Everyone is a unique, beautiful snowflake
just like everyone else
In slightly related news, there's a reason that people behave differently. People think about different things, people respond to different things, people care about different things, all for different reasons.
There's a reason that Al Gore pours out his heart and soul, only to have his cries and platitudes of global warming and ecological disaster fall on deaf ears. Know why? Because he's one of the few who cares so passionately about something else that most people never gave a second a thought about. It's not because most people are malicious, it's simply because Al Gore cares more about it than virtually anyone else. Now, if you wanted to analyze his formative years, you could probably even figure out the exact impacting factor that followed Skinner's laws to worm this furtive worrisomeness into Mr. Gore's mind.
However, a lesser mind, such as yours, will indubitably attempt to rationalize away my incandescently honest truth on the basis that my example isn't such a good one. I know it's not a good example, you syphilitic swine, but if I really wanted to I could come up with about 7 billion more. Know why? EVERYBODY'S DIFFERENT. CAN YOU HONESTLY LOOK AT THE INNUMERABLE FACTORS THAT ALTER EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUALS EVERY DAY LIVES AND CLAIM THAT EVERY SINGLE PERSON RESPONDS THE EXACT SAME WAY? You piece of ****.
I'm honestly not sure why it's so important for you that everyone be the same. Insecurity, maybe. Possibly daddy didn't hug you enough. Or maybe he hugged you too much? Perhaps I've just had a revelational epiphany the likes of which you will never experience, bringing me into some kind of shining empathetic catharsis.
Regardless, I pity you, sir.