-Use more uair when pressuring opponents in the air/on platforms.
-You jumped towards the diddy when he was in the air and just air dodged. Don't do that. It put you right next to him in air dodge lag, without you being able to space against him, while he was in range of hitting you. This is not good.
-Try to stay grounded as much as possible. When you leave the ground, do so only to space aerials against the opponent or to get out of sticky situations. Olimar is not an airborne fighter.
-Seeing more situations you're allowing the diddy to just land/sit on the platform unpunished. Olimar's platform pressure is too strong to not take advantage of.
-If you're in banana range, do not jump to throw pikmin unless Diddy is preoccupied with something else. By banana range I mean the distance of Diddy's glide toss + his toss range + probably some more space as well which is pretty much the whole stage, haha. -Play safe when Diddy either has a banana or is near one. Having to land as Olimar while dealing with bananas (whether they're flying at you or zoning out your landing) is an important thing to avoid.
-If you downthrow an opponent that isn't in combo percents, you should usually do one of two things. Either 1) Watch their landing and try to call them out with a followup, or 2) get some space while keeping pressure and watching their reaction, taking notes in your head that you can apply the next time downthrow them. Almost everyone has habits when put under certain forms of pressure. Look for these habits and figure out how you can punish them.
- 0:47 was a good nair opportunity, but you might not have noticed. Diddy ran right at you, defenseless. A nair there would have been most likely unexpected, comboing into an up smash. You'll see more of these opportunities the more you play Olimar.
-Just noticed you aren't fsmashing at all. And the Diddy's approaching from the ground mostly. Do more of that. It's also better in closer up situations than grab is. If you and the opponent are on equal grounds at mid range, don't grab, because it puts you at a disadvantage immediately after that can be punished. Use grab when you know you'll be safe afterwards. Otherwise, fsmash, because it's safer during its cooldown, and is just as good, if not better, for zoning. Use grab more for punishing.
-NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER NEVER APPROACH WITH DASH GRAB. It's a habit most Olimar players have had at one point in time. Dash grab is used for punishing and surprises. If you have to take more than one step before you're in grab range, your opponent better be about to undergo some major lag or something or you better be using some other ****ing move, haha. What does dash grab do? Puts you in lag right in front of your opponent when you miss, or causes you to get hit by something because Olimar is stupid and doesn't have grab armor. Don't dash grab. Space with standing grab, fsmash, fair, pikmin toss, whatever. But don't do something that screams "hey guy you want candy?" because THAT'S WHAT HITTING OLIMAR TASTES LIKE. IT'S ****ING SWEET AND DELICIOUS.
-Throw more pikmin from the ground. You don't have to worry about landing (****ty situation for Olimar to be in) and you'll still have access to your main spacing tools. These tools are extremely important in this matchup, so make sure they're available as often as possible.
-When wanting to pick up a banana, what I usually do is run towards it, tap down when I get right next to it, and then hit A. Forces Olimar to stop right before he picks up the banana so I don't have to dash attack to grab it. This is good for characters like GW that have ****ty dash attacks for picking up items, or characters that just have ****ty dash attacks. And for Olimar because you don't want to undergo lag when you don't have to or you're gonna get ****ed up.
-Throw white pikmin. Always.
-Speaking of pikmin, until you get really good at watching your line, do what I did. At first, watch your line for just purples. Pay attention to where all of your purples are. If you can't do that all of the time, at least pay attention to when a purple comes up 2-3 spaces in line. Plan ahead for what you're going to use this purple for (you're going to throw it at the other dude). Purples have ****ty outcome most of the time if you use them for the wrong thing (I'm talking about grabs). But if you watch for them, you can change your next approach at the situation to affect it. Such as, grabbing in a way that a purple would be successful in, that another wouldn't (purples are good for punishing close quarter spot dodges, since it sits in place with the grab box open, outlasting spot dodges at times. Other grabs will pass by the enemy). Red, yellow, and blues don't have as terrible of outcomes or as rewarding of outcomes as purples can, in most situations. Whites, however, do have comparable terrible outcomes. So, after you get down watching for purples, whites come next. Watch for every time a white is coming up and toss that **** at the other guy. Always. Be ready for it like "okay this ****ty pikmin's coming up in 3... 2..." and by the time 1 rolls around, be like five miles away from the guy ready to throw it at him. Why always throw white pikmin? Who ****ing cares if they're okay at grabs. Because you want that white trash to either 1) get swatted down by the enemy and die, 2) latch on and deal a million damage then get hit and die, or 3) miss the other guy, fall off the stage, and die. Win win. Don't put yourself in a situation to where you're reliant on one move (grab) that white is at all useful for, while being mid range to the opponent, vulnerable to pressure. After you get good at watching for whites and purples and reacting accordingly to them coming up, you'll probably be able to keep track of your whole line. It'll train you to watch your next X amount of pikmin and you'll be able to plan ahead and adapt to the situation, and keep yourself from putting yourself in situations where the next pikmin up gives you a disadvantage.
-Missing a lot more landing nair opportunities. If you're above the opponent and they whiff and attack, or spot dodge too early, throw it out as a punish and combo it into up smash.
-4:02 You were on the left corner of the stage, Diddy was on the right. You ran all the way to the right corner of the stage and dash grabbed. Don't do that.
-Just saw the end of the first game, haha. Gonna put a section at the end about recovering XD
-Oh man this song. This song that played all the time at smashfests. Was hoping I wouldn't have to hear it again. Haha.
-Nair -> Usmash you did it!
-Fair is also a really good punish if they're outside of nair range when you're landing and they're in some form of lag. You missed an opportunity around 5:00, after he whiffed a monkey kick.
-He's slowly closing in on you, clearing pikmin all the while. Fsmash counters this.
