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Twilight Mafia - Game Over - Who lived happily ever after in Transylvania?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
What's your point seXonar?

who ever gets vibes from a reread. I get vibes from the first time I read something.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Also, it was interesting to me that he choose to refer to you as an informal name after not that much contact in this game. Might have been because you talked outside of the thread.


Nov 7, 2008
Did some quick reading and Mayling should definitely be the play on Day 2. I'm really not too sure who her scumbuddy is yet. Having a scum flip will be a great lead though.
Any ideas who'd my scumbuddy be AT ALL? It makes no sense you couldn't see some connection between me and another player.

Also, this is what i'm seeing from Gheb's kill. Marc wants Mayling dead, and Mayling wants me dead. I was kept alive throughout n1 so that I can be a scapegoat. Mayling was kept alive to vote me, Marc was kept alive to kill mayling, and kat, eh, iunno about Kat.
Why do you think I was kept alive to vote you? My d1 target was Marc. I even said during twilight I was glad you didn't get lynched. That indicates I think you're town.

They're irritating because self voting is lame to read.
The more I think about it, the more I feel they shouldn't be read at all. Essentially it was a RVS vote, and really, whoever uses those as evidence for being scum... is reaching.

Mayling was sitting on Marc when there was a distribution of votes. Why didn't she move to Vult then? She waited long enough and now I'm a the target instead of Marc.
Where are you people getting this "ONLY ONE!!!" ideology? Are you using you're my target instead of Marc? All I said was that I was waiting for your response.

And there's a really simple explanation. A distribution of votes indicates that there might have been time to persuade a Marc lynch. But when people starting moving, that's when I was like "well a lynch for flip is better than no lynch. Marc isn't happening, apparently."

Another think which I would normally do as scum is kill the person I'm targetting in the day phase. Read Nothing Special and notice I targetted Cello for ages and Cello was still alive last day. yeah yeah, eat some meta. I'd be happy if this paragraph was ignored for being stupid.
This was SOOOOOO BADDDDD Summoner. Like, so bad. I don't mind people metaing other people, because technically it's possible they're being unbias. But saying "oh, look at this time I did this" is really pretty bad and reaching for a defense.

Mayling what happened to Marc?
iono, he's the one who plopped a vote down and scuddled outta here.

My case on Mayling is that she ignores pretty much everything, votes/makes an attempt to respond only when being called out and doesn't do anything otherwise. She even ignored what Summoner said to her, as well as my last big post on D1. Aside from that, her defense was terrible ("don't you think Chibo is scummier bawwwww"). She was doing a better job in NSM and I don't want her around in endgame. The game is stale because no one is agreeing, which sucks with this ruleset. We might as well quit now if we don't lynch someone toDay.
Reaaaaaaaaally? I thought you were suppose to be good at this game. You can't even pull quotes to show me my scumminess, which means I can't thoroughly defend myself.

What did I ignore that Summoner said to me?
Did you continue to read NSM after you died N1?

Not into Summoner wagon.
Not into Mayling wagon.
Explain pwease.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
curious kat

heat... stroke...


xonar... if you want any discussion to generate you'll need to elaborate - why have you set your sights on me? also do you feel anyone here is lurking atm?

heat by disconnection do you mean I haven't argued or been in other people's business slap-ur-face styleeee? I was vocal on who I wanted to investigate D1 and I'm all for questions today so if you could elaborate that would be soopah.

summoner - okay... you seemed interested in may/vult end of D1, I don't really see you pursuing them now...? you look set on spending more time defending yourself from heat - why is this? what are your thoughts on may/vult right now?

I think chibo should really post

Marc - any secondary suspects at all?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
@Gheb - i'm considering heatstroke as the play. D1 has predominantly circled around this player - I want the connections between heat and other players (namely summoner, yourself, marc, vult) broken down.

