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Which was your favorite new Pokémon revealed from the Scarlet and Violet trailer?

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Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
Do you sometimes sit back and think "man I must be an extreme rarity for my generation."?
Like you have something in like qualities or such that it feels like everyone is crap at or is non existent.

Just feels like the monkey's paw **** of a hand I got. Not directed to anyone here but just more in frustration at a friend IRL. Then again I wonder if I should really start telling people what I think more bluntly.

Of course, this kinda philosophical talk is what usually gets buried here anyways.
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Cyber Bunny
Feb 27, 2019
Snow Hill Zone
Happy Valentines Day everyone. May we all drown our sorrows in chocolate hearts and snow.

Or if you have a beau you can ignore everything after "everyone"

Deleted member

I just had a game of Town of Salem Coven All Any where I was mafia.

2 Blackmailers(I was one of them), 1 Mafioso, and a Disguiser, plus the Mafioso had a Guardian Angel on them :rotfl:

Easiest Maf game of my life lmao
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Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
When I have my own place one of the things I want is a room filled with Arcade 1-Up Cabinets. And another room just dedicated to gaming, away from my office. So I can keep the distractions out of there.

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
Browsing the forums, looking at my story stuff and listening to a mixture of anime/game soundtracks and British 80s/90s music all while drinking a can of Monster or coffee.

Most nights now in a nutshell. Don't know if I'll love it or hate it in five years. The charm of getting older I suppose.

................****, that reminds me. I forgot to put in one of my main characters hobbies.
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Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
I'm probably gonna forget all this in the morning. Benefits of being Irish is alcohol or no alcohol, we're amnesiacs for the first few hours of waking after a late night. JK.

Goodnight people...............I suppose.
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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
Rare really made a racing game where you go faster by tapping the accelerator button instead of holding it.


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
We deserve orchestral versions and The Overture at least. Too bad Sugiyama is a notorious ass hat.
Sugiyama legit has gotta go. Not just because of his politics, because of how horribly stingy and copyright happy he is, and plus, DQ misic hasn't really evolved with him at the helm. Like, I love DQ11, and I don't even think the soundtrack is bad, but every other Dragon Quest gake had a better soundtrack.

He needs to retire.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Sugiyama legit has gotta go. Not just because of his politics, because of how horribly stingy and copyright happy he is, and plus, DQ misic hasn't really evolved with him at the helm. Like, I love DQ11, and I don't even think the soundtrack is bad, but every other Dragon Quest gake had a better soundtrack.

He needs to retire.
Im shocked you didnt wish death on him. That seem to be the go to very unreasonable thing people hope for when talking about him
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Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
Im shocked you didnt wish death on him. That seem to be the go to very unreasonable thing people hope for when talking about him
Well, I don't like wishing death unless they're like Hitler levels of evil, but given his age... he probably won't be around for much longer anyways.

I know he has an apprentice, let him work on the series for a change. Fresh blood, for a first.
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Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
You know. While I would like remakes with more substantial changes/upgrades, I would take the Nicktoons Unite series as a straight BfBBR 1-1 remake on modern consoles because I still love those games and would still have fun playing them in my switch.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Actually, that would make sense for this version of Shredder. He's obsessed with getting revenge on Splinter. Massively. Him legally having adoption papers would further drive the knife in, so I could see him do so. It's not till way later that he actually snaps and stops caring about Karai. He had to outright go off the deep end since he legit did care about her at one point. He's not like the 2003 Shredder who is nothing but cruel. This one had some humanity left.

I'd have preferred if they kept him a person who didn't snap/go completely evil too. But that's what they went with. Though I do like that the original cartoon Shredder definitely had standards, and was more than happy to help the Turtles defeat the 2003 one in the movie. Like, beating his enemies is one thing. Destroying all the universes? That's way too far. And this one, as comedic as he was, was still pretty evil for what they could get away with.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Another good job on the coloring dude! I really like the Blue one in particular, he fits right in a fighting game.
Thanks alot!

Ya know, if I ever get the chance, I love him (Zelox the name) and other OC I got to be in a fighting game one day .

I know Jack about coding tho, soooo not in a hurry lol.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Actually, that would make sense for this version of Shredder. He's obsessed with getting revenge on Splinter. Massively. Him legally having adoption papers would further drive the knife in, so I could see him do so. It's not till way later that he actually snaps and stops caring about Karai. He had to outright go off the deep end since he legit did care about her at one point. He's not like the 2003 Shredder who is nothing but cruel. This one had some humanity left.

