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The Top 5 Brawl [ US | CAN | MEX]

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Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Typically the way it works is the best players from a locality travels to the subregional level. The best players at the subregional level will travel to the regional level. The best players from the regional level will travel at the national level.

Since you are the best locally, you have a responsibility to your local scene and to yourself to travel subregionally/regionally to improve yourself and your locality as a whole. Otherwise you should feel bad for winning their money in tournaments, at least I would.

For the MWW, if you aren't beating MJG, Fino, Domo, Zeton, Hylian and whoever else is top from MO (FAE and Legan come to mind but I'm sure I'm forgetting like two people), and Joker from IA, it's not really a quality win to be honest. At least that's what I can think of from active people.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Yes that sorta applies to me, I started going to subregionals/regionals then finally going to national level. I worked my way up. I dont live in Cali, but it helped that my grandparents lived there so I could go to Genesis 2.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Not to knock the applicants for the top 5 spot, but it's kind of crazy to me to think that the 2nd to best character on the tier list's best of the best features 3/5 that can't win their own region >_>
I agree.

Hey wait. Didn't Zinoto just win in his region?

delux, that's because the BBR is dumb. Diddy isn't the 2nd best character in the game.
May I ask who is?



one sec. Not ready...

ok. go.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Michigan is not a region. It's a locality of the MWE subregion. He should move up to subregionals and regionals imo because he looks REALLY good but there's no way of knowing until he goes.

If he went and won like, Vengence on April 7, he would have won his region


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
idk who is, but snake is definitely better than Diddy. He's better in theoretically (BBR MU Chart) and in practice (better tournament results)


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Sorry Lux, that makes sense. I just assumed you were considering states regions in that post since you were referring to Diddy, and one of the :diddy:s on that list doesn't even do that.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
Player-1 best troll. Can't believe he's still trying to say he's better than Vato.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Typically players play players who play players who play the players who play the player.

Since you are the best locally, you have to play the players who play the players who play players.

For the MWW, if you aren't beating players, you aren't even a player.
Future was the best player in MO (and for a while in the entire Midwest) until he took time off after Kahoka. I think tournament results would say that. Maybe Nicole. I'm not entirely sure that he isn't the best currently (FAE) and Legan moved to ILL to break everyones heart by quitting Link.

I travel far distances (9 hours) but really only span one or two states. Though playing in a NC tournament and Chicago tournament show I do some sort of traveling outside of my region.

The point is, wifi is good practice, sure, but playing Tyser is the best possible idea for me because I do not have enough money or availability to go far OOS incredibly often. I get lag from playing people across the pond.

Yes that sorta applies to me, I started going to subregionals/regionals then finally going to national level. I worked my way up. I dont live in Cali, but it helped that my grandparents lived there so I could go to Genesis 2.
For sure, I'm pretty sure I'll be out in NC this year because I have family, maybe even Georgia for the same reason, and I will for sure enter a tournament. NC smash is cool. Melee and Brawl. I'd kick it with all of those dudes even without a tournament. Though it's great practice for both games.

Maybe 70% Vengence, maybe 30% WHOBO, 10% cali tournament.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Future was the best player in MO (and for a while in the entire Midwest) until he took time off after Kahoka. I think tournament results would say that. Maybe Nicole. I'm not entirely sure that he isn't the best currently (FAE) and Legan moved to ILL to break everyones heart by quitting Link.[/spoiler]
Future wasn't the best player in the midwest ever, atleast not with Lain and Kain around. I don't think results would say in MO either, but you can correct that if I'm wrong. But the point is you aren't beating any of the players that I listed. You gotta beat the people on that list to win the mdwest west.

I travel far distances (9 hours) but really only span one or two states. Though playing in a NC tournament and Chicago tournament show I do some sort of traveling outside of my region.

The point is, wifi is good practice, sure, but playing Tyser is the best possible idea for me because I do not have enough money or availability to go far OOS incredibly often. I get lag from playing people across the pond.
Keep doing all of the above until you're a regional threat.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Lux, I'm actually kinda right, I missed the word (west) in there though.

Go back to before you were playing (or at least as active in the KS scene)...like 09-10, his results are really good at times. Like really good, like top 4 in most subregionals.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
If he's coming in 4th, there are 3 people still ahead of him in that title for best >_>


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Domo is from Wichita which is KS which is the Midwest West...


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
No, they really aren't. Gerrymandering doesn't change the truth


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Your political science vocabulary can't save you now.

Results from every tournament in the midwest ever until they stopped.

#1-Random OOR
#4-Wichita/Random OOR

Wichita is a really fun word, and it really doesn't look like I'm spelling it right.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Tell that to MJG/Fino please who also placed in that top 5 range consistently


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Given that they are from the KC area, you're wrong

Back on top 5 topic please


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Oh. I think Lux is a top 5 Ice Climbers.

I just realized how many times I posted midwest when I meant midwestwest for those of you who are about to flame the hell out of me :0

Kansas is broken and it was for a while it's own entire giant region of broken winning.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Yea but they are eager to replace him with MCPE or MRM.

