more of a comfort thing at this point
i'd rather not use it against mk, but i'm fine using it against most other characters
I always thought that it was because it's the smallest legal stage, and one of our most effective game-plans is throw pikmin until you can fsmash or grab. Going with said game-plan is that we're very limited from a positioning standpoint (see 3rd quote).
Regardless of what we decide that the match-up is in terms of numbers, we need to know WHY people think these numbers are what they are.
Any questions? I can help
i should start CPing people to brinstar. just realized how AWESOME THAT STage is. oops caps .
So long as mk is banned at the tournament, I fully endorse CP'ing people to Brinstar.
What do you do when you get pressured to the edge of the stage?
Either find a way to knock your opponent away for find a way back to the middle. With larger stages we have a lot more options for the former. Take FD, for instance. Assume the opponent is on the far right side of the stage - if you position yourself roughly around the left tip of the middle diamond, you can SH-double pikmin toss safely until your opponent gets close to the right tip of the middle diamond. From there you should either only throw one pikmin during your SH or start throwing grounded - ideally, you want to stay grounded when you are just outside your opponent's fastest/safest/longest approach option (so take this part with a grain of salt and apply common sense
). Once you transition into when you want to start grounded tossing, you should begin to consider how you're going to knock the opponent away (so you can rinse and repeat). At this point though, you have 1/4 of the stage left to figure out how to do that (assuming you don't get it immediately and need to retreat a bit). Meanwhile, if you applied that spacing to a stage like smashville, we're practically already at the edge by the time we need to start thinking how to get the opponent away, so there's a lot less room for error. It's a bit harder to camp effectively on such a small stage =/
That's mostly my general theory on camping anyway, ideally... you shouldn't get pressured to the ledge often. You want to cling on to as much central stage control as possible so when you opponent IS putting up a solid pressure game, you have room to adjust etc.
The usmash-dsmash thing ( i think) is like
you go in for usmash, and if it gets blocked, go for a dsmash cuz they should be pushed far away enough that a grab or other punish will whiff and they'll get hit
It's not very reliable imo. Used to be
Did you know you can drop off the right side of rainbow cruise, uair through the BOTTOM of the ship into the cubby, and still recover back to the right side with a full pikmin chain?
Also, another thing with whistle bouncing. I first saw rich do this against m2k i think when the mk was spawning. He jumped, whistle bounced, double jump whistle bounced like 4 more times and landed. Very technical whistle bouncing and hard to do simultaneously, but a complete mind **** for a spawning opponent so you don't get hit when they are invulnerable.
Wow, that's legit. It sounds REALLY punishable though, lol.
And yeah, I noticed rich do that too in his vids. Immediately stole the idea, works awesome.
BTW, against monkey flip, simple but hard thing to get good at. Up-B the flip on reaction.
There's also no hitbox on his ***, so you can sometimes run under him and upsmash. The hitbox on his foot will win every time though. This works best when diddy is already in the air, if he's doing it grounded (or from the ledge), it's probably a good idea to try pivot grabbing it.