a man who takes risks. I can roll a 6 sided die, and different stuff happens based on the number. I have no idea what numbers will do what, but I know big numbers are worse than smaller ones.

So I rolled it, got a 6, and lost my guess for D1. So I dunno jack right now. Guess we'll see what happens. I'm still keeping up with the game, but I can't imagine I'm the only one who doesn't know their alignment, and that makes for pretty lousy scum hunting.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Do you even understand the mechanic behind this? Have you unwrapped a part of your present? Have you read? I don't feel there's a need to answer to your concerns as they can be answered through re-reading.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
This is Vanz here. I'm going to be quite busy atm with exams but I'll try and check in here when I can and talk with Kat when I can catch him.

@J or anyone who played in/read halloween mafia, Nabe mentions in the OP that lessons learned there may be valuable here... have an idea what he's talking about?

Also to J again (or those in halloween), was there any downside to revealing clues in public? Did scum have more to gain from getting there role than town? Wii think of the present opening process as similar to flavour-related mechanics, in that it can often be anti-town to claim such information, especially if roles tie in with the flavour.

On this note, I'm going to ask that no one makes any guesses until J or someone answers this for me.

I'm..... not following it completely.

My first thoughts including Roy Mustang and trying to come up with other anime characters that like fire.

Then I started thinking about the Burning of the Wicker Man.

Can you elaborate more now? When you say tonight, do you mean after this Night Phase, or temporally in a few hours?
I think Kat meant in a few hours, he was at work while he was posting (and is now asleep).

Chuckie, could you answer me regarding the anime title?
Wii were weary about claiming this initially, but knowing that other people also have character + anime related clues makes me feel alright about claiming it. Our anime is Gunsmith Cats. Never heard of it before, from what I've read it's more of a Manga and the Anime adaption was cancelled after 3-4 episodes.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
I'm going to hold my character name. Could have to do with my role and I'm not comfortable outing it at the moment.
Is this simply a precautionary or do you think you could make an educated guess towards your role? Soup same question at you.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Do you even understand the mechanic behind this? Have you unwrapped a part of your present? Have you read? I don't feel there's a need to answer to your concerns as they can be answered through re-reading.
I understand it just fine. If you actually read my post, all of those questions would be answered.

I rolled my dice (using my N0 guess)

It rolled a 6, my D1 guess was lost

I've read, and am keeping up with the thread.

There's nothing more I can do with my present toDay, as I have no guesses. Gotta wait til toNight. No progress has been made.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I don't think it matters much to me but I'll follow the example already given. I don't see the problem with it but I'm not going to speculate on it.

Joker, that was to Dietz.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Oh, alright then, carry on :p

Pretty sure Deitz did make mention of not using his guess yet toDay, but I suppose that doesn't include his N0 guess.

We should definitely get as much info out as we can toDay. Not everyone is gonna make equal progress, but hopefully by D2 everyone will at least be on the right track, and the less mechanics to sort through D2, the better.

People making good progress on their gifts should be sure to inform everyone of how and what they did. I can't see a downside of keeping that kind of info to yourself as town, since the sooner everyone knows their True Role, the sooner we get into familiar territory and the scumhunt can begin.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
And I know a lot of people have already outted a lot of info on their gifts, and the progress they've made. I just wanna make sure everyone understands that there's no reason to keep it a secret. At least not one that benefits town.

Also, if you can come up with a reason not to share, I guess I'd like to hear it. Having a PR or something could easily remain hidden while still helping others get their roles, so I dunno what protown reason there'd be to leave people in the dark.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
PJB there is already enough info claimed that everyone should at least be able to get their alignment, if they haven't already used their day 1 guess.

To scum hunt, what more info do we need than our alignment? Do you think knowing the true theme or even our role is necessarily going to benefit our ability to hunt scum?



Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I got through two layers.

I have my alignment and one other thing. Did anyone else get that far? If someone did, I want to consider collaboration for my D1 guess once I decide whether to trust em or not.

I also got through two layers and failed guessing for the third.

I was really only concerned with the fact of alignment. I don't need to know what else you have but I didn't want someone coming in here going 'I still don't know my alignment.' Kantrip, you feel more reserved this game. I want to like the change but my meta radar is ticking and I don't like it. It's very true it's early in the game but I just want to understand why you're acting the way you are.
Trying something new. Remaining docile until I feel confident in something.

