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The Top Ten Videos of Each Character

Mar 28, 2008
You clearly havn't seen the 145 viewers they had during GFs.

Also, once we get some videos up from Apex, I'd like to nominate game 5.
Mar 28, 2008
Nope.. i was too busy watching GF's lol
Someone screenshotted the forums while we were all watching the stream, there's a caption of it somewhere.

Anyway, enough of that. I'll look around for some stream videos.

Edit: Actually, just saw these videos of Bartolon (S1-14), I believe either of these two videos are perfectly acceptable and show a very good understanding of both the matchup and the character.


da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Uh, yea, thats exactly what Im saying, M2k played retardedly, and thus got out played. im not defending anyone, im just stating facts.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
ally played pretty badly when he played brood too to be honest. he played much better in his set with rain, who, incidently, played like complete trash that set (it was his worst set the entire weekend).

not everyone brood beat played badly, but every brood beat did get out played.

Col. Stauffenberg

Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
San Diego <3
Still, saying "Brood outplayed the people he beat" is a pretty silly statement. You might as well point out that Brood beat people by taking stocks from them before they took stocks from him.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
lol stauffy. my main point was that m2k was being really stupid and not playing that great, but that is not to take away from brood, as he was playing amazingly the entire day, and earned his placing.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
It's not M2K that changed. Brood just stopped feeling M2K out and started playing for real. I mean really, does everyone just think that Japanese Metaknights suck? And that Japanese Olimars fall for all of a good Metaknight's tricks? Not likely. Brood LET himself lose that first game. That video shows it all.

The most remarkable thing about Brood's Olimar is that he buffers EVERYTHING, and in this match that just isn't there.

He also does several usually dumb things, like rolling onto the stage during his second stock. I'm guessing this was to see M2K's edge-guarding habits.

And just look at his third stock. Juggled by Metaknight's Uair? Really? Has everyone just forgotten that Olimar has a whistle now?? Brood aint dumb enough to get juggled by something as obvious as that.

I'm excited to see the other videos posted so people can start to see the differences in gameplay for themselves.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Absolutely he changed. He went from being super recklessly aggro to trying to out camp him and time him out.
That only happened after Brood changed - don't underestimate the effect that had on M2K

edit: Here, look at Game Two. I've only been watching the first segment of it and the difference is already showing itself.

M2K goes for a dtilt off the ledge to lead to a gimp - just like he did in Game One. Excpet this time it doesn't work.

As far as I can see, M2K is playing pretty aggro and trying to get those gimps in, just like the first game. The only thing that appears to have changed is what Brood is doing about it.

edit2: @about :55, Brood whistles a SL from M2K, and you all think he wasn't bringing less than his A game during Game One when he got juggled by Uair? I don't think there's much denying this.

edit3: During Game One in the very beginning, Brood uses a grounded tether, which any player with sense who has played the character longer than a week can tell you is just begging for punishment. Brood would NOT do this without a reason - my guess is that he wanted to scope out M2K's punishing habits.

edit4: Look at 3:33. Brood whistles both a uair and the immediately following dair. In the exact same spot he got juggled with one during Game One. And you would still insist that he wasn't sandbagging? No sir. Even if you could say that he adapted, it would not explain him also whistling the dair that followed. And he definitely wasn't just randomly mashing whistle - Brood uses it sparingly as it is.

edit5: I don't need to explain anymore. You can plainly see that M2K was playing the beginning of this game JUST as aggressively as the first, and the reason he changed IS BECAUSE BROOD STARTED PLAYING FOR REAL AND SHOWED HIM THAT WASN'T GONNA FLY.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Someone screenshotted the forums while we were all watching the stream, there's a caption of it somewhere.

Anyway, enough of that. I'll look around for some stream videos.

Edit: Actually, just saw these videos of Bartolon (S1-14), I believe either of these two videos are perfectly acceptable and show a very good understanding of both the matchup and the character.

I missed these until now - you should've made a new post. That said

Holy hell that was amazing! Hands down the best Ness I've ever seen :O


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2009
That Jigglypuff video was awesome. He got predictable with drill always trying to grab afterwards. Nice anyways. Needs moar rest thought :)
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