See, what you are forgetting here is that this isn't the creation of a new program, but the revision of one. Also, this is a horribly silly question. "When has spending money ever stopped us from spending money?"
Nearly all of them. You don't see the police going, "Okay, we saved your wife, that will be 200 dollars please"
anything that has inelastic demand and does not run off of profit. Did you ever take an economics class? Mine covered this quite throughly, as to what kinds of economic circumstances government and non-profit does better than profit.
Again, I've already explained this through the law of inelastic demand.
The LA transportation saves the average driver during the day, to and from work, an average of 3 hours driving time.
Not always a good thing in economics, as already explained by inelastic demand. And so I see you never took an economic class.
Actually, most of them do, especially compared to private companies. My family has run Waffle House since it first opened, and I can't tell you all the kind of crazy paper work **** we do, and it runs down right into the very base, we teach servers ways to exploit the computers to make our paperwork look better, for instance, we only count each customer that has a drink other than water, thus making our drink percentage look higher, thus making our profit margins look higher. This is just one tiny example of how we are preparing for a giant sell out. Honestly, what you are saying applies far more to private companies than to non-profit and government based, why? Because there is an incentive too in private companies, as they stand to make a profit. The executives of non-profit make a set salary and nothing more.
As for the other points, you have NO IDEA how completely invalid those are. Wherever you copy pasted those from, STOP GOING. I can ASSURE YOU, that ALL of those are horribly, horribly wrong. For instance, Medical Review found that 60 percent of doctors FAVORED the health care reform plan, back when it covered 100 percent of Americans, and not the new lower percent. All of that info you provided in those 7 points are horribly biased and manipulated information and quotes. No one is going to turn away Medicade patients when they get a PAYED INCENTIVE TO TREAT. THEY GET PAYED FROM THE GOVERNMENT TO TREAT EACH ONE OF THEM.