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Which was your favorite new Pokémon revealed from the Scarlet and Violet trailer?

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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Here is my massive Kamen Rider Fighting Game Project to ring in the New Year

(Warning, It does contain spoilers for a few seasons, the ones I know for a fact have spoilers are Den-O, Gaim, OOO and Ex-Aid)

This is the Main roster

The Gameplay is similar to Pokken there are Light, Heavy and Special attacks and the Phase shifting, An important aspect unique to this Game is the Form Changes, By pressing a button a Form wheel pops up and you can select a form that character has, Each form has unique attacks or movement capabilties. Not every character has a seperate form

Here are the Metric Ton of forms

-For W you select 1 half and then another before you can change form.

There were a few guest characters from Super Sentai and Metal Heroes they also have forms

The Transformation gague is a 5 segment meter and transforming consumes 1 segment, Super forms consume all 5 and Ultimate forms drain the meter slowly.

Certain characters have forms that can only be Accessed via their special attacks OR can only be accessed by being in another form

For example to access Toucon Boost and it's forms, Hold Ghosts Special and then you will enter Toucon boost mode

There are also Support characters that when summoned perform some ability

This game would have DLC

Pre-ordering or just waiting a while would net you Kamen Sentai Go-rider forms for the characters that apply

The DLC characters and their forms

There are also some extra forms that can be purchased for DLC

They would be sold in packs
-Neo Decadriver pack
-Extra Core Medal Pack
-Lockseed Pack
-Shift Car, Ohma, Saber Pack
-Eyecon Pack
-Gashat Pack
-Fullbottle Pack
-Progrise Keys Pack

Finally are the DLC Supports

When it comes to Stages they would be very generic locations like "Warehouse" and "Amusement Park:" but there would be some unique places like 'Futo City' and 'Zawame City'.

Game modes
The main one is 1v1 and you have a support another is 3v3 with no supports each one has a version where you can select any form to play as but you can only play as that form, there would also be a story mode

I hope this isn't too much clutter I also have a Fighting Game roster like this for, Bionicle, Power Rangers and Super Sentai.
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Deleted member

My parents just got me 2 more birds. -_- Hopefully this is the last pair because I dunno if I can handle any more than the 10 I already have
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Deleted member

having a singular bird seems like a lot of work why the **** would you have 12
Actually it’s just 10 birds
and even then all of us are helping take care of them so it’s not like I’m 1 person to 10 birds
Why not tell them that you have enough?
I did but they keep on impulse buying them. I think they’re PetSmart’s new favorite customer at this point lol


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Actually it’s just 10 birds
and even then all of us are helping take care of them so it’s not like I’m 1 person to 10 birds

I did but they keep on impulse buying them. I think they’re PetSmart’s new favorite customer at this point lol
I still think it's a bit excessive. Three seems like the absolute most i could handle. Parrots are intelligent and live for a very long time.

(also, could you change your text color? It's a little difficult to read.)
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC

Deleted member

I still think it's a bit excessive. Three seems like the absolute most i could handle. Parrots are intelligent and live for a very long time.

(also, could you change your text color? It's a little difficult to read.)
If these were Parrots I would probably agree. But the birds I have are Parakeets: which from my research you actually want to have a bunch of them(in pairs of 2 if possible) because they’re very social birds and prefer to be in a flock rather than 1-1 with a person.

Now obviously anything more than like 12 is pushing it but as long as you take care of them right it’s fine to have a decent amount
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Deleted member

Oh, seems like people are doing a year in review thing.

I unlocked Pauline in Mario Kart Tour at last
I made really great progress in DQXI S
They announced a new Alex Kidd game
Sakura Wars PS4 was a thing
I saw a Smash presentation with my mother and she genuiely enjoyed It
Skate 4 is happening
I got that Erdrick figure I really wanted
Streets Of Rage 4
Every single Smash reveal
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2
Saw Promare at cinemas
The Sonic movie was good
Got into the Zelda series
I became mod of the Stevecord Discord server and met cool people

My father
The thing from weeks ago I won't talk about publicly
Losing almost all of my IRL friends over something I wasn't even involved with
Many of my Discord Friends entering depressive episodes over a Mii costume in a videogame
Got harassed for liking Sakura Wars and characters such as Pauline
Too many people still think I'm a toxic Fantastic Four/Marvel fan even with all the progress I made as a person this year
The pandemic
Been feeling more hated by the world as a whole.
Everything good which happened to me this year was almost universally hated such as the new Alex Kidd game.

