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Twilight Mafia - Game Over - Who lived happily ever after in Transylvania?

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I have inclination to thinking they're Town. Because of the end of Day 1, in particular.

I also think Kat is Town. Kind of.

Everyone else is a jumbled mess of uncertainty.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Did you ever get around to posting reasons for such a strong Mayling inclination? If so, can you link me to where you posted it?

@HeatStroke, actually upon reading your case more closely I found a point that I liked:
@Summoner: Can you reword this response?

Also, HeatStroke, did you ever finish reread of me?

@Chibo - Please respond to posts 289 and 304.

You forgot about this game? Really?


While I semi-support kill analysis [to be honest I barely even knew who Gheb was in terms of this game; to me, he looked like a neutralish "Let's just leaves things as they are" -type kill, as opposed to targeting someone who had more spotlight and whose death would start an unpredictable chain reaction], you're setting up a lose-lose that would make me look bad regardless.

"They didn't kill me, so he's scummy. But if were to have killed me, it would obviously been to get me off his back".

And so you're stretching here.
I think i caught everyone you said already.

I actually didn't re-read you.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
@Chibo: What is your definition of buddying and how do scum use it to gain advantage?
You want to know what buddying is?

I make a case against someone else:

This post screams scum to me. Sworddancer made a whole 4 posts in this game while he was in it (and didn't act purposely inactive like I did). He still wanted people to think he was active with excuses like at the top of this post. He wanted to continue to be seen as good in the eyes of everyone else. Then he goes onto vote me with very little reasoning.

A vote on me wasn't out of line, it was deserved - but not for the reason Sword did. Bad townie? Sure. Inactive? Sure. Pressure vote to get me to vote? Definitely. Being sure that I'm scum? He has no reason to assume that yet.

Either this is a RVS post late to the party (doubtful without a vote), also doubtful for having a normal question in there as well. I didn't post yet either and yet he neglected to point that out. He wasn't looking over the game that well and instread simply picked out Gheb to get early suspicion on. He also already placed a random vote down and decided to stick with it, which is certainly questionable.

He also seems to be wary of the whole Heat situation but doesn't take a side. He goes from calling Heat "obv scum" to questioning Summoner about votes on Heat.

Heat right now is my #1 town read in the game (more on that later if people want), so also if I see people against him for such frivolous reasons I'm going to likely suspect them somewhat.

Vote: Xonar
(^^^ This is post #166)

I start asking questions to Vult which if answered wrong (which he eventually did) proves a slip up...

Another reminder for Vult to answer my question as soon as he's on and back into this game

Here's a copy of the question:

Vult Redux - Serious Question - How did you know the setup was 7 town and 2 scum before Xiivi edited the OP?

No one else answer this please.
Vult replies after both of these posts with...

I read the OP.

Though past posts + this one give me the impression that there was an error that lead people to believe that there could be a third scum, I missed it.

I have limited access and am posting via Wii at the moment, so I may not be able to post again before deadline. I'm okayish/maybeish on Marc's response to my case, but I need to look it over more closely. But that can wait since no one seems interested in lynching him anyway. So.

Chibo lynch is cool with me. Even though I think the points he brings up show signs of genuine scumhunting, there really, really is no reason why she/he could have posted it sooner.

My impression = skated through the entire day with nothing for us to read him on, and only finally posts opinions, reads, other content only when there's not enough time to scrutinize his/her posts and get a read on him before deadline. Scummy.
Vult completely danced around my question, and didn't mention my post 166 at all

So, I dig into him further:

Vult, stop dodging the question.

You read the OP, durr
More specific of an answer. Perhaps where in the OP?

Again, this question is only for Vult
And Vult's reply?

I just read post 166 and it is amazing.

Interestingly enough, during school yesterday, I tested myself to see how many players in this game I could recall off the top of my head; the only person I couldn't remember is Sworddancer. It's kind of like a lurker test, nyah?

Xonar = Sworddancer, correct?

Vote: Sworddancer

Willing to let Marc go for now.

Sworddancerlurker's more likely to flip scum over Chibolurker.
Ignores my question yet again, all of a sudden loves my other post suspecting someone that isn't him, and decides to go after him.

Buddying much?


Nov 7, 2008
Chibo lynch is cool with me. Even though I think the points he brings up show signs of genuine scumhunting, there really, really is no reason why she/he could have posted it sooner.
I don't remember catching this before. And if anything, I found this to be just about the scummiest thing Vult has said/done. How can someone be doing genuine scumhunting and be scum? That's a contradiction. Genuine scumhunting would indicate that Chibo is trying his hardest and his efforts aren't faked, which scum MUST fake scum hunting.

