I'd like to be the first to say, this unhappy thread might get a bit bigger in the next few hours.
part 2
To start off with. The week, as a whole has me overloaded. I have procrastinated quite a bit as of late. I have a paper that I've all but not started on and will require 9+ hours of work, I need to find and watch at least one other movie by Orson Welles, learn about and analyze his use of cinematography. Then I have to do research on him for the routine sources requirements. I still haven't started on this.
A music theory assignment requiring roughly 3 hours of work didn't get done by Tuesday. Another one didn't get done by Friday. I have a midterm in that class next Thursday too. That's gonna be fun.
I had to memorize three pieces of music. This isn't usually difficult for me. But this week I was freaking out about everything. Something you should know about me: the more I'm pressed to meet a deadline, the more I procrastinate. I just can't focus on things under high pressure. This only happened halfway even though I spent a good amount of time with it.
I play trombone and the band director plays saxophone. For those of you not into music, let alone jazz, saxophonists are super technical because of the way their instrument is designed. They can play anything they want at almost any rate for any portion of their range at will. Trombonists on the other hand are limited when using their lower range because of the amount of physical movement involved. So my instructor is having me play a chart at about 220 bpm tackling this specific area of my instrument and is completely insensitive about it. I hate it. In terms you guys might be able to understand. This is the equivalent of being doing a barehanded snowball fight and trying to play some melee fox immediately afterwards. Yeah. It doesn't work. I pretty much had to fake my way through this one, but not because of a lack of musical ability. I had to fake half of it because of physical restrictions. Just dumb.
On Friday. I had to miss my first class because of a combination of waking up later than normal, and needing to get ready. It took me 20-30 minutes to find an appropriate set of clothes. I couldn't' t find a pair of black socks. I later found that I put them in my shoes the day before. Go figure. I also had to try stuff on to make sure that it fit along with packing it up and such. Oh, when I got to school, I realized that I left something at home, so I ended up late because of that.
After a mediocre rehearsal, we left for Pitt state. No buses. We had to do this drive in 3 separate vans. This is really nice and all with all the equipment crammed in. I gotta say, it's nice to have an upright bass cramping you against the side of the van for three hours. I was stuck on the van with a bunch of people I don't talk with much and one person I silently hate. To be honest I don't know how I haven't just lashed out against this guy yet. I'm a better musician in almost every way. He asks a ridiculous amount of stupid questions in a vain attempt to show musical sophistication. He's silently arrogant. He can't tell when my solos are utter garbage and goes on to complement them anyway. He's more irresponsible than me (and that's a mighty insult). He doesn't practice relevant music. Oh and just about his entire personality is fake. Aside from me hating him silently, the ride down was really boring and I was in a position that I couldn't really sleep.
Anyway. I get down there. On the way in, one of our guys sprains his ankle getting out of the car, so he's pretty much hopping on one foot for two whole days looking stupid. Fast forward to the end of the performance (terrible). We have to leave immediately following our performance. So I can't stick around to see some of my friends at Pitt State that I never get to see any more. I wanted to get to hear one of them play but that wasn't going to happen for obvious reasons. Oh, we skipped out on a performance of a high caliber professional group that I really wanted to see too, and only because we had to leave early. It was only 5 o'clock when we left. For someone who's driven to Wichita for 2 out of the last 4 weeks and gotten home after 3 a.m., this is bull****.
On the way back home I'm still cramped and still can't sleep. Jim puts in a recording of what we played. I was devastated. All of my solos were out of tune. A bunch of them, I obviously didn't know what I was doing and blatently missed chord changes as well as lost my spot in the songs form. I didn't show any noteworthy ability speaking from physical, technical, and musical standpoints. A good number of our other soloists did terrible as well, but I was by far, the worst. What makes me rage is that even that guy I absolutely hate showed me up. This comes from not only my opinion, but the clinicians running the festival.
