Making it so good, that all anyone would bother doing, is F-Tilts into F-Tilts for days.
I was using another post as my up-to-date list... but figured I'd use the most recent post in the thread by me to do it instead.
I'm gonna use this post as a place to update my Tier List when I feel like it.
Tier List Speculation April 1st Update 2014
Moved here on April 18th 2014
Slight edit May 11th
I think I was getting slightly over-influenced by others, but this list is reverting slowly back to my nearly initial 3.0 thoughts with a few tweaks.
Most characters have all been restored to positions very close to their original positions.
The biggest change I think to happen without being restored is the fall of Ice Climbers.
Nobody else has moved more than 2 spots from my original 3.0 list.
I added Shiek and Zelda as separate characters for this now.

Quite a few characters I consider as needing overall design adjustments. There is infinite flexibility with Smash, so what does this game need, and what does this game not need, to be the best it can be? If there could be a play-style or design concept in this game that isn't here already, what is it? Is there a character here that could be molded more in that direction? There are a lot of 'extremes' already, and that's good, but it should be done with intention of filling determined beneficial 'roles' in the game, rather than tweaked in directions and the characters just falling into place. Decide what the end-game should look like, with all characters and concepts that would be great in the game so nothing is missing or over-done, then adjust them each accordingly. The as-it-comes method based on moving what exists and seeing how it plays out with time is observably taking a much greater tole than is optimal on design balance, and that's expected and necessary, yet avoidable when it has done it's job. The game has some silliness as a result, but it was a needed phase to go through for all the great stuff that methodology provides, similar to open-source being crucial before proceeding into other functional formats of databases.
Top group I speculate as possibly needing balance changes (nerfs) directly.
They're designed well for what they are, but they're polarizing due to being possibly 'too' good at what their 'base' is. Example: Lucas would be fine without that U-Throw, he wouldn't be any worse. Without it, the public mainstream players would probably be a lot better with the character too. Stocks shouldn't ever be finished with U-Throw when he can combo into B-Airs and F-Smashes so easily and more efficiently anyway, but this has taken a back-seat to allow people room to have terrible punishment games and still be ok because his 'base' of being fast/etc allows people to screw up and shrug it off. Bringing it back later would be fine, or just avoiding it for a while, but little things like this are similar to what happened to the old Sonic/etc. Take away the stuff that's 'silly' and see what's underneath. Given U-Throw isn't super-broken, it's overlooked as a hindrance even when it's hindering the exploration of what's underneath for the general populace very observably. There's a reason the meta-game is like a slug in regards to 'discovering' what characters are capable of, and this is a very demonstrable example anyone can see, and is very prominent among characters with good 'bases' (see Fox and U-Smash talks for another example, but he's explored to a great extent so getting that U-Smash isn't going to hurt his growth, where even the best Lucas's are absolute trash with the character, so the U-Throw stunts the growth for obvious reasons). It's not a big deal, and will come with time, but I'm an advocate of improving player development more than anything, and if there was a way to accelerate it purely through temporary game design set-backs, I'm all for it. People will laser for the sake of lasering, WD for the sake of WDing, and whatever else though, so it's a small deal.
PS: Other character not in the Top row fit under this function too, these characters just also really freaking good and I speculate them to be the Best (or a row of the Best) due to the base and overbearing traits in combination with everything else they have to offer.
Explanation April 24th
Bottom Rows I speculate as possibly needing balance changes (buffs) directly.
Give Squirtle his big old F-Tilt (he should be somewhat centered around stuff like that, given that's where mobility and 'push-off' play-style will thrive with his archetype, but it was taken out oddly, maybe if the BKB is restored it'll be enough), and more maneuverability backwards after Aqua-Jet so it can be used more liberally to finish on-stage strings. Things like that, he's solid though.
Give Ganon pulling effects on various moves (Smashes, U-Tilt, even just changing Warlock Punch into a simple wind effect move), making it more difficult to deal with him when he's working his cornering game. A faster Up-B grab-box is one of my requests from 2.1, and it's still wanted. His archetype will remain with these style changes, but he'll be more functional when his game actually gets somewhere out of neutral.
Give Jiggs increased range on F-Tilt or D-Tilt to cover herself better while grounded, and the ability to cancel Pound into jumps (On-Hit only maybe) or a follow-up Pound (double-slap?) This would give her more flexibility on a high priority option that can actually lead into something worth the attempt, without changing her design, game-plan, and archetype.
Marth could use more Knock-Back Growth on Tipper Up-Smash, Down-Smash, and most hit-boxes on Up-B. He needs the options in this game of variables. If Shield Breaker had early enough IASA frames, it could provide a great utility tool he's been lacking, and gives him more presence as a threat when pressuring in neutral and chasing.
Ice Climbers could use some normalizing. Unlike how normalizing can often not benefit a character, and almost hinder them (as it would trying to normalize Ganon from his archetype, and as it has somewhat to Samus due to hers, etc), the IC's will forever be unique and extreme simply by nature of having 2 of them. Some improvements to their actual attributes (range/KB/whatever) would greatly make them better, both in balance and design.
Play to the benefits of having 2 in neutral rather than 2 in punishment game, (which they have been catered to properly so far in PM, but could use more of), and the character will continue to be improved upon as a whole. Any attention given to things like chain/grab combos becoming a center-piece to the character is a waste of efforts, as it's very short-sighted. For the ICs to be a great character worth having in Smash, only the concepts of play applicable by having 2 characters under an individuals control at once throughout the maneuverability game, is a factor. Either that, or they will forever be a mini-game-based character of killing AI and avoiding the lead, being ever easier to separate as the game progresses, just as Melee becomes. Might as well be an Event Match in single player if they aren't normalized with their inevitable internal polarities as a character(s).
Bowser is a very solid character (as they all are really), and it's mostly his archetypes that holds him back (like some others in this tier Ganon/Jiggs), which is perfectly fine and done well. Some minor tweaks to anything from Bowser getting earlier JC frames/more invulnerable frames on grounded Down-B would be cool and won't dramatically change 'what' he does, only ever 'how well' he does it. Great character for what he is, just on the weaker side due to his 'base' as a character.
PS: There are many other things I'd love to see changed, but I'll only comment on these rows given I think they're the worst bunch (or likely a bunch of the worst) in the game right now.
Request and List Updated May 11th
Added Sheilda as a Character but kept Shiek and Zelda separate too now...
...and made the list more Bell-Curved
May 18th 2014
Last edit for a while I'm sure...