Can you not advocate fundamentally altering the tools of a character because of your own personal salt?
Ah, the "you're obviously salty/you obviously lose to this character" card. Such a generic, immature, automated-defense-system response. Can we leave that at the door please? In your first sentence you indicate that you clearly didn't read everything I said. (And the part about the Dair was clearly jokes)
An Up-B nerf, change in ledge grab box that would make it logically make more sense, a speedy horizontal burst movement option no longer keeping him safe, and more KB on Uair would change the fundamentals of the character? Really? Those have nothing to do with the innards of Luigi. His wavedash, double aerials, and tech chase punishes are Luigi's fundamentals. Either you're being way too inclusive with the term "fundamentals" or you used the wrong word, because everything I said definitely doesn't really affect the way he would play outside of maybe Down-B, which I'll get to.
I'm okay with them changing it if it's to make sweetspotting more intuitive or just look less janky, but it shouldn't be changed under the premise that it makes his recovery too good or is too hard to edgeguard, as both of those ideas are without merit.
That's actually what I said. I said "you could bring it higher and he would still be safe". I understand the importance of the Side-B having a good grab box, but there's literally no reason for it to be that low. Visually and design-wise it's silly. It could be around Captain Falcon height and he'd be fine.
2) I'm not sure if you want the grounded FJP (Fire Jump Punch), aerial FJP, or both nerfed, since you complain about both jab and up air leading into it,
I didn't say anything about the aerial Shoryu.
but I'll address both. Jab FJP isn't free, or even close to it, especially since there's no reason you should be letting Luigi fish for jabs on you (nevermind the fact that you can get out of it by DIing the jab (and sometimes just by not holding in since Luigi's jab hits you out a little bit), SDIing the jab (if you're ambitious), CCing the jab and then shielding the FJP (or using a quick move out of crouch), or even just shielding when you hit the ground, since the Luigi player has to react to you getting hit by the jab before using FJP).
What's funny is that this is the exact defense Roy mains used on here for the dtilt, "You can just DI, CC it, etc", but yet that wasn't really accepted from a large portion of the community. Some of these same people saying "react to the jab" are the same people who've complained about other quick combo moves into finishers. Yes, technically you could do those things, but telling people to react to something as quick as a jab is silly for obvious reasons. I don't know the exact frame data but I'm gonna assume the jab is 2-4 frames. Telling people to react to *wavedash --> insta-poke is pretty much unrealistic. It can be done, yes, but if the player actually knows that that's EXACTLY what the opponent wants to do than they'll snuff them before Luigi even gets in anyway.
"Free may be a strong, inaccurate term, but essentially all we meant was it's pretty easy to do. Dong pretty much jabs to Up-B
whenever he feels like it. Again, yes, if we want to be politically correct something can be done about it but players do not operate on a TAS level. When a Luigi player is letting Jab --> Up-B fly like there's no tomorrow on players like Sethlon, Oracle, and Dakpo, then something is clearly up. (Inb4 "those guiz just don't know what they're doing")
3) Making tornado transcendent would nearly completely gut Luigi's already mediocre ability to deal with projectiles and disjoints. If you're ever getting hit by grounded tornado in neutral, you're doing something wrong.
Not really man. It's pretty easy to get hit by something that just kinda "wooooo watch out!" swoops at you at blinding speeds lol. Especially if you throw or hit him and then he "gets out of hitstun" and warps up in your face saying "Whaddup bro? Catch this Up-B."
Tornado clanking is pretty much the only thing that makes Marth's disjoint remotely bearable for Luigi (remotely bearable is somewhat generous). Taking that away would be a major hit to an area of Luigi's gameplay were he is already quite weak. Moreover, it's really not even remotely safe. Quite a few projectiles hit him out of it, it's very susceptible to crouch cancelling, it has about 35 frames of ending lag, you can grab him out of it, and, of course, it can just be shielded on reaction very easily and then it does absolutely nothing (except 14 shield damage). I'm also not sure what kind of stage you're bringing Luigi to where he can safely zip away after reacting to your shield. I can only dream of a land that big.
I understand this completely, but there's many characters in this game who also don't have a single tool to mitigate their blaring, intentional weaknesses. Gotta look at things "in a vacuum" as the Dev Team likes to say. What does Bowser have that's actually effective against projectiles? Jack s***. And I think you missed the important part about Down-B being a
Burst Movement Option. If something is going to be a burst movement option (AND an attack/combo tool on top of that), it needs to have appropriate risk. It's actually part of the Dev Team's mission statements with 3.5:
Right now, you can throw the Down-B out, clank with a projectile, and you just reset to neutral without taking any damage. Like I said before, the only time there's actual risk is when you leave the ground, but like I said, you have time to see if the opponent is sheilding and you can just stay on the ground and distance yourself to where your don't stop near them. Some chars can still get the ground punish, but really it depends on their speed, wavedash, and/or speed of attack.
But yeah, you can just kinda "Yooooloooo" Down-B toward somebody, clank, be like, "Damn dawg that didn't work, let me back up and figure somethin else out." It's all about balancing risk vs. reward, and with this down-B, the reward clearly outweighs the risks of using the move. Imagine if projectiles just auto-clanked against Ike's QuickDraw........
As for CC, the move tends to actually put people into a knockdown state.
I feel that the move should be primarily used for tech chasing - as a punish tool when you've ALREADY created an opening - as opposed to being a moved that is currently used to CREATE the opening.
