Numbah 1 shout out goes out to my boy Nes noob for holding it down for the low teirs. I was so excited to see someone use one character to the end. I saw this man bare his soul and it was painful to watch but very interesting.
@Iori for not giving in, he is a real beast and shame on you all for not believing in me.
@Altus man you gotta stay away from those ledges. It was great teaming with you tho, you man me feel safe.
@Joot I was blown away by your game&watch, I hope we can fight real soon.
@gvice too bad I didn't get to play you in tourney again, I guess it just wasn't destined teehee zelda history. Sad we didn't record again too, but so glad you came buddy.
@moogle Good matches man I know it must have been frustrating to be put against you counter part zelda. I honestly thought you would beat me tho. In any case you are a ball of loveableness :3
@Coach I love you man but you can't be all sad and junk. Glad I got to see you but didn't play you at all T_T
@VTS last man that is terrible, but I know ic's and peach don't mix at all. I'm am sad you try so hard and got beat by here silly dress.
@Chams I owe it all you to baby, you gave me the golden character that lead me to victory.
@Hyper good job in your pools dog because the truth is we don't make last
@wolf those sweet matches we got in together were so fun, tho brinstar and jiggs don't match
@Nite why did you blame me for the match being so boring T_T it wasn't my fault
@Cyner we didn't play at all man what was that, so glad I could see you again tho
@Luke it was fun hanging with you man, too bad we didn't get to ddr.
@Handorine <.< giggle giggle you are funny man you should do children s parties, great I could see you again. Seriously this guy is a riot. gg on the ganon win tho I was taken by surprise
@Lance glad we got to bond, it has been too long.
@kyo ZELDA
@virgil juice great marth man you were a joy to be around. Sorry to here about your loss.
@Chad sorry man you miss such an event that was the bee's knees.
@Jack sorry again but you gotta stop the that stuff man, I was just having some fun. It just a game man.
@ kevinm ko and jmoan Where you at
@Tom You got kick in yo chest. Lol I changed it caused raymond looked.
I will post pictues soon be prepared you guys tee hee