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"The Triforce of Knowledge" Ganon's Match-Up Guide: Character Review, Kirby.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
It's probably no worse than 6/4 Kirby for Ganon. One of Ganon's better matchups as far as I'm concerned.

Shadow Nataku

Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2002
Not much to say that hasn't been said already though I know alot of people would disagree with me when I say this is easily another even matchup for Ganon. 50/50. Kirby cannot approach, his horizontal aerial speed is just too slow for a proper wall of pain style approach like Jiggly. Anyone who actually gets hit by the last hit of his ^+B shouldn't even be playing competitively. Also Kirby is one of the easiest footstool combo/retreating DAir targets in the entire game.

However in Kirby's favour he does have an obscene ammount of power for a lightweight and does have those jumps but the DAir should not be gimping Ganon as easily as you'd think if you're spacing and timing your ^+B right. Most of the time you get gimped by Kirby will simply be from a run off ledge BAir or UAir.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
I'm going to say this match-up HAS to be 50-50 if only because Kirby is going to be one of the first characters to be chainchoked easily. If chainchoking becomes the norm, that will become a soft advantage for Ganon. Other characters I'm more skeptical about trying to make arguments for how chainchoking will affect the match-up before the technique becomes commonplace, but in this case, it's valid material for certain.

Agree? 50-50?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
Springfield, Ohio
I'm going to say this match-up HAS to be 50-50 if only because Kirby is going to be one of the first characters to be chainchoked easily. If chainchoking becomes the norm, that will become a soft advantage for Ganon. Other characters I'm more skeptical about trying to make arguments for how chainchoking will affect the match-up before the technique becomes commonplace, but in this case, it's valid material for certain.

Agree? 50-50?
Have you ever played this match up by chance? If you have, was it against your five year old sister? Because, regardless of the character, chain choking is not perfect. Nobody can do it infinite, if lucky, it would be 4-5 times against a smart player. It's not a great matchup for gannon, definitely not 50-50.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
It's in Kirby's favor mainly cause he has gay B-air camping that is gayer than your shield camping, and he's a little better at scoring the KO by gimping you offstage with D-air.

Still, I will maintain this matchup is not unwinnable. He doesn't pose much direct threat and his approach is punishable.


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Have you ever played this match up by chance? If you have, was it against your five year old sister? Because, regardless of the character, chain choking is not perfect. Nobody can do it infinite, if lucky, it would be 4-5 times against a smart player. It's not a great matchup for gannon, definitely not 50-50.
Don't you ever misspell "Ganon", again.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
Springfield, Ohio
Not much to say that hasn't been said already though I know alot of people would disagree with me when I say this is easily another even matchup for Ganon. 50/50. Kirby cannot approach, his horizontal aerial speed is just too slow for a proper wall of pain style approach like Jiggly. Anyone who actually gets hit by the last hit of his ^+B shouldn't even be playing competitively. Also Kirby is one of the easiest footstool combo/retreating DAir targets in the entire game.

However in Kirby's favour he does have an obscene ammount of power for a lightweight and does have those jumps but the DAir should not be gimping Ganon as easily as you'd think if you're spacing and timing your ^+B right. Most of the time you get gimped by Kirby will simply be from a run off ledge BAir or UAir.
With you saying Kirby cannot approach, just goes to show you've only played lvl 1 cpu against Kirby. Kirby's bair outranges most of gannon's arials and he also a chain grab that easily takes gannon up 40+%. Gannon's ftilt which works really well, but is easily avoided by kirby because he just goes above it.

Kirby's dair is HIGHLY used especially when silly gannons try to ledge guard. Gannon can be killed and gimped at very low percentages with this move. I like to call it a "bait and ****" maneuver myself. Gannon gets dair'd off the map, he's dead. His recover isn't good enough to get back up to the ledge before kirby. Oh yeah, btw... Kirby's dair... can out prioritize gannon's up-b AND is over-b.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
RipN, I'm not gonna bother responding to you and pointing out the errors in your posts as I'll leave that to someone who still feels like dealing with this a$$**** of a character match-up discussoin, but if you so desire, I'll gladly destroy your kirby. :lick: I'm sure the same goes for any of the other top Ganons on this board. You don't know what you're getting yourself into, 2 posts.