I have the name of an anime, and a character, but I don't think that's enough on its own.


When I 'opened' my present, I got a letter from the N figure. He told me that I was not him and that I was good. I almost thought of Death Note but that seems out of place considering the context of said letter.

And for reference, that picture was of a character who I was told I don't THINK is me, but I wasn't sure.

Got a name and the anime they're from.


Uh, because I'm stuck with no information and Nabe won't tell me how guessing works? I can't even remotely begin to be useful until I at least know what my alignment is and I'm not wasting my guess this phase just because I still don't get the guessing procedure.

Explain please. Am I allowed to do that and will it actually help?
Yeah if you read the section in the rules it says guessing is an open ending process and you can use it for your role, alignment, the true theme of the game, and basically just if you think of something to guess about go for it. My first guess was literally me guessing that I was town. Being correct, I unwrapped my first layer and got to guess again.

I know that feeling. Makes D1 kind of useless.
Policy lynch? If we were to employ one, which three slots would you nominate?


Apr 3, 2008
Do you even understand the mechanic behind this? Have you unwrapped a part of your present? Have you read? I don't feel there's a need to answer to your concerns as they can be answered through re-reading.
I made a guess as to the theme during N0 and nothing happened. Then I came in asking exactly what you did to open a layer, you snubbed me despite citing that you have a pro-information stance, now I'm voting you for being a scumbag about it.

I think I get that guesses can be about abstract role concepts instead of strictly the theme now, but there was no reason you couldn't have told me that, nor were you one of the people who helped me figure that out. 10 points from Soupador.


Apr 3, 2008
Soup's response to Le Bateluer was pretty much what I was going to say.

Soup can you think of ANY reason why someone would not want to out the theme of the game? This isn't a rhetorical question.

Also, if you think that if someone should out the theme of the game immediately if they get it, then why not share that information with Jdiatz?
Likely purposes for their own reason. I honestly don't think town would have a huge issue about it but I can't say for certain that all town will think the same. My stance about it is pretty clear and that the dayphase is meant to be where town information hunts. The game theme would be very useful but not above finding scum.
I'm also noticing there wasn't an actual answer to the second of Sworddancer's questions here. I'd also very much like to know what your intent was with this last interaction.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
  1. Until the true theme has been announced, role reveals upon death will reveal very little. After the announcement, prior role reveals will receive revisions to their corresponding true characters.

@Mod: To clarify this rule, can you confirm whether or not alignments will be revealed upon death, assuming the true theme has not been announced?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Chuckie's two halves just had a brain explosion! It was something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsTRxXvQY0s

Wii realised that if flips aren't shown upon death we need to figure out this theme as quickly as possible!!

Our only other condition is we wait until everyone has posted. Wii have a reason for this as well :chuckle:

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
PJB there is already enough info claimed that everyone should at least be able to get their alignment, if they haven't already used their day 1 guess.

To scum hunt, what more info do we need than our alignment? Do you think knowing the true theme or even our role is necessarily going to benefit our ability to hunt scum?

Actually, if you read everything I've posted, you'd see I don't know my alignment yet, and I can't guess again until toNight. My power backfired drastically. Am I the only one? Surely there must be downsides to using their power for other people besides just me?

Like I said, I'm still keeping up with the game, and if something piques my interest, I'll certainly jump on it. Right now most discussion has been about the gift mechanic. While I'm certainly guilty of this to a minor extent (understandably so, I dunno my alignment so I'm naturally concerned about learning it), I would think more people would have begun actively scumhunting if what you were saying was completely true.

As for your second question, maybe yes and maybe no? The true theme could possibly inform us better about what the setup might be like. As for knowing ur role, it could definately affect ur scumhunting. Some players may choose to lay low and be less aggressive if they have certain PRs like Doc or Cop. Certainly don't want to attract NKs with roles like those, at least not if you don't have to. Now we're really just getting into general mafia strategy...

Anyway, please, scumhunt away. I certainly won't stop you, I'm just saying it could be impeded by the nature of the setup. I could be mafia, for all I know, but for now I just have to assume I'm town. Don't you think things like that will affect your ability to read me?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Being an amnesic is actually kinda cool, because I'm basically lynch proof toDay as long as I'm not useless.

So yeah, this game is kinda off to a slow start. Lets see if I can fix that!

Don't play stupid with me about it.
I need to be sure. Soup, what was your "tone" with this post?