A lot of this discussion has stemmed from, what seems to be, a joke vote, which implies one of the connections between heat and said players above may be artificial.

that said, vote: heat
Only time you take a stance, posts after this explain it further. Iunno.
Here's your other stance post:
not to mislead you ghebo but you know my vote is on the basis that heat could be scum, right? It's a lynch that comes with information, it's not the other way like you're assuming:- it's why it is the most logical lynch for myself right now. To be crystal clear... people I think are suspect are:

...in order of significance.

then Vult btw

Lurkers can go whenever I don't care - imo Chibo's reported a lot since his return and ignited discussion so I don't think he should be the play today.
Didn't like the vibe of this one, though.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I was interested in Vult?

I thought I was interested in Mayling only. Oh well. Anyway, was addressing point brought against me. I could probably do both (defend and ask questions) but I didn't.

Scum prolly Chibo or Summoner, with a less likelihood of Xonar. The first two are the people Gheb focused heavily on d1.
I read this as "Summoner is scum". Sorry for reading it wrong Mayling :(

Also, I hope I'd be happy if this paragraph was ignored for being stupid. didn't go unnoticed :(


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
@xonar... so you have scumtells based on nothing but vibes and discommunication - this is vague to me - D1 was a jumbled mess in hindsight - I made it perfectly clear I wanted to look into the whole heat/gheb/marc/summoner debacle with heat my main suspect - so what other stances were you expecting here? if lack of stances is suspect to you, what do you have to say for those that do hold stances on other players?

@Summoner you said vult/may cannot be scumbuddies together just for clarification - your vote on heat was strictly to get out of rvs you say, yet you persisted even after we were out of it, and now you still go on about the self-vote as if it should still hold significance!:- so I'm not getting clear thoughts from you - what are your current reads on heat? what paragraph should be ignored?

xiivi: request votecount!

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I said that I set my sights on you, I don't find you scummy per se, but I am watching your posts, and so far I've seen (close to) 0 stances. I agree that there is less to work with than usual (I'm having trouble with this myself) but that doesn't mean you can take 0 stances.
@xonar... so you have scumtells based on nothing but vibes and discommunication - this is vague to me - D1 was a jumbled mess in hindsight
I read this as 1 big contradiction. I have scumtells based on vibes and discommunication (what is that last thing anyways?), but you admit that D1 was a mess.
Your stances came in kinda late, I don't like that. Besides that, you didn't really commit to them by elaborating or something.

Who are your suspects right now?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia

When did you point vult out distinctly of your significance scumlist? Upon reading all of the posts on this page, I noticed you doing that, but i'm not sure as to why you would.

Also don't fret, I remember that need to elaborate on what i meant by disconnection, and I will do so, in abooout, 15 minutes *poof*


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
xonar I use discommunication/disconnection/any dis- word for someone implying a lack of something - like heat saying I was disconnected/you saying I'm not really communicating my stances. hope this is clear now.

also that's not a contradiction if you look closely - vibes and a jumbled D1 don't contradict each other.

suspects... summoner is my top suspect right now - I feel like some of his decisions have not done himself justice imo - the scum meta saying 'I only do this as scum', the cute apology to mayling which, ironicallly, touches upon some his meta in other games, how he was committed to heat for some time yet insists on saying it was just to get out of rvs, and yet despite this still refers to the self-vote as lame as if it should mean something... I'm feeling pretty off with summoner atm.

Next would be marc.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008

Okay, the when I first voted Heat (waaaaaayback) that was to get out of RVS. After he self voted, I decided to keep it on there until something better came along. it changed to Mayling for a little while and then changed back to Heat after he didn't vote at all. Right now, I thought I might be basing my votes on irritation (I was pretty annoyed at Heat at some points) so I've been thinking about it some more. I dunno, Heat's kinda come out D2 with lots of stuff he could have posted D1 and could have pushed lynches then. I'm thinking about it.

Kat, read Mayling's post and what she quoted. Who do you think is scummy right now? I dunno, you seem to be doing a lot of asking who scum are and not much saying what you think they are.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Deadline has been set for May 2, 2010 11:59PM EST.

