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The SURVIVOR series (Season 26 airs Feb. 13!)


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Awww... I was excited about the rumors of Erik R. coming back. He needs redemption more than anyone.


Smashboard's 1st Sole Survivor
Oct 9, 2007
Ozzy and Coach...Greeeeeat. What, 3 times now for Coach? I liked him when I first saw him, but seriously, just let new people apply and get on the show. Not like there isn't anymore interesting people out there in this overpopulated world.

TBH, the whole next season looks to be a snore fest. "Redemption Island, 2 new people. That is all"

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I'm finally back everyone!

Pumped to see Ozzy but whyyyyy Coach again?? I've never liked him and I never will he's awful at Survivor in almost every aspect... and hell I don't find him and his "stories" entertaining at all.

But regarding Redemption Island it was extremely satisfying to see Rob finally win. But at the same time it just amazes me how stupid his tribe was he rode all of them like horses. Hopefully he retires from Survivor for good. He's arguably THE most dominant player in the game.

And speaking of the most dominant players in Survivor history... http://blogs.ajc.com/radio-tv-talk/...t-person-inducted-into-survivor-hall-of-fame/. Not sure if you guys have seen this already but Parvati was the very first person inducted into the "Survivor Hall of Fame" by both the Survivor crew and the fans... and I couldn't agree anymore. The only other player that you could contend for that title is Rob but I think she got inducted before Redemption Island was aired. YAY PARVATI!

sammy p

Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2009
good ole illinois
i personally think that these two are... completely random..
at least with russel and rob, they challenged each other, and thats why they were chosen.. these two.... their just... random! there cant be much reason why either one of them were picked. now, if phillip and coach would have been picked(thank GOD that isnt the case) at least they both would have had something in common! or maybe people who made stupid mistakes(james and eirk) or people who got injured, or maybe even people that QUIT(which OBVIOUSLY would never happen) or a good vs evil thing! idc, just give me a theme to follow, not two washed up survivors that i dont even care about anymore!

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I personally feel like Ozzy was a good choice (he's a great player) but Coach has been an absolutely terrible one (he's an awful player).

If someone's gonna return they need to be dominant players or leaders in some way... Ozzy, Rob, and even Russel all fit that role. Coach is just an arrogant prick that sucks at the game in almost every aspect. He proved he sucked in Tocantins and he proved it yet again in Heroes vs. Villains. WHY GIVE HIM A 3rd SHOT???

I think Probst has a man crush on him or something...

sammy p

Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2009
good ole illinois

can someone get francesca back on again??? lol i LOVED her in redemption island, and i feel she got TOTALLY robbed of the game.. she could have been an amazing player! and i think there was a female(i THINK her name was marisa?) in samoa that also stepped up against russel, and got ousted first.. she looked to be a big player too!!
although they are not leaders in ANY way, i still want to see them two get some redemption lol......


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I actually kinda figured this page would just go entirely dead since the finale. Anyway, rumour on Ozzy coming in is that he replaced their original choice of people to come back opposite Coach. Also, there's kinda a...weird rumour about a potential castmate, lol.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2009
SoCal (805)
Hantz again? Please let that stay a rumor. Don't get me wrong, he's one of my all-time favorite players, but I think playing a fourth season out of five is too much.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Actually, the rumour is that it's his nephew Brandon Hantz playing, not Russhole himself. Which of course brings up the whole "if he makes family visit he'll have Russhole show up and help him search for the idol". But Brandon in a couple of videos I've seen comes across as well...a bit of an idiot. :bee:


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
I don't care if this thread hasn't been updated in two months! Do you know who I am? I'm Russell Hantz, the greatest player of all time! I'll post where I want, when I want.

Anyways, South Pacific! :D I've seen the first episode, so I'm gonna post my impressions on the episode and the cast. Follow suit, people!

First of all, my pre-game impressions of the cast. I actually didn't like most of the females. I don't like girls with southern accents (ironic as I live in Mississippi), so Whitney was a no for me. Stacy, Mikayla, Sophie... and all the "attractive" girls seem really bland and uninteresting. I have no real opinion on them.

Dawn kinda reminded me of Susie from Gabon. Semhar is the prettiest black person I've seen on Survivor. She's beautiful, but her poems are awful (they're on YouTube) and she seemed annoying. The blonde woman reminded me of Kristina from Redemption Island.

