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Tier List Speculation


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Is it? I've hit people with Aqua Jet so many times and it typically is only a minor annoyance without much risk towards those I hit. Where exactly is the sweet spot on it, I must be missing the perfect hit.
It kills around 80% on Mario-class weight. It launches super vertically, though, so it won't be getting any kinds of kills or setting up for any kinds of kills at that percent on

King DeDeDe

and probably neither Diddy nor Lucas as well.

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
It kills around 80% on Mario-class weight. It launches super vertically, though, so it won't be getting any kinds of kills or setting up for any kinds of kills at that percent on

King DeDeDe

and probably neither Diddy nor Lucas as well.
That explains why I never seem to get anything from it. My friend's characters are largely in that list.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Yeah I didn't get that. Why Falcon was in group A and why Marth was in group B was mysterious.


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
I remember the Lucarios on Smashmods went crazy with their Lucario codes but hopefully they do that again. Having the change list is a big factor before pursuing much though.

But more than codes I hope they make videos, it's all about videos. Use a freaking camera on the TV and put Youtube's AudioSwap Creed music on it just get'er done (Creed is the best music of Youtube's copyright free audioswap; everything else is so beyond horrible it's insane).

Look at this ****ing thing

oh and look at my swag spiders, I need my spiders screw you Smashboards so much. You don't even allow me to use good quality .png avatars.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2002
Cleveland, OH
Is it? I've hit people with Aqua Jet so many times and it typically is only a minor annoyance without much risk towards those I hit. Where exactly is the sweet spot on it, I must be missing the perfect hit.

You're not missing it. It doesnt exist. It has decent knockback that is extremely hard to hit with with much lag afterwards. Not much point to actively try to kill with it.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
wario sucks ****
why did they nerf his nair? the last hit is now alot weaker, you can barely gimp with it

The sourspot used to kill fastfallers offstage at, like, 30%. Stuff that lingers as long as it does shouldn't hit at Sheik F-Air angle.

As much as I like N-Air, the lingering hitbox and his ability to weave made it really low risk for really high reward. We wanted to make it so you have to time it well in order to benefit in that manner.

That said, late N-Air still allows you to chase with another move pretty easily at low percents.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Old nair was super godly offstage and basically meant if you pressed A with sloppy timing, and got your body anywhere near them, 90% of the time they were dead.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2011
Here's my thoughts on the tier list. Couple of things first:

1. I don't think I have enough information or experience to make a final tier list. Thus, the A\B and B\C tiers exist, which are where I've put characters that I think could go either way.
2. I've got writeups for each character.
3. I main Luigi, Bowser, and Donkey Kong and have played around a lot with most of the rest of the cast.
4. I looked at Overswarm's Character Ranking List before writing this. Obviously, I did not solely base it off the list.

A Tier

Melee’s kingpin. He’s still an incredibly good, borderline broken character, although he and Falco no longer rule without much contest as many characters have been given good options against them.

Although his performance hasn’t been as great as Fox’s, Falco is still one of Project M’s best characters.

Thanks to the Ken Combo and his incredible spacing ability, Marth just barely remains in the A tier. However, he’s on thin ice and I’m considering moving him to A\B.

Even without her infinite chaingrab, Shiek is still a very capable character.

A\B Tier

Although many place Bowser in the B tier, I think he stands a chance of rising to the A tier. Despite his playstyle being unorthodox for a high tier character, Bowser’s tournament success so far is undeniable, and his super armor serves to frustrate both rushdown approaches and defensive projectiles.

Diddy Kong
So far Diddy Kong hasn’t been shown to be anything more than a B tier. However, I believe than between his great recovery and banana shenanigans, Diddy could potentially become A tier.

Despite the infamous nerf Ike was hit with that stunted some of his Quick Draw silliness, his great range and power, along with decent speed and huge options, could allow him to rise back up into the A tier.

On paper, Mario seems great. His Fireballs are an incredible tool for harassment, he has a great combo game, an almost guaranteed finisher if he lands a grab, and his Cape is one of, if not the best, gimps in the game. However, in practice, Mario hasn’t fared so well. Is it because of fundamental flaws that we’re just not seeing, or simply a dearth of good players using him?

Meta Knight
2.6’s new star is obviously very untested in tournament play, but I see potential in him. UAir juggle into Shuttle Loop gives him easy access to very low percentage kills, and his mobility and ability to tech chase more than makes up for the high knockback on many of his “comboing” attacks. Still, his inability to edgeguard low could prove lethal to his chances as an A tier.

