Sorry I have no idea what a horizontal projectile is, because there's no possible way that I could choose Falco and play him like I have every single day. Diagonal lazers lol, why don't we just give the spacies a knee and peach's dsmash and let you cancel shine with any move too. then the gaem would be fair I mean ledge camping is just SO GOOD that fox and falco need to be buffed for them to keep up
edge camping (serious discussion)
you're really good with falco btw, i saw your matches you look like you know a lot about the deficiencies of horizontal lasers
There are several short sighted, not even discussion based posts after yours but this is the main thing I'm talking about this thread being so frustrating.
I'm going to ignore that you are being blatantly disrespectful to me and continue trying to discuss this logically and I wish that you would swallow your pride long enough to afford me a similar kind of courtesy. Thanks.
I don't doubt that you are fully capable of playing Falco; for all I know your Falco is better than mine because you are better than me and that is not what I am arguing at all. Though, I do wish until you have played me in person and not seen sparse and outdated videos to not judge me as a player. I would not do that to you.
Falco's lasers are REALLY good. No one would ever dispute that. But his lasers and his overall design have a limitation that is not present in Sheik; his slow run speed, and more importantly, the strictly two dimensional dynamics of his laser game. Sheik's diagonal needles hit at an angle where she can safely stop a character or at least make it far more difficult to edge camp her. Falco cannot.
Falco needs no buffing, and no diagonal lasers. Any Falco main dreams of an Up B like Fox's, but they are not necessary components. I'm not really sure what the point of you actually dodging any real discussion was other than to make you feel superior because you are a more well known player, but I hope it worked for you.
I'm still waiting for a single real response to my initial post.
this "argument" doesn't really require sides/evidence because the entire concept that "sheik standing near the edge being broken against spacies" is pretty ridiculous...and overly specific...
in fact, the only "evidence" that is put forth by either side is eggm losing to m2k...i'm sure there are about five thousand other videos of people losing to m2k while he plays "gay", but believe it or not, there are also videos of m2k losing or in eggm's videos, of him simply losing stock, thus it is not impossibly broken....
if the premise of this ban was to be carried out, as is, with no REAL evidence (videos of losing to players who are better than you being very circumstancial evidence, at best) the precedent that would set would pretty much justify the banning of every inconvenient situation any of us could possibly encounter in any character matchup.
yes, staying near the edge may be advantageous for sheik at the highest level, but fox certainly has certain potential advantages in that matchup as well...we can't just ban them
Have you even been reading this thread? It seems really unlikely. This is not about "staying near the edge". This is about growingly real possibility of characters flat out getting a lead and NEVER LEAVING IT due to certain physics and about the POSSIBLE impact it could have.
Eggm's video did a poor job of demonstrating his point; hence why I cited one specific stock in Game 3 vs StricNYN3 which you undoubtedly didn't watch because you were too busy being outraged to look at it from the other side's perspective which is what I have been trying to do. Again, this is not about M2K or Eggm in the slightest. This is about POSSIBLE concerns for the metagame,
where both sides agree that no action needs to be taken
What are you even talking about banning? The only thing anyone has suggested is a possible ledgegrab limit (which you would know if you had read my first post) or possibly a change in the timer (which for the record I think is a stupid idea).
Please get off your high horse long enough to prepare a real argument rather than being so derogatory.