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Pink Yoshi

Smash Champion
Jul 17, 2022
The kitchen, raiding the fridge
The Devil works hard, but Pink Yoshi as the Deadly Six's PR team works harder.
Honestly, I think they need another big role. It's nice seeing them in smaller roles like with Speed Battle, but I'd love to see them make more of an impact and show more of their respective personalities. I think it'd solve a lot of the fandom's issues with them.

Not that it matters, since the fandom so thoroughly rejects the Six that Sega isn't all that tempted to put the Zeti in a major role for the foreseeable future.

Oh well. New D6 content (in the game-verse, anyway) would probably break my Zeena x Zor ship and I don't want that ship broken anytime soon. Let the teenage Zeti be idiots in love damnit.


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
I seriously wished they packaged the DQ3Make with the DQ1 and DQ2 bundle.

Like they bundled the first 2 but the 3rd one is standalone despite it all being part of a mid-late 80s NES trilogy. I don't get it. Well, I know why but you know what I mean
Honestly, I think they need another big role. It's nice seeing them in smaller roles like with Speed Battle, but I'd love to see them make more of an impact and show more of their respective personalities. I think it'd solve a lot of the fandom's issues with them.

Not that it matters, since the fandom so thoroughly rejects the Six that Sega isn't all that tempted to put the Zeti in a major role for the foreseeable future.

Oh well. New D6 content (in the game-verse, anyway) would probably break my Zeena x Zor ship and I don't want that ship broken anytime soon. Let the teenage Zeti be idiots in love damnit.
Eh when Sega is out of ideas or need more characters for their spinoff, they'll bring Zavok back or something.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Honestly, I think they need another big role. It's nice seeing them in smaller roles like with Speed Battle, but I'd love to see them make more of an impact and show more of their respective personalities. I think it'd solve a lot of the fandom's issues with them.

Not that it matters, since the fandom so thoroughly rejects the Six that Sega isn't all that tempted to put the Zeti in a major role for the foreseeable future.

Oh well. New D6 content (in the game-verse, anyway) would probably break my Zeena x Zor ship and I don't want that ship broken anytime soon. Let the teenage Zeti be idiots in love damnit.
Tbf, it's an uphill battle to make Sonic fandom accept any non-furry character.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Honestly, I think they need another big role. It's nice seeing them in smaller roles like with Speed Battle, but I'd love to see them make more of an impact and show more of their respective personalities. I think it'd solve a lot of the fandom's issues with them.

Not that it matters, since the fandom so thoroughly rejects the Six that Sega isn't all that tempted to put the Zeti in a major role for the foreseeable future.

Oh well. New D6 content (in the game-verse, anyway) would probably break my Zeena x Zor ship and I don't want that ship broken anytime soon. Let the teenage Zeti be idiots in love damnit.
The issue most people have with them is how one note they are due to them being Koopalings, only they talk. You'd need to find a good way to make them entertaining as Omega, another character who's pretty one note, is actually pretty damn popular. IDW doesn't do anything particularly interesting with them imo, though it's admittedly been a while. Zeena was actually pretty cool in IDW cause of her fight with Cream and Gemerl though, that focused more on her being cruel and sadistic rather than her simoly being Girl

Pink Yoshi

Smash Champion
Jul 17, 2022
The kitchen, raiding the fridge
Eh when Sega is out of ideas or need more characters for their spinoff, they'll bring Zavok back or something.
Which is part of my issue with how Sega is handling the D6 these days. Zavok seems to be the only one that Sega actively brings back. And in Forces, the guy was just an illusion. What I want is a bigger role for all six of them, with exploration of their backstory and personalities, rather than just shoving Zavok into spin-offs and calling it a day.

Tbf, it's an uphill battle to make Sonic fandom accept any non-furry character.
It's the opposite for me lol, I'm honestly a lot more of an alien fan than an anthro animal fan

The issue most people have with them is how one note they are due to them being Koopalings, only they talk. You'd need to find a good way to make them entertaining as Omega, another character who's pretty one note, is actually pretty damn popular. IDW doesn't do anything particularly interesting with them imo, though it's admittedly been a while. Zeena was actually pretty cool in IDW cause of her fight with Cream and Gemerl though, that focused more on her being cruel and sadistic rather than her simoly being Girl
I think what'd help the D6 a lot is having a game where they have major roles, but AREN'T the bosses. That might differentiate them from the Koopalings more. Or better yet, give them their OWN game so they can completely stand on their own. Though that's about as likely as Elise coming back.

And I also admired what IDW did with Zeena - she had a lot of stage presence. Though I personally prefer the idea of her actually being snarky and self-absorbed but very sweet deep down with some secret less-girly interests. Pushing that "Zeena is a Post Malone fan" agenda!

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Oh yeah for the sickos out there, apparently the Puff Puff has been removed from DQ3 HD-2D.