-When you get a banana, save it. Wait for an opening. Banana is priority that Olimar doesn't normally have, that combos into ****ing whatever you want (but usually grab).
-Don't try to punish things with dash attack when there's a better option (usually grab).
-Don't up throw with anything but blues and purples and only when they're at kill percents. Yellow up throw will kill at like 200% and red at ****ing nobody cares-percents.
-Your landings are really vulnerable. Someone that knows how to punish this, will. It's one of Olimar's most vulnerable situations. Don't land near the enemy, and if you have to, try to have a hitbox in their way, or beat out what they're doing with a surprise nair.
-Lol @ two low percent purple grabs in a row. I'd be crying.
-You recovered to the stage when Diddy was in your way. Don't do that. The ledge is your friend. Well, not really. But in this situation it is.
-Okay! So here's why I hate smashville. That platform is out to get you. Don't sit on it long at all, you're really vulnerable on it against most of the cast.
-If you're unsure if a blue uthrow will kill, go for a forward/backthrow. It might set up a kill and if it doesn't, it puts them in a ****ty situation. If you're sure a blue uthrow won't kill, downthrow instead unless you want the space from a f/bthrow.
-Space more with fair.
-Learn how to usmash oos.
-Missed a dthrow combo at around 8:16. Don't miss those.
-Stop landing near the opponent. You do it too often.
-Just realized you're playing negrolimar, damn I'm tired. Good ****.
-Wtf how did that purple throw not kill?!
-Don't jab. It's terrible.
-Stop running into bananas. Pay attention to your surroundings. Either avoid them or get ahold of them when it's safe.
-You used a throw opportunity to get space so you could pick up his banana. Do more of that.
-Don't uthrow with red/yellow/white.
-If you whiff something and he closed in on you because of it, don't keep mashing smashes. Get the **** out or you're dead.
-You're playing too impatiently. Wait for the opponent to make the first move. Force them to make a move. Limit the amounts of moves he can make. This is the type of character Olimar is.
-Oh man, Snake. Here we go.
-Downthrow -> fair or Downthrow -> up smash. Nothing else at combo percents. Nothing else. You can do something after these if you want, but don't downthrow and do anything else immediately afterwards.
-Be careful approaching from underneath snake when he's on a platform. Grenades. Trading in that situation puts you both in the air and guess who wins when that happens? Yeah.
-Throw more pikmin, use more fsmash, space more standing grabs. That's the snake matchup. No matter what you're doing, you can always do more of that.
-You keep putting yourself right next to snake one way or another. This gets you hit. This gets you ftilted.
-Can't pummel snake if he has a grenade. For this reason, don't pummel snake, he probably has a grenade.
-You know that cool thing where you grab snake when he UpB's and snicker as he falls helplessly? Yeah, Olimar can't do that.
-Run away from snake. A lot. Don't stand near him. Ever.
-Stop f/b throwing with red/yellow/whites. Just downthrow with them.
-You're missing air dodge punishes.
-When you short hop pikmin throw, just because you
can throw two, doesn't mean you have to. It leaves you more open, so if you're getting punished for it, SH one pikmin (or throw one grounded) and then get back to spacing.
-kk, back to diddy.
-The right side of the stage was covered in bananas and monkeys. You were on the right ledge. You got from the right ledge to the stage, but landed on the right side of the stage. With the bananas and the monkey. Don't do that. If he's declared a zone to be his and his alone, and you can't challenge it (you can't), go somewhere else. A platform, the other side of the stage, do something. But don't fall into his traps, or put yourself in situations where you're easily pressured.
-A banana landed
-You're doing better at punishing when the opponent commits, but you're not doing much to pressure them. Don't give him room to breathe.
-If you launch the opponent into the air, either pressure them (usually uair) or be ready to punish their landing (usually grab).
-Nice read! Called him out on the roll.
-You put yourself in a situation where your back was against the wall (tree of the fire stage of PS1) and Diddy was within throwing distance of you. Your options of escape were severely limited. Pay attention to the stage. You can't allow yourself to be put in situations like this.
-Remember that you can throw pikmin when you have a banana. Take advantage of this. Force him to do something you can punish with the banana (anyting).
-Remember to use uair when getting off of the ledge. You know what I'm talking about
-Not seeing much in the last video to point out that I haven't yet.
Alright! So now, recovering stuff. This is what I tell most newer Olimars that have problems recovering and don't know when to do what. This is important. Learn this method.
The opponent wants to hit you after you've used your jump. Obviously. Because of this, you want to use your jump when you're at about stage height and
immediately whistle. Whistle rifght after you jump and you'll be, for the most part, safe. Don't jump when you're way above the stage, don't jump right after you get control over your character. This is the defensive way to recover, at least. Offensively, if you want to catch your opponent off guard, replace whistle with fair. This time, you want to find an opportunity when you are at stage height
and near the enemy (shouldn't be hard). But the same face still remains that you want to jump when you're near the height of the stage. A mixup to this is to fall for a bit longer, if the opponent is hanging onto the ledge, or trying to edge guard you from above. Fast fall if you need to. Then, right after you use your jump, uair. This covers your jump in the best way, but is risky, because if it fails, well you're dead. If it succeeds, you'll probably hit the opponent and get a safe ride to the stage. As for how many pikmin you want to have on you when recovering, don't throw them all away. In fact, only throw purples. The only time you want to throw not-purples is when there's a purple next in line. As soon as you get control over Olimar, the first thing going through your mind should be "okay, where are my purples?". Get them so that they're either available to toss when the opponent is on the ledge, or toss when you're on the ledge and you need something to cover your way onto the stage.
But yeah, work on timing your jumps better and your recovery will improve. Hoping you stick to Olimar. Keep it up.