<3 DAD


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC
The thing is we dont' need to infinte Kirby at all. We use Chainchoking to rack up damage and get the opponent at the edge for one of our follow ups. In this case our main kill move after Gerudo I would assume would be F-tilt.

We can KO Kirby from the edge of the stage with an F-tilt around 87%. Probably a bit more than that I didn't exactly do a complete testing of Kirby's DI but at any case its around that area.

It takes around 10 Gerudoes from 0% to get Kirby at the level of KOing with Gerudo->F-tilt. But...Ganon's game isn't just going to be Chainchoking. He's going to dair, usmash and the all other 10 yards. Chokechaining while infinting isn't a bad thing isn't our main concern.

The main concern is getting a character to said levels at the edge fo the stage and then release our Gerudo get up attack.

And DAD's right...I've found that Kirby is defintely one of the easiest characters to Chokechain.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
Where men are born and champions are raised
Kirby's dair is HIGHLY used especially when silly gannons try to ledge guard. Gannon can be killed and gimped at very low percentages with this move. I like to call it a "bait and ****" maneuver myself. Gannon gets dair'd off the map, he's dead. His recover isn't good enough to get back up to the ledge before kirby. Oh yeah, btw... Kirby's dair... can out prioritize gannon's up-b AND is over-b.
I wanted to seriously dispute your argument when I realized you only have two posts... yeah you know a lot. Despite your claims, Kirby's approach really isn't that great and if Kirby tries to approach with aerials, Ganondorf can easily defend with aerials. However, Kirby can easily just use aerials defensively and if he does, it will be hard for Ganondorf to make any sort of approach to him.

How to beat your so-called "bait and ****" technique: Stand on the edge (continous slow-run on the edge makes for some lulz), wait for Kirby to use up his jumps, and then ****. If Kirby tries to recover over Ganon, he's easy bait for Ganon's up-air. Any use of stone over the ledge will lead to Ganon-spikes (even if Kirby stones and recovers to the point where he can just grab the ledge, there's still a moment of vulnerability).

There are two points in his quote that are correct, though: If Kirby d-airs you when you're recovering, you really are done, since Kirby can just d-air to footstool and you won't be able to make it back. Secondly, Kirby's d-air actually does outprioritize ganon's up-b and over-b (the over-b is true if Kirby hits with the tips of his feet, otherwise he can get Ganoncided).

Hyperstation, I'm sorry, but I can't give Ganondorf any more than 45-55 on this matchup. Ganondorf's too prone to getting gimped and Kirby's grab game + combo-ability is going to put this in Kirby's favor. Trust me, I know character's abilities extremely well.

P.S. Hyperstation, your signature is AWESOME!


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
thanks for the signature compliments, Clai.

If you would have asked me 2 weeks ago, I'd say this match-up was 60-40 kirby at LEAST. That would be for the exact reasons you mentions: DAir gimping and Gonzo Combo. However, a lot has changed in two weeks and the fact that Chainchoking Kirby is one of the easier characters to chainchoke, that evens it out in my mind. You've got grab combos, we've got grab combos, and both lead to racking up big damage. Ganon's however, refreshes his stale kill moves and combos directly into inescapable KOs via Gerudo -> DTilt, FTilt, and iDA (if Kirby doesn't DI inward).

I think it's negligible to say 45-55. I say 50-50, and something new has to emerge from the Kirby camp to convince me otherwise.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
Where men are born and champions are raised
thanks for the signature compliments, Clai.

If you would have asked me 2 weeks ago, I'd say this match-up was 60-40 kirby at LEAST. That would be for the exact reasons you mentions: DAir gimping and Gonzo Combo. However, a lot has changed in two weeks and the fact that Chainchoking Kirby is one of the easier characters to chainchoke, that evens it out in my mind. You've got grab combos, we've got grab combos, and both lead to racking up big damage. Ganon's however, refreshes his stale kill moves and combos directly into inescapable KOs via Gerudo -> DTilt, FTilt, and iDA (if Kirby doesn't DI inward).