It's takes 5/8 to lynch!

Day 2 Vote Count 1:
ChiboSempai: (0)
HeatStroke: (0)
Kataefi: (0)
Mayling: Marc (:041:)
Marc: (0)
SummonerAU: HeatStroke, Xonar (:041: :041:)
Vult Redux: (0)
Xonar: (0)
Not Voting: ChiboSempai, Kataefi, Mayling, SummonerAU, Vult Redux (:041: :041: :041: :041: :041:)


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Also, cute apology to Mayling...?
I read this as "Summoner is scum". Sorry for reading it wrong Mayling
referring to this? what I quoted is pretty clearly interpreted as "Summoner is scum" and I answered by being abrasive.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I take back my disconnected statement on kataefi, upon re'SKIM' she posted a lot more than I originally thought, I was just distant from her.


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Mayling, you responded to this post: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=10100719&postcount=180

with this:

unvote, vote marc

kat come away with me in the night :3
Plenty of quotes in there, me thinks. I'm just getting tired of repeating myself. Do you not admit to doing nothing until I pretty much dragged you into the game? Do you not agree that a knee-jerk vote and bringing up someone else (Chibo) is a terrible defense?

You ignored this:

Mayling what happened to Marc?
Basically, you tried to get me lynched near the end of Day 1 but have backed off considerably ever since then. And for good reason, because your vote makes no sense.

Any ideas who'd my scumbuddy be AT ALL? It makes no sense you couldn't see some connection between me and another player.
Anyone who didn't move their vote for a bad reason is a secondary suspect.


Nov 7, 2008
bad post is bad post

Plenty of quotes in there, me thinks. I'm just getting tired of repeating myself.
fair enough

Do you not admit to doing nothing until I pretty much dragged you into the game?
no i do not. You didn't drag me into this game. It was just good timing.

Do you not agree that a knee-jerk vote and bringing up someone else (Chibo) is a terrible defense?
No I do not.

I was saying, it's really odd you placed a vote on Chibo, not to peruse it, only to drop it and place it on the next easiest target.

You ignored this:

Summoner said:
Mayling, what happened to Marc?
No I didn't. I just didn't reply to it yet.

Basically, you tried to get me lynched near the end of Day 1 but have backed off considerably ever since then. And for good reason, because your vote makes no sense.
So you think I should continue to focus on you? But that could lead to tunneling. Isn't focusing on one person at a time better? Like, asking Summoner all his questions. It's weird.

It's not that my vote didn't make sense, but to ignore the fact that STUFF HAS HAPPENED BETWEEN THEN AND NOW would be silly and inconsiderate. I have to consider everything. not just you. It's the same as Heatstroke trying to put suspicion on me because my "marc post" didn't just contain "marc" things but also involved Heatstroke and Summoner questions.

Anyone who didn't move their vote for a bad reason is a secondary suspect.
Move their vote? From What? What votes are you talking about?

@Heatstroke. Are you a girl? Or a guy? I am a girl. Just fyi. Since you keep saying him/her. I thought I'd help you out. You're welcome.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
?.? but I've been calling you SHE since the beginning! Also to clarify for the 17th time I'm also a guy.

Summoner did it ever occur to you that I'm asking a bunch of questions for information that will help me list my suspects? Also I read this...
I read this as "Summoner is scum". Sorry for reading it wrong Mayling :(

Also, I hope I'd be happy if this paragraph was ignored for being stupid. didn't go unnoticed :(
...as your cute apology, fyi. Saying sorry... changes nothing, and that little disclaimer... also means nothing to me, because anyone can do anything on the basis they have a "I'd be happy if this paragraph was ignored for being stupid" tag at the end.

I don't know why you chose to include that defence in the first place when you actually acknowledged it was stupid.

@heat: vult interacted with summoner asking a bunch of questions I thought were a little off, and then implied a heat/marc connection based on information I thought, at the time, had a little too much thought put in, what with Marc's something-close-to 7-8 posts. Over-analysis at the middle of D1 for me is a bit off-putting but these aren't scumtells per se, just that's the answer to your question.