Likely purposes for their own reason. I honestly don't think town would have a huge issue about it but I can't say for certain that all town will think the same. My stance about it is pretty clear and that the dayphase is meant to be where town information hunts. The game theme would be very useful but not above finding scum.
"Finding scum is more important than the theme."

I actually take a teeny bit of issue with this. I know later you revise your stance that the mechanic isn't that important, and that you're responding to me here, but it still kinda feels like you're trying to say the "townie" thing here, if that makes sense.

BTW I know what the theme is.
I'm actually kinda surprised that more people besides Raz hasn't addressed this. Tako, if you really do know the theme of the game, then please out it.

There were a few things that were hinting it could be Pokemafia to me as well. Not enough for me to actually feel comfortable guessing it, but I guess I'm glad to know that's not what it is (or maybe that it's only what it was for the NPC? Since different people seem to be getting different animes?).

I still haven't gotten through any of my layers, but I have yet to make a guess toDay. Need to clear up some things with Nabe first.

Not gonna lie, the idea that the mafia might now know they're the mafia yet really kills my desire to do anything this game. Makes scumhunting very difficult.
Since you haven't guessed yet toDay, just go on and guess the the first layer contains your alignment. You'll most likely be right, and get another guess after that.


@Soup: Why did you feel that you should respond the way you did to Jdiatz? I understand that he could have just reread the rules to find out how he could guess, but it wouldn't have really of been that bad to just tell him. It feels a little overly antagonistic given the situation.

@Chuckie: You still haven't answered mine or Ran's question. Why did you want my opinion on the player list, and what is it that you specifically want to know?

@Everyone: What do you all think about a policy lynch? If you had to policy lynch someone right now, who would it be?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
FoS: Soup

Not enough to really warrant a vote yet, so just a fos.

@PJB: I've seen you around before, but I can't remember where. How experienced are you, and what games have you've played in?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Le Bateleur
Private-Joker Brown
Chuckie (Kataefi/vanderzant)
Red Ryu

Bolded hasn't posted yet/might as well not have posted yet.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip said:
Trying something new. Remaining docile until I feel confident in something
Alright. I won't pursue this as long as you back your claims later in the day.

Policy lynch? If we were to employ one, which three slots would you nominate?
Not a fan of Policy lynching nor the logic behind them. I won't lynch someone based on pretenses. Why the suggestion?

JDietz said:
I made a guess as to the theme during N0 and nothing happened. Then I came in asking exactly what you did to open a layer, you snubbed me despite citing that you have a pro-information stance, now I'm voting you for being a scumbag about it.

I think I get that guesses can be about abstract role concepts instead of strictly the theme now, but there was no reason you couldn't have told me that, nor were you one of the people who helped me figure that out. 10 points from Soupador.
I had a different stance prior to information being revealed by Raziek. I wasn't certain about it and I thought that the opening strategy was indicative of role. I can't say for certain but I don't think that's the case, and if it is nobody is going to say that they're town pyro for their strategy being to burn the present. I think it's important to remember in a way but my stance is still that Scumhunting is above the Mechanic. I think the Mechanic is still worth getting into and should be a chunk of our discussion, especially if this day is still filled with amnesiacs. It sort makes the whole day completely moot and I'm not going to read Sword on anything this day if what he says is true. If I did have a read, it would be Town.

I'm also noticing there wasn't an actual answer to the second of Sworddancer's questions here. I'd also very much like to know what your intent was with this last interaction.
Not much intention behind it. I was just conversing with sword on a question he asked and that's the gist of it. I wasn't looking for anything particular and I was laying out my mindset at that time being for him. It's changed and I believe I've explained why it has changed.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I need to be sure. Soup, what was your "tone" with this post?
I didn't want someone coming here and pretending to be amnesiac and therefore trying to deem as unreadable. Your case is different based on how you've interacted with me and how you presented your current status.

"Finding scum is more important than the theme."

I actually take a teeny bit of issue with this. I know later you revise your stance that the mechanic isn't that important, and that you're responding to me here, but it still kinda feels like you're trying to say the "townie" thing here, if that makes sense.
I didn't want the game to completely delve off to just talking about the mechanic and interferring with scumhunting. My feelings have changed since then but if there is something willing to say 'yeah I opened my present' then I'm going to account a read on them. Right now from Memory, You and Joker are still amnesiacs, along with JD. This completely nullifies the need to scumhunt and essentially interact this day. This is where the scales shift and I feel that finding the theme needs to come first, or having everyone committing to find our their role, and going from there. I'm not opposed to no lynching today either.