I think it's negligible to say 45-55. I say 50-50, and something new has to emerge from the Kirby camp to convince me otherwise.
It's not just those two reasons why I think Kirby has a slight advantage. In addition to the Gonzo combo, Kirby's aerials can juggle very well, and I think Kirby's approaches are less punishable than Ganon's approaches. Getting an initial Flame Choke in is going to be difficult when Kirby's weaving his aerials in and out, especially with the speed of Kirby's tilts. Plus, I haven't tested this, but can't Kirby just avoid Ganon grabbing him by ducking? I know Ganon can't regular grab a crouching Kirby, but I don't know about Flame Chokes.

Why do you say 45-55 is negligable? Doesn't this board already have that for other matchups? It says that Kirby has a slight advantage, but isn't a counter at all. I mean it is essentially neutral, but not completely even.

If you want a list of reasons why this can't be completely even?
D-air gimping (basically the gimping game in general)
Kirby's grabs when Ganon < 60%
Capability of weaving aerials so he can't get punished
Foward smash/ Aerial Hammer kills earlier than Ganon would like (and most Kirby mains aren't going to be using foward smash liberally)

If I can't convince you, I don't know a Kirby main who has as much knowledge of Ganondorf as I do, so your opinion won't change from anyone in the Kirby camp.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
Springfield, Ohio
Regardless, if I have two posts, doesn't mean I'm not "knowledgeable" as you speak of. I just don't post until something strikes my attention. My roommate mains gannon, he has since melee and played since n64. He knows what he's doing and i just recently picked up Kirby about two-three weeks ago. I know what works, and what doesn't. We play all the time and yeah, a Kirby at my skill level isn't going to be great, but I still win matches. I know that if I did play Kirby religiously like some of you play Gannon. You wouldn't stand a chance. I space myself out, constant bairs and fairs leading to a fsmash/bsmash. Game over.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
Regardless, if I have two posts, doesn't mean I'm not "knowledgeable" as you speak of. I just don't post until something strikes my attention. My roommate mains gannon, he has since melee and played since n64. He knows what he's doing and i just recently picked up Kirby about two-three weeks ago. I know what works, and what doesn't. We play all the time and yeah, a Kirby at my skill level isn't going to be great, but I still win matches. I know that if I did play Kirby religiously like some of you play Gannon. You wouldn't stand a chance. I space myself out, constant bairs and fairs leading to a fsmash/bsmash. Game over.
Are you picking a fight? I just don't understand you. You said that your Kirby isn't much and then you immediately say that you could wreck us if you played more. Prove it. I will f*ck you up, guaranteed. Now, tomorrow, 6 weeks from now. My spacing will be better, my mind games will be better, my punishment will be better, and I will eat your BAirs and FAirs all day, man. Seriously, what's your deal? Are you trying to discuss a match-up or are you just waving your d*ck in the wind trying to start a pissing contest? Cause if it's a pissing contest you want, you got it, buddy, and mine's a sh*t ton bigger than yours.

<3 DAD


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
Are you picking a fight? I just don't understand you. You said that your Kirby isn't much and then you immediately say that you could wreck us if you played more. Prove it. I will f*ck you up, guaranteed. Now, tomorrow, 6 weeks from now. My spacing will be better, my mind games will be better, my punishment will be better, and I will eat your BAirs and FAirs all day, man. Seriously, what's your deal? Are you trying to discuss a match-up or are you just waving your d*ck in the wind trying to start a pissing contest? Cause if it's a pissing contest you want, you got it, buddy, and mine's a sh*t ton bigger than yours.

<3 DAD
I think he's trying to say that if he played Kirby as much as you guys play Ganon (i.e. same skill level) then his Kirby would win. He's not saying he'll destroy you now, but he believes that the matchup is plainly in Kirby's favour.

And either i'm doing it wrong or chainchoking is completely stopped by doing your regular getup (not the attack). Gerudo simply has too much startup lag to punish a getup --> u-tilt from Kirby on reaction. If you predict, you can keep the chain going, but even without the shield drop, its just too slow. Mind you, a roll is techchaseable, at least at 1/2 speed


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2008
San Diego, CA
I think he's trying to say that if he played Kirby as much as you guys play Ganon (i.e. same skill level) then his Kirby would win. He's not saying he'll destroy you now, but he believes that the matchup is plainly in Kirby's favour.

