...Did you learn something, Latch? If so, it counts as learning.
I'm a bit confused about why you're comparing shield dropping to platform canceling. They both have very different applications.
So... I'd like to talk about how little things make a huge difference.
As many of you know, my internet connection is horrible (worse than 97% of internet connections in America, according to two speed tests), so I've really only had my videos to analyze. I apologize for not using a video of higher-level players and it's going to be pretty rambling because I'm tired as HELL.
After getting Fthrown, DI away, airdodge, Fsmash
Easy 14% and distance. Had I not charged in like an idiot to press my perceived advantage, it would have been a good chance to put the situation back toward normal a bit.
Notice that it works later after picking a defensive option failed.
Delaying tosses to sort
Obvious advantage is obvious.
Foxtrot, Hyphen Usmash
Free kill. They expect a dashing Usmash, but the foxtrot adds a slight delay.
Could just charge it, but that leaves less room for error when predicting the landing and telegraphs your attack a bit.
Fair counter
Nietono uses Fair a lot. There's a good reason for that.
Comes out on Frame 7, good range, decent launch angle, covers landings well, etc.
Hell, the landing lag is 15 frames, only a tiny bit longer than the cooldown on Usmash (after the hitbubble disappears).
Anyway, since the move starts high and comes down, it's also ideal for hitting over certain other moves, no?
There's also
delaying Fair to the last second and FFing it while advancing. Couldn't find an example where I got it to work, but it's worked in the past. Makes them think that you're going to empty SH into an Fsmash, giving a false sense of security in their ability to punish your laggy move. Plus, it makes Olimar look like a cobra rearing up to strike or something, super sexy.
Pikmin Toss to Fair
If they're conditioned to expect a Fair, the low cooldown of pikmin toss allows for that slight delay that punishes many defensive options.
wow, Fair can be so safe on-shield.
Basically, just use whistle, airdodge and basic aerial movement to make them think that you're going one way. Doesn't always have to be a double whistle bounce or anything like that. Feels a bit more like you're in control compared to plain whistle bouncing.
See also:
1:56 (put the Marth in a bad position),
2:24 (drifting gone wrong, the dangers of autopilot)
Uair to sort pikmin
Allows you to stay mobile while sorting (compared to Usmash/Dsmash), gives you a good peek at your line, pretty fast.
Just be careful with timing fastfalling. 30 frame landing lag is actually kind of painful.
Also, don't stop Uairing offstage when momentum canceling until you get a purple to the front.
If other people want to do this with their videos, it'd be pretty nifty. It'd really help me specifically in gleaning tactics from you guys (since my internet connection is GARBAGE and I'd only have to load specific points), as well as helping the community as a whole by pointing useful things out.
No matter how stupid it seems to you, point it out. I've pointed out some dumb stuff and stuff that I KNOW every other Olimar knows about, but everyone can use a refresher.
Also, feel free to point out when something I'm saying is useless bull****. It's the only way to come to a full understanding.