Im not sure how I feel about it, can someone again reconfirm that Holms doesnt play anymore or something along those lines? Apologies for ignorance, Im about to leave for a tourney, so posts after I make this one will be super scrutinized, as it's your guys last chance to satisfy the requirements for requests before Sunday. Thanks to Xavier, I wont have to look too far. But right now justification and backup for his recent post and other requests would be super sweet.

Thanks for staying on topic guys I love you all! wish me luck.


Smash Hero
Nov 14, 2010
In the rain.
What are DeLux's results like when compared to Lain's and Smoom's? Cause 33rd at Apex is pretty impressive, he outplaced Vinnie (who got 49th, dead last in bracket) and Lain (got 3rd seed in his 2nd pool)

And Smoom didn't even go. I don't even know who Smoom is. Perhaps this warrants a bump?


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Vinnie, lain, and Smoom, among other ICs are all definitely better than me >_>

Vinnie is indisputably the best ICs
Esam is currently the pinnacle of the synced read style of play and was the highest placing IC at Apex
lain is #1 in Michigan and the best IC in the midwest. Historically, he's like the Greek God of winning
Smoom is the terror out of Texas. He is probably the best Solo-IC main in the country
DeLux is super free and probably shouldn't be 5th but people are on the Apex hype train

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Future was the best player in MO (and for a while in the entire Midwest) until he took time off after Kahoka. I think tournament results would say that. Maybe Nicole. I'm not entirely sure that he isn't the best currently (FAE) and Legan moved to ILL to break everyones heart by quitting Link.

I travel far distances (9 hours) but really only span one or two states. Though playing in a NC tournament and Chicago tournament show I do some sort of traveling outside of my region.
Future was never one of the best in the Midwest. I don't think he's ever won a tourney even. And what Nc tourney? What'd you place there?
Future wasn't the best player in the midwest ever, atleast not with Lain and Kain around. I don't think results would say in MO either, but you can correct that if I'm wrong. But the point is you aren't beating any of the players that I listed. You gotta beat the people on that list to win the mdwest west.

Keep doing all of the above until you're a regional threat.
Kain, Fino, Clel, Domo, Zeton, Nicole, Fae, Hylian, Legan, Hunger, Northdakotanorman, Arty just to name a few from MWW.

If we're talking about the entire MW then Lain, Kain, SHUGO, Hunger, Krystedez, a lot of Ohio, a lot of Kansas, Ally (He is in Michigan a ton), Anther/Judge played in 09-10 (So they count according to Rob's logic and Judge was the best in the MW before he quit and Shugo usurped that title), Overswarm, Kel, etc.
Typically the way it works is the best players from a locality travels to the subregional level. The best players at the subregional level will travel to the regional level. The best players from the regional level will travel at the national level.

Since you are the best locally, you have a responsibility to your local scene and to yourself to travel subregionally/regionally to improve yourself and your locality as a whole. Otherwise you should feel bad for winning their money in tournaments, at least I would.

For the MWW, if you aren't beating MJG, Fino, Domo, Zeton, Hylian and whoever else is top from MO (FAE and Legan come to mind but I'm sure I'm forgetting like two people), and Joker from IA, it's not really a quality win to be honest. At least that's what I can think of from active people.
What he said.
Lux, I'm actually kinda right, I missed the word (west) in there though.

Go back to before you were playing (or at least as active in the KS scene)...like 09-10, his results are really good at times. Like really good, like top 4 in most subregionals.
Top 4 isn't even placing into the money. And if he isn't beating top players then him being top in the MW is negligible.
Oh. I think Lux is a top 5 Ice Climbers.

I just realized how many times I posted midwest when I meant midwestwest for those of you who are about to flame the hell out of me :0

Kansas is broken and it was for a while it's own entire giant region of broken winning.
Kansas and Ohio are generally the best areas in the MW. Outside of that there is the godly 3 from Michigan (Judge, Anther, Lain) and then Kain, Hunger, and Arty from IL.
Given that they are from the KC area, you're wrong

Back on top 5 topic please
Shhh, they are in their own subregion called Wichitaint.

I've always considered Fino and MJG a part of Wichita.
Jebus junior.
Tell that to MJG/Fino please who also placed in that top 5 range consistently
Your political science vocabulary can't save you now.

Results from every tournament in the midwest ever until they stopped.

#1-Random OOR
#4-Wichita/Random OOR

Wichita is a really fun word, and it really doesn't look like I'm spelling it right.
You tell em' Jebus.
No, they really aren't. Gerrymandering doesn't change the truth
Wichita doesn't count, they are their own region.
Jebus logic.
Domo is from Wichita which is KS which is the Midwest West...
Yeah, ringers like Bassem and Domo.
Bassem is from Oklahoma, which is south region I think. Domo is KS.



Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
I don't have to, my wins speak for themselves. They're definitely better than vato's.
If that was true, it wouldn't be Player- 1 vs the thread.

I don't even know who Smoom is. Perhaps this warrants a bump?
I would say that level of ignorance ALWAYS warrants a bump.

Do you know who Z is?