Peach is still exactly what she was in Melee. However, a lot of characters have emerged that can pick on her light weight and counter her air game. In addition, she’s got a lot of new contenders in areas she used to be the sole ruler of, making her shining points shine a little less. She’s still a very solid character capable of competing at a high level, however.

With one of the best recoveries in the game, good aerial mobility, a very good projectile, and numerous options for comboing and KOing, Pit’s just looking for a few more good players to jump up into A tier.

Just watch Professor Pro play Snake if you need proof of concept. He just needs some more good players and more proof that he can hold his own against the existing A tiers to make the leap.

Although so far he hasn’t placed as well as his rival Spacies, Wolf still enjoys many benefits of being a spacie; stellar combos, projectile game, mobility, and options. I think once his game is explored more he may move up to join his fellow spacies.

Zero Suit Samus
With her only drawback being somewhat lackluster KOing ability (somewhat alleviated by her buffs in 2.6), ZSS could potentially do great things once her game is better explored. Her whip attacks grant huge range, UpB and SideB in particular grant her the ability to pull enemies in for combos, her recovery is difficult to guard against, and the Paralyzer provide excellent stage control and the potential to land her slow but powerful FSmash.

B Tier

Captain Falcon
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Despite only receiving buffs between Melee and P:M, Falcon still took a long, hard fall down the tier list due to the addition of new defensive characters that counter his rushdown game. In addition, many existing projectiles, Falcon’s kryptonite, were buffed and several new projectiles were added in. However, his powerful finishers, high speed and great combo game still keep him relevant.

Donkey Kong
His new combo game and mobility blend well with DK’s existing strengths, such as his stellar grab reach and, well, strength. However, he’s still hampered by one of the worst recoveries in the game and difficulties dealing with projectiles.

Having made great strides since her mediocre debut in 2.5, Ivysaur now possesses some much-needed speed to accompany her great spacing ability. However, when compared to the game’s other great spacing character, it seems that Marth’s combo potential outweighs Ivysaur’s projectiles and Solar Beam KO’s. For now at least.

Jigglypuff still possesses all her strong points from Melee, such as rest combos and the wall of pain. However, the addition of new characters that can exploit her short range, low ground mobility, and difficulty with projectiles, Jigglypuff has, like Captain Falcon, experienced a major fall down the tier list.

For the most part, Link’s changes have been incredibly positive. His improved projectiles, sword range, and hand-to-hand combat speed have made him from a mediocre shell of the Hero of Hyrule to a very solid choice in tournament play, and his primary issue seems to be simply that there are others better than him rather than any sort of glaring weakness. But, seriously, what is up with the boomerang animation?

It’ll be interesting to see where Lucas goes. On one hand, he’s got good mobility, a great combo game, a shine, and terrifyingly powerful finishers. On the other hand, his projectile isn’t the greatest and he struggles with range problems and a mediocre recovery.

Although he’s not as broken as in 2.5, Sonic still possesses great speed, great combos, great recovery, and great difficulty scoring KO’s.

Wario’s bizarre character traits, such as being a heavyweight with insane air speed, make him a unique contender. His improved combo game, along with his previously accessible KO moves, make Wario an adequate fighter. However, he is still marred by short range, lack of projectiles, and an unremarkable recovery.

B\C Tier

Ganondorf suffers from many of the same issues that his semi-clone Captain Falcon suffers from, only worse. Although he has arguably the best KO potential of any character in the game, his slowness and difficulty approaching really hurts him.

Lucario has been a pretty bipolar character over P:M’s history, jumping up and down repeatedly through the tier lists. Although he hasn’t been shown by very many players, he could potentially overcome his major drop in 2.5 to rise back up to B tier. His old A tier position is still a long way away, though.

Most people place the Mario’s cowardly brother firmly in the C-tier, but I believe that he may be a touch underrated. Sure, he has his weaknesses, such as a weak projectile and one of the easiest to edgeguard recoveries in the game, but he can combo well, his wavedash gives him surprisingly effective spurts of mobility, and he has several fast and powerful finishers. His large learning curve, however, discourages further development of his game.

Although he performs significantly better than in Melee, Ness is still crippled by his short range, several high endlag attacks, and what I believe to be the worst recovery in the game. Still, he’s only a few buffs or one good player away from really being able to shine.

There’s nothing really special about Pikachu. As such, nobody ever wants to play him, and thus his game has gone mostly unexplored. What little has been seen isn’t very promising.