So overall: 2020 somehow was close to being better than 2018... But in December It quickly turned into the worst year of my life by pulling out some ****ed up things.
Good things did happen, but I'm surprised I resisted the will of putting a knife on my chest with all the messed up stuff.
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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Alright boyos. With a new year upon us, that means a new year if Nintendo games!


So, what are your Nintendo hopes for 2021? Throw in some PlayStation and Xbox too, if you’re so inclined.

For me? It goes like this:

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes.
A new main series Donkey Kong Country platformer
A Sonic game that isn’t bland and uninteresting
Some sort of Zelda 3D collection
Crash in Smash

And for some of my more unrealistic hopes:
Put Banjo Kazooie on the switch
Rayman in Smash
Mario Odyssey 2

What about you?

Deleted member

Alright boyos. With a new year upon us, that means a new year if Nintendo games!


So, what are your Nintendo hopes for 2021? Throw in some PlayStation and Xbox too, if you’re so inclined.

For me? It goes like this:

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes.
A new main series Donkey Kong Country platformer
A Sonic game that isn’t bland and uninteresting
Some sort of Zelda 3D collection
Crash in Smash

And for some of my more unrealistic hopes:
Put Banjo Kazooie on the switch
Rayman in Smash
Mario Odyssey 2

What about you?
I have a feeling next year is gonna be a huge year, if nothing else, because most of the games that likely were supposed to release this year got delayed to 2021 and BOTW2


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
I have a feeling next year is gonna be a huge year, if nothing else, because most of the games that likely were supposed to release this year got delayed to 2021 and BOTW2
2017: A lot of big games
2018: Smash. That's about it.
2019: A lot of big games
2020: Animal Crossing... that's about it.

If the pattern holds, 2021 will be a big year


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
Alright boyos. With a new year upon us, that means a new year if Nintendo games!


So, what are your Nintendo hopes for 2021? Throw in some PlayStation and Xbox too, if you’re so inclined.

For me? It goes like this:

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes.
A new main series Donkey Kong Country platformer
A Sonic game that isn’t bland and uninteresting
Some sort of Zelda 3D collection
Crash in Smash

And for some of my more unrealistic hopes:
Put Banjo Kazooie on the switch
Rayman in Smash
Mario Odyssey 2

What about you?
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X port
  • Metroid Prime 4 or new 2D Metroid
  • Zelda Anniversary Collection
  • 3D Kirby
  • N64 games for NSO
  • Street Fighter 6
  • Mega Man X9 or new Battle Network
  • A good 3D Sonic game
  • Persona 5 Arena
  • Metal Gear Solid remake
  • Dead Space revival

Give me any of those and I'll be a happy camper. :p
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I think I'm going to get through as much of Donkey Kong Country 3 as I can today. I don't know if I'll be able to beat it, though given that I beat DKC1 for the first time this year and I beat DKC2 for the second time (first time playing through it solo), I'd be pretty impressed with myself if I managed to beat all three of the SNES Donkey Kong Country games in 2020.

Plus, I haven't played much of DKC3 in comparison to the other two (much like with DKC1, my cousins had a save file that had access to the final boss, which didn't give me much motivation to play through the whole game), so it will be nice to see what that game has to offer, even if it seems more experimental than the other two.
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Deleted member

Alright boyos. With a new year upon us, that means a new year if Nintendo games!


So, what are your Nintendo hopes for 2021? Throw in some PlayStation and Xbox too, if you’re so inclined.

For me? It goes like this:

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes.
A new main series Donkey Kong Country platformer
A Sonic game that isn’t bland and uninteresting
Some sort of Zelda 3D collection
Crash in Smash

And for some of my more unrealistic hopes:
Put Banjo Kazooie on the switch
Rayman in Smash
Mario Odyssey 2

What about you?
I hope for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes, any Metroid news at all, a Switch port of DQ8 with all the 3DS content, a LEGO Mario set with Pauline, a new Mario Strikers with Pauline being playable, to get myself to play Luigi's Mansion 3 at last, a Switch port of Sakura Wars PS4, that the new Alex Kidd game proves everyone wrong and is good, Pauline being playable in 3D World and that they release a Pauline amiibo.

Beyond Nintendo I also pray Capcom releases a MegaMan Battle Network Legacy Collection, that the new Evil Dead Game turns out really good, that the stocks for Xbox Series X get better so I can buy one and that Square Enix announces the new DQ Adventures Of Dai game to come to the West.

Deleted member

Hol up I don't think I've seen anyone dunk on the Alexander Childd remake
Yesterday I joined the official Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart and Sonic Robo Blast 2 Discord servers, looked up posts with the words Alex Kidd to see if there were any mods and all I found were people reacting to the announcement of the new Game and claiming It looked like **** and a cheap mobile phone Game from China.

