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Twilight Mafia - Game Over - Who lived happily ever after in Transylvania?


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Haven't been able to get online yesterday and twilight might actually be over already technically (unsure of the time difference). I'll have some catching up to do if I make it through the Night.

Forced no lynch in case of no majority? Wasn't aware of that, but it's really bad for us. I still stick to my vote btw.


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Did some quick reading and Mayling should definitely be the play on Day 2. I'm really not too sure who her scumbuddy is yet. Having a scum flip will be a great lead though.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Night 1 Begins & Twilight 1 Ends!

Night 1 Begins! No Lynch occurs. Please send me any Night Actions you may have by April 25, 11:59PM.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Day 2 Begins & Night 1 Ends!

In the night the vampires suck the blood and kill the first member of the town that they can find.

Gheb_01, Transylvanian has been murdered!

Deadline has been set for May 2, 2010 11:59PM EST.

It's takes 5/8 to lynch!

Day 2 Vote Count 0:
ChiboSempai: (0)
HeatStroke: (0)
Kataefi: (0)
Mayling: (0)
Marc: (0)
SummonerAU: (0)
Vult Redux: (0)
Xonar: (0)
Not Voting: ChiboSempai, HeatStroke, Kataefi, Mayling, Marc, SummonerAU, Vult Redux, Xonar (:041: :041: :041: :041: :041: :041: :041: :041:)

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Oh hey, look at Vult trying to jump on the easiest bandwagon.
Why was HeatSroke wagon an easier wagon than Mayling wagon?

I pegged him as one of the most obv-townies on my read through.

Also, I'm wondering why Vult said he noticed that HeatStroke hadn't voted and then gives me the credit of finding it.
You're welcome. :ohwell:

I saw he wasn't voting by glancing at vote spread.

I HADN'T realized that he'd withheld his vote during the entire Day 1, which is where the real case lies.


I don't find that to be a scumtell.
So you disagree with all of the following:

No vote = no interested in hunting scum = wanting to stay off radar = wanting not to be on anyone's bad side


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Heat could you elaborate on your reads? - why vult/summoner? Considering the nightkill, what information reflects you switching viewpoints from mayling to these 2 players? Also why on earth did you decide to quote dump and make a case so close to the deadline? =?

Marc this quote...
Did some quick reading and Mayling should definitely be the play on Day 2. I'm really not too sure who her scumbuddy is yet. Having a scum flip will be a great lead though.
...is a little off to me:- Mayling was your predominant suspect D1, but this looks like a very public plan of how you want D2 to run in twilight - this almost serves to blueprint scum's Night actions here, why couldn't you have made this post along with your 'quick reads' at the start of this Day?

Also what are your current thoughts on vult/summoner?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Because i wanted to post something in general, posting information is information regardless. Yes you dont' get to see my flip, but would i really have been able to change that regardless of if i posted that or not?

My reads on vult and summoner have ceased to exist, I am going back now to re-read them and get my quote dump hard and ready *mmm yeah*


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
EBWOP: I would like to say now that me reading someone doesn't mean that i think they are scum, it's just that i feel that they are scummy enough for a read. I wouldn't put a set vote on anyone until i get at least two mafia in my eyes.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Not an edit, but third post


For summonerau's read, I would like to start off in the RVS stage.

His first post coming into the game is a joking vote against Sworddancer.

His second post is.

Implying town doesn't have power.

Are you trying to make us think our lynch is useless?

Vote: HeatStroke
I'm going to go off the assumption that this is a serious post and a serious vote. First off, this vote is pretty light : petty. Anyone who plays mafia should have the general idea that town's way of winning is by their vote. He doesn't ask questions to solidy mafia scumminess, he just votes me.

P25 - More pressuring into the vote.

Why? To see who would and to how HeatStroke reacted to being at L-2. ), I don't want to be in RVS any longer than we have to.),- I'm going to assume from here that's he's playing extremely aggressive, quick lynches, quick evidence, not overthinking any potential vote.

Self voting doesn't help anyone, if you RV at least you might accidentally vote a scum and they might do soemthing silly (note I say mightself voting doesn't help anyone at all. If anything, it's anti town if you're town because you're voting someone you know is confirmed town (assuming you are town). If you're scum, it's also a "WHY WOULD SCUM SELF VOTE XDXDXD" situation.

tl;dr very very bad joke (if it was a joke)
While summoner understands the possibility of it being a joke, he does not unvote.

The next two posts are fluff.