My favorite female pregame, and post episode one, is definitely Edna. She seems smart. Corrine said she is a flirtatious person who's biggest problem will be keeping her ego down. This is my kind of girl. <3

The guys stood out a bit more for me. Keith and Mark Anthony seemed like enjoyable contestants, Keith reminding me of Brett, and Mark Anthony of Richard Hatch just by how he was outspoken.

Brandon Hantz though, I really liked his pregame interview with how he plans to redeem the family name. Jim Rice seems like he could be a good character. Though my favorite male was John Cochran. He his a fan of the game, and while I don't know if that helps you too much, he plans to make it to the end with wits and charm alone. I want to see this. Go Cochran!

Now onto post-episode one impressions:

Coach got off to a really rocky start, which I hope doesn't spell doom for him. Ozzy got the Mariano treatment... but speaking of Mariano, Cochran! He spilled it all to Jeff Probst, and I love it. I'm so glad he didn't get voted out.

Brandon is also exciting me. He seems really original and his bit with Coach next week about telling him his family name is super interesting. I hope Coach embraces this rather than lets this push him away though. This is going to get out to the entire cast at some point, whether it happen at final tribal council or five minutes after he tells him. Just a matter of when.

Semhar seemed really bleh, and I'm glad she left. Jim Rice reminded me a bit of Todd when he was lying about his occupation, but reminds me a lot of Sash just because he's so slick. I hope he does well, but I think he'll be an early boot. No one else really stood out to me this episode. :( Maybe after I rewatch it.

I hope you guys post impressions as well!

Also, I warn you that there was a spoiler for Semhar being the first boot (though Jeff pretty much implied that she would be as well from his interviews). You can take it with a grain of salt, but if the guy who posted the spoiler has actual information, I just warn you guys to be weary of YouTube video comments and certain message boards.

Here's to a good season of Survivor!


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Revival! I was glad Semhar went, personally. She was pretty annoying and really not all that attractive to me (Elyse, I'd say for hottest, since Whitney just seems blah). I find it absolutely hilarious that Brandon things he can keep his shirt off for an entire month and if it wasn't for the credits, I wouldn't have known there was an Albert.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Anyone know where I can watch the episode online? EDIT: NVM found a good stream!

Glad to see you back my fellow Survivor nerds. ^.^

Now for the fun part!


Coach- As much as I dislike the guy it was hard to watch how bad of a first impression he made. All in all though I was actually surprisingly happy to see him slowly redeem himself with the tribe win and bonding with some of his tribe-mates. Plus I'm definitely looking forward to the Hantz/Coach dynamic because we all know how much Coach loves Russell. :laugh:

Albert- Didn't make much of an impression of him. I don't think I'm too fond of him honestly... Well at least so far.

Brandon- He's probably THE biggest question mark for me after the first episode. On one hand I love how he claims to be trying to redeem the Hantz name, but on the other hand he seems to have some sort of superiority complex similar to Russel after watching his reaction to Mikayla. But whether I come to like the guy or not we all know he's going to have a huge impact on this season.

Christine- Kristina 2.0. Smart player that will make big mistakes in trying to rally against Coach or whoever but will end up losing the battle thanks to lack of tribe power. Watching the scene where she was obviously looking for the idol was hard to watch it was almost as if she was sealing her own fate at that moment. In other words, she's screwed.

Edna- I like Edna. The part where she was willing to talk to Coach despite him losing the challenge showed a lot about her character but overall she just seems genuine, smart, and fun. I can definitely see her going far in the game, and I hope she does!

Rick- Didn't see too much of this guy. Can't say I'm too fond of him at the moment but that could change with more screen time. I can see him as an early boot though.

Mikayla- Don't remember too much about her either but I could easily see her becoming my favorite female of this season. She's got all of the tools to win: Good looking, charismatic, fun personality, etc. Hopefully she has the brains to back all of that up! She needs more screen time though.

Sophie- The brainiac of the tribe. I don't know how strategic she really is but she definitely seems entertaining. Another person who needs more screen time.

Stacey- The generic ghetto African American female that will get booted early thanks to her attitude. Why can't they cast better African American woman with some genuine personality (Taj) or some actual brains (Cirie)? Ugh...


Ozzy- Seems like he hasn't changed too much from how I remember him. Good at challenges, pretty friendly, yet kinda boring/dull. He's definitely no Rob despite the fact that he's getting the Rob treatment. I don't think he has the leadership, brains, or enough of the cut throat attitude that Rob had to win though. I can see him making it pretty far but falling short in the end after losing an immunity challenge.

