Thsnks very much, Shortie and Lokii.
Well we have all been there, definitely. If living with your brother/parents really is bothering you this much you should probably try to move out. (Unless youre under 18...) *patpat* Even if tomorrow sucks, just makes sure one day soon to "treat yoself" for putting up with all that insanity. My little brother used to piss me the **** OFF, so I can sympathize with the brother problems a lot. So yeah, set a day aside for you to do whatever makes you happy. Eat whatever you want, or buy something you've been wanting. Be lazy, or be productive with your friends. Get crunk, or be a straight edge. Treat YO SELF.
Yeah, I'm under 18 at the current time and won't be turning 18 till November. Thank goodness I'll have college to get ahead of things more since I already skipped a semester so I can just focus on the other classes now.
Haha, I could get into a really really long tangent about my brother because I know your pain.
I would love to be productive with friends, but the thing is, I know absolutely no one in this state yet ever since I moved. That's kind of why I was hoping to go to the thing my parents cancelled because it was something to socialize and get to know people and the like. To be completely honest since I'm already venting a bit, I just feel really lonely out here this move. I know no one at all and I just feel meh about it. I have like this confidence that college will be better and I can meet people but the thing is, I'm really not confident at all and kind of terrified that I might revert back to the shy guy I used to be.
I need to go out and just breathe some fresh air more maybe and just get away from my family. I just feel so weighted down by 100% them time and never any privacy or me time. I will hopefully get that within the next month or two after the unpacking is all done but it's just frustrating at times.
I just need to have a chill day with friends or like go on a date or something soon.
I'll definitely be scheduling a day for myself hopefully soon so thanks for the advice, Shortie!
So, I just spontaneously asked my mom if I could be tested for anxiety or at least go see someone about mental health stuff.
After a long time of weirdly obsessive destructive thoughts (don't worry, self harm and I do NOT mix, and death scares it's nothing like that. Just irrational thinking. Hard to explain), stressing out/being nervous/being upset for no apparent reason, and attacks of sheer emotion and crying, I really just need some sort of ****ing closure as to what the hell is wrong.
I'm a happy person. I really am. I just have moments where it's honestly hard to be awake, because being asleep means I can just rest and not think at all. And I can't explain these moments, other than the fact they are triggered by really small instances, but often snowball to crying fits of intense sadness/rage/other emotions or just me being really out of sorts. Basically, mood swings for no reason, or insane stress over something of little importance.
And I can't bring myself to talk about it with the people close to me, because I feel as though I'm being a burden and that I am being selfish for forcing my feelings on them. I love I should be able to share my feelings like this with him. And maybe I will, since I'm suddenly sharing my emotions with people on the internet that I haven't even met in person.
I mean, since I came home for the summer, I've gotten a lot better. But, I'm afraid of what will happen when I go back to school. It's not homesickness - college is 2 hours from school, my dad visits me since he often has business in Pittsburgh, and I go home often because of family events. But, I would have bouts of crippling emotion where I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed at times or even fall asleep at night. I just cry until my head aches and I drift off to sleep.
I just felt empty.
I just want to know why I feel like this.
I'm gonna be honest with you Lokii, but this almost made me cry a little while reading this because I can relate so much to the feelings you have. Not necessarily the anxiety, but the long nights of just wanting to sleep and ending up staying up all night either crying or contemplating life. The feeling of emptiness.
Lokii said:
I'm a happy person. I really am. I just have moments where it's honestly hard to be awake, because being asleep means I can just rest and not think at all. And I can't explain these moments, other than the fact they are triggered by really small instances, but often snowball to crying fits of intense sadness/rage/other emotions or just me being really out of sorts. Basically, mood swings for no reason, or insane stress over something of little importance.
This paragraph, really hit me because I understand what you mean. Really. Sometimes just taking a moment alone or going for a walk for a second helps. Taking a breather and then trying to think optimistically helps me from time to time. I mean hopefully you will find your own remedy to this and it will help. However, the emotional mood swings I haven't figured out how to help them more in terms of making them go away because when they hit, they hit like a freaking freight train and it's the smallest little thing that changes your mind/thought process for a bit. Like how can someone explain this type of thing...? I really do hope you get what I mean, dear.
Lokii said:
And I'm sorry, I just needed a place to vent this.
I'll probably be so confused and mortified by this post tomorrow because I'll be happy and stuff. But, I just need to get these feelings out, so I can at least push myself to talk to someone about this.
So yeah...sorry about this >__>;; Super deep post....
/sinks into corner and runs back to the happy thread.
(But I do feel a lot better getting emotions off my chest. It's like a weight has lifted ; u ; So that is definitely a plus!)
Haha I'm probably going to use this place more as that vent because as you suggest below, it's good to air these things out even if it is to people you are hardly know and you know you think you'll sound sillier in the morning and the like.
There is absolutely no reason to be sorry. That's what this place is for. If anyone were to give you a hard time. We'd beat them up.
Lokii said:
And yeah J, sometimes you just have those days! You have every right to complain - everyone needs to vent! If you just bottle up emotions, its bad!
And younger siblings suck. Hahaha xD How old is your bro?
I tend to juts bottle things up so I don't annoy other people with how I am doing and the like. It seems just better to swallow it for a bit and find a healthy way to relief it later.
My little brother is 16 and my goodness can he be a little ***** sometimes. I also have a sister who is 13.
/sorry for the wall guys...^^"