Although he has a good recovery, good aerial mobility, and a great gimping projectile, R.O.B. still struggles with simply being outclassed in his strong areas by other characters.

Toon Link
Everything TLink does, Link does better. Despite his faster speed, his weaker attacks and shorter range make him feel like a pale remnant of the Melee lower-mid tier.

C Tier

King Dedede
You’d think between his great range, power, and waddledashing someone would be able to make Dedede shine. Unfortunately, his size and weight make him little more than a waddling punching bag for a large portion of the cast. His predictable and difficult to cover recovery doesn’t help either.

Mr. Game & Watch
G&W, Smash’s long-forgotten pariah, received some buffs in 2.6, but ultimately not enough. His powerful attacks, easier to control Judgement, and improved projectile don’t do enough to make up for his stilted movement and light weight.

In my opinion, the worst character in the game. He’s very fun to play, but ultimately he’s pretty ineffective due to his light weight, inability to KO, poor recovery, and slow dash speed.

Zelda, like G&W, is too much glass and not enough cannon. Din’s Fire is very effective against characters with slow approaches and lackluster projectiles, like Ganondorf, Bowser, or Wario, but she struggles to set up traps against characters that can interrupt her with projectiles or simply outpace her magic. Her mighty aerials are still incredibly powerful KO tools, but without an effective approach, she struggles getting foes that counter Din’s Fire up to a high enough % to actually use them. Finally, she is still one of the easiest characters in the game to KO.

Some personal notes:

-Out of the A\B characters, I see Bowser, Peach, Pit, Snake, and Wolf as the most likely to move up. I see Mario and ZSS as the most likely to move down. I have no idea with Ike or Diddy.
-Out of the B\C characters, I see Lucario, Luigi, and R.O.B. as the most likely to move up. I see Ganondorf and Pikachu as the most likely to move down. I have mixed opinions about Ness and Toon Link.
-Marth might move down eventually, but as of now I see no reason to move him down.
-My apologies about the font, I copied this from Word and it got all messed up and the forum won't let me fix it.
-Same goes for the multiple empty spoiler tags. I have no idea what's going on there.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2013
Seoul, South Korea
Marth is way too high, he gets beaten by a lot of the new cast and his recovery is awful.
Snake should be higher than Mario at least, Snake has better KO potential, Oos options (arguably the best in the game), stage control (spacing, camping), and less people know how to deal with him compared to Mario.
Your reasons for placing Diddy Kong and MK where they are is sketchy since its mere speculation with no real proof or results (you aren't to blame for that).
Ike is too high, he is definitely not better than Snake and probably not better than Mario. Around as good as Wolf, maybe better than Peach.
Donkey Kong is too low, he has a lot of MUs that he can play solidly now.
Toon Link is too high, has a poor MU spread. Arguably worse than Squirtle's.
Ganondorf is way too high, has a terrible recovery, is slow, and relies too much on reads.
DDD is a little too low, Fly in LTC showed how devastating he can be.
GW is waaaaaaaaay too low. LTC showed how much GW improved and now he's a monster.
I agree with your Squirtle placing, but not the reasons that you listed. His large rage U-smash combined with shell-shifting plus his hard hitting fairs and bairs for edgeguarding are plenty good for kill moves. The other flaws you mention I think you're overexaggerating.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Wait what

Marth beaten by a lot of the new cast? Who. I'm having trouble thinking of 2 or more new characters that decidedly beat Marth.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2013
Of course you'd see melee S tiers in the top again. I don't mind the list. It's nice too see that we're really trying to speculate who's who and what's what, but I think we should start watching tourneys more in this fashion to come with a more viable answer. I'm sure you can find 2.6 tourneys that have happened.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2011
Marth is way too high, he gets beaten by a lot of the new cast and his recovery is awful.
Snake should be higher than Mario at least, Snake has better KO potential, Oos options (arguably the best in the game), stage control (spacing, camping), and less people know how to deal with him compared to Mario.
Your reasons for placing Diddy Kong and MK where they are is sketchy since its mere speculation with no real proof or results (you aren't to blame for that).
Ike is too high, he is definitely not better than Snake and probably not better than Mario. Around as good as Wolf, maybe better than Peach.
Donkey Kong is too low, he has a lot of MUs that he can play solidly now.
Toon Link is too high, has a poor MU spread. Arguably worse than Squirtle's.
Ganondorf is way too high, has a terrible recovery, is slow, and relies too much on reads.
DDD is a little too low, Fly in LTC showed how devastating he can be.
GW is waaaaaaaaay too low. LTC showed how much GW improved and now he's a monster.
I agree with your Squirtle placing, but not the reasons that you listed. His large rage U-smash combined with shell-shifting plus his hard hitting fairs and bairs for edgeguarding are plenty good for kill moves. The other flaws you mention I think you're overexaggerating.