So, what you're saying is I have a point but I might be scum because it's an easy point to make...?
joke votes are joke votes but self joke votes are irritating.
using emotion to base his votes. I was irritating, therefore i'm scummy. ;\

maybe it's because it's you being voted but anyway thanks for portraying me as an overeager beaver!
I was not unsettled by kat's vote, nor yours, because those two by themself puts me at L-3, no real pressure here, however you can look back and see your aggressive attitude towards getting me lynched, you also make comment you want to be in RVS in as short of a time as possible, by this being said, you are infact quite eager to vote/kill summoner.

Pretty sure it isn't something to build a case on by itself Gheb, unless you would prefer it if I was all "lol lets lynch HeatStroke because of a little thing that might be a joke" and I'm preeeeetty sure that's a bad thing to have done. Unless you care to tell me that wanting to lynch someone over something like that good?
Your vote has yet to be released. As far as i'm concerned you're giving the idea that it's not enough to build a case on, but you're okay with killing me anyway incase someone arises to vote me.

Gheb, why is it you are always there for HS? It's like you're a knight in scummy armour.

HeatStroke or Gheb please guys :)

too tired to go into the details of people's posts of the last day or so right now, I'll look at them sometime in the near future.

get@me Gheb.
Just a moment ago (well, two pages on 40ppp) you said my joke vote "was nothing to build a case off of". However now it's me being scummy and gheb is defending. You have yet to build a case on me at all besides for random back and forth conversation. Now you are connecting Gheb (town) to this case that has yet to be made.

But i'm sure you'll make the case later when you aren't tired right..?

I'm pretty frustrated that I won't be able to read this because of things yesterday and timezones.
Johns, emotions, etc.

I wonder why you only see a Vult lynch when several others had more votes.
Like me! Kill me please :) Indirectly defending Vult's lynch for potentially no reason.

Also suprised that as soon as the Vult votes were tied with the Mayling votes, Mayling comes and puts more votes on Vult.
Mm, yes, because Mayling will vote himself/herself right?

I'm noticing that Summoner and Vult are agreeing with each other and that summoner's sprout of activity only came from when Vult was at the point of being lynched, and he used me as a potential scapegoat to keep Vult alive.

Well, aren't I glad we ended up no lynching! :)

Both summoner and vult are the only people to notice me not voting, while also ignoring the fact is aid i wouldn't vote until I had enough information. Mayling did the same thing, however did come to an agreement that she did see me saying I wouldn't post
until I had information.

Only vote from HeatStroke I can remember is himself. My memory has gaping holes in page 4 and 5 though.
Y'know, you didn't post throughout this entire time.

Also, this is what i'm seeing from Gheb's kill. Marc wants Mayling dead, and Mayling wants me dead. I was kept alive throughout n1 so that I can be a scapegoat. Mayling was kept alive to vote me, Marc was kept alive to kill mayling, and kat, eh, iunno about Kat.

Anyways, this is only the POV from Summoner/Vult being scum. Which i'm safe with until i read more.

vote: SummonerAu


Nov 7, 2008
Scum prolly Chibo or Summoner, with a less likelihood of Xonar. The first two are the people Gheb focused heavily on d1.

Wanna see summoner's response.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Xiivi, combination of sickness and no internet at home means I won't be even on the net for the next week most likely. I don't know if I should replace out or not but I don't mind if I do.

Heads up to those in the game. Doing this in treestump as well. Anyway, this will probably be my last post depending on how Xiivi feels so I'll reply to HeatStroke's post.

I'm going to go off the assumption that this is a serious post and a serious vote. First off, this vote is pretty light : petty. Anyone who plays mafia should have the general idea that town's way of winning is by their vote. He doesn't ask questions to solidy mafia scumminess, he just votes me.
serious...? Wrong. That's just not how I roll. If you check out Xiivi loves America Mafia where I played town, I did something similar to Vyse D1 (I was town, Vyse was town) and it got us out of RVS okayish I guess.

While summoner understands the possibility of it being a joke, he does not unvote.

The next two posts are fluff.
and? people at that point still had joke votes out, why didn't they unvote?

using emotion to base his votes. I was irritating, therefore i'm scummy. ;\
They're irritating because self voting is lame to read.
I was not unsettled by kat's vote, nor yours, because those two by themself puts me at L-3, no real pressure here, however you can look back and see your aggressive attitude towards getting me lynched, you also make comment you want to be in RVS in as short of a time as possible, by this being said, you are infact quite eager to vote/kill summoner.
Idea behind it is that the person at L-whatever close to being lynched will say more than what they would at 0 votes and thus give people things to say about what they've said and get us out of RVS.
Your vote has yet to be released. As far as i'm concerned you're giving the idea that it's not enough to build a case on, but you're okay with killing me anyway incase someone arises to vote me.
As far as I'm concerned, that's not the idea at all. I don't often Unvote unless I see it as a good reason. I think I also address the next paragraph you say with this as well.
Mm, yes, because Mayling will vote himself/herself right?
Mayling was sitting on Marc when there was a distribution of votes. Why didn't she move to Vult then? She waited long enough and now I'm a the target instead of Marc.
I'm noticing that Summoner and Vult are agreeing with each other and that summoner's sprout of activity only came from when Vult was at the point of being lynched, and he used me as a potential scapegoat to keep Vult alive.