I'd have preferred if they kept him a person who didn't snap/go completely evil too. But that's what they went with. Though I do like that the original cartoon Shredder definitely had standards, and was more than happy to help the Turtles defeat the 2003 one in the movie. Like, beating his enemies is one thing. Destroying all the universes? That's way too far. And this one, as comedic as he was, was still pretty evil for what they could get away with.
Yeah. 2012 Shredder is easily the most dangerous version of the character because of how single minded and obsessed he is. I loved his descent into madness and then having his monstrousness coming to the surface with mutation. Definitely the best arc in the series, the Super Shredder arc.

Man, if the 87 turtles thought Ch’tell was scary, imagine how they would have reacted to THIS version.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Actually, that would make sense for this version of Shredder. He's obsessed with getting revenge on Splinter. Massively. Him legally having adoption papers would further drive the knife in, so I could see him do so. It's not till way later that he actually snaps and stops caring about Karai. He had to outright go off the deep end since he legit did care about her at one point. He's not like the 2003 Shredder who is nothing but cruel. This one had some humanity left.

I'd have preferred if they kept him a person who didn't snap/go completely evil too. But that's what they went with. Though I do like that the original cartoon Shredder definitely had standards, and was more than happy to help the Turtles defeat the 2003 one in the movie. Like, beating his enemies is one thing. Destroying all the universes? That's way too far. And this one, as comedic as he was, was still pretty evil for what they could get away with.
yeah the lack of compassion from the 03 Shredder is what makes him the least interesting of the bunch to me. 87 was a normal 80s villain and was funny no matter what dimension he was in, 2012 was nothing but a humble man turned broken after the death of his old love (and of course the whole “not actually my dad or clan” part) which slowly dragged him into pure heartless monster up until he caught on to his error too late in his remaining time on Earth, and Rise Shredder was just evil armor that corrupted an innocent man and was in need of saving (if it wasn’t cancelled we’d probably have had more development), after the armor was fully complete. Without it being fully set it was just something anyone could wear unless they failed...then **** got too anime...

03 Shredder...evil Utrom who likes to take body parts off of Stockman yay

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Yeah. 2012 Shredder is easily the most dangerous version of the character because of how single minded and obsessed he is. I loved his descent into madness and then having his monstrousness coming to the surface with mutation. Definitely the best arc in the series, the Super Shredder arc.

Man, if the 87 turtles thought Ch’tell was scary, imagine how they would have reacted to THIS version.
I haven't seen the final season yet, but have read up on it. Maybe it's on demand now?

I saw Super Shredder, though. Interesting take on it.

yeah the lack of compassion from the 03 Shredder is what makes him the least interesting of the bunch to me. 87 was a normal 80s villain and was funny no matter what dimension he was in, 2012 was nothing but a humble man turned broken after the death of his old love (and of course the whole “not actually my dad or clan” part) which slowly dragged him into pure heartless monster up until he caught on to his error too late in his remaining time on Earth, and Rise Shredder was just evil armor that corrupted an innocent man and was in need of saving (if it wasn’t cancelled we’d probably have had more development), after the armor was fully complete. Without it being fully set it was just something anyone could wear unless they failed...then **** got too anime...

03 Shredder...evil Utrom who likes to take body parts off of Stockman yay
I haven't seen Rise, so I know nothing on him. I'll watch it some day.

Overall, I still liked the first three Shredders, but that's also due to overall good writing. Baxter is only a decent guy in 2003 later on, but that's cause the poor guy actually was written sympathetically(I don't know if he's in Rise).

...And huh. Rise was cancelled? That's too bad.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
yeah the lack of compassion from the 03 Shredder is what makes him the least interesting of the bunch to me. 87 was a normal 80s villain and was funny no matter what dimension he was in, 2012 was nothing but a humble man turned broken after the death of his old love (and of course the whole “not actually my dad or clan” part) which slowly dragged him into pure heartless monster up until he caught on to his error too late in his remaining time on Earth, and Rise Shredder was just evil armor that corrupted an innocent man and was in need of saving (if it wasn’t cancelled we’d probably have had more development), after the armor was fully complete. Without it being fully set it was just something anyone could wear unless they failed...then **** got too anime...