@Soup: Why did you feel that you should respond the way you did to Jdiatz? I understand that he could have just reread the rules to find out how he could guess, but it wouldn't have really of been that bad to just tell him. It feels a little overly antagonistic given the situation.
It was clear that he was not up to date and pursuing a past logic put out. I didn't feel the need to explain myself again.

@Mod request Prod on all inactive players.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
just got here haven't read anything am about to do a training will post later

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
My present opening strat was sneak and cheat, I opened layer early but I need to hide from myself while doing it, wtf.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
This game is weird. Didn't know the game was open because I wasn't subscribed before. If you haven't guessed you probably shouldn't right away as we might want to do a group guess or something like that.

This will take a new approach.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Nabe said:
There were 12 presents under one, and 6 under the other, all wrapped identically in red paper with white ribbon. Everyone grabbed a present at random.
There are 18 players, meaning everyone got a present and only one present.

The division Nabe gave doesn't seem to be entirely arbitrary; it could be there are 12 town and 6 non-town, combined between mafia factions and independents. Keep this in mind I guess, but there's no way to confirm this that I can think of at the moment.

I'm starting from the beginning, so if I respond to something that was already answered... just ignore it.

soup said:
I'm not concerned with the mechanic of the game at the moment as it doesn't deem as important right now.
What? The mechanic is literally the most important thing in the game right now. We start off not knowing anything.

Tako said:
I'd like to propose a unison guess of role cop, in which we all guess our roles to be cop by the end of night 1, so we can ensure we get the most out of our cop. Thoughts?
Unison guess of cop or any other useful role could be good, but we'd never get any confirmation as to whether or not this was a successful maneuver. What are we going to do, say "did anyone get it" and then watch the guy who volunteered to get shot? People could all guess if they were masons or lovers to share information privately, but town as a whole is still boned with this strategy. So, no go. Plus, we all have strategies for present opening

Everyone guessing something important could be useful in that a role could be used earlier than might naturally come up... but it is unlikely to help more than one person. Everyone guessing for one role means we have a 100% chance of N-1 people failing their guess, which is a wasted phase.

chuckie said:
I hope wii won the Overswarm lottery
I do not know what this is.

Ran said:
Should we massclaim our guesses so people don't guess them? I heard Swords saying 'wasting' a guess... .-. Should we out if we guessed or not already?
Tako said:
Please do not out any hints received.
Agreed with Tako.

Information is big here. We're all going to guess so it's not a big deal if someone says that they guessed or didn't guess... but if someone is an idiot and says "I'm down to my last layer and I know my abilities!" then he sticks out like nail waiting for a hammer. Guess who gets Night Killed? The person most likely to be able to move the game forward for Town.

So, keep it quiet. There'll be a time when we can out this information but it is similar to claiming in a normal game and should be treated as such. No hints, no layers, etc.

Also I purpose we maintain an lal policy.
Disagree strongly. LAL is a bad move. This is often used by players like Zen who like to wreck things for town by making elaborate lies then acting insulted when people don't believe his statements of "it was a gambit", but LAL is still really is a bad move even though it allows for headaches.

Hypothetical scenario:

"You're about to be lynched, claim!"
"...sigh. I'm Watson, town reporter"

Hint: he is actually sherlock holmes, town cop.

Do we lynch him because he lied?

Of course not. He lied for a good reason. If he claimed, he was going to be killed by mafia. If he didn't claim, he was going to be lynched by town. The success of surviving one more phase with a fake claim would allow him to gain one more piece of the puzzle. Playing "what if" and pretending bad situations can't come from the truth won't help.

I get the frustration with arbitrary lies, but you don't need LAL to stop that. Just lynch idiots.

sword said:
Soup can you think of ANY reason why someone would not want to out the theme of the game? This isn't a rhetorical question.
soup said:
I almost thought of Death Note
I don't know if that was his intent but I found an answer in his post anyway!

But really, I think outing the theme would help rather than hurt in terms of everyone unwrapping gifts. It really depends on whether or not non-town know they are non-town and if they can harm town right away. If they can already, releasing theme is good. If they can't, releasing theme helps them and statistically speaking we have a larger chance of getting more of our present unwrapped (12 of us) than them (6 of them, assuming my initial guess is correct).