Because Smoom is better.
beat Z and become part of that list

EDIT: Also pretty clear Seagull isn't sure of the divider between the midwest west and midwest east. You split a single PR into 2 separate regions. XD


Smash Ace
Jan 4, 2010
San Diego, CA
...If only.. I had 4GODs Round 2 Pool. OR even Player-1s pool.

The funny part is that if P-1 and I switched, we most likely would have both made it out.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
If that was true, it wouldn't be Player- 1 vs the thread.

I would say that level of ignorance ALWAYS warrants a bump.

Do you know who Z is?

Because Smoom is better.


EDIT: Also pretty clear Seagull isn't sure of the divider between the midwest west and midwest east. You split a single PR into 2 separate regions. XD
You mean when I said a bunch of Ohio and then Overswarm/Kel? I just named them afterwards since they're the best players I could think of off the top of my head from Ohio.

Edit: Why isn't Bloodcross on for :falco:? He just beat Fatal and won an NE tourney. The week prior, he got 5th at that Canada regional? Bleachigo/Arty have done what...? Don't get me wrong, Bleachigo is my dude, but I think BC should be ahead of him.



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Yea but they are eager to replace him with MCPE or MRM.

Im not sure how I feel about it, can someone again reconfirm that Holms doesnt play anymore or something along those lines? Apologies for ignorance
checks...yep...he's quit. Mr. Doom said that he might be at WHOBO, but idk if that means that Holms will be there either (since they are brothers).

Future was never one of the best in the Midwest. I don't think he's ever won a tourney even. And what Nc tourney? What'd you place there?

I think that's all that needs to be said. Though I guess Hylian turned out a lot better, Future didn't even show up to the championship event where the points were doubled, and apparently he was Drunk at Kahoka and still got 9th. (For the words that need to be said). But I'm certain future has won a local before.

Also I clarified and said that I meant MW:W. Not MW. Also Kain/Arty/Hunger aren't MW:W. ~17-6 hour drives for the other states is NOT conveniently located.

Also I went to Animazement, B/O 1 tournament, lost to Foxxy who just wanted to beat me and let Dr. PeePee win the tournament since I was the OOS threat and he's retired :/

Played Stockfield (#5 back then), V1ce (#7 back then), Fyre (HM), and a few other notable NC players (Waldorf, 312 or whatever the #'s are, etc...), but not Kadaj or Stingers. Stingers bailed, but he kinda hooked me up with #'s and stuff so thanks!

I played each of them in "Pride money matches" since I paid 40 dollars cash (all the cash I had and I was broke as **** since I was on vacation for like 2 weeks straight AND my cousins wedding was expensive :/) and beat Stock/Vice/fyre. Only Stockfield really said he wanted to put money on the line, but his little bro and him had somewhere to be in like 20 minutes and johns.

Played Darksyde, Moop, JunoMcGrath, Darkhart and some other dudes in Melee, stayed the night at Darksydes actually, he helped me with Falco matchup.

As far as the other stuff you said that is now relevant, Jebus is a smart man.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
checks...yep...he's quit. Mr. Doom said that he might be at WHOBO, but idk if that means that Holms will be there either (since they are brothers).


I think that's all that needs to be said. Though I guess Hylian turned out a lot better, Future didn't even show up to the championship event where the points were doubled, and apparently he was Drunk at Kahoka and still got 9th. (For the words that need to be said). But I'm certain future has won a local before.

Also I clarified and said that I meant MW:W. Not MW. Also Kain/Arty/Hunger aren't MW:W. ~17-6 hour drives for the other states is NOT conveniently located.

Also I went to Animazement, B/O 1 tournament, lost to Foxxy who just wanted to beat me and let Dr. PeePee win the tournament since I was the OOS threat and he's retired :/

Played Stockfield (#5 back then), V1ce (#7 back then), Fyre (HM), and a few other notable NC players (Waldorf, 312 or whatever the #'s are, etc...), but not Kadaj or Stingers. Stingers bailed, but he kinda hooked me up with #'s and stuff so thanks!

I played each of them in "Pride money matches" since I paid 40 dollars cash (all the cash I had and I was broke as **** since I was on vacation for like 2 weeks straight AND my cousins wedding was expensive :/) and beat Stock/Vice/fyre. Only Stockfield really said he wanted to put money on the line, but his little bro and him had somewhere to be in like 20 minutes and johns.

Played Darksyde, Moop, JunoMcGrath, Darkhart and some other dudes in Melee, stayed the night at Darksydes actually, he helped me with Falco matchup.

As far as the other stuff you said that is now relevant, Jebus is a smart man.
Uh....I don't even know who Foxxy is...

As far as that thread you linked me. That wasn't a PR. That was a circuit event. 5 tourneys were done in total in Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa. My response was to all of the MW since you didn't specify MW:W. And he is still only 7th on the circuit event's list...

Midwest East (OH, MI, KY, IN, West PA, and possibly Wv)
Midwest West (IL, KS, MO, IA, NE, WI)

Yes, Kain, Hunger, and Arty are MW:W. That's the start of the dividing line. IL is pretty central in the Mw.

Edit: If we even counted Anime convention tourneys then I beat Atomsk in a B/O 1 match LOL!
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