this is something that bugs me, too. spacies/shiek(?) have really solid tech options and oos options, as well as having the best rushdown games (not really shiek), along with having really solid defensive options in general (both outright projectile camping, as well as running away and not engaging in order to dictate match pace).I have also had concerns about his tech roll and just roll in general not being good, but those are things I've just wished to bring to light. I have seen people justify Captain Falcon's as well as Squirtles slow tech rolls because they are "offensive" characters, yet spacies have some really decent tech rolls, and so does the majority of the cast? Things like that are weird.
the most mobile characters have the best defensive options as well. it just seems so out of place. at least there seems to be a logic with falcon, in that he's very fast and can stay on top of you, so his defense is offense. if you get hit, you now have to deal with your crappy tech rolls and shield options.
i'll stop before i just whine about ganon's crappy oos options, because i think i've gotten too fixated on that...