And either i'm doing it wrong or chainchoking is completely stopped by doing your regular getup (not the attack). Gerudo simply has too much startup lag to punish a getup --> u-tilt from Kirby on reaction. If you predict, you can keep the chain going, but even without the shield drop, its just too slow. Mind you, a roll is techchaseable, at least at 1/2 speed
Um......no. We read EVERY DI. If a Kirb DI's up, we're going to town on him.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
Springfield, Ohio
So "dad" you seriously must be about five years old. You make no sense what so ever. Am I trying to pick a fight? No. I'm just stating what would happen. You seriously think that you are THAT **** good. I would like to see you play somebody halfway decent to be honest. The only time you'd run somebody as gannon is if they've never played against him. Around here where I live, we play against him all the time. Just now... A gannon and diddy match is going on. All the time. So PLEASE tell me again that you are an expert gannon to where NOBODY can beat the all mighty "dad".

And yes, MK, that was the intent of my post. If we were on the same skill level, Kirby would win at least 60-70 percent of the time, if not better.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
Springfield, Ohio
Um......no. We read EVERY DI. If a Kirb DI's up, we're going to town on him.
There is no way you can read EVERY DI. You literally have 1 frame... if that... to read it and execute. Plus there are MANY characters that you cannot chain grab. Such as: Link, Marth, Zelda, Falco, Ivysaur, Ike, Peach, Ice Climbers, Wolf, and Lucario.... Just to name a few.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
St. Louis, MO
So "dad" you seriously must be about five years old. You make no sense what so ever. Am I trying to pick a fight? No. I'm just stating what would happen. You seriously think that you are THAT **** good. I would like to see you play somebody halfway decent to be honest. The only time you'd run somebody as gannon is if they've never played against him. Around here where I live, we play against him all the time. Just now... A gannon and diddy match is going on. All the time. So PLEASE tell me again that you are an expert gannon to where NOBODY can beat the all mighty "dad".
How can you know so much about Ganon and not know how to spell his name?

DAD is a great player who puts in more effort for Ganon than perhaps anyone else. Technically, I am a halfway decent player who knows about Ganon, and DAD can wreck me.

Now, let's look at your last statement.
And yes, MK, that was the intent of my post. If we were on the same skill level, Kirby would win at least 60-70 percent of the time, if not better.
We aren't worried about two people at the same skill level. We are concerned about two people at one particular skill level: the top. There is a skill level where Kirby destroys Ganon. That level is just above learning Gonzo Combo and just below learning proper tech chasing with Ganon. However, at the highest level, things are more even. I don't know if it is 50:50 or not, but it isn't far off from that.


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2008
San Diego, CA
So "dad" you seriously must be about five years old. You make no sense what so ever. Am I trying to pick a fight? No. I'm just stating what would happen. You seriously think that you are THAT **** good. I would like to see you play somebody halfway decent to be honest. The only time you'd run somebody as gannon is if they've never played against him. Around here where I live, we play against him all the time. Just now... A gannon and diddy match is going on. All the time. So PLEASE tell me again that you are an expert gannon to where NOBODY can beat the all mighty "dad".

And yes, MK, that was the intent of my post. If we were on the same skill level, Kirby would win at least 60-70 percent of the time, if not better.
You, sir, are an idiot with no idea whatsoever about what you're saying. Hyper is one of the most respected posters here, and is one of our more highly skilled Ganons as well. He plays people that are more than "halfway decent" all of the time. I am one of those people. And he never said that nobody could beat him, he's not the best person here. (That would be Kosk, somebody you could never hope to stand a chance against if you lived to be 200).

You say that you state what would happen. Are you psychic? Do you have a time machine? Do you know what it is that the future holds? I think not.