Game's ruined
You can tell that the people screaming about 'woke' ruining the remake aren't dragon quest fans cause it took me till this post to find that out when my twitter has been filled with people ******** about the Hero designs being Type A and Type B rather thwn just male and female


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
Which is part of my issue with how Sega is handling the D6 these days. Zavok seems to be the only one that Sega actively brings back. And in Forces, the guy was just an illusion. What I want is a bigger role for all six of them, with exploration of their backstory and personalities, rather than just shoving Zavok into spin-offs and calling it a day.

It's the opposite for me lol, I'm honestly a lot more of an alien fan than an anthro animal fan

I think what'd help the D6 a lot is having a game where they have major roles, but AREN'T the bosses. That might differentiate them from the Koopalings more. Or better yet, give them their OWN game so they can completely stand on their own. Though that's about as likely as Elise coming back.

And I also admired what IDW did with Zeena - she had a lot of stage presence. Though I personally prefer the idea of her actually being snarky and self-absorbed but very sweet deep down with some secret less-girly interests. Pushing that "Zeena is a Post Malone fan" agenda!
Maybe you should lobby for Sonic Lost World 2.


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
Been doing that for seven years now lol. SLW is one of the most unique, charming and uplifting Sonic games we've ever had, and D6 or no, it deserves a follow-up.

Now go to Twitter and say you want Sonic Lost World and more Deadly 6 to get people on your side. Say it loud and proud

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Been doing that for seven years now lol. SLW is one of the most unique, charming and uplifting Sonic games we've ever had, and D6 or no, it deserves a follow-up.

At the risk of sounding mean you should play Mario 3D World. Cat suit might as well be parkour and the Switch version is decently fast.

Parkour system in a better game is a good idea though, def worth emphasizing parkour and tricks in future games, Open Zone would probably love the idea depending on the biome

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Now go to Twitter and say you want Sonic Lost World and more Deadly 6 to get people on your side. Say it loud and proud
Reported for attempted murder
Dragon Quest 3 be like

Patch notes:

+Lots of cool ****
-Removed Sex
DQ1+2 confirmed to be cancelled, no sex means no descendants

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I am glad we are actually getting the definitve version of DQ3, cause before this the definitive version was stuck on the SNES.

Will I get banned if I made a su-[redacted] the soul out of me joke.
Probably not if you use a Luigi's Mansion gif or something, plausible deniability goes real far

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I do wonder if it'll be possible to have the NES soundtrack and SNES soundtrack for DQ3 remake. I like it when games give you the option to play the ogs.

At the least it'll be funny on the principle that Sugiyama is gone so SE just gives everyone all the music options.
On one hand that is always a nice thing to see in remakes. On the other hand, this would then be in 1+2 as well and NES DQ1's battle theme uses the sheer power of Sugiyama's hatred to drive me to suicide every time I hear it

Pink Yoshi

Smash Champion
Jul 17, 2022
The kitchen, raiding the fridge
Legit, part of the charm the Zor x Zeena ship has to me is that romance is such a rare thing in the Sonic universe.

There aren't many Sonic characters who are in romantic relationships. And I think it'd be really funny if the silly depressed alien boy became one of the rare Sonic characters who actually pulled. (At least in the game universe)
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Legit, part of the charm the Zor x Zeena ship has to me is that romance is such a rare thing in the Sonic universe.

There aren't many Sonic characters who are in romantic relationships. And I think it'd be really funny if the silly depressed alien boy became one of the rare Sonic characters who actually pulled. (At least in the game universe)
Alas, one of the official mandates is no canonical romance. We can however get stupid **** like this

Then again Tangle and Whisper have some incredibly gay **** going on so you can hope the D6 can have something like that. Only, less sapphic, I guess lmao


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Legit, part of the charm the Zor x Zeena ship has to me is that romance is such a rare thing in the Sonic universe.

There aren't many Sonic characters who are in romantic relationships. And I think it'd be really funny if the silly depressed alien boy became one of the rare Sonic characters who actually pulled. (At least in the game universe)
There used to be a lot of romance in Sonic.

But uhhh




There’s a reason why there isn’t anymore :dkmelee:
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Pink Yoshi

Smash Champion
Jul 17, 2022
The kitchen, raiding the fridge
Alas, one of the official mandates is no canonical romance. We can however get stupid **** like this
View attachment 392327View attachment 392328

Then again Tangle and Whisper have some incredibly gay **** going on so you can hope the D6 can have something like that. Only, less sapphic, I guess lmao
Darn you, Sega mandates!

Tho legit, I do understand why they go that route. Sonic, at least solely the games, is a relatively celibate franchise and the last time it went a more romantic angle was 06 and...that didn't go so well (like Noi said).

Though it's also kind of an unfair comparison on my part, considering that Zeena and Zor are both aliens who are just supporting roles, while Sonic was a main character who canoodled with a whole-ass human.

I think that they don't need to (and honestly shouldn't) put Sonic himself in a romantic arc, nor Tails or Knuckles or Eggman or other major staples, but the more supporting roles like the D6 should be fair game.
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