03 Shredder...evil Utrom who likes to take body parts off of Stockman yay
Weird fun idea. But when I was watching Turtles Forever, with how integral the 87 Mutagen was to the plot, I was hoping there would be a line where one of the 03 turtles mentions that “mutagen in our world just makes things bigger, smarter, and stronger” and 87 Shredder would be all “interesting” and then in the climax he would somehow have some and drink it and become a version of Super Shredder, literally just him but taller and buffer. That would have been cool.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Weird fun idea. But when I was watching Turtles Forever, with how integral the 87 Mutagen was to the plot, I was hoping there would be a line where one of the 03 turtles mentions that “mutagen in our world just makes things bigger, smarter, and stronger” and 87 Shredder would be all “interesting” and then in the climax he would somehow have some and drink it and become a version of Super Shredder, literally just him but taller and buffer. That would have been cool.
I'm questioning how he would still help during the final battle. Though I guess he might help drive 03 Shredder off later when he learns of his plan, but could make for a good previous battle. He wouldn't be able to do that much during the climax besides help the Turtles, Bebop, and Rocksteady fight 03 Shredder's minions, though.

I think the issue is there's not much use for it beyond a cool fight. The specific plot doesn't call for power-ups so much as team-ups and the proper equipment. The Technodrome for instance played a rather good role in helping save the day. Hell, the two most bumbling characters literally defeated the greatest villain of them all.

On another note, I do remember the 2012 mini-crossover, but only barely. Just that it had more than one Krang. I just forget the details.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
I'm questioning how he would still help during the final battle. Though I guess he might help drive 03 Shredder off later when he learns of his plan, but could make for a good previous battle. He wouldn't be able to do that much during the climax besides help the Turtles, Bebop, and Rocksteady fight 03 Shredder's minions, though.

I think the issue is there's not much use for it beyond a cool fight. The specific plot doesn't call for power-ups so much as team-ups and the proper equipment. The Technodrome for instance played a rather good role in helping save the day. Hell, the two most bumbling characters literally defeated the greatest villain of them all.

On another note, I do remember the 2012 mini-crossover, but only barely. Just that it had more than one Krang. I just forget the details.
You need to binge the 2012 show. It is just... chefs kiss.

And yeah. That’s all it really would have been. A cool fight. But like... isn’t that what movies like TF were really for? Awesome fights and fanservace? I mean, the directors cut is only 80 minutes long. Barely feature length. They could have thrown in another cool fight scene.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
You need to binge the 2012 show. It is just... chefs kiss.

And yeah. That’s all it really would have been. A cool fight. But like... isn’t that what movies like TF were really for? Awesome fights and fanservace? I mean, the directors cut is only 80 minutes long. Barely feature length. They could have thrown in another cool fight scene.
I have to find it outside of my computer "options"(hopefully it's obvious what I mean here). Hopefully, again, it's on demand. I don't need to binge it, just rewatch the last two seasons. I remember the first few more than well enough. Even the Triceraton one. Hell, that was so much better than their appearance in the 1987 version, though the 2003 version was still good, imo.

And fair enough. Though I feel just being a bit more buff isn't enough. He should at least glow or something. Super Shredder is generally overexaggerated a bit in how tough he looks(whether or not it's actually true he's that strong...).
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Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
I have to find it outside of my computer "options"(hopefully it's obvious what I mean here). Hopefully, again, it's on demand. I don't need to binge it, just rewatch the last two seasons. I remember the first few more than well enough. Even the Triceraton one. Hell, that was so much better than their appearance in the 1987 version, though the 2003 version was still good, imo.

And fair enough. Though I feel just being a bit more buff isn't enough. He should at least glow or something. Super Shredder is generally overexaggerated a bit in how tough he looks(whether or not it's actually true he's that strong...).
Eh. Maybe his costume inexplicably changes and the 03 characters are confused because “Buick Buick Buick the 80s show was pretty SILLY hyuck hyuck!” In all seriousness though, all the 03 mutagen does is increase your size, make you stronger, more intelligent, and anthropomorphise you if you are not a human. There isn’t really anything else it could do to change his look.

Though truthfully, with how much of a drama Queen 87 Shredder is, I could totally see him do this ahead of time and then show up to the fight in a new Super Shredder costume he spent the last half hour making. Could even design it after the 87 Super Shredder action figure or video game sprites.

I think the show is on Hulu btw.
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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
I never watched much of the 2012 TMNT series but its airing here again so I'm watching it now, along with The Legend of Korra.
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