I guess I should have also stated; the characters are alphabetized within their tiers; they're not organized by some notion of power within their tiers. I'm not enough of an expert to be that exact with my tiering.

Like both of us stated, Diddy and MK are where they are primarily because of theory. However, I think they both show potential to be A-tier characters and I don't think either of them could drop lower than B, so A\B would be a nice place for them until they get more players.

Ganondorf and TLink are in B\C because I think they might stand a chance of moving back up to B, but right now there's no way.

I agree with your opinion on Dedede, I really would like to believe he has potential, but I hadn't seen anything. Care to link the vids you mentioned? Same with G&W.

EDIT: Also, DMG, I'd like to get rid of the extra spoiler tags but I don't know where they're coming from. They're there because the write-ups take up a lot of space.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2008
Although he’s not as broken as in 2.5, Sonic still possesses great speed, great combos, great recovery, and great difficulty scoring KO’s.

This should just be the write up for Sonic on the PM website.

Disagree with quite a few things on your list but I like how you actually added a little opinion for each char, makes it much more enjoyable to read.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2013
Seoul, South Korea
I agree with your opinion on Dedede, I really would like to believe he has potential, but I hadn't seen anything. Care to link the vids you mentioned? Same with G&W.
I don't know specifically what time slots have GW in them, but I do know that Oracle and I think Dakpo (both GW mains) made it pretty far in the bracket, so you'll probably have more luck finding them in the first link at the end of the clip.

Disagree with quite a few things on your list but I like how you actually added a little opinion for each char, makes it much more enjoyable to read.
Pretty much this.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
Denton, Texas

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
people still putting gnw on the bottom of their tier lists is hilarious and like gimpyfish said to me at GC, playing him like melee GNW which is something youre not supposed to do and probably stupid


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
Denton, Texas
GW is waaaaaaaaay too low. LTC showed how much GW improved and now he's a monster.
Sorry im reading this whole thread backwards -___-
GnW would not have placed any differently if it was still 2.1 GnW. Big Bacon is cool but doesnt change anything. I think what really improved the character is good people starting to play him!


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
It's the GnW animations I think. He'll always look and feel like a crappy piece of poop character even if he's better than fox. Make him smooth and not choppy and 2D and stupid looking and maybe people will pay attention to him. Until then he'll be overlooked simply because he looks like a crappy character. (exception being 9 hammers)

as for King DDD. At least he's not Free Free Free anymore.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
Sorry im reading this whole thread backwards -___-
GnW would not have placed any differently if it was still 2.1 GnW. Big Bacon is cool but doesnt change anything. I think what really improved the character is good people starting to play him!

Do you mean 2.5?

2.1 GnW was actually pretty bad.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2013
It's the GnW animations I think. He'll always look and feel like a crappy piece of poop character even if he's better than fox. Make him smooth and not choppy and 2D and stupid looking and maybe people will pay attention to him. Until then he'll be overlooked simply because he looks like a crappy character. (exception being 9 hammers).
I guess that's really just based on personality and style then. GnW is so unique because he's exactly that. He represents a time of jagged movements. It would just take the GnW out of him if he didn't have the movements where video games were still being created and new innovative ideas were coming forth. It represents that era. If people don't like it, well, I guess they don't have to use him them.


Nov 19, 2009
VA baby whe' you at
It's the GnW animations I think. He'll always look and feel like a crappy piece of poop character even if he's better than fox. Make him smooth and not choppy and 2D and stupid looking and maybe people will pay attention to him. Until then he'll be overlooked simply because he looks like a crappy character. (exception being 9 hammers)

as for King DDD. At least he's not Free Free Free anymore.
This post reads like a 13/14 year-old typed it up

And if GnW was as good/better than Fox, I can promise you a bunch of people would play him.

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
It's the GnW animations I think. He'll always look and feel like a crappy piece of poop character even if he's better than fox. Make him smooth and not choppy and 2D and stupid looking and maybe people will pay attention to him. Until then he'll be overlooked simply because he looks like a crappy character. (exception being 9 hammers)

as for King DDD. At least he's not Free Free Free anymore.
Holy **** i laughed so hard, you're funny
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