Dawn- Do we potentially have another Holly in the making? The older lady that has a mental breakdown, eventually finds her own inner strength, gets into a good alliance, and then makes it deep into the game? Only time will tell...

Elyse- O hai there hottest chick of the season. Yeah she's a definitely a looker that's for sure. I have no opinion on her personality so far though. Lets give her some more screen time CBS. Please.

Jim- I like this guy! I like him and I like him a lot! He's cocky, smart, isn't afraid to speak his mind, and he came to PLAY! He reminds me of Marty from Nicaragua, and I loved Marty. I hope this guys makes it far but just like Marty, his arrogance will eventually get the best of him.

John- GOOOOOO COCHRAN!!! My favorite of this season by far! He's gotta be one of the realist Survivor contestants I've ever seen. I REALLY hope he gets his stuff together and goes far into the game but he's definitely got a steep uphill battle to climb. :urg: He's the underdog's underdog, and I love me a good underdog story.

Keith- The athletic, nice, boring guy. Yawn. Next.

Mark- Papa bear! He seems like a great guy and I'd love to see someone like him win. But I don't know if he's Survivor savvy enough to do so. Survivor has always been cutthroat as hell. Mark just doesn't seem like the cutthroat type.

Semhar- Oh hello there pretty lady... Seriously she is gorgeous. Too bad her personality sucks. I actually felt sorry for her when she was seen crying at Redemption Island.

Whitney- Another looker who I know very little about. More screen time please.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
The only thing that sucks more than Semhar's personality is her poetry, lol. And well, sure watching the episodes on CBS is an option if you live in the States, but if you don't you have to find it on Youtube (which I can hook you up with the channel for later on if people want).


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
Will start watching this season in a couple of weeks i think, currently following the current season of the Swedish version "Expedition Robinson", which has increased a bit in quality since the beginning in this season which had a few drop outs and generally showed too little gameplay.
Nothing near the quality of last seasons survivor start!


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I actually like Coach a bit this time around. I'm sure it won't be long until he says something to change that fact, but I feel a new vibe coming from him.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I'm SOOOO excited for next episode! If a potential Jim/Cochran alliance somehow arises and they take down Ozzy I will probably **** all over my TV screen.

Cochran knows he's at the bottom of the totem pole so this next episode will really show what he's made of. I hope he makes it. :(

Oh yeah and Brandon Hantz is nuts. He's definitely no Russel in terms of strategic play. Voting out the best female competitor on your tribe this early just because you're intimidated by her beauty? Really dude? Get a freaking grip I wanted to slap him when I watched that.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Frankly, I'm tired of the religious zealots. It's sad because I'm fairly religious myself, so I'm always looking for a good Christian to represent, but they all do it SO WRONG. Why do these people enter the game with full knowledge that winning depends on your ability to CONTROL INFORMATION? You don't even necessarily have to lie, but you definitely need to not spout the truth every freaking opportunity you get!

I wonder what Brandon's take on cards is. Does he feel morally depleted after fooling his opponents into thinking he has no aces left in his hand? Honestly, why do these people sign up for SURVIVOR?

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Frankly, I'm tired of the religious zealots. It's sad because I'm fairly religious myself, so I'm always looking for a good Christian to represent, but they all do it SO WRONG. Why do these people enter the game with full knowledge that winning depends on your ability to CONTROL INFORMATION? You don't even necessarily have to lie, but you definitely need to not spout the truth every freaking opportunity you get!

I wonder what Brandon's take on cards is. Does he feel morally depleted after fooling his opponents into thinking he has no aces left in his hand? Honestly, why do these people sign up for SURVIVOR?
I agree 100% and I feel as if it's not only die hard religious people but I've observed overtime that there has been a fairly good number of contestants on Survivor that can't grasp the concept that Survivor is pretty much ALL about deception.

Like I absolutely hate when people get voted off and they're like "I can't believe he/she did that to me I thought we were good friends and stuff!! These people are terrible!! *sob*" How many times have we heard that?? *cough* Semhar *cough* Do contestants like that really come to play Survivor to make friends? Did any of the Survivor greats like Boston Rob, Parvati, Sandra, etc. play to make friends? Of course not.

That's why I really like players like Cirie, Sash, Brenda, Marty, Jim, Cochran, etc. Yeah they're all nice people on the outside but at the end of the day, all of them know what it takes to win Survivor and aren't afraid to stab a few backs along the way to make it to the end. Its players like them that really make Survivor so fun to watch. But its air-heads like Semhar and Matt from Redemption Island that make me want to punch a wall.

