Time to catch up.
I've been pretty inactive because my mind really hasn't been on this game, plus my computer contracted a pretty big virus (typing this on a uni computer), which has totally shut my computer down. So yeah.
Soup's 147 said:
I didn't want the game to completely delve off to just talking about the mechanic and interferring with scumhunting
Alright fair enough.
Did you mean to say Le Bateluer here out of curiosity?
Our last q is a bit late now as the game's picking up but if you could answer it still that'd be great. Just go through the player list and comment on your expectations from each player... I'll leave this open-ended. As for the q itself it was mainly a discussion starter as I thought you looked a little awkward coming into the game and wanted to poke around a bit.
I was referring to tako, for whatever reason I had a brain fart and I thought that they were one in the same.
Circus - I actually know very little about Circus. Supposedly he did well last Halloween mafia, but I don't remember much about that game. Also, he was in PF, but I didn't read it. No opinion, but lack luster activity so far. I do expect more out of him.
Overswarm - A waller. Likes to be as detailed and as clear as possible when he communicates. He's the type of guy which goes by math rather than subjective reads, which makes him tricky to read. What I'll really like out of him is for him to give out reads as much as possible rather then trying to make a "plan" for town.
Ranmaru - Tends to ask a lot of questions, but he seems to have calmed that habit down so far this game. His towniness is pretty much directly linked to his activity (where him being more active -> more townie).
Sworddancer. - The shining beacon of hope. Logical fellow, tends to get more reads right than wrong when he REALLY pays attention to a game. Will probably be inactive this game. He needs to pick it up.
July - A waller like OS, but tends to stick herself to reads a lot more. Needs to be more active, but RL might be getting in the way so whatever.
sneakytako - Smart newbie. Pulled a super good play in his newbie game to pretty much give himself the clear for the rest of the game early on (he was scum). I know that there has been pressure building on him so far, will give an opinion on him in more detail later.
Rajam - Tends to take forever and a day to catch up. Will go over material that has already been covered to death, but this is null for him.
J - Will be inactive due to IRL johns. Probably shouldn't of joined this game, probably needs to replace ASAP.
Ryker - Is being inactive right now, if he stays in this game then he'll probably come back strong later. More or less like July in terms of activity.
Le Bateleur - No idea.
Private-Joker Brown - no idea
Raziek -
Chuckie (Kataefi/vanderzant) - I'm expecting you guys to be highly logical. To ask the right questions at the right time. Stuff that will really make me think about the game in a new light.
Jdietz43 - Tends to be antagonistic from what I can tell. Jokes around a lot. Otherwise no idea.
ѕoup - Kinda like me, but with a hipster taste in music and video games (RE1 over 4? Gtfo). Gets more reads right than wrong often as town. Has a solid scum game to. You really need to pay attention to Soup to see how attentive he actually is being to a game to learn his alignment (a lesson learned in Disney Singalong).
JTB - Tends to keep things basic. Him posting but failing to scumhunt is necessarily a tell for him (that said, he shouldn't slack off!). I don't know what the difference between his town game and scum game is, as I can't remember if I ever seen him as scum.
Kary - My new favorite newbie (sorry Kantrip). I really liked his performance in my newbie. He has shown an ability to look deeper into things. Might be kinda antagonistic about it, but that's not really telling for him. I expect him to have solid reads this game if he's town, and to be fairly hard to catch as scum.
Potassium - My second favorite newbie (if he really counts as a newbie anymore). Has a super big attitude that he needs to cool. Tends to latch on to things, hard, as both scum and town.
Red Ryu - Uhhh, slightly inactive town game, pretty inactive scum game from what I can remember.
Okay, so about Tako. I for the most part like him, because of how hard he committed himself to the "don't guess the theme **** scum over" over thing. Like I said earlier, I do have a general idea on what's going on, and IIRC Soup has a null read as of his most recent post BECAUSE he knows that Tako pulled the "information" stunt as scum in his newbie. However, there's a difference in that game compared to this game that we have to take into account. That being, he was trying to gain townie points in the newbie with his plan. Here, I think that he really thought that his gambit would bait scum out. There is no "It's a gambit!" moment that he did last game in order to try to obtain townie points. It's all played straight whih makes me think that he's town.
The only two things that give me pause are his 180 (which shows that he was concerned with how he was being perceived) and the fact that he replaced out under pressure without giving a reason (this is WIFOM, I know, but it's still on the back of my mind).
UPDATE: Just saw this, but Tako's 160 also makes me good about my overall conclusion that Tako wasn't trying to gain townie points.
@Raz: I will say right now that I'm not a fan of your play. I won't call scum on you since I know that, as scum, you would be aware of how people perceive you (and thus wouldn't do something that seems so sterotypically scummy), but nevertheless you're play has been purely mechanic focused and your jump on Tako easy. Dislike.
@Chuckie: Up until now, you haven't really been that opinionated on players w.r.t. reading them, even though you have said yourself that you believe scum hunting is possible today. I find this . . . interesting (misused ellipsis for emphasis). Can you give me your opinion on Tako and his wagon? Who should we lynch today?
RR being a bit too basic and in and out for comfort.
Kat's idea on Le Bateleur is interesting, to say that least. However, I'm going to just assume that they are not one in the same person, just because the whole idea seems really gimmicky to me.
I'm going to try to ignore anymore speculation talk since you guys already figured out the theme.
OS said:
Why would scum say they didn't find their alignment? Why wouldn't they just say "town" like in every other game? There's no disadvantage to doing so.
So to become "unreadable" for the Day methinks.
Kantrip said:
@Overswarm: I'm not saying that you don't make a lot of notes. I know that about you as a player. I merely doubt the substance your notes for this game could contain at this time that you would have SO MANY where looking through them to find an opinion on a slot is too much work.
Why do you think that this is vote worthy though?
@OS: How does Soup's 256 influence your read on him?
@Le Bateleur: How old are you? When did you meet Nabe? Why did he invite you to this game?
@288: Yeah, for whatever reason I confused you for Tako.
Le Bateleur, you really are started to make me think that Chickie is right. O_O
@Anyone with Persona knowledge: Is the way Le Bateleur is acting now similar to any of the characters in the game? If so, that would pretty much tip me over the edge that Le is indeed Nabe.
I endorse OS w.r.t. to his position on Le.