You claim that around where you live you play against a Ganon all of the time. If I remember correctly, this Ganon is your roommate, not a member of this forum. You yourself have only been playing Kirby for 3 weeks. As such, you do not know the first THING about what Kirby is capable of, let alone Ganondorf, you lowly noob.

60-70% winning in a Ganon v. Kirbs match? Please. Go spend some time splashing around in the kiddy pool. You're out of your depth here, boy.

Don't act like you're omniscient. Don't insult our intelligence. You DON'T KNOW ANYTHING.

There is no way you can read EVERY DI. You literally have 1 frame... if that... to read it and execute. Plus there are MANY characters that you cannot chain grab. Such as: Link, Marth, Zelda, Falco, Ivysaur, Ike, Peach, Ice Climbers, Wolf, and Lucario.... Just to name a few.
Sweet Jestus, learn to read. You don't know anything about what we're talking about, and it's just annoying to have to correct you every time.

And you spell atrociously. RipN=GANNON-BANNED


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC
Whoa whoa whoa. Hold the phone Ripn. I'm not going to try and get an additude or anything because I'm not like that or anything but. You're actually instigating that Kirby has a...

7:3 advantage or better against Ganondorf. I'm sorry but you really have no idea what your talking about. Its obvious that your friend does not know how to play Ganon. I can tell because in one of your post you say you were just learning Kirby and yet you somehow beat your friend who you say plays Ganon for a long time.

So there's obviously illogical reasoning on that point.

Kirby has never been a tough match up for Ganon even with the Gonzo Combo. It's always been aorund 6:4 advantage for Kirby. Things have changed drastically for Ganon nown. Chainchoking, Reverse Pivot Grabs, DAD's ledge game stuff and the whole latter.

There's been an amazing improvement in Ganon's game and Kirby certainly doesn't have the large advantage you say he has.

I'm also beginning to wonder exactly how your friend fights as Ganondorf also.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
RipN, we're obviously getting off topic. If you want to discuss the viability/technical adeptness necessary to chainchoke, that's peripheral to this discussion and would be better done in the Chainchoking thread.

Look, if I misread your tone as passive aggressive, I'm using an internet John. There's clearly no point to keep going at it. If my post was overly rude, I revoke my comments and call truce, okay? You have to understand how I was put off by what you said, but likewise my reaction wasn't the most prudent.

I'm 22 by the way. :lick:

Kalm, can you move this on to the next character? I think this one's been overcooked.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
Springfield, Ohio
You call yourself a halfway decent character... But you don't play Kirby. Obviously the discussion is about Kirby vs Ganon. You guys playing Ganon mirror's is completely irrelevant to the discussion.

The whole idea of a "Perfect ________" isn't possible. Nobody can read somebody every time. Nobody can hit an attack perfectly every time. You can compare them at the top, middle, or bottom. But still receive the same result. Not like the move set changes or they gain special abilities. We're not playing Pokemon here ok? If there was a kirby on your lvl, dads lvl, or any ganon main's lvl. The result would be the same. Still... 60-40 or 70-30 in kirby's favor.


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2008
San Diego, CA
You call yourself a halfway decent character... But you don't play Kirby. Obviously the discussion is about Kirby vs Ganon. You guys playing Ganon mirror's is completely irrelevant to the discussion.

The whole idea of a "Perfect ________" isn't possible. Nobody can read somebody every time. Nobody can hit an attack perfectly every time. You can compare them at the top, middle, or bottom. But still receive the same result. Not like the move set changes or they gain special abilities. We're not playing Pokemon here ok? If there was a kirby on your lvl, dads lvl, or any ganon main's lvl. The result would be the same. Still... 60-40 or 70-30 in kirby's favor.
And you don't play against a good Ganon. That's worse than not playing against a Ganondorf at all. You see, we don't play Kirby. However, we play AGAINST good Kirbys. That way, we learn what Kirby can do.

As for the "Perfect matchup", players at the top level of skill can do things that players below them can't. It's been like this since the introduction of ATs like wavedashing and SHFFLing. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean that they can't either. This is the way it is. It always has been, it always will be, and you sure as hell don't know enough to play it, let alone rate it.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
Springfield, Ohio
Basically, all I'm trying to say is that even with my lack of experience playing kirby vs somebody who has a lot of experience playing ganon. I still stand a chance. If we were on the same level, you would tend to think that the weight would be shifted in Kirby's favor more as kirby gets played better and ganon stays at the same level.