Tl;dr- If you want a chance to be "noble", make friends, and stay honest, go volunteer for some non-profit organizations. DON'T waste my time and sign up for Survivor.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Semhar demonstrated a classic misunderstanding of the game as a whole. "I can't believe they voted me out. It was so cold."

So, Semhar, I have a question for you. If they voted for Cochran, would it suddenly have become fair/valid? Why is it that voting for you is cold but voting for someone else is perfectly acceptable? They have to vote someone out! That is the rule of Survivor! Whenever you play a game, someone has to lose; someone gets to win.

I accept that there are probably intense emotions associated with being voted out. Having to live day to day with your opponents obviously forms a few genuine bonds. It probably hurts a lot to be voted out by the people you worked with the past few days. However, that's what sets the game apart! When you play cards, you can completely isolate your friendships because your opponents are never really helpful during the game. In Survivor, you work together, tell campfire stories, build a shelter, work to win tribal immunity, give each other pep talks, etc. It probably sucks a lot to be voted out after all that.


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
Got round to watching this, missed the first episode. Sad I didn't watch the whole Rob vs Russel season.

This season really does seem random, no theme, just whoever. Tbh, the players seem pretty boring. Coach for the third time, I don't understand...

Brandon however ticks me off. He dislikes Mikayla, and what has she done? He keeps going on about how he's married and has kids, like he's trying to remind himself...maybe not to feel anything for this young and rather attractive woman. Around her he feels uncomfortable, and commented on how she's all seductive and "gonna be a model", acknowledging her good looks. He has issues, and even Coach commented on camera about him having "demons", like he's insecures & afraid of being unfaithful...almost like he's tempted. All my opinion of course.
He also compares Mikayla to Parvati and we saw how she screwed Russell over a few times, could be a factor lol.
He tries to get her voted off when everyone knows they need her in challenges. His reasoning doesn't make sense, which makes me wonder why he really wants Mikayla gone, that temptress :p. She's clearly one of the strongest females. Complete tunnel vision and then lying about it to Coach? Brandon be crazyyy stupid.
Also Brandon's religious mumbo jumbo, but it's best if I don't go into that.

Didn't know the network was going to combine both reward and immunity, so that was a surprise.

What was up with Semhar's poem at the Redemption challenge. Haha loved it. Having 10 of his children without medical drugs, giving her man a peep show and whatnot. Very personal!

Cochran, I'd hate my parents for giving me such a name.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Cochran, I'd hate my parents for giving me such a name.
Uh, you know that's his LAST name, right? They don't have much of a choice (short of abruptly disconnecting him from the family line).


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
Hahaha no I didn't know that was his last name. Just looked up his first name. Still I'd rather be known as John then Cochran.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Yeah, they discuss it in the first episode. Jeff calls him John, but then John requests to be known as Cochran.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
LOL I just Youtubed "Survivor Semhar poem" to see if I could find the moment where she recited it and I found THIS. It's the same poem she recited before the challenge but in its entirety. Who knew she was a Youtube sensation?


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Interesting episode. Props to Dawn for holding out. :]

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Dawn definitely surprised the hell out of me in that challenge she's obviously a lot stronger than she looks.

However I was hoping she would lose in the end just so I could witness Cochran and jim's power play against ozzy. Hopefully next episode I guess.

Also props to Brandon for making up with mikayla, but why in the world did he tell Edna about their alliance? Give me a break dude he's such a stupid player...



"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
Congrats to Dawn she was so happy and relieved she could barely breathe :)

Funny how Coach went off at Brandon for believing the last minute scrambling of someone on "death row" and then Brandon calling out how Coach gets screwed over all the time. I do have to agree with Coach on this one though.

Elyse mmm, haha Cochran and Jim checkin out Elyse. But yes their play should be interesting if they can get a few more people.

Not gonna lie, I felt for Brandon during Tribal Council. Russell must of had a rough time back in real life. Family, friends and just the general public.

LOL the preview, Benjamin :laugh:


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
It's extremely embarrassing to see this thread dead. I thought that there would be a lot of conversation going on since I forgot about it, but nope. Oh well.

Tonight's episode really... well, I liked it. But the reception I read on other websites about it really bugs me. I'm posting here because I don't post on those websites, but only lurk.