Well, aren't I glad we ended up no lynching!

Both summoner and vult are the only people to notice me not voting, while also ignoring the fact is aid i wouldn't vote until I had enough information. Mayling did the same thing, however did come to an agreement that she did see me saying I wouldn't post
until I had information.
You still didn't put a vote on in time, your vote could have easily have gotten Vult lynched. Instead town was down to 6 votes to reach a 5 majority with a large unlikelyhood that all would be online at once.
Y'know, you didn't post throughout this entire time.
Remember those 'johns' you mentioned. They were legit.

Another think which I would normally do as scum is kill the person I'm targetting in the day phase. Read Nothing Special and notice I targetted Cello for ages and Cello was still alive last day. yeah yeah, eat some meta. I'd be happy if this paragraph was ignored for being stupid.
Mayling what happened to Marc?

That's it.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I just want to let you know Out of Context.

I'm never going to check another mafia thread for information on you.

Back to reading.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
EBWOP: If I was to vote Vult, do you think they (they being anyone, like vult or you) would've called me out for not giving all the information I promised and immediately hammering Vult?

So why haven't you asked Mayling about his/her vote yet? Does it leave you that sad inside that you can't even ask your mean mean scumclaim Mayling about it?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I feel like this game has gone a bit quiet =/

I did a bit of a reread - strictly speaking, for twilight phase I recommend we don't list our personal plans for the next coming day, we should aim to imply these before or after - I feel like signposting this info and making it obvious can be used by scum to incriminate other people:- we should stick to the person we lynched and make the twilight period close to a drama 'hotseating' session where we squeeze all the info out of our lynchee before they die. /my royal 2 cents!

@Chibo thoughts right now?! Who should be looked into? You were vocal about Vult needing to die if YOU die, why did you make this public in twilight? Aside from Vult who else is beginning to standout and why? Also... we were close to a no lynch, I'm implying the 'easiest' wagon would have still been the smartest wagon to avoid that impending no lynch - why did you accuse Vult so easily for making this option? What do you make of everyone else on that wagon?

@Xonar where is your analysis on summoner? Who else aside from summoner is standing out to you right now?

@Heat information IS information but some of your reads sit more on the surface level. The long post you made on mayling showed you observing her behaviour moreso than reading the ins and outs behind them - I found this a little off considering it was (iirc) <24 hours until deadline. It looked like a quote dump at the wrong time. With that said so what was your 'full read' on mayling? - you said you'd have full reads on other players here, where are they? also my song better be good!

@Summoner - why are you telling us how you'd play as scum? your points here are arbortive because there's the possibility you'd act differently this game. Are you saying you only did what you did to get out of rvs? If you could just clarify these things for me that'd be GREAT! =D

I'll come up with more stuff later.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I agree with your original statement Kat. I've done a re-read on SummonerAu on the beginning of D2 ^. I acutally thought that i was explaining why they did what they did.. But i guess i wasn't :\

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Kat, aside from Summoner, I've set my sights on you. My read on Summoner is mainly just vibes confirmed by Roxy's reread.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
@Kat: I was having difficulty putting what I was trying to do into works so I gave examples instead. The idea was to HELP get out of RVS and maybe find da scums

@Xonar: Why didn't you mention the vibes the same time you mentioned the vibes on Kat when you voted Mayling? Also, Roxy? Why did you call them that?


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
My case on Mayling is that she ignores pretty much everything, votes/makes an attempt to respond only when being called out and doesn't do anything otherwise. She even ignored what Summoner said to her, as well as my last big post on D1. Aside from that, her defense was terrible ("don't you think Chibo is scummier bawwwww"). She was doing a better job in NSM and I don't want her around in endgame. The game is stale because no one is agreeing, which sucks with this ruleset. We might as well quit now if we don't lynch someone toDay.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Not into Summoner wagon.
Not into Mayling wagon.

Still kind of am partial to a HeatStroke wagon.

Patiently waiting for Chibo.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
In all seriousness Vult. Give me reasons as to why Summoner's or Mayling's lynching is unviable, and while mine is a much more viable option to you than the formers. I'm sure by now my two reads look sickening to you. What are you waiting for Chibo for?

@Summoner - Apologise for answering the question, however I am curious, what importance was it to you to know why he called me Roxy :?. I don't see how it could get us any closer to town winning.

@Kataefi - You seem to be disconnected from everyone else in the group. Any particular reason that is?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
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