Nov 7, 2008
@Marc: Also, something I don't like about you. You say I should definitely be the play d2, after re-reading. that would indicate that I did something further during twilight that sealed my scumminess. However, you just place your vote on me and don't try to say why I'm scummy or prove my scumminess. I'ts like you're placing your vote on me, hoping people will jump on it, but not willing to work or fight for it.

@Heatstroke, my apologies. I thought you were a girl as well. :) Thanks for clearing that up.


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
bad post is bad post
What about it is bad? An odd thing to say considering your reasoning for not following through on attacking me.

Move their vote? From What? What votes are you talking about?
It was pretty clear at some point that there would be a no lynch with the status quo.

I can agree this isn't really going places so I'll look into other people more, I suppose.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
lol I completely forgot about this game, sorry. The whole guaranteed twilight part through me off or something. the prod reminded me about it, so I'm back

Anyway, catching up on some things and various ques asked to me (remind me if I'm missing anything that I need to touch on).

Vult is still my top suspect following everything I said at the end of D1, and some new things opened up. I was very adamant about the whole gunning for Vult thing during twilight if I die for a couple of reasons...
1. After Vult kind of scrambled at the end of D1 when I figured him out (imo it was a slip to me) and kept calling out the things like massive buddying, I thought it was a possibility that Vult would just get rid of me easily. Though this isn't that likely to happen, scum is normally smarter than that.
2. It was a semi trap. If scum didn't include Vult, they could have easily killed me at night to setup a wifom situation for vult and potentially get a mislynch with more suspicion on him. But no one bit for the idea, which not only makes me think Vult is scum even more.

Vult's been generally quiet today (lol I suppose I have as well), but more importantly the few posts today (2 iirc) have been very.... dry. Not much explanation, etc. He also said he's straying away from the Mayling wagon, which I find interesting.

As for someone other than Vult, I'm leaning mostly towards Mayling atm. The case growing on her from everyone else seems pretty legit. There's the small connection with Vult I mentioned in the last paragraph), and she seems to be dodging a lot of questions/points, and the scummiest tell for her imo is that she randomly tries to bring up other people - whether it be for defense or to simply get any kind of spotlight off of her.

But yea, I'm still gonna tunnel on Vult lol

Vote Vult


Nov 7, 2008
Vult's been generally quiet today (lol I suppose I have as well), but more importantly the few posts today (2 iirc) have been very.... dry. Not much explanation, etc. He also said he's straying away from the Mayling wagon, which I find interesting.
What Mayling Wagon?
Why is it interesting that he is straying away from a Mayling wagon but not a Summoner one?

As for someone other than Vult, I'm leaning mostly towards Mayling atm. The case growing on her from everyone else seems pretty legit.
Wat. What case? I really see no case.
I can see I'm going blind though. Because, really, there's no case or wagon on me this day.
I'm so confused and bewildered.

I wish there was a case on me so I could refute it.
But mainly there are complaints of "She was quiet. Now she's talking. UH OH."

Scum right har raise da roooof.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I haven't posted much because I've been busy and internet access has been mostly small.

Will respond to HeatStroke and Chibo tomorrow. I really need to sleep now. Sorry.


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Willing to follow along which Chibo's case against Vult, I *think*. In any case, I'll be away for two days for a smash tournament.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
First off, did everyone seriously ask you questions about Vult? That sounds kind of off :/

Vult is still my top suspect following everything I said at the end of D1, and some new things opened up. I was very adamant about the whole gunning for Vult thing during twilight if I die for a couple of reasons...

1. After Vult kind of scrambled at the end of D1 when I figured him out (imo it was a slip to me) and kept calling out the things like massive buddying, I thought it was a possibility that Vult would just get rid of me easily. Though this isn't that likely to happen, scum is normally smarter than that.
Normally smarter than what? Killing the person who causes the most problems? The person's 'most pro-town?' You said yourself it could have caused a wifom situation, ALONG with killing a pro-town player.

