[collapse=General Tips Relevant to Your Games]- Usmash OoS gives us a new option on platforms. Take a hit from below on-shield and Usmash OoS. If the pikmin lives, it could put them above you instantly.
- Just needs more Usmash OoS in general. There were some things you could have really punished with it.
- Uair is better than Nair for momentum canceling. Smash Up on C-stick, fastfall when it comes out, happy times (unless it hits really horizontally, like 5% of Brawl moves)
- Try fastfalling and then airdodging sometimes to get grounded. You don't just have whistle.
- Falco's a match-up that you kind of have to learn by playing. You can camp with shorthops if he's lasering, but you have to be able to act when he's about to Phantasm. Shorthop toss one, fastfall and brace for action, shorthop toss, FF and brace. Don't just mindlessly jump and toss.
- Pay more attention to your line and be more organized. Filter down to colors you want. Falco really seems to hate yellow.
- Remember that we can get as much as Falco can get from a grab at a low percentage, if not more. Keep him from getting chaingrabs and be mindful of your combos.
Just DON'T fish for the grab too hard. If he's running, don't just chase him and grab.
Work him down, pressure him, bait a phantasm, punish with grab.
OR move your camp to mid-range, wait for him to use reflector or phantasm, punish with grab if he reflectors, shield and reset the process if phantasm.
OR wait for him to just get impatient and just grab him when he moves in.
OR something else like that, whatever.
Sometimes you have to work up to the money shot, y'know?[/collapse]
[collapse=Game 1 Comments]0:06 - Always Dthrow combo Falco. You can get a lot from it.
0:11 - Avoid close-range until around 35%, just to be safe. Run and throw crap until then, plan to punish Phantasm.
0:15 - Good DI.
0:23 - The rule about not tossing pikmin at close-range still applies today, BTW.
0:38 - Why would you do this? He's already facing the way you drifted and he's shielding. ^^;
1:02 - If you're in that "inevitably getting gimped" position, it's sometimes better to delay the tether until the last possible moment. People pull up early sometimes, but don't rely on it.
1:12 - THERE YOU GO!
1:24 - OH WHAT THE
1:26 - GET AWAY
1:28 - Oh why
1:41 - Given Falco's semi-predictable recovery and the grab combos we have on most fastfallers, we can usually get a lot off of a grab on him. If you face away from the him, shield, and grab him after his Phantasm passes through a few times, it could make him afraid to use it. This would have been a good time to do so, as you were already facing away from him and it was pretty obvious that he was going to do it.
1:56 - No ledgehog? Falco's recovery is pretty easy to ledgehog (if he's going for the ledge; make sure he's below the level to land onstage).
2:19 - Would've killed if you had Usmashed OoS.
2:40 - OH WHAT THE- Why did you just let him run in? Priority one for the first 35ish% is keeping the **** away from him![/collapse]
[collapse=Game 2 Comments]0:25 to 0:37 - You got a little... attached to that platform. ^^;
0:43 - Guessing you were still in Dair mode? Dair is usually a pretty bad move to divebomb like that.
0:49 - It's really easy to hit Falco out of Phantasm with Yellow Fsmash. You had two coming up.
1:52 - Be patient, filter your line while camping, and WATCH FOR APPROACHES. Don't get lazy in the middle of camping, you have to multitask and watch for him.
If you need to, create more space. You were moving forward slightly while camping, probably from the input.
2:34 - Dthrow -> Usmash -> possibly another Usmash -> Uair, get used to it.
3:12 - IDK about other Olimars, but I have a hard time punishing Falco's SideB with Utilt. I just face away from him and grab when he passes through instead, much easier.
3:29 - Should be reading this Falco's dodges and charging these smashes IMO.[/collapse]