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2008
San Diego, CA
Basically, all I'm trying to say is that even with my lack of experience playing kirby vs somebody who has a lot of experience playing ganon. I still stand a chance. If we were on the same level, you would tend to think that the weight would be shifted in Kirby's favor more as kirby gets played better and ganon stays at the same level.
That's.....just stupid. Two reasons why.
1. (This is something that you can always, always apply to matchup threads.) JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN BEAT SOMEBODY DOES NOT MAKE THE MATCHUP. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE MEANS NOTHING.
2. Your friend, though he may have been playing Ganon for a while, probably is only at a low level. Otherwise, he wouldn't be losing to someone who's only played for a few weeks.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
Springfield, Ohio
okay, personal experience aside... Explain how to not get gimped by kirby's wall of pain/dair? I'm curious. Because it still happens, even when you can air dodge or uair with ganon. Kirby floats (obvious) which means he can stay out there a hell of a lot longer than ganon and ganon gets hit more with any of kirbys aerials.


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2008
San Diego, CA
okay, personal experience aside... Explain how to not get gimped by kirby's wall of pain/dair? I'm curious. Because it still happens, even when you can air dodge or uair with ganon. Kirby floats (obvious) which means he can stay out there a hell of a lot longer than ganon and ganon gets hit more with any of kirbys aerials.
It's called either hitting him out of it with uair, recovering before he can, airdodging through it to recover, or not getting hit off the stage at all. Besides, I've had the UpB go through Kirb's dair.


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
RipN, I play both Kirby and Ganon. Kirby happens to be my main, and Ganon my 4th best, so I'd like to say I kind of know what I'm talking about (though I haven't visited the Ganon boards in a bit due to school/being out of town and seeing a whole lot of techniques I don't know mentioned.), and Kirby does not **** Ganon as hard as you think. I used to think that too actually, more on general principle than anything. Then I played a decent Ganon. Yeah, that didn't end so well... :laugh:

Bair is outranged by Ganon's Uair, so he can avoid Bair WoPs like that. As for Dair, yeah, it goes through Ganon's UpB, but if Ganon times it right (which honestly, is probably more hypothetical than realistic), he can UpB you during the startup frames of Kirby's Dair. However, that's somewhat irrelevant since Kirby isn't likely to send Ganon far enough offstage WITHOUT killing to actually get that chance for the most part due to the fact that Ganon is heavy and that unless you're spamming Fsmash (which you really, REALLY shouldn't), most moves that will get him offstage send him at an upward angle, and Ganon should be able to recover fairly easily from there.

Also, FC just devastates Kirby. It can in fact be chained. Can it be infinited? Hell if I know, but it can most definitely be chained. I think the Ganon mains already explained that though, and if not they could always do so, not that it matters since I honestly doubt you'll listen to anything posted here.

Edit: Nevermind, I completely misread that quote I'd originally put up.

Edit again: Mind you, I'm not saying that the match is in Ganon's favor, but it's not a **** 7:3 either. Personally, I'd put it somewhere between 60-40 Kirby and 50-50.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
St. Louis, MO
RipN, I play both Kirby and Ganon. Kirby happens to be my main, and Ganon my 4th best, so I'd like to say I kind of know what I'm talking about (though I haven't visited the Ganon boards in a bit due to school/being out of town and seeing a whole lot of techniques I don't know mentioned.), and Kirby does not **** Ganon as hard as you think. I used to think that too actually, more on general principle than anything. Then I played a decent Ganon. Yeah, that didn't end so well... :laugh:
Was that Ganon me by any chance? :laugh::laugh::laugh:


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Was that Ganon me by any chance? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
How'd you know? Wifi johns don't even justify the amount of **** that was. Sure, my Kirby's gotten much better since then, but I still think I'd get my *** handed to me again. It's funny... I went into the match thinking "Meh, I know Ganon's tricks. This should be an easy match." then got chain choked to hell and at the end was just standing there wondering what the hell happened. It was Ganon ****.