If Vult was smarter than that, he could've killed you anyway, say it was someone else making you look scummy, and act townie altogether from then on.

This point isn't very good.

2. It was a semi trap. If scum didn't include Vult, they could have easily killed me at night to setup a wifom situation for vult and potentially get a mislynch with more suspicion on him. But no one bit for the idea, which not only makes me think Vult is scum even more.
Don't you think there's more people than you who have been FoS'd, say, me FoS'ing Mayling in the end of the Day of D1? What makes you so much more important.

Vult's been generally quiet today (lol I suppose I have as well),
lol, that's funny, lolololololol.

but more importantly the few posts today (2 iirc) have been very.... dry. Not much explanation, etc. He also said he's straying away from the Mayling wagon, which I find interesting.
Lol @ Mayling wagon not existing.

Hey man, be honest, are you scum trying to lynch Vult for a quick kill? It's all good if you are, I'll kill you last, promise. ;)


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
EBWOP : But for serious Chibo, besides for the potential Slip-up, I don't see what you have on Vult. Everything is "this slip-up" + "wifom occuring from night kill". I don't see anything particularly sticking out about Vult (then again, you did comment that Vult has been extremely dry today, which I agree with).

However, using WIFOM scenarios to prove your point.. doesn't really prove your point to me, it just shows that all you have against him is slip-up itself. In fact, you barely posted anything until you found this slip-up, perhaps it was staged?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
there's been more than that, look at his MASSIVE buddying with multiple ppl, especially with me @ the end of d1

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
At the end of Day 1... I pointed it right out when it happened, read the rest of Day 1 starting from my last catchup post. On my phone right now, don't feel like getting links. Also for Vult saying he doesn't like the wagon on you, he said it fairly early this day.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Did some quick reading and Mayling should definitely be the play on Day 2. I'm really not too sure who her scumbuddy is yet. Having a scum flip will be a great lead though.
Did you ever get around to posting reasons for such a strong Mayling inclination? If so, can you link me to where you posted it?

@HeatStroke, actually upon reading your case more closely I found a point that I liked:
Mm, yes, because Mayling will vote himself/herself right?
Mayling was sitting on Marc when there was a distribution of votes. Why didn't she move to Vult then? She waited long enough and now I'm a the target instead of Marc.
@Summoner: Can you reword this response?

Also, HeatStroke, did you ever finish reread of me?

@Chibo - Please respond to posts 289 and 304.

lol I completely forgot about this game, sorry.
You forgot about this game? Really?

1. After Vult kind of scrambled at the end of D1 when I figured him out (imo it was a slip to me) and kept calling out the things like massive buddying, I thought it was a possibility that Vult would just get rid of me easily. Though this isn't that likely to happen, scum is normally smarter than that.
2. It was a semi trap. If scum didn't include Vult, they could have easily killed me at night to setup a wifom situation for vult and potentially get a mislynch with more suspicion on him. But no one bit for the idea, which not only makes me think Vult is scum even more.

While I semi-support kill analysis [to be honest I barely even knew who Gheb was in terms of this game; to me, he looked like a neutralish "Let's just leaves things as they are" -type kill, as opposed to targeting someone who had more spotlight and whose death would start an unpredictable chain reaction], you're setting up a lose-lose that would make me look bad regardless.

"They didn't kill me, so he's scummy. But if were to have killed me, it would obviously been to get me off his back".

And so you're stretching here.


Nov 7, 2008
In post 172, I said that the case he'd posted against Sworddance was amazing, and voted him.

I don't consider that buddying. Because any sort of agreement could be said to be "buddying." And town right now is having trouble getting together to get a lynch. We don't need to be in fear of having our actions called buddying just because we're willing to vote someone.

Vult, are you going to get around to telling us why you don't want a summoner/maymay lynch?
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