Fun fact the last Mario vs DK game we got is bordeline unplayable. It heavily relied on Miiverse intergration for like half of the game. Miiverse has been dead for years so the game has a bunch of content permanently locked off
Wasn't there one for 3dS too?
I feel like the issue of the Mario vs DK series is that they either don't evolve at all.
Or change everything around so much it's unrecongnizable.
Also being focused on the Mini-Mario made it more annoying instead of a "cute gimmick" nowadays.
Probably just the Sora amiibo, yeah.
They've already done the whole "FINAL UPDATE" thing, and we haven't gotten a new Spirit event in... idk 2-3 years now?
It's funny because they need to update the game to get his Amiibo data in. Which is my LITERAL safeguard hoping we get ONE MORE FINAL PATCH to kill the hell of the abomination that is Steve.
My reasoning being that they could have future proofed Sora's amiibo when THEY DID future proof Min-min to Kazuya in his update...but just...didn't?
Even if they never planned to release his Amiibo / didn't know if they could, they could have future proofed the data and didn't.
That' my only hope that they get a Bandai Namco intern to go crazy on value patch and release a wonky balance patch just to shake up the game with his amiibo release.