RipN: Sure thing, I was actually planning to, just kept forgetting to sign up. (Though I would like to point out, as mentioned earlier, personal experience won't prove a match-up, regardless of the outcome, especially since my Ganon doesn't know the techniques that make the matchup 50-50. I'll try to get them down by the time the monthly comes though. Don't take this as a 'Oh ****, I'm going to lose' comment, since based on your posts, I still think my Ganon will tear your Kirby apart, if only because you obviously don't know the matchup very well.)

Edit: You're right, I did make a stupid comment didn't I? I kind of assumed from the content of the previous posts you were going to attack me for the personal experience comment, and yeah, I reacted hostily to it in advance, though in reality I was talking more about your knowledge of the matchup than your actual skill (which I know honestly nothing about), which was dumb. Sorry about that. I maintain the rest of the post though.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
Springfield, Ohio
Just as you stated, you don't know all the techs. What makes you think you can win against my Kirby? Bring your Ganon, I'll **** him with my Kirby. Bring your Kirby, and my room mate will **** him with his Ganon. Time will show that... You shouldn't be posting. :D


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
St. Louis, MO
That's enough, RipN. You have made it clear that you have no intention of listening to others or accepting other viewpoints. Now you are claiming to be better than players you know nothing about. I'll make this clean and simple: leave, you aren't wanted here.

Next, you will make an aggressive response to this post while patting yourself on the back. And nobody will be impressed by it. In fact, everyone will dislike you even more than they already do. For your own sake, end this now and leave.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
Springfield, Ohio
This is the deal. I made a comment about my experience with the Kirby game I played. It got flamed. I'll admit, I did drop to the flamers level, and I probably shouldn't have. If I'm not welcome, then that's fine. When I'm also told about a player who's posting negatively about me, who is making themselves out to being better than me, will not ride smoothly with me. I already heard about his game play and I'm not impressed by it at all. Time does change people, hopefully it's for the better. But until I see it, then I don't believe it. You can think of me what ever way you would like, but I haven't seen any GvK match where Ganon has an advantage or an equal match.

(But personal experience doesn't mean anything! Right?)

If personal experience taught us nothing, then how can you even make a match up thread? It's like me going and posting about a match up between Link and Yoshi (two characters I have no PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with, playing with or against) and stating Link has a (uhhhhh) 60-40 chance! Which might be true, but who am I to say? It's just people following what other people are saying and not giving their own opinion.


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
RipN, I didn't bother reading any of your posts, what are you trying to prove exactly?


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2008
San Diego, CA
This is the deal. I made a comment about my experience with the Kirby game I played. It got flamed. I'll admit, I did drop to the flamers level, and I probably shouldn't have. If I'm not welcome, then that's fine. When I'm also told about a player who's posting negatively about me, who is making themselves out to being better than me, will not ride smoothly with me. I already heard about his game play and I'm not impressed by it at all. Time does change people, hopefully it's for the better. But until I see it, then I don't believe it. You can think of me what ever way you would like, but I haven't seen any GvK match where Ganon has an advantage or an equal match.

(But personal experience doesn't mean anything! Right?)

If personal experience taught us nothing, then how can you even make a match up thread? It's like me going and posting about a match up between Link and Yoshi (two characters I have no PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with, playing with or against) and stating Link has a (uhhhhh) 60-40 chance! Which might be true, but who am I to say? It's just people following what other people are saying and not giving their own opinion.
1. You came into a matchup thread and posted something based on something COMPLETELY WRONG. This got you flamed, and you deserved it.
2. We're making ourselves out to be better than you? The fact of the matter is, we have no idea who you are, and you haven't exactly impressed us yet. YOU are the one who has to prove yourself to US, not the other way around.
3. The thing about personal experience is this. You can't just beat somebody and then claim that your character automatically has an advantage. This is what you did, and it's also a classic example of a logical fallacy that plagues matchup threads. The purpose of playing other people is to learn what exactly their character can do, and then determine
A: How to deal with it.
B: Just who has the advantage.
Your post had nothing to do with either of those.
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