My impression = skated through the entire day with nothing for us to read him on, and only finally posts opinions, reads, other content only when there's not enough time to scrutinize his/her posts and get a read on him before deadline. Scummy.
This is also just a parrot of me. Isn't it?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Doing a reread!:- still waiting on summoner to respond to my post... can't really pursue anything on him otherwise =/

but maylinguistics what do you make of chibo's case on vult points-wise? e.g. the apparent 'slip'?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Summoner did it ever occur to you that I'm asking a bunch of questions for information that will help me list my suspects? Also I read this...
Originally Posted by SummonerAU View Post
I read this as "Summoner is scum". Sorry for reading it wrong Mayling

Also, I hope I'd be happy if this paragraph was ignored for being stupid. didn't go unnoticed
...as your cute apology, fyi. Saying sorry... changes nothing, and that little disclaimer... also means nothing to me, because anyone can do anything on the basis they have a "I'd be happy if this paragraph was ignored for being stupid" tag at the end.

I don't know why you chose to include that defence in the first place when you actually acknowledged it was stupid.
This right? I'm kinda having trouble finding what I was 'apologising' for bt I can tell you I was being silly at the time and was being a little sarcastic when that quote clearly says she thinks I'm scum. The trouble is, the more I look for it so I can quote it an show you, the more I start to get this sinking feeling I've misread something somewhere.

I choose to include it because I thought it was an interesting thing. I like being able to think back to what I did in a similar situation as town/scum now. It makes me feel less bad at the game.

I was also pretty sure I replied to that post with something similar to this post. I wonder what happened.

Ask away Kat :)


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Deadline has been set for May 2, 2010 11:59PM EST.

It's takes 5/8 to lynch!

Day 2 Vote Count 2:
ChiboSempai: (0)
HeatStroke: (0)
Kataefi: (0)
Mayling: Marc (:041:)
Marc: (0)
SummonerAU: HeatStroke, Xonar (:041: :041:)
Vult Redux: ChiboSempai (:041:)
Xonar: (0)
Not Voting: Kataefi, Mayling, SummonerAU, Vult Redux (:041: :041: :041: :041:)

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I'm gonna be in DC till the deadline to let ppl kno, but I'll still have phone access and laptop at night.

Its beyond me why more ppl aren't voting vult yet

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I'm gonna be in DC till the deadline to let ppl kno, but I'll still have phone access and laptop at night.

Its beyond me why more ppl aren't voting vult yet

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Buddying much?
No, it's reading that post while catching up and liking and agreeing with it.

Your question was worded poorly.

You still haven't responded to 289.

How can someone be doing genuine scumhunting and be scum? That's a contradiction. Genuine scumhunting would indicate that Chibo is trying his hardest and his efforts aren't faked, which scum MUST fake scum hunting.
I used "seems to be", which is key to the meaning there.

I was weighing two different key things there: one thing I thought really scummy about him, and another I thought was town about him.

This is also just a parrot of me. Isn't it?
Maybe it mirrors yours, but it's my opinion.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
summoner are we in the same game? you apologised to may in your post here #329 for clarification.

also your justifications do fall short to me and this is because I could say/do a variety of things and safeguard them by attributing all my points to stuff I find 'interesting in saying', or 'I was being sarcastic', or I was probably meaning this, that, the other instead of what I was actually meaning etc etc... that's all subjective in that I need to believe you are genuine for these points to stand.

so the fact still remains - you did meta yourself as a defence, you did add weird disclaimers to your play amongst other points I highlighted earlier, stuff like...
(I was pretty annoyed at Heat at some points) so I've been thinking about it some more. I dunno, Heat's kinda come out D2 with lots of stuff he could have posted D1 and could have pushed lynches then. I'm thinking about it.
...which we have still yet to see any elaboration on, are making you look non-comittal this Day. what happened? o.O I'd really like to see some more effort and elaboration on your thoughts - where do you stand with heat and may this Day? why do I get the impression you're reluctant to scumhunt despite knowing that you should? from #329 btw

Also now that i'm reminded... @Vult: could you answer summoner's curiosity in #251? thanks!

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
@Kat, I responded to Summoner's 251 here:
I saw he wasn't voting by glancing at vote spread.

I HADN'T realized that he'd withheld his vote during the entire Day 1, which is where the real case lies.
I see no need for a deadline extension
Why? You said you were going to be away during lynch day, right? Wouldn't you prefer the extension?

You still haven't responded to my questions in 289.

You haven't responded to my question in 359.