4) Up air already has 100 KBG, which is quite high. Up tilt has 123, 125, or 127, all of which are quite high. Up air sends at a 70 degree angle and up tilt sends at a 100 degree angle.
I'm pretty sure KB values are not universal. What I mean is, stating the KB value of a move in the sense that there's a universal scale is folly. For instance, Olimar's Ftilt has 100 KBG, and Metaknights Down-B has 100 KBG, but they're obviously not at the same launch power. So saying Luigi's Up-Air is at 100 KBG doesn't automatically mean it's high enough. Also, the angle is pretty negligible considering Uair doesn't really send you anywhere. At mid percents, Uair places someone right above and in front of Luigi for another free Up-air and then another and another. In this case, DI is only a factor if the character is actually being sent anywhere, but the Uair has a really low BKB it seems.
or many 7-8 hit combos (except maybe on light fastfallers).
You must be doing something wrong then, because Luigi can execute some pretty long strings, and commonly.
You arbitrarily claim that floatier characters aren't supposed to have good combo potential. Who says? You? Why should a Melee midtier be fundamentally redesigned because of your baseless rules? You're claim that Luigi doesn't get combo'd as hard as other floaties is irrelevant.
It's not my claim, it's a law created by the game. Fast-fallers are the combo kings because they return to the ground quicker, meaning they can come back up for a follow-up much faster. Floaties sacrifice an impressive combo game in exchange of not getting combo'd too hard themselves. This is Smash 101, this has nothing to do with me or my personal philosophies.
Do you see Power-Suit Samus typically doing long strings? Peach? Kirby? Zelda? No. Do you see Wolf, Roy, and Falcon doing long-azz strings? Yes. I wonder why...
Luigi gets juggled very hard.
LOL is this real life right now? xD. I think this is another case of you using the wrong terminology. "Juggled" is a combo term. What I think you mean is that he has a hard time coming down because he gets walled up there by
isolated Uairs. It's a form a punish either way so yes I agree with you, it's just that you're making it seem like Luigi is this character who is just as susceptible to regular combos as the average character, which is silly to imply.
5) Why would they change his air speed? Not only would this discourage Melee Luigi players from picking him up in PM, but it would also unnecessarily normalize a character with a cool movement quirk (he can't really move diagonally).
Now this one is a lot more subjective and complicated. Where as everything above I would say "Yeah, this needs to be tweaked", this last one was more of a pure suggestion/idea. I wouldn't really deem it as necessary at all, so this is much more open-ended for discussion.
But characters have had their air speeds adjusted before I don't remember any fanbases complaining about it. Snake got slightly better air movement, for instance. And I also answered your question in my post you responded. I suggested more air speed to help him have an easier time getting down - for compensation of having a slightly nerfed combo game.
It would also improve his combo game, which you claim to dislike, by giving him better followups on opponents that properly DI his moves that hit vertically.
It's like I said above, it would help compensate for the Uair changes. It wouldn't make it better overall because the combo game was nerfed a bit in another area.
Overall your suggested changes would utterly gut him as a character, taking away what makes him unique/decent, and make him an empty shell of his former self. (Insert further exaggerations here).
Well, I'm glad you can admit that's an exaggeration cause I like I said at the beginning of this post, nothing I said would actually change the fabric of the character except the Down-B slightly. I wasn't talking about any removal of mechanics, just altering of pre-existing ones. I didn't take away his Dash Cancel or his Divekick Dair (Metaknight) (remember what other players have already had to go through).
- Make grounded up special have it's pitiful Melee air speed. This way, it's even easier to punish on whiff, like in Melee, without giving him the "the stage is right there but I'll just fall to my death" issue with his recovery from Melee. You might suggest Luigi players would instead choose to go for aerial FJP because it would then be the safer option, but, if they chose to do that, they'd have to finish his jump squat before using the move (effectively slowing the attack down by 4 frames) and it would be significantly weaker, due to differences between grounded and aerial FJP. Also maybe give it only 1 active frame, so as to totally get rid of the interpolation. As I said before though, the interpolation doesn't really make much of a difference.
- Remove grounded cyclone's ability to rise off of the ground (and give the aerial version the foot hitbox). Grounded cyclone's best use is probably techchasing. The ability to rise off the ground currently allows Luigi to hit with the second hit of cyclone for a pretty wide percent range (hit with first hit and then mash to get second hit). This would not link nearly as well with this change. This would also get rid of some of the, in my opinion, sillier things Otek was able to do with cyclone in his sets with Professor Pro.
- Put visual indicators on the screen indicating which way to DI each of Luigi's attacks. Perhaps neon arrows. That way, he won't get any of those pesky long combos that floaties aren't supposed to have.
- Replace down air with another FJP.
- Replace up special with Ryu's shoryuken from Smash Wii U/3DS (the weaker version, of course).
So we pretty much agree in conclusion with the Cyclone then. I still don't think it should clank with most things though. I mean, Luigi DOES have a projectile of his own. He'll have trouble with the likes of the Links of course, but for characters with only one, slower projectile, he
can throw out a Fireball to simply cancel it out. You make it seems as if the Down-B is literally his only answer to projectiles. And never forget about the universal answer to projectile: platforms.
#4, lol, I know how DI his attacks. Again, DI means hardly nothing in this situation when a move isn't sending you anywhere. If I'm Roy and you're Fox and I dtilt you at 20%, you can DI all you want; you're still gonna catch this FSmash lol.