[Abusing animals is manly now?
Are you kidding? Abusing animals is so manly that it has more or less become tradition amongst lumberjacks, pirates, and Chuck Norris. On top of that, it is featured prominently on the cover of the one and only true guide to manliness, written by one of the manliest of men (who didn't have the priviledge of being born Chuck Norris):
Lucario isn't Goku. Voice overs matter not. But either way, is Goku not manly now?
Goku's never been manly. Think about it: In every episode ever, he either makes his son/friends fight against hopelessly strong opponents, or he spends three weeks collecting energy from everyone in the known universe (since he's not manly enough to beat them with his own) while his friends sacrifice themselves, only to miss and have to start all over again.
The only manly thing he ever did was fight andriods while having a heart attack. (Oh, and if you've ever seen/read Dragon Ball, you'd know that not only is Goku a little *****, but that Master Rochi is the manliest character of that whole series.)
And it's not JUST the voice overs... Look at his animations! He is a generic DBZ character turned pokemon! He is, to all intents and purposes, recycled.
[BThat was talked about in his last list he wears that tiara in memory of his sister which is masculine he is honouring the memory of his sister[/B]
Ah, my bad. I didn't know that, but that's not the reason the TC gave...
RK, that's not at ALL what Scribble meant... He's probably played as many, if not more, Kirby games than you to be honest...
On top of that, aren't we just supposed to base this on their Brawl performances? (Or so I was told.)
Captain Falcon, the almighty epitome of manliness, should be directly opposed to Captain Fabulous (White and Pink Falcon), who should get his own tier as the least manly thing ever.
I'll add more next monday.