You haven't responded to HeatStroke's 357.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
And HeatStroke's last post erased any indecisiveness I had left. Vote: HeatStroke

Noncommittal on Day 1 right up until deadline. Even when Mayling and I were at L-2, he showed no real interest in either of our wagons.

EBWOP : But for serious Chibo, besides for the potential Slip-up, I don't see what you have on Vult. Everything is "this slip-up" + "wifom occuring from night kill". I don't see anything particularly sticking out about Vult (then again, you did comment that Vult has been extremely dry today, which I agree with).
D2: Subtle reluctance for my wagon, but not outright against it. Fence-sitting.

I actually didn't re-read you.
D2:Claimed he would reread me. Hasn't.

y'know, I think i'm going to buy in to this slip up
And then we get this.

Nothing about the case has changed since Day 1 when he abstained from voting me. And even now on Day 2, he has a self-made case up against Summoner. But he drops it pretty quickly even after acting skeptical of my case more than once: [here, here]

Wouldn't you be interested in rereading me if you were planning to vote me so that you could be more resolute in your vote?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
HeatStroke, all through D1, you hardly voted. Yet today, you seem find with jumping on other people's point and are just voting more. Why are you doing this now and if you're happy with going with other people's ideas now, what changed between now and the end of D1 that made you happy with voting as such? Why was what changed more persuasive that avoiding a no lynch?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
And HeatStroke's last post erased any indecisiveness I had left. Vote: HeatStroke

Noncommittal on Day 1 right up until deadline. Even when Mayling and I were at L-2, he showed no real interest in either of our wagons.
if i was scum, and i didn't feel like lynching either of you, what does that say? :|

D2: Subtle reluctance for my wagon, but not outright against it. Fence-sitting.
Because I gave you the benefit of the doubt, that the slip-up wasn't as bad as I thought. But you haven't said much except bs.

D2:Claimed he would reread me. Hasn't.
Yep, playing five mafia games does that to you.

Nothing about the case has changed since Day 1 when he abstained from voting me. And even now on Day 2, he has a self-made case up against Summoner. But he drops it pretty quickly even after acting skeptical of my case more than once:
nah, it's still there, there was even a wagon on it when i started it. why would i hope off a wagon when i want the ***** to die.

Oh yeah, i FoS'd both of you, lolol

Wouldn't you be interested in rereading me if you were planning to vote me so that you could be more resolute in your vote?
yeah, but i cant be bothered to do that right now. take it or leave it.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
summonerau said:
HeatStroke, all through D1, you hardly voted. Yet today, you seem find...


sorry, had to do it.

summonerau said:
with jumping on other people's point and are just voting more.

summonerau said:
Why are you doing this now and if you're happy with going with other people's ideas now
getting more of a feel of who's scum and who's not. I could be wrong though :|

summonerau said:
what changed between now and the end of D1 that made you happy with voting as such? Why was what changed more persuasive that avoiding a no lynch?
Why you hoppin on my **** immediately after vult did it?

Sounds like you're helping my FoS's.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
if i was scum, and i didn't feel like lynching either of you, what does that say? :|
1.) You don't want attention brought to yourself in the case of a mislynch.
2.) Mayling is actually your scumbuddy and you didn't want to give any associations with her away by having to decide between us.
3.) Deadline stalling. Scum don't mind a No Lynch.

Because I gave you the benefit of the doubt, that the slip-up wasn't as bad as I thought. But you haven't said much except bs.
Why give me benefit of doubt?
Why does my posting BS change the way you see the "slip"?
Do you still think I'm posting BS now?

Oh yeah, i FoS'd both of you, lolol
Why did you FOS but not vote?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
1.) You don't want attention brought to yourself in the case of a mislynch.
I like attention, unlike you who pressured me to get the spotlight off of you d1.

Just saying.

2.) Mayling is actually your scumbuddy and you didn't want to give any associations with her away by having to decide between us.
Mayling's not my scumbuddy, she's just my 'buddy' if you know what i mean ;)

3.) Deadline stalling. Scum don't mind a No Lynch.
Or, scum don't mind a no lynch when the previous option was against them.

Why give me benefit of doubt?
To prevent lynching the wrong person? You should be grateful.

Why does my posting BS change the way you see the "slip"?
It didn't, hence why i'm voting you.

Do you still think I'm posting BS now?