Am listening to L's theme now. Better than the murder mystery music.

So about that string of posts.... it's out there, so, that's that. We really need to decide, as a town, if we want to have an open information policy. If we do, we have to stick to it. If we don't, we need to stick to it. None of this half and half stuff.

Circus said:
Not gonna lie, the idea that the mafia might now know they're the mafia yet really kills my desire to do anything this game. Makes scumhunting very difficult.
Make scumhunting difficult but we have a 1 in 3 chance of hitting non-town if my initial guess is correct. Think of it as a free "lynch the weak" phase. A "no lynch" probably wouldn't be the best option, though if mafia don't know they are mafia then they can't kill so it'd just be another phase to guess. We know some people know their alignment though so, no go on that either.

Jdietz said:
Actually why don't you want to help me? I'm rubbed the wrong way by the fact that you berate Tako for being someone who thinks they can get information based on mechanics yet won't give me information about mechanics?
Just guess something at random. Guess a specific role, guess your alignment, guess the theme, guess your character.

But I'd suggest not guessing right away.

Chuckie said:
Also to J again (or those in halloween), was there any downside to revealing clues in public? Did scum have more to gain from getting there role than town? Wii think of the present opening process as similar to flavour-related mechanics, in that it can often be anti-town to claim such information, especially if roles tie in with the flavour.

On this note, I'm going to ask that no one makes any guesses until J or someone answers this for me.
Agree with chuckie and logical bro-fist activate.

Chuckie said:
Wii realised that if flips aren't shown upon death we need to figure out this theme as quickly as possible!!
Didn't even think of this. You get TWO logical bro-fists.

Tako says he knows the theme and he said he wanted a LAL policy, so either he....

A) knows it and will tell the truth (and someone can guess it and confirm) and we all get the theme

B) doesn't know it and is lying after saying lynch all liars, which is an unlikely town proposition

C) doesn't know it but doesn't know he doesn't know it and thinks he knows the theme but doesn't

D) knows it / believes he knows it and won't tell us

B and D are easy D1 lynches given this game setup. C is tricky and would result in lynching town, more than likely. A would give us flip information.

Any disagreements other than Tako?

sworddancer said:
"Finding scum is more important than the theme."

I actually take a teeny bit of issue with this. I know later you revise your stance that the mechanic isn't that important, and that you're responding to me here, but it still kinda feels like you're trying to say the "townie" thing here, if that makes sense.
I agree with this sentiment, and it made me wonder if he knew the theme already. Maybe mafia already knew the theme to begin with? Something to consider if he flips mafia later.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Nabe said:
If independently aligned players exist, they will have more information than the mafia, who will have more information than the town. As town, strike a balance between conservation of information and cooperation towards the theme.
We have independents, obviously. This also implies that mafia start off knowing more information than town does, which means that they probably can do damage; meaning there's no more ifs or buts. Knowing the theme is the most important thing in the game at the moment.

Nabe said:
There is at least one standard mafia faction in this game. They are also Amnesiacs. At the beginning of the game, they will have no private communication. I will not reveal anything else about the nature of this faction or about the existence of others.
Except this gives me pause. Mafia start off knowing more than town, but have no private communication so presumably don't know anyone else's alignment or who their teammate's are.

They are also amnesiacs, but they know SOMETHING that town does not and regardless independents know more. Keep your ears open for information slips and for people who are just such good guessers. This makes me raise my eyebrow at Chuckie in a suggesting manner simply because he's openly stated he's gotten farther than most, and ditto to Tako for suggesting he knows the theme when no one else does, but this isn't enough to kill someone yet.

When the true theme has been discovered by all living players, I will announce the true theme publicly.
We get mod confirmation, too. So no tricky business there. If Tako does know the theme, we'll know if it is accurate amongst us all.

The questions we need to answer as town:

What is the theme and how do we figure it out?

Do we openly assist those that have a guess and don't know how to get past a phase? Should Chuckie help Raz get to the next level?

Tako, what is the theme?


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
Thank god OS, finally someone is re-reading rule 13.

Now taking that into account, why would you want me to out the theme?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
vote: tako

Easy lynch. Up to him if he wants to turn it around. Don't go to L-2 when voting for someone until everyone gets their guesses in.
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