A lot of people agree with Jim and the rest of Savaii, saying that Cochran is a coward and dumb for flipping over in a purple rock situation that would only be 5-2 and that he should have stuck with his tribe. If he gets to the Final 3 now, none of his tribe will vote for him because he flipped and pissed everyone off.

If he sticks with Savaii and they came out of this episode with numbers, and then proceeded to pagong the opposite tribe, what place would Cochran achieve? Sixth, at best, unless him and Dawn could pull something together. And if he could actually get six place and win a challenge or two at Redemption Island. If he flips, he is most likely garunteed to be seventh, which is worse, but he has a good possibility to splinter the tribe and ride his way further in the game. The place you want to be is in the middle of a vote with an odd number of people, so he could be between two groups of three and choose who wins, really.

It's really frustrating that people aren't giving him the credit I think that he's due. If they have other reasons beyond my understanding, so be it, but as of now I think that they're a bunch of whiney *****es that refuse to accept the fact that a precious Savaii won't win the game.

I don't hate Savaii at all. I love Cochran and Jim, and Ozzy is entertaining, but I really enjoy Upolu. Coach is being a stellar player in my opinion. He's doing everything right and it doesn't look like a cult. He's in charge, but in a soft way that people seem to respect. Brandon, while he has many, many issues with his personal life at home... I respect the way he respects the game, and I think that he is smarter than some people give him credit for.

And Sophie is kind of cute for your typical nerdy Survivor girl.

... :D


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
It's extremely embarrassing to see this thread dead. I thought that there would be a lot of conversation going on since I forgot about it, but nope. Oh well.

Tonight's episode really... well, I liked it. But the reception I read on other websites about it really bugs me. I'm posting here because I don't post on those websites, but only lurk.

A lot of people agree with Jim and the rest of Savaii, saying that Cochran is a coward and dumb for flipping over in a purple rock situation that would only be 5-2 and that he should have stuck with his tribe. If he gets to the Final 3 now, none of his tribe will vote for him because he flipped and pissed everyone off.

It'll basically be Russel all over again.

If he sticks with Savaii and they came out of this episode with numbers, and then proceeded to pagong the opposite tribe, what place would Cochran achieve? Sixth, at best, unless him and Dawn could pull something together. And if he could actually get six place and win a challenge or two at Redemption Island. If he flips, he is most likely garunteed to be seventh, which is worse, but he has a good possibility to splinter the tribe and ride his way further in the game. The place you want to be is in the middle of a vote with an odd number of people, so he could be between two groups of three and choose who wins, really.

I agree.

It's really frustrating that people aren't giving him the credit I think that he's due. If they have other reasons beyond my understanding, so be it, but as of now I think that they're a bunch of whiney *****es that refuse to accept the fact that a precious Savaii won't win the game.

I don't hate Savaii at all. I love Cochran and Jim, and Ozzy is entertaining, but I really enjoy Upolu. Coach is being a stellar player in my opinion. He's doing everything right and it doesn't look like a cult. He's in charge, but in a soft way that people seem to respect. Brandon, while he has many, many issues with his personal life at home... I respect the way he respects the game, and I think that he is smarter than some people give him credit for.

Savaii is... OK. For the most part, I agree with you opinions on the members of the tribe. Keith is the only member of the current Savaii that I didn't really like. Upolu is a great tribe, and I would really like to see Coach, Albert, Sophie, and Cochran form an alliance. I think they would all do really well together. As for Brandon? No, I don't really like Brandon. I think he's too busy trying to reclaim the Hantz name and he's not really playing out there, though I like how he took up for Cochran.

And Sophie is kind of cute for your typical nerdy Survivor girl.


... :D
Opinions in bold... Let's keep this thread active, yall!


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Well, I'll just point out that theoretically if Cochran stuck with Savaii, he could flip to Upolu at F11 and wind up potentially no worse than 6th. Or, he could flip to Upolu at F11, to Savaii at F10, Upolu at F9, and just keep going back and forth since each tribe would need him.

The hilarious thing about Brandon is that in his quest to be honest, he's made himself LESS trustworthy than his uncle. :bee:


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005



Seriously, Cochran "took control" alright... Apparently, he WANTS his entire former tribe to vote against him at the final tribal council.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Maybe Cochran'll be able to pull some Upolu people to his side? :urg: He's not in a good situation. If Savaii goes down, he'll still be at the bottom of the Upolu pole. But it's ok, Brandon will take care of him. :awesome:
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