The band as a whole was terrible. There were missed notes all over the place. No one was paying any attention to how they were playing so every high note that was hit sounded forced (crappy). In the feature song for the trombones, the trombones couldn't be heard. A hi hat drowned us out without even trying. The clinicians were also really tired since this was the last performance of the day, so they didn't give us any critiques and didn't really work with us. Instead, they just talked nostalgia and made inside jokes that even a good 80% of the music world doesn't get.
We finnally get back and I need to get some stuff out of the band room along with about half us the band. The campus security phone line or whatever wasn't working so we had to wait about 10-20 minutes in the cold waiting for triangle calls and such to get someone. I ended up falling into a pile of mud while I was waiting.
Next day: another festival. This time, it's at KU.
I intended to sleep in as long as I could. Heh, yeah right. My grandma wakes me up two hours early. I couldn't fall back asleep after that. So I'm tired. I leave on time and make it to Murphy Hall. Me and two other people sat in the building for about twenty minutes wondering where everyone else is. A friend makes a call, and gets told we're supposed to be at the Lied center. So we're about to leave when he calls his friend back and finds out it was still at Murphy hall and we were just in the wrong part of the building. We spend about 10 minutes walking through and around the building before we find where we need to go. At this point in time I'm late. I have about twenty minutes to get stuff out my car change clothes, warm up and get on stage. What's really nice is that I forgot my dress shoes, so I was wearing a pair of 10$ tennis shoes with grass and mud on them. Oh, and I had to wear white socks too. Needless to say, I looked like an idiot in those shoes combines with a blazer and slacks. Oh, and when I try to close the bag or whatever I'm keeping my clothes in, the zipper breaks off at the top leaving the entire bag sealed shut. This is awesome because I kept all of my music in there for convenience, and needed to get it out for the performance. So I had to pretty much tear open the bag to get going on time.
This performance was only slightly better than the day before. Copy+Paste everything that happened in this performance the day before.
Anyway. After this, I stick around because I want to refine what little social skills I have, so I hang out, listen to some performances, and talk a bit. Fast forward a few hours and we're about to go somewhere to eat. In discussing where we were going to go, I ended up saying something that came out blatently sexist directly to 1 of the 2 women in our group. It was a bad case of not thinking before talking. She was pretty mature about it but this just made me feel worse. After we got done eating. I decided to follow the crowd, not knowing where it was going. (Gee I wonder how this could end up) So yeah, we walk into this store selling a variety of weird stuff and oddities. We get upstairs and the whole group decides to check some special merchandise out. At one point they are requesting ID to see if we are 18 or not. I'm thinking, well whatever, at this point, so I go ahead. Bad idea. I'm looking around trying to figure out why there's an 18+ restriction and I just can't figure it out. I see a whole ton of 100$+ glass pipes and just sat there dumbfounded about how all of that could cost so much and why anyone would want to buy one of these things. This time I'm smart and I don't ask questions. I watch two from our group buy a few of these and I just sat there for a while. Man, I honestly gotta say, finding out that your the only person in your group that doesn't smoke weed is just outright betraying. What bothers me the most is that no one said anything to me beforehand. God, if any of my family members heard about me going there, I'd get hell for weeks on end. The only good thing in all of this, is that I look like I do enough drugs (even though I've never even had a cigarette) that I didn't look entirely out of place.
To be honest, drug use is fine with me, I just think it's more of a common
courtesy decencey to let those around you know what's going on. I don't want to get caught around somebody I don't know super well doing pot related stuff like this. At the very least it should be done either in their house where they can't be seen, or at 1-5 in the morning where half of the world is asleep.
This is fairly important to me because I look so much like raging drug addict that it's not even funny. I have long hair, I have the dark sunken eyes. A good half of the time I have a beard out of laziness. From time to time, I do that thing where I scratch my neck subconsiously. My eyes become shot frequently from how many video games I play and how late I stay up. Hell, I sound like a freaking hippie when I talk too, both in content, speed, and inflection. I'm going to be the first person a cop looks at if I get caught in a group.