Why did you FOS but not vote?
I voted Summoner, then you, both of which are FoS's


Nov 7, 2008


Nov 7, 2008
And HeatStroke's last post erased any indecisiveness I had left. Vote: HeatStroke

Noncommittal on Day 1 right up until deadline. Even when Mayling and I were at L-2, he showed no real interest in either of our wagons.
This seems strange. If HS were scum and we're town, he would have been content to vote either of us
D2: Subtle reluctance for my wagon, but not outright against it. Fence-sitting.
why would reluctance for your wagon be bad if you're town?? god. reaching case is reaching.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
HeatStroke, all through D1, you hardly voted. Yet today, you seem find with jumping on other people's point and are just voting more. Why are you doing this now and if you're happy with going with other people's ideas now, what changed between now and the end of D1 that made you happy with voting as such? Why was what changed more persuasive that avoiding a no lynch?
One less townie is enough reason to step up the scum lynching.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
there was always going to be a night kill and you choose to not got after someone D1 for some reason, what was that reason?

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I like attention, unlike you who pressured me to get the spotlight off of you d1.

Just saying.
I didn't pressure you. I was after your death, and it wasn't just to get spotlight off me. It was to get in a lynch that I was happy with.

And if it were to get spotlight off me, would it indicate anything about alignment?

To prevent lynching the wrong person? You should be grateful.
Why isn't there benefit of doubt now?

It didn't, hence why i'm voting you.
So you're saying:
HeatStroke not interested in Vult slip.
Vult posts "BS", which doesn't change HeatStroke's mind.
HeatStroke interested in Vult slip.

I think you misread somewhere.

Try again?: What made you change your mind about the slip, if it wasn't the "BS"?

I voted Summoner, then you, both of which are FoS's
You voted me?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
there was always going to be a night kill and you choose to not got after someone D1 for some reason, what was that reason?
The problem you have here is that you make it seem like I'm not going after anyone, however I am. I'm going after everyone equally, until something pops out to me. I never asked for a no lynch, nor did I ask for anyone in town to do a no lynch. Without my vote, a lynch could have still occurred, I was just not included due to the fact that well, for 1, I would have been hammering on myself, and that's just anti-town now isn't it SummonerAU? I gave my information on Mayling, however I didn't feel she had enough against her to make her scummy, so I read you, which is where my suspicion amongst Vult/You arose.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
golly vult you're so demanding but have stilled failed to question why you didn't want a Mayling/Summoner lynch.
I answered in post 361.

To be more specific, I found your willingness to on last-minute HeatStroke wagon Townish.

This seems strange. If HS were scum and we're town, he would have been content to vote either of us
We're entering WIFOM me here, but take into consideration the advantage one gains when they aren't on a lynch wagon or have a commitment to back up.

But here's another food for thought: if HeatStroke were Town and he had to choose between one of us and No Lynch, he would have been content with lynching one of us, would he not have?

why would reluctance for your wagon be bad if you're town?? god. reaching case is reaching.
Reluctance not the right word. Noncommittal-ness. Not agreeing or disagreeing with it so that his options are left open when he wants to make the most scum-advantageous choice.

One less townie is enough reason to step up the scum lynching.
If you want to deal with being more accusation-pressed and having to explain your views and defend yourself on the following Day.

It's a toss-up.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I think you misread (or i miswrote) somewhere.
You implied [in 130] that the reason why you changed your mind about how you feel about the "slip" was because I "posted BS".

I asked why my "posting BS" had anything to do with you changing your mind about the slip.

You just said it didn't.

So yeah...

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
what changed between now and the end of D1 that made you happy with voting as such? Why was what changed more persuasive that avoiding a no lynch?
Why you hoppin on my **** immediately after vult did it?

Sounds like you're helping my FoS's.
Someone please please PLEASE, if nothing else, READ this exchange

and notice how HeatStroke is trying to avoid explaining what changed his mind. He completely danced around it by explicitly ignoring the question and then making an accusation at Summoner completely irrelevant to the question,

and ignored the first time I asked in post 372:
What changed?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I answered his question afterwards Vult, how about you chill with trying to force someone to look scummy.

I will respond to all of this in a moment (being tomorrow), however I'm busy with many other mafia games.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I answered his question afterwards Vult
Not the one I care about.

Or did you? Where have you explained why you changed your mind? Show me.

how about you chill with trying to force someone to look scummy.
Refuting the case by dismissing it. Nonono. Let's not go there. Let's focus on the core points and facts.

Additionally, assertive scumhunting =/= "forcing someone to look scummy"

If you are having time management issues with your other games, you can always request a deadline extension.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Vult, can you like, try to keep it all in one post please, it's a little annoying.

I'm talking more about the period of time where Vult and Mayling each had 3 votes, your vote then could have been very nice then. You could have also have placed a vote even with all the votes on you.

Where's Marc? Where's Xonar? Chibo, what are your feelings on everyone but Vult?
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