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
Alright boyos. With a new year upon us, that means a new year if Nintendo games!


So, what are your Nintendo hopes for 2021? Throw in some PlayStation and Xbox too, if you’re so inclined.

For me? It goes like this:

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes.
A new main series Donkey Kong Country platformer
A Sonic game that isn’t bland and uninteresting
Some sort of Zelda 3D collection
Crash in Smash

And for some of my more unrealistic hopes:
Put Banjo Kazooie on the switch
Rayman in Smash
Mario Odyssey 2

What about you?
Well after 2020.....that'll be a bit hard.

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Remakes
Xenoblade X port.
News on that New IP or Xenoblade related from Monolith Soft.
Fumito Ueda's new game
Persona 5 Arena
Unlikely but an at least upscaled Chrono Cross remaster.

Honestly after 2020 announced the duo of games I never thought would happen (Skate 4 and TWEWY sequel) that's hard.

Yesterday I joined the official Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart and Sonic Robo Blast 2 Discord servers, looked up posts with the words Alex Kidd to see if there were any mods and all I found were people reacting to the announcement of the new Game and claiming It looked like **** and a cheap mobile phone Game from China.
Well tell them their Mom looks like a cheap mobile game from China cause they're getting a **** mentality for being an ass. Don't think money can redeem those ones.


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
Alright boyos. With a new year upon us, that means a new year if Nintendo games!


So, what are your Nintendo hopes for 2021? Throw in some PlayStation and Xbox too, if you’re so inclined.

For me? It goes like this:

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes.
A new main series Donkey Kong Country platformer
A Sonic game that isn’t bland and uninteresting
Some sort of Zelda 3D collection
Crash in Smash

And for some of my more unrealistic hopes:
Put Banjo Kazooie on the switch
Rayman in Smash
Mario Odyssey 2

What about you?
I just want Mario Golf.

Gosh, I want Mario Golf.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
View attachment 297842

I got... no words.

Simply none at this point.
why are people so obsessed with this youtuber. I think Dream's an OK youtuber, I watch a few of his videos and I subscribed to him, but I don't care about him enough to freak out when his hand twitches (or really care when it turns out he faked his speedruns).

i wasn't even this excited when Scott got his twitter account back, which is way more important.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Alright boyos. With a new year upon us, that means a new year if Nintendo games!


So, what are your Nintendo hopes for 2021? Throw in some PlayStation and Xbox too, if you’re so inclined.

For me? It goes like this:

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes.
A new main series Donkey Kong Country platformer
A Sonic game that isn’t bland and uninteresting
Some sort of Zelda 3D collection
Crash in Smash

And for some of my more unrealistic hopes:
Put Banjo Kazooie on the switch
Rayman in Smash
Mario Odyssey 2

What about you?
My hopes are Nintendo doesn't ignore Metroid's 35th anniversary and we will at the very least have the Prime Trilogy coming to the Switch. Metroid 5 and at minimum a reveal trailer for Prime 4 would be nice as well.

Xenoblade Chronicles X finally gets ported to the Switch.

One or more of my most wanted fighters is added to Smash.

BotW2 info and/or release. HD ports of Zelda games, WW, TP, and SS.

Sinnoh remakes, with actual care put into the games
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Deleted member

why are people so obsessed with this youtuber. I think Dream's an OK youtuber, I watch a few of his videos and I subscribed to him, but I don't care about him enough to freak out when his hand twitches (or really care when it turns out he faked his speedruns).

i wasn't even this excited when Scott got his twitter account back, which is way more important.
It’s mostly a cultural thing: I watched him before he was cool but only started liking him because of his skills and friendgroup. He gamed the system but had the talent to back him up.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Could say I'm somewhat bored but here's a list of some of my favorite cartoons.

Beast Wars
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Godzilla: The Series
Rick & Morty
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)
The Angry Beavers
The Regular Show

Just felt like posting my opinion.
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Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Tomorrow four Cartoon Network shows will be available for streaming on HBO Max

  • Codename: Kids Next Door
  • Courage the Cowardly Dog
  • Ed, Edd, n Eddy
  • The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (my most favorite cartoon)

I'll start off by watching my most favorite Billy & Mandy episode: "Here Thar Be Dwarves"


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2014
Mama's Kitchen
Inappropriate content; warned & removed
Aetheri Aetheri

Who's your avatar supposed to be? She (